Professional Code-International Association of Conference Translators

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • عبدالقادر الغنامي
    كبار الشخصيات
    • May 2006
    • 218

    Professional Code-International Association of Conference Translators

    International Association of Conference Translators


    Article 1

    The provisions of the present Code including the Annex, which constitutes the ethical code of the profession, are binding on all the members of the Association.

    Article 2

    Translators 1 shall not engage in any form of activity incompatible with their duties or likely to be detrimental to the dignity of the profession.

    Article 3

    Translators shall observe professional secrecy. At no time shall they communicate to anybody information which they have obtained in the course of their duties and which has not been made public. They are not relieved of this obligation on the expiry of their contract.

    Article 4

    The translator shall not knowingly accept an appointment or work which is beyond his or her competence.

    Article 5

    Translators shall maintain friendly relations with their colleagues and observe their duties of moral support and solidarity. They shall refrain from all forms of unfair competition.

    Article 6

    Any dispute between members of the Association on professional questions may be submitted to the Disciplinary Board.

    Article 7

    Except in cases of force majeure, translators shall not undertake duties other than those provided for in their contract.

    Article 8

    Translators shall not consent to work in conditions likely to be detrimental to the quality of their work. Except as may be otherwise provided by an agreement between the AITC and the employer concerned, a member of the Association who is offered a contract which is not in conformity with the professional rules adopted by the General Assembly and reproduced in the Annex shall, unless he or she decides to refuse the contract, make the appropriate reservations. In either case the matter shall be referred to the Executive Committee without delay and the latter shall take the appropriate action.

    Article 9

    Each member of the Association shall select a professional domicile, i.e. the only place where he or she may be recruited as local staff.

    The professional domicile may not be changed for a period of less than a year. Any change shall be notified without delay to the Executive Secretary.

    Article 10

    Except in cases of force majeure, the translator shall not withdraw from a contract unless he or she can give reasonable notice, supply a valid reason and propose a competent substitute.

    Article 11

    Members of the Association shall refrain from any action detrimental to the Association.

    Article 12

    Members of the Association who fail to observe the provisions of this Code shall be liable to the disciplinary measures specified in the Constitution.




    Rule 1

    Remuneration shall be on a daily or monthly basis and shall be specified in a written contract between the parties. It shall be paid in currency transferable to the country designated by the translator. A full day's pay shall be due for a fraction of a day. Remuneration shall be due for all days covered by the period of employment, including non-working days, and shall be paid at the rate specified in the contract, net of any commission. The rate shall not be less than that applicable under the Non-Agreement Sector schedule of rates published by the AITC.

    The principle of transferability shall apply also to remuneration for translation work done at home.

    Rule 2

    In the case of non-consecutive engagements elsewhere than at the professional domicile, contracts shall provide for payment of either return travel or salary and subsistence allowance during the interval between engagements.


    Rule 3

    Translators engaged elsewhere than at their professional domicile shall receive a subsistence allowance for each day or fraction of a day absent from their professional domicile. The rate shall be such that accommodation (single occupancy) and meals (of an acceptable standard) represent not more than two-thirds of the allowance.

    Up to two-thirds of the subsistence allowance may be provided in the form of accommodation and meals and up to one-half in the form of accommodation only.


    Rule 4

    The length of the working week shall not exceed 40 hours 2 spread over 5 or 6 days. If, owing to unforeseen circumstances, translators are called upon to work longer, they shall receive compensation in the form of either time off or remuneration for an equivalent length of time at the end of the contract.


    Rule 5

    The précis-writer shall insist on being allowed reasonable time to prepare the record.

    Except in the case of minutes, the team responsible for the record of a meeting lasting between two and three hours shall not consist of fewer than three précis-writers 3; the taking of notes and the subsequent drafting of the record represent at least a full day's work for each of the précis-writers concerned.

    The period of the précis-writers' note-taking shall be reduced when the subject matter is particularly difficult or when the speakers read prepared statements at speed. The précis-writers shall be provided with copies of written statements.

    The team or a part of it, as appropriate, shall be replaced when a meeting lasts for more than three hours.


    Rule 6

    In case of cancellation by an employer corresponding to all or part of the period covered by a contract (including travel and rest days), the employer shall pay the translator the following compensation:

    50% of the remuneration for the number of days cancelled if the translator receives notification of cancellation more than 30 days before the start of the engagement;
    100% of the salary for the number of days of contract cancelled if the translator receives such notification 30 days or less before the start of the engagement;
    an employer may, in lieu of all or part of the compensation due, offer the translator a contract under equivalent conditions, provided that it falls within the dates specified in the original contract and that the place of work is acceptable to the translator. In the case of employment elsewhere during the period for which compensation is due, the translator shall inform the employer of his or her net earnings during that period, which earnings may be deducted from the compensation due;
    notice of cancellation shall be sent by registered mail or cable to the translator's professional domicile or to the address he or she may have specified. If cancellation is notified after the translator has left his or her professional domicile for the purpose of travel specified in the contract, the employer shall defray the travel and other expenses incurred.
    Rule 7

    A minimum of 3 days' notice shall be given in case of cancellation by the employer during the engagement; subsistence allowance shall be paid during that period. If during an engagement the translator is compelled to cancel the remainder of the contract owing to duly certified illness or injury, he or she shall be entitled to the return travel expenses specified in the contract.


    Rule 8

    In the case of engagement elsewhere than at the professional domicile, the expenses for travel between the professional domicile or other place agreed upon and the place of employment shall be defrayed by the employer, as follows:

    Rail or boat: first class, with sleeper or cabin for night journeys;

    Air: not less than economy class, provided that 10 kg excess baggage is allowed.

    The translator shall demand a fully endorsable ticket.

    One half-day's salary and subsistence allowance shall be paid for the first day of travel to and from the place of employment; for any additional day of required travel, including authorized stopovers and rest periods, full salary and subsistence allowance shall be paid.


    Rule 9

    The employer shall allow a period of rest after travel according to the following schedule:

    Travel time* Rest period
    More than 10 hours, not more than 16 hours 24 hours
    More than 16 hours 48 hours

    * airport to airport, including unavoidable delays and time spent in transit.

    Rest periods shall be included in the duration of the contract and paid at full salary with full subsistence allowance. Rest periods may be taken during a stop en route or on arrival, but subsistence allowance shall not be due for rest taken at the translator's professional domicile.

    11 February 1991


    1. The term "translator" is defined in Article 2 of the AITC Constitution.
    2. Normally, the length of the working week should not exceed 35 hours when translators are asked to remain on duty until midnight (evening shift) and 30 hours if they are required to remain on duty after midnight (night shift).
    3. If, exceptionally, fewer than three précis-writers are available, additional time shall be allowed for drafting the record.

    الترجمة فهم وإفهام
    الترجمة السياق
    الترجمة الحوار

    مستقبَلات الأمة واحدة، وإنْ كانت الطرق إليها متعددة
    مَن ترك غيره يخطط له، رَهَن له مستقبله

    العلم الذي لا عمل معه، لا قيمة له