A Life Journey With a Brilliant Man

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  • Dr_Almazeny
    كبار الشخصيات
    • May 2006
    • 151

    A Life Journey With a Brilliant Man

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    دفعني كرمكم لتكملة التجربة فيما لدينا من أعمال مترجمة

    A Life Journey With a Brilliant Man

    By: Dr. Islam Sobhi al-Mazeny

    Imam As-Shafi'e, may Allah bless his soul.

    A short biography

    As-Shafi'e, the imam that was beloved by the whole Islamic nation.

    A respectable solemn person

    A poet

    A scholar

    A role model of patience in seeking knowledge.

    Although it has been a long time since he passed away, his warmth and brightness can still be felt.

    His name was Mohammad. His nick name was Abu Abdullah. Idris was his father.

    His long line of kinship back to the prophet (peace be upon him). It was a great privilege. He was named after the prophet who was the best man after Adam (peace of Allah be upon them).

    His father was named after the prophet Idris. A verse of Qura'an speaks of this prophet:

    (We (Allah) had lifted him to a high place).

    What person could be worthy of such a place from Al-Mighty Allah.

    As-Shafi'e is Mohammad bin Idris bin Abbas bin Othman bin As-Shafi'e bin Obaid bin Abd Yazeed bin Hashim bin Abd Mutalib bin Abd Manaf.

    He was known for the 'faqih' of religion (the jury's consult), the out spoken. He earned such nick names when he retaliated the group of heresiarch; 'Mubtadeah'. The group claimed that it is right to believe in Qura'an only but not the prophet's tradition, (sunnah or Hadith)! He proved to them how false their beliefs were. Such beliefs were truly degrading and wrong.

    It must have been very glorious to be called the faqih of religion, the advocator of Hadith : the prophet's sayings.

    He must have received a great reward from Allah. We can only imagine how the Prophet Mohammad will meet him in the Hereafter, at the Al-kawthar Hawd (the glorified basin).

    May Allah accept his deeds and bless him.

    As-Shafi'e was born in 150 Hijrah, 140 years after the final Messenger, a holy land, the one described by Qura'an as (the land we have blessed for all worlds).

    He was born in today's pre-occupied Palestine; our beloved land, a land that was even more privileged with As-Shafi'e's relation to it. He was born in Gaza; the land is sadly in captivity. He honored the land as well as the people. What disgrace it would be, should its people lose it!

    He was not born in Makkah because his father traveled from Makkah to Gaza prior to his birth to seek a source of living.

    His father passed away when he was at young age, As-Shafi'e was raised as an orphan, much like the prophet Mohammad was, perhaps to be such an example …who could really complain, for there lived a poor orphan who later exerted all the effort there could be and became very distinguished!

    Let us take a look at his mother and see how a Moslem woman can set a great example for others.

    What As-Shafi'e became is owed to Allah the greatest, and then to that unique lady. She was the one who raised him, guided and be patient throughout the years. She was never shallow or negative. She was not just getting along in life and her own comfort was never her main concern!

    She understood the real message of Islam, and she have given herself entirely for the cause and raised her son on it. A real great lady she was. She was matured and made the right decisions. She exactly knew her place. She was widowed in an early age, yet she knew what to do.

    She was a real believer.

    When we take a look at her life; her own deeds would speak for her. She was the reason behind the greatness of As-Shafi'e, the outstanding life of As-Shafi'e materialized for all followers of nations to come.

    His mother took him back from Palestine to Makkah when he was only 2 years old, following the death of his father.

    She took him to be in "kuttab" (elementary school) so he could learn Qura'an. She never allowed him to waste his time with the children of his age. She did not care to send him to learn a certain craft or to earn money despite their poverty.

    Allah blessed her with a genius son. He was able to learn Qura'an at the age of seven, it was the best pleasure, it was as if the crown of heaven was on her son's head.

    What more did a real believing mother wish for?

    A heartening incident took place when he was just a pupil in 'kuttab'. He was very poor that he had not enough money to pay the teacher. As-Shafi'e was a smart lad, he used to imitate the teacher and take his position in his absence.

    He used to recite verses from Qura'an for the pupils and gave them instructions. The teacher saw him and he was pleased with the smart boy that he allowed him to take the teacher's place in his absence, and that was more like a price for the unpaid expenses As-Shafi'e could not afford. So As-Shafi'e helped the pupils as well as the teacher i.e. help him rest a little.

    Imagine how hard it is to be very poor and work with the teacher just so you can attend classes ….Oh! Allah, how hard it is to be so proud.

    His mother took him to Madinah to learn and be taught by Imam Malek, she knew how knowledgeable the Imam was.

    Can you see how wise such a decision of a woman, a free woman was? Why should she travel thousands of miles across the desert?

    She did not orient her son to learn to get a profession as a writer or a baker, so she could be relieved from hunger and fatigue. In her time, she was truly the first lady and the most ideal mother. The best example of a believing woman.

    In preparation to meet Imam Malek, As-Shafi'e memorized "Al-Mawatta' ", the collection of the saying of the prophet by Imam Malek. He was only ten years old, but he was still worried that Imam Malek might not accept teaching him due to his young age, so he sought distinction.

    This is how he got accepted:

    His mother made a request to the Wali (governor) of Makkah. She did not ask for some kind of a position or so. She only asked if the Governor could write a letter of recommendation to Imam Malek to take care of her son. She was by all means a great lady!!

    The Governor of Makkah did so, and sent the letter with As-Shafi'e, who was just a little boy to the Governor of Madinah.

    When the Governor of Madinah read it he said, "Son, walking on my bare feet from Madinah to Makkah and crossing the desert, is much easier for me than to walk to Imam Malek's doorsteps. I feel disparaged when I go there."

    Evidently, Imam Malek never adulated a figure of authority, he was a very proud man.

    As-Shafi'e thought that may be the Governor of Madinah could send for the Imam to come.

    The Governor of Madinah, however, considered it impossible and he said to himself, "if I went to the trouble of going to the Imam's house, and go over the sandy paths on the way, we still could not get the result we need."

    Eventually, As-Shafi'e was promised to be taken over there afternoon. He recalled, "We went there as expected. We crossed the difficult sand paths, and one of us approached Imam Malek's door and knocked."

    An Afro young servant girl opened the door. The Governor of Madinah asked her to tell her master about their coming. She did and came back saying, "my master says salaam to all, and that if you have a certain issue, please write it down and he will look into it when your turn comes. (The Imam had his priority attending "Fatwa" consultations and didn't wish to be delayed).

    The servant continued, "…and if it is for just a chat, then it is better to be put off for another time."

    In Islam, there is no rule against politely turning away unwanted visitors. Particularly if they are of high places and their call might cause suspicion.

    Imam Malek was serious enough not to tolerate with any time waster or annoyance and disturbances.

    The Governor of Madinah then told the young girl to inform Imam Malek that he got the letter from the Governor of Makkah and it is for a special purpose.

    She did tell him and then later Imam Malek appeared.

    He was a tall man. He looked as dignified as a scholar would be. The Governor handed him the letter. He read it, there were things between the lines like …" a person I care for, teach him … instruct him …do … so and so…"

    Imam Malek threw away the letter, he said in fury, "subhana Allah! (glory to god!), is it already the time of age when what is learned from the prophet is transferred due to requests of letters?!!"

    So As-Shafi'e replied: "Oh! Imam Malek, I am a descendant of Abdul Muttaleb. I told him all about me. When he was through listening, he looked at me (he was a very wise man) and asked, "what is your name again?"


    Mohammad, you are going to be of high significance in this world. Allah had filled your heart with a special light, never extinguish it with disobedience. Come tomorrow and bring your reading materials."

    Imam Malek asked a man to read "Al-Mawatta' " book of his to As-Shafi'e, considering him very young age.

    The latter surprised Imam Malek with his memorizing of the whole book, he started reciting and pausing sometimes; feeling awed by the presence of the Imam. However Imam Malek was delighted with the boy's correct recitations; so he used to encourage him to go on.

    In a few days, As-Shafi'e was able to cover the whole book through his recitation. It was the opportunity of a life time. He was able to memorize the book that covers the sunnah (tradition) of the prophet, thus the best after the Qura'an, and directly from the man who spent tens of years compiling the material. An achievement that outweighs getting PH.D in our time.

    Imam Malek used to say, "no other young man from Quraysh is more knowledgeable than this lad." And he added, "if a boy is destined to reach high standards, it is this boy."

    Imam Malek had a right inner sight. He realized the brilliance of that boy: As-Shafi'e. He saw the special twinkle in the lad's smart eyes. He was absolutely right.

    May Allah bless Imam Malek's soul.

    As-Shafi'e remained 9 years with Imam Malek. The son of Idris was fortunate to enjoy such a unique upbringing. His great moral supporter, a real mother, the special Imam for a teacher, and his bright mind, all blessed the young man with extraordinary gifts.

    Imam Malek was considered a confident and trustworthy with regards to gathering the sayings of the prophet (sunnah) in particular. In a time when gossip was the favorite pass time; Imam Malek put his knowledge into practice.

    Yet, As-Shafi'e found out that he wanted more! Staying 9 years with the prominent scholar of Madinah was not enough. He went back to Makkah. He got the chance there to be educated by another scholar, Sufiyan Bin Oyaynah, after the death of Imam Malek.

    As the old saying does, "two are never fulfilled: the seeker of money, and the seeker of knowledge."

    It would be a privilege to be the second saying!

    Another saying explains how fool it is to work hard just for this life and forget about the life after. At the years of this study, the cost of paper was high . As-Shafi'e and his mother were poor. It was reported that he used to gather large bones to write on them! He might go to places where he found waste papers, and he would collect them for writing!

    No comment!

    Why don't we take a look at our time? Let us learn then the true meaning of manhood perseverance.

    As-Shafi'e believed that Arabic language is the main source of understanding Qura'an. He came to know that the most correct dialect spoken at that time belonged to the tribe of Hatheel. Therefore, he decided to go to that tribe. He did it despite the desert conditions. His journey was more like an expedition for which he received no benefits, he went to a primitive town and patiently stayed there.

    As-Shafi'e learned from their pure unmodified language. He learned from their rhetoric. He exerted a lot of effort and spent a lot of time, despite the fact that he had no promise of a certain profession in return. He was away from his home just for Allah's sake, an example of magnificence!

    Taking a look at ourselves, we are quick to complain in less stressful circumstances!!

    As-Shafi'e stayed ten years with that tribe, he studied language and literature. He learned 10,000 poems. He also mastered the sports of sharp shooting and equestrian.

    When As-Shafi'e recalled such period, he said, "I used to be mainly interested in education and sharp shooting. In the latter, I got high scores.''

    He was too modest to come across his achievements in knowledge. Nevertheless, there are people who are beneath his great lore and they would still brag about what they know!

    He left for Baghdad to learn at the real school of knowledge. Shouldn't we shed tears for the materialistic lives we are leading to?

    As-Shafi'e did not just have a beautiful voice, heard while reciting Qura'an. He was also keen to learn beyond the words. For him, the Qura'an was a spiritual message. His eyes would get filled with tears when he recited to the extent that his beard would soak!

    He combined humbleness with knowledge. That situation should apply to the nation of our time and age!

    Ibn Naser _ may Allah bless his soul _ narrated, "if we want to cry (from the fear of Allah) we would go to that young man, As-Shafi'e, to recite the Qura'an for us.

    When we went to the Haram mosque in Makkah, we would pray with him. A lot of people gathered in prayer when they heard his recitation. A lot of people would cry! The Haram would be filled with people to pray behind As-Shafi'e. He would then stop his recitation." He was too modest. He did not want his voice to be the reason for people getting in large numbers into prayer.

    His genius:

    Here are some sayings from his contemporaries, they were scholars by themselves.

    " I have never met a wiser man "

    " he had more sense than the whole nation. "

    His generosity :

    "His knowledge was combined with the merit of generosity."

    " As-Shafi'e was the best in giving what he can." said Ibn Hakan, may Allah bless his soul.

    Ar-rabie said," when I got married, As-Shafi'e asked me how much I paid for my bride's dowry. I said 30 dinars, but I only paid 6 of them so far. He then gave me the 24 left."

    Al-Risalah: his book, its importance:

    It was a habit of As-Shafi'e to set in Haram near the well of Zamzam. The most brilliant in interpreting Qura'an used to be there. He was Shaikh Abdullah Bin Abbas (may Allah bless his soul).

    He neither had a luxurious palace nor a respectable classroom! He was only setting in a very simple place in search for knowledge. As-Shafi'e wrote his best literature in that period i.e. his book 'Al-Risalah'.

    As-Shafi'e became famous and all those who were eager to learn used to seek him.

    One of them was the well known Imam, Ahmad Bin Hanbal. He was a student of Imam Ibn Oyaynah, the Imam of Haram mosque, in the field of the prophet's traditions (Ahadith).

    Ahmad Bin Hanbal was keen to learn from As-Shafi'e to the extent that he left the lecture of Ibn Oyaynah. When he was asked about that, he said, 'even if Ibn Oyaynah passed away, I can learn Ahadith from other narrators. However it would be a great loss to miss out on a mind like As-Shafi'e. He is irreplaceable."

    He added, "No other Quraish man is more knowledgeable!"

    Ahmad Bin Hanbal said: "Fiqh (jurisprudence) was never that open for people till the time of As-Shafi'e".

    Also about his genius:

    Al-Hasan Bin Mohammad said: "we were at a meeting with Bishr Al-Merisi (a man of Mubtadiyyah, Muktazilah and Qadariyyah sects). He was a brilliant man in debate. He was able to make people listen to him, and subsequently be misguided.

    No one of us was to be his encounter! We asked Ahmad Bin Hanbal, but he referred us to As-Shafi'e.

    We asked the later for a book of his, he gave us the (Fiqh research Oath and witness).

    I studied his book in 2 days. I went to Bishr after that, he said, "the Hadith narrator, what brought you here?!" Al-Hasan said, "let us not start with that. Tell me what is the proof of the annulment of the witness's Oath? I went on talking and debating until I had the upper hand.

    He commented: "these points are not of your own knowledge! It is the talk of a man I saw in Makkah and he was smarter than half of the minds of the world."

    When Bishr Al Merisi saw As-Shafi'e who assumed Fatwa (advisory opinion) in Makkah, he said to his followers, there is only one danger I fear, it is that young man, he has all the intelligence there is."

    As-Shafi'e was praised by his own enemies!

    Ahmad Bin Hanbal said, "most of the knowledge I passes, I owe it to As-Shafi'e. I said Dua'a (prayer) throughout my 40 years."

    What a good man you were Ahmad. How loyal and modest and high mannered you were, and you attributed your knowledge to As-Shafi'e.

    Ahmad was a landmark in history. Still he would say that about As-Shafi'e. Such great men they were!

    One day As-Shafi'e was a guest at Ahmad's house. The later was performing "Tahajjud" (the late night prayer). He spent a long time at it.

    His little daughter took a look at As-Shafi'e's room to see how he performed worshipping; for he was well known among scholars. She did not notice any light in As-Shafi'e's room and there was no movement. She didn't hear any Qura'an recitation all night long as she expected.

    She asked her father, "is this As-Shafi'e?" He did not answer her.

    He later sat with As-Shafi'e and asked him, "how was your night Abu Abdullah?"

    As-Shafi'e answered, "I was contemplating some verses of Qura'an and Ahadith, I arrived to 60 rulings.(Hukum/ conclusions).

    Imam Ahmad later told his daughter, "one thought of Imam Shafi'e was better than your father's whole night prayer!"

    As-Shafi'e's style of worshipping made his followers felt they could never live up to the standards of his worships and deeds!

    It was said about As-Shafi'e that he used to divide his night into three: A third for sleeping, a third for writing, and a third for night prayer.

    So when did he get enough sleep? He was truly an enlightment to the whole nation.

    As-Shafi'e appreciates the knowledge of Ahmad Bin Hanbal concerning the science of Hadith. As-Shafi'e learned from Ahmad's good knowing of Hadith, they had a unique friendship.

    As-Shafi'e traveled to Egypt and wrote his book 'Al-Umm'.

    In this book he wrote about different branches of knowledge. It was almost an encyclopedia. He was a combination of several scholars: the science of Qura'an, the science of Hadith, the science of language and literature.

    How wonder it was of As-Shafi'e doing such a great favor to human knowledge and getting absolutely no money in return!

    It was once stated that the best of high manners are;

    1. Religion

    2. Mind

    3. Science

    4. Indulgence

    5. Generosity

    6. Virtue

    7. Charity

    8. Gratitude

    9. Patience and clemency covers the rest.

    In Egypt he also edited his book –Al-Risalah –

    He reconsidered his 'ijtihadah' (Independent judgment). This is the reason why his book 'Al-Hujjah', was written in Iraq, would have references to previous 'ijtihadah' mentioned in his former book 'Al-Risalah'.

    The term: As-Shafi'e's new methodology referred to the additions he contributed while he was in Egypt. They were all covered in his book : (Al-Umm). " the mother or also means the head "

    As-Shafi'e also worked as a coast guard on the borders when he was in Egypt. He was at the front line in battles ready for attack!!

    There was no opportunity for good doing that he would not grab! Although he could have stayed home for the reason of seeking knowledge, he never settled for less! Good doing was his obsession.

    Approaching his last days, he got very ill. He set a great example for all. May Allah accepts him among the best of all human.

    As-Shafi'e suffered from a severe case of hemorrhoids. It was told that when he rode on a horse, he used to bleed! He used to put a small bowl with a cloth in it in order to absorb the bleeding.

    Despite all those, he neither stopped teaching nor learning! That was the fact passed on generation to another through all those who loved him.

    He left a great legacy behind of unique knowledge. The wise only can benefit from such a fortune. He never held back on any person who sought knowledge.

    People of our time usually retire even if there is no good reason as being gravely ill.

    That is why As-Shafi'e deserved what Ahmad Bin Hanbal called him: "As-Shafi'e was like the sun to all of the world. He was like health to people." Those two were indispensable to all.

    Ahmad also said that, "As-Shafi'e will remain a role model for the hundred years of age that followed the time of the prophet (peace be upon him).

    At the rise in every century, Allah assigns a special person to people in order to help and teach the right decision. And the most important, he can defy all lies told about the prophet. There was Omar Bin Abdul Aziz, and for the following century there was As-Shafi'e.

    Abu Zara'a Al-Razi said, "As-Shafi'e never narrated a wrong Hadith. It is Allah's favor that he bestows upon who he wishes for.

    Some of As-Shafi'e's sayings :

    "The best deed any servant (human) of Allah can do, after performing religious duties, is seeking knowledge."

    "Getting an education is better than Nawafel prayer (further)"

    " He who would be laughed at for a certain matter can never forget it."

    " He who attends a session of learning without ink and papers, is like that who goes to the mill without any flour. "

    " Hadith reading is better than 'Tatawa' prayer (extra prayer)."

    " Good science is that delivered not just memorized."

    "Withdrawing from people is a reason for making enemies, yet getting a lot of acquaintances can lead to bad company. Hence, a compromise is the best solution."

    " if, in my book, anything is found contradictory to what the prophet (peace be upon him) said then it should be disregarded."

    " Any true saying of the prophet I was not aware of and you heard it, take it and consider that I withdraw what I said."

    Imam Ahmad said, " those who are interested in the saying of the prophet (Hadith) can never get enough of As-Shafi'e's books."

    Al-Jahith said: "I examined the literature of those who were considered bright, I never found someone better than As-Shafi'e, his words were like rare pearls."

    Perhaps one of the readers of this brief biography will get excited enough and motivated to awaken this nation that is so much in need.

    At the time of his death, a friend of As-Shafi'e, Al-Muzzani said, "I visited As-Shafi'e while he was seriously ill. I asked him about his health. He replied, "I will soon leave this life, leave my friends, my bad deeds are waiting for me, I will meet my Creator, not knowing whether to congratulate myself for going to Paradise, or accept condolences if it is going to Hell."

    Then he cried and said a poem asking for Allah's forgiveness.

    May Allah bless his soul and grant him mercy.

    Peace be upon the prophet Mohammad and his family and friends and companions.
    "طلب العلم فريضة"

    د. إسلام المازني