ما الترجمة المناسبة لكلمة ترند
a prevailing tendency or inclination: DRIFT
current trends in education
a general movement: SWING
the trend toward suburban living
a current style or preference: VOGUE
new fashion trends
a line of development: APPROACH
new trends in cancer research
the general movement over time of a statistically detectable change
also, a statistical curve reflecting such a change
a line of general direction or movement
the trend of the coast turned toward the west
show a tendency: INCLINE
prices trending upward
to become deflected: SHIFT
opinions trending toward conservatism
extend in a general direction : follow a general course
mountain ranges trending north and south
to veer in a new direction: BEND
a coastline that trends westward
to generate or attract a lot of interest or attention especially online and in social media