السلام عليكم
هذه مناسبة جيدة لمن يرغبون في الحصول على نسخ رقمية مجانية من مجلة Routledge
هذه مناسبة جيدة لمن يرغبون في الحصول على نسخ رقمية مجانية من مجلة Routledge
Dear colleague,
Routledge has started a promotional campaign to highlight the most cited Routledge Language & Linguistics journal articles, including Perspectives. The top 5 most cited articles from the journal have been made free to read online for the next 9 months and will be widely promoted through email campaigns, web advertising, and conference promotion.
To see the promotion, please visit http://bit.ly/highlycited_lang and go to page 4 of the document.
Roberto Valdeón
Roberto A. Valdeón
Profesor Titular Fil. Inglesa, Universidad de Oviedo
Visiting Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Editor-in-Chief, Perspectives. Studies in Translatology
web personal: www.unioviedo.es/ravg
Routledge has started a promotional campaign to highlight the most cited Routledge Language & Linguistics journal articles, including Perspectives. The top 5 most cited articles from the journal have been made free to read online for the next 9 months and will be widely promoted through email campaigns, web advertising, and conference promotion.
To see the promotion, please visit http://bit.ly/highlycited_lang and go to page 4 of the document.
Roberto Valdeón
Roberto A. Valdeón
Profesor Titular Fil. Inglesa, Universidad de Oviedo
Visiting Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Editor-in-Chief, Perspectives. Studies in Translatology
web personal: www.unioviedo.es/ravg