Interactive media: The enhancement of multilingual communication and learning through technology

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  • ahmed_allaithy
    رئيس الجمعية
    • May 2006
    • 4038

    Interactive media: The enhancement of multilingual communication and learning through technology

    <p align="left"><strong>Interactive media: The enhancement of multilingual communication and learning through technology</strong> </p><p align="left"><strong>ASCONA III (November 19-24, 2006, Ascona, TI)<br />Dominic W. Massaro, UCSC and Barbara Moser-Mercer (UNIGE/ETI)</strong> (E-mail: <a href="">massaro@fuzzy</a>, <a href="">Barbara.M</a>) </p><p align="left"><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#summary">Su mmary</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#venue">Venu e and registration</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#details">Wo rkshop details</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#topics">Spe cific topics</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#poster">Cal l for posters</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#credit">Gra duate credit</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#fees">Works hop fees</a><br /><a href=";name=Sections&amp;file= index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=10#grant">Gran ts</a></p><p align="left"><a name="summary"></a><strong>Summary</strong> </p><p align="left">Communication and learning define humanity. Technology has already connected humanity in unprecedented ways and continues to impact our daily lives. The focus of this series of workshops is to understand the continued and future role technology will play in this evolution and what impact it will have on multilingual communication in an enlarged Europe. The invited speakers represent the most active, innovative, and influential scientists studying the mutual relationship between humans and technology, computer-mediated communication, and the influence of multiple sensory modalities on perception, cognition, and learning. The eclectic mix of scientists across a broad range of disciplines will create a stimulating atmosphere to exchange extant research and theory and to provide the foundation for future research and applications that will benefit interactions among individuals and multilingual communities. </p><p align="left">This series of workshops will address two important challenges to optimizing the relationship between humans and technology in a multilingual environment: </p><ul><li><div align="left">Improving our understanding of multi-sensory integration as a pre-condition to adapting and optimizing new technologies to the human user; </div></li><li><div align="left">Improving our understanding of human expertise as a pre-condition to helping humans adapt to new technologies. </div></li></ul><p align="left">It seems that man-machine interfaces in a multilingual setting can only benefit from a cross-disciplinary inquiry into some of the causes for less than adequate multilingual communication. Such a dialogue could fruitfully contribute not only to advancing our theoretical knowledge of multilingual communication, but also to the development of technology that can enhance, rather than complicate, the multilingual communication process. European enlargement is imminent, language barriers still exist at all levels of communication, and technology is increasingly solicited to help solve a variety of communication problems. More often than not, however, the technology does not fit the task at all, or not as well as it should in order to improve performance and support the experts in meeting ever increasing demands, and/or the experts lack "adaptive expertise" to modify their task sequences in order to make optimal use of new technologies. </p><p align="left">This workshop is designed to provide an opportunity for open dialogue both at the theoretical level, i.e. the development of computational models, as well as the practical level, i.e. how man as learner and communicator can become more adaptive. By presenting real-life problems of multilingual dialogue to an interdisciplinary forum of experts the workshops are expected to deliver a much finer-grain description of the problems and to generate innovative solutions. </p><p align="left">More generally, the outcome of the workshops should improve multi-lingual communication potential among humans. The Internet will necessarily become a primary medium but it can be a lonely world without direct, timely, and realistic communication with other persons. It is important that there is, across a network platform, shared awareness and natural social interactions, like those found in standard face-to-face communication. To the extent that technology and research can simulate a face-to-face environment for people at a distance, we can expect highly productive multi-person and multilingual communication, learning, and collaborative interactions. </p><p align="left">Keywords: multilingual communication, interactive media, multisensory integration, multimodal experience, human-computer dialogue, speech-to-speech translation, remote interpretation. </p><p align="left"><a name="venue"></a><strong>Venue and registration</strong> </p><p align="left">Workshops will be hosted at the <a href="">Centro Stefano Franscini</a>. </p><p align="left">For registration, please fill in the available <a href="">form</a>. </p><p align="left"><a name="details"></a><strong>Workshop details</strong> </p><p align="left">Workshops moderators: </p><ul><li><div align="left">Nori Hagita (<a href=""></a>) - ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories, Tokyo. <br /><strong>Symbiosis of human being and communication robots</strong>, <a href="">Abstract</a>. </div></li><li><div align="left">Joseph Danks (<a href=""></a>) - Kent State University, <a href="">Abstract</a>. </div></li><li><div align="left">Jens Allwood (<a href="">jens@mailer.l</a>) - University of G&ouml;teborg <br /><strong>Activitiy-based Communication Analysis</strong>, <a href="">Abstract</a> </div></li><li><div align="left">Clifford Nass (<a href=""></a>) - Stanford University </div></li><li><div align="left">Hervé Bourlard (<a href=""></a>) - IDIAP, Martigny <br /><strong>Hierarchical multi-channel processing towards computer understanding of human interactions</strong>, <a href="">Abstract</a> </div></li><li><div align="left">Dominic Massaro (<a href="">massaro@fuzzy</a>) - UC Santa Cruz <br /><strong>Embodied Conversational Agent with Realistic Speech and Language</strong>, <a href="">Abstract</a> </div></li><li><div align="left">Barbara Moser-Mercer (<a href="">Barbara.M</a>) - University of Geneva <br /><strong>Simultaneous interpreting : How a complex cognitive task can be constrained by technology while benefiting from it</strong>, <a href="">Abstract</a> </div></li></ul><p align="left">Speakers: </p><ul><li><div align="left">Takis Mouzourakis (<a href="">Pmouzou</a>) - European Parliament <br /><strong>Machine Conference Interpreting : is it feasible ? </strong>, <a href="">Abstract</a> </div></li><li><div align="left">Ulrich Frauenfelder (<a href="">ulr</a>) - University of Geneva </div></li></ul><p align="left"><a name="topics"></a><strong>Specific topics</strong> </p><p align="left"><font color="#ff0000">Automatic speech recognition by machine with auxiliary information <br />How robots will increase the quality of our lives <br />Language processing using multiple sources of information <br />Multimodal information processing in a multilingual task <br />Principles for designing human-computer dialogue systems <br />Language, Communication, and Culture <br />Language Understanding and Translation</font> </p><p align="left"><a name="poster"></a><strong>Call for posters</strong> </p><p align="left">Posters are accepted for topics that relate to the overarching theme of the workshop. <br />Submissions will be evaluated by the scientific committee and accepted posters will be presented and discussed at defined times throughout the week. A selection of poster presentations will be included in the proceedings of the workshop. <br /><br /><a href="">Download</a> submission guidelines for posters <br />Submission deadline for posters: September 15, 2006 <br />Please submit posters to: Prof. D.W. Massaro, UCSC ( <a href="">massaro@fuzzy</a>) </p><p align="left"><a name="credit"></a><strong>Graduate credit</strong> </p><p align="left">Graduate credit is available for the workshops upon request. </p><p align="left"><a name="fees"></a><strong>Workshop fees</strong> </p><p align="left">The following fees include participation in the workshop, food and lodging for the entire duration of the workshop (starting with dinner on November 18 and ending with lunch on November 24, 2006):<br />980 CHF (or 810 $, or 640 EUR) </p><p align="left"><a name="grant"></a><strong>Grants</strong> </p><p align="left">Swiss National Science Foundation grants for participants from Central and Eastern Europe: <a href=""></a> <br />Special scholarships available for young researchers. Please contact the organizers. </p>
    د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
    رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
    تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

    فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي
