Online University Masters Program in Technical and Scientific Translation

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  • ahmed_allaithy
    رئيس الجمعية
    • May 2006
    • 4039

    Online University Masters Program in Technical and Scientific Translation

    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">The Universities of Bari, Genoa, and Pisa, in cooperation with the </span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">ICoN Consortium Italian Culture on the Net, issue an</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: verdana"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#ff0000"><strong>Online University Masters Program in Technical and Scientific Translation</strong></font></a></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span class="MsoHyperlink"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#ff0000"><strong>from: English, French, and German </strong></font></a></span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#ff0000"><strong>into: Italian</strong></font></a></span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><b><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></b></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">Mode of delivery: Blended</span></p><p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">(on-line + 2 week face-to-face sessions)</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">Domains:</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">Law, Economics, Engineering, Computing and Localization,<br />Bio-medicine and pharmaceutical sciences</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">in line with the </span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#003399">European Master in Translation</font></a> </span></p><p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">Curriculum of the European Commission. <br /></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: center" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">The Master’s Program is addressed to translators or candidate translators from English, French, and German into Italian wishing to obtain a high-level specialization and a leading position in the premium segment of the international market in the field of technical and scientific translation into Italian.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">The Master’s Program is open to undergraduates (Italian <i>laurea di I livello</i> or equivalent foreign qualification) living outside Italy with an advanced knowledge of written Italian (near native) and a good knowledge of English.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">The Master’s Program meets high standards thanks to the collaboration of qualified scholars and professionals from universities, from the translation industry and from leading companies in the field of computer aided and machine translation. Translations done by the attendees will be revised by teachers and qualified translators who will guide participants towards production of professional text according to the market requirements. Participants will be equipped with a dedicated web-based software for assisted translation.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">The Masters Program is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits (European Credits Transfer System).</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">The Masters Program will last one year (March 2008-March 2009) in case of full-time participation, and two years (March 2008-March 2010) in case of part-time participation.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">Enrolments will be open until January 15, 2008. The cost is of<span>  </span>€ 5.000 for the full-time option and of<span>  </span>€ 3.000 + € 3000 for the part-time option. Those who enrol by November 15, 2007 and those who live outside Europe can benefit from a discount.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana"><font size="5"></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">For further information please contact: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" ymailto=""><fon t color="#003399"></font></a></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana">Those who are interested can go from here to the <u><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#003399">enrolment procedure</font></a></u></span></p>
    د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
    رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
    تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

    فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي
