Strasbourg Seminars – Marc Bloch University

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • عبدالرحمن السليمان
    عضو مؤسس، أستاذ جامعي
    • May 2006
    • 5731

    Strasbourg Seminars – Marc Bloch University

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    Strasbourg Seminars – Marc Bloch University
    18-19 September 2008

    Translation tools – tools for the translator?

    Translation tools are developing rapidly and the range of both free and commercialized products has never been as large as it is today. Machine translation, computer assisted translation, compiling and editing devices, electronic dictionaries, online terminological databases and concordancers: the now widespread availability of these tools has had a serious impact on the teaching of translation and on the translator’s profession.

    The progress of these translation aids has also engendered an imbalance which can be observed on two levels, both between the translator with a fervid interest in the latest software developments and the translator who uses the computer as a mere word-processor, as well as between translation agencies, businesses or institutions who have huge translation memories at their disposal, and the freelance translator working with much more humble technical means.

    The profession is becoming more and more computerized, and the act of translation runs the risk of being transformed into a series of activities more akin to post editing, proofreading and verifying standardized segments, activities which alienate the translator from the text. The increased pace of production is changing the translator’s profession and its future prospects, and has an inevitable impact on translator training programmes. At the same time, these translation tools allow us to homogenize the quality of both individual and collective translations, since these are no longer the product of one sole translator. Moreover, a more integrated working environment is bound to gradually replace the long and fastidious task of manually compiling dictionaries and specialized glossaries.

    The seminar aims to show how translation tools help the translator, and in which ways they may become an impediment to the translator’s activity, more specifically in the following areas of interest:

    • The translator’s current working environment in translation bureaus, large translation agencies or international institutions.
    • How does translator training cope with the technological transformations of the translator’s craft : proofreading, editing, localization.
    • The roles played by machines and humans in today‘s translation process : CAT and machine translation.
    • The effects of increased standardization and of the market’s changing requirements on the quality of translation and on translator training programmes.
    • The role of Translation Studies and Translation Theory in specialized translation.

    The seminar is organized by the Strasbourg Institute for Translators, Interpreters and International Relations (ITI-RI), the Languages and Humanities College at Strasbourg Marc Bloch University, and the Research Group on European Plurilinguism (group 1339, LILPA).

    Proposals for 25-minute papers followed by a five-minute discussion, with a provisional title and a 100-word abstract may be sent to by 29 February 2008. Papers can be delivered in French or in English.