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</TD><TD vAlign=top>Department of Translation and Interpreting
Autonomous University of Barcelona
21-23 June, 2010, Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain)
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Call for Papers
A text, in the widest sense of the term, is rarely unadorned. It is usually presented in a particular format - a written, oral, digital, audio-visual or musical one, furnished with always illustrations, images, colours, titles, prologues, prefaces, introductions, acknowledgements, indexes, footnotes, appendices, jacket covers and accompanied by an ensemble of information outside the text such as an interview with the author, a general or specialist press review, an advertisement or a previous translation. All these internal and external, textual and extra-textual elements are known under the heading of paratexts, a term coined by Gerard Genette in 1987.
However, the boundaries of paratextuality are not limited to the aforementioned examples, since paratextuality is to be found in areas as diverse as censorship, a contracting economy, decisions taken by the various actors in the political or cultural context in which the text occurs. Therefore it is obvious that most of the key concepts in Translation Studies cannot be fully understood without reference to the part played by paratextual elements play.
This International Conference aims to be a meeting point for all those the context of interested in the different facets of what might be called the paratextual polyhedron in translation studies.
The Seventh International Conference on Translation will cover the following topics: discourse analysis, auto-translation, the history of translation, cultural and intercultural studies, interpretation, localisation, specialised translation, advertising and editorial translation, audiovisual translation, translation and Information Technology, literary translation, the teaching of translation and interpreting, cognitive perspectives on translation and interpreting etc.
By means of papers, workshops and roundtables on the featured topics, we hope to foster new perspectives, reflecting and anticipating scientific research in the field in all its complexity.
The conference, which will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of June 2010, will be followed by The 1st International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies on the 23rd June.
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Autonomous University of Barcelona
21-23 June, 2010, Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain)

Submission of abstracts
Information regarding papers and presentations
Conference fee and registration
Registration form
</TD><TD vAlign=top>Information regarding papers and presentations
Conference fee and registration
Registration form

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper to The 7th International Conference on Translation: the paratextual elements in translation and to The 1st International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies to be held by the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the Autonomous University of Barcelona on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of June, 2010.
Theme of the conference
A text, in the widest sense of the term, is rarely unadorned. It is usually presented in a particular format - a written, oral, digital, audio-visual or musical one, furnished with always illustrations, images, colours, titles, prologues, prefaces, introductions, acknowledgements, indexes, footnotes, appendices, jacket covers and accompanied by an ensemble of information outside the text such as an interview with the author, a general or specialist press review, an advertisement or a previous translation. All these internal and external, textual and extra-textual elements are known under the heading of paratexts, a term coined by Gerard Genette in 1987.
However, the boundaries of paratextuality are not limited to the aforementioned examples, since paratextuality is to be found in areas as diverse as censorship, a contracting economy, decisions taken by the various actors in the political or cultural context in which the text occurs. Therefore it is obvious that most of the key concepts in Translation Studies cannot be fully understood without reference to the part played by paratextual elements play.
This International Conference aims to be a meeting point for all those the context of interested in the different facets of what might be called the paratextual polyhedron in translation studies.
The Seventh International Conference on Translation will cover the following topics: discourse analysis, auto-translation, the history of translation, cultural and intercultural studies, interpretation, localisation, specialised translation, advertising and editorial translation, audiovisual translation, translation and Information Technology, literary translation, the teaching of translation and interpreting, cognitive perspectives on translation and interpreting etc.
By means of papers, workshops and roundtables on the featured topics, we hope to foster new perspectives, reflecting and anticipating scientific research in the field in all its complexity.
The conference, which will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of June 2010, will be followed by The 1st International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies on the 23rd June.