10th ABC Europe convention + 2nd GABC conference

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • عبدالرحمن السليمان
    عضو مؤسس، أستاذ جامعي
    • May 2006
    • 5731

    10th ABC Europe convention + 2nd GABC conference

    Joint 10th ABC Europe convention + 2nd GABC conference
    27-29 May 2010
    Lessius University College (Antwerp, Belgium)


    ABC, the Association for Business Communication, is an international organization committed to fostering excellence in business communication scholarship, research, education, and practice.
    ABC Europe was established in November 1996 and has been organizing conventions on a regular basis. The 10th edition is organized by Lessius University College in co-operation with the University of Antwerp.

    GABC is a Tricontinental Rotating Conference series focusing on Global Advances in Business Communication and Practices. GABC is affiliated with ABC and is co-organized by the University of Antwerp, Eastern Michigan University and Macau University of Science and Technology.

    Theme: Researching business communication: perspectives from scholarship, education and practice

    In recent years business communication has come of age as a field of scientific inquiry in its own right. Written, oral and on-line interaction within and among profit as well as non-profit organizations is now being studied from a wide range of perspectives and using a great many different methods.

    This convention is aimed at presenting a state-of-the-art survey of what the field has accomplished so far and where it is heading. In particular, papers, posters and panels are welcomed that present new research on business communication or that address the question of how such scholarship is relevant to education and practice, i.e. how business communication teachers and professionals draw on research findings in going about their daily activities in the field.

    Contributions are welcomed on a wide spectrum of business settings, including leadership and management situations, on gatekeeping encounters in a variety of institutions and organizations and through a range of media and cultures, on oral interaction in the workplace, on marketing and PR discourse, on on-line communication, on management, organizational and corporate communication, on global aspects of integrated marketing communications, etc.

    Methodologically, the convention is open to wide-ranging efforts, including work in discourse analysis and ethnomethodology, rhetoric and document design, intercultural pragmatics and writing studies, genre analysis, e-semantics and sociolinguistics. Studies from the perspective of marketing or management research are also welcomed.

    Submissions are invited for 30-minute slots (including 10 minutes of discussion and question time). Please submit an abstract of 300 words. Add up to 5 keywords and indicate whether the proposal should be included in the research, teaching or practice sections of the convention. In case of a research paper, detail research question, method, data and conclusions.
    Deadline: 1 December 2009. Contributors will be informed of the decision by 15 January 2010.

    Please submit an abstract of 300 words. Deadline: 1 December 2009. Contributors will be informed of the decision by 15 January 2010.

    Submissions are invited for thematic panels spanning one or more 90-minute slots. Please submit an outline of 500 words. Indicate whether the proposal should be included in the research, teaching or practice sections of the convention. List any contributors that are anticipated to be involved in the panel. Deadline: 15 October 2009. Panel convenors will be informed of the decision by 1 November.
    Please note that not all panels need to take the same form: some may emphasize discussion while others may want to fit in more oral presentations. Panels should include a min. of 4 contributions per 90-minute slot.
    Please note that, after a panel has been accepted, all abstracts for panel contributions are to be submitted before the 1 December deadline.

    All abstracts have to be submitted online through the ABC website. Please visit http://www.businesscommunicationconf...EU2010/EUR2010 to submit your proposal.

    The convention language is English, but abstracts in other languages (such as French, German or Spanish) will be considered as well.