International Terminology Summer School 2011

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • عبدالرحمن السليمان
    عضو مؤسس، أستاذ جامعي
    • May 2006
    • 5731

    International Terminology Summer School 2011

    Dear colleagues,

    Summer is almost here and with it also the International Terminology Summer School 2011! A few places are still available. If you still want to register, hurry up now and secure your place for the

    International Terminology Summer School 2011
    Cologne University of Applied Sciences
    Institute for Information Management
    11-15 July 2011

    TSS is a practice-oriented one-week training course on terminology management for practitioners, students, scientists who are looking for a comprehensive, state-of-the-art introduction to terminology theory and practice. TSS is more than a traditional terminology training. This year again we have tried to bring together the traditional training with new activities, features and side events to guarantee that the TSS participants will get the most of this week.

    You can find more information about the preliminary programme and topics at:

    International renowned experts in terminology and terminology management will cover the TSS topics but also take time during the whole week to help participants with the most individuals questions and problems.

    Confirmed instructors:
    - Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
    - Frieda Steurs, Lessius University College in Antwerp
    - Sue Ellen Wright, Kent State University Institute for Applied Linguistics
    - Heribert Picht, former professor at the Copenhagen Business School
    - Gerhard Budin, Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Vienna
    - Petra Drewer, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe
    - Silvia Cerrella- Bauer, terminologist at the Swiss Post

    More information about the TSS2011 instructors at:

    The International Terminology Summer School is a training in the framework of the ECQA Certified Terminology Manager activities. The TSS2011 programme is developed in cooperation with the ECQA initiative (European Certification and Qualification Association) and this makes possible for TSS2011 participants to obtain in September 2011 the ECQA Certificate for Terminology Managers - Basic by attending to one extra module online (2 days training) and performing the official ECQA exam for the job role Certified Terminology Manager - Basic.
    Read more about ECQA and the ECQA Certified Terminology Manager - Basic at:

    Students will also receive 4 ECTS for their participation.

    TSS gives the opportunity to the participants to network and discuss in a relaxed and resourceful environment with peers and colleagues during the side events planned for this purpose. Enjoy the Terminology Breakfasts every morning before classes, participant in the "get to know each other" event on Monday after the first day of classes. Meet your colleagues in the different "after school" events during the week.

    Register now for the TSS2011 and take profit of the exclusive advantages of this very international training!

    For further information on TSS 2011, please see:

    or contact

    Best regards,

    Blanca Nájera

    International Network for Terminology - TermNet
    Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna, Austria
    c/o bena office center doebling GmbH
    M:+49 174 6355439
    T: +43 1 23060 3965
    F: +43 1 23060 3966 -