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  • ladmed
    عضو منتسب
    • Jun 2006
    • 275



    not tangible or concrete
    abstract algebra
    not tangible or concrete
    abstract algebra
    The generalisation of algebraic methods originally concerned with number systems to deal with arbitrary algebraic structures over arbitrary domains.
    the process or result of forming some abstract idea from a number of more particular or concrete examples
    (in set theory)
    The process of forming a set, typically by binding a free variable in a formula which expresses the truth condition, for membership in the set, of the value denoted by the variable. Comprehension and separation are particular kinds of set abstraction. Abstraction to properties (predicates or propositional functions) is analogous.
    Forming a function, typically by binding a free variable in an expression which denotes the value of the function for the argument whose value is denoted by the variable.
    the Latin preposition meaning "to" or "towards"
    ad hoc
    for a particular purpose. An inelegant feature in an otherwise well structured system to fix a particular problem. A hack.
    ad hoc polymorphism
    (after [CardelliTDP]) a kind of polymorphism in programming languages in which a function taking a polymorphic parameter will execute different code according to the type of the parameter supplied (by contrast with universal polymorphism in which the same code is used). Special cases include overloading and inclusion polymorphism.
    the systematic study of number systems using symbolic formulae involving variables
    see also:
    abstract algebra
    computer algebra
    unselfishness, concern for others
    a proof which proceeds by analysis of the desired conclusion showing that it is derivable from accepted premises (from classical Greece). Such proofs are now sometimes known as a backward or goal oriented proofs.
    expressing a relationship between concepts. A statement or proposition which lacks empirical content and is true in virtue of its meaning.
    a kind of philosophy particularly concerned with logical or linguistic analysis (see: Varieties of Philosophical Analysis).
    (recursion theory)
    definable in second order arithmetic
    1. the doctrinal abhorrence of coercion, usually including advocacy of the abolition of the state
    2. violent opposition to established authorities, especially those considered oppressive
    a brittle silvery white metalic element
    a paradox or contradiction
    a posteriori
    knowable or justifiable only on the basis of experience
    a priori
    knowable or justifiable prior to experience based on purely rational considerations
    the process of translating statements or problems from their usual domain into the language of arithmetic, usually so that the methods of arithmetic or logic can be brought to bear on the problem.
    arithmetization of analysis
    the reduction of the theory of real numbers to that of arithmetic, accomplished by defining a real number as some aggregate of rational numbers, e.g. a Dedkind cut or a Cauchy sequence.
    see also:
    in a logic or an axiomatic theory an axiom is a sentence which is accepted as true without demonstration. The axioms are the starting points for the derivations of all other theorems.
    axiomatic method
    a method of doing mathematics in which subject areas are presented and studied as axiomatic theories
    axiomatic semantics (computing)
    a semantics for a programming language given by defining axioms which permit reasoning about the effects of execution of the various parts of a program.
    axiomatic theory
    a mathematical (or other) theory presented as a system of axioms.
    The process of formalising some subject as an axiomatic theory.
    a name used for the logical operator which yields a true proposition iff both its operands have the same truth value. So called because it is equivalent to the conjunction of two conditionals (implications), which is reflected by the usual symbol " ", which consists of the conditional " " overlaid in two directions.
    tie or fasten tightly
    (in logic)
    the effect of various syntactic constructs (such as quantifiers or abstractions) which bind free occurrences of variables (of a certain name), within some expression, to a binding occurrence (of that same name) associated with a binder (e.g. a quantifier). A variable free in some expression, is no longer free in the larger expression formed by binding that variable. e.g. two free occurrences of the variable "x" in the expression "x=x" are bound when the universal closure is formed yielding " x. x=x", in which there are no longer any free occurrences of "x".
    A logic is bivalent if sentences in the logic can take either of just two truth values, usually named "true" and "false" or "T" and "F".
    (after George Boole) often used as if it means "two-valued" or bivalent, but in fact allows any collection of values which conforms to certain algebraic laws (i.e. is a boolean algebra). A boolean propositional logic, though it admits interpretations in which propositional variables range over more than two values, has just the same set of theorems (the propositional tautologies) as a bivalent propositional logic.
    boolean operator
    An operator which takes boolean arguments and returns a boolean result.
    set bounds to, limit
    (in logic)
    to limit the scope of a variable, usually by enclosing that scope in some variable binding construction which identifies the variable thus bound.
    bound variable
    a variable whose scope has been restricted by some variable binding construct or declaration.
    The name used in Factasia for pure combinatory logic.
    calculus ratiocinator
    (after Leibniz) a mechanical method of solving problems which have been expressed in a universal language known as a characteristica universalis).
    a person who resolves problems of conscience or duty
    chief, fundamental
    cardinal number
    1. numbers denoting quantity ("one", "two", "three", ...), as opposed to ordinal numbers indicating position ("first", "second", "third", ...).
    2. An equivalence class generated by the relation "same size as" obtaining when there is a one-one mapping between the elements of two sets.
    3. The smallest ordinal number of some size.
    see also:
    large cardinal
    a class or division
    (philosophy, metaphysics)
    one of the fundamental kinds of things (see: Aristotle's Categories)
    a kind of mathematical structure, providing in some respects a very general mathematical counterpart to the notion of a concept. A collection of objects and of morphisms (or arrows) such that each morphism has a domain and codomain which are objects, each object has an identity morphism, and morphisms compose associatively. e.g. corresponding to the mathematical concept of a group there is a category of groups which contains as objects all the groups, and as arrows between these objects the group homomorphisms.
    category mistake
    a favourite kind of "philosophical puzzlement" to which the Oxford philosopher Gilbert Ryle drew attention. A category mistake occurs when a speaker or writer applies a concept outside the domain in which it can meaningfully be applied (often in the course of formulating some philosophical theory).
    see also:
    characteristica universalis
    (after Leibniz) a universal language into which any kind of problem can be translated (and then solved by calculation using a calculus ratiocinator). See: The Method of Mathematics.
    a collection of persons or things
    sometimes used interchangeably with or instead of set, sometimes used (e.g. in NBG) for collections which are "too large" to be sets.
    persuade or restrain (an unwilling person) by force
    coercion (1)
    the act or process of coercing
    coercion (2) (computing)
    the automatic conversion of a value in a computer program from one type to another as needed for the use made of the value in some particular context, e.g. the conversion of an integer to a floating point number before adding it to some other floating point number.
    see also:
    a function into an ordinal is cofinal if its range is unbounded in its codomain.
    the cofinality of an ordinal , cf( ), is the least ordinal which maps cofinally into .
    knowing, perceiving or conceiving as distinct from emotion or volition.
    a function primitive to or definable in pure combinatory logic
    combinatory logic
    a form of logic in which bound variables are not used
    Not simple. Not atomic. Structured.
    complex number
    A number formed of two parts, so called real and imaginary parts, both of which are real numbers.
    An electronic device which stores and processes data following instructions which are also stored in its memory (and can therefore easily be changed).
    computer algebra
    the use of computer programs which automate algebraic transformations, e.g. MACSYMA, Maple, Mathematica.
    One of the immediate constituent sentences of a conjunction, e.g. in "A and B" the conjuncts are "A" and "B".
    A compound sentence of the form "A and B".
    constructive logic
    A logic is constructive if existence proofs in the logic depend upon constructing something with the required property and may not proceed by reductio-absurdum.
    Might have been otherwise.
    (latin) of or from
    de dicto
    an ascription of a property or modality to a proposition
    de re
    an ascription of a property or modality to a thing
    A set is decidable iff there is an effective procedure for deciding whether any object is or is not a member of the set.
    the process of reasoning from premises to conclusions which are logically entailed by those premises. The conclusions of correct deductive inferences cannot possibly be false if the premises are true. See: What is Logic?".
    see also:
    by deduction
    deductively sound
    an inference is deductively sound if it is not logically possible that the premises be true and the conclusion false
    in a definition, that which is defined
    the body of a definition which gives the meaning to be assigned to the definiendum
    a statement in which a meaning (the definiens) is assigned to a word, symbol, phrase, or expression (the definiendum)
    letting the wind out
    deflationary conception of truth
    the view that the predicate true serves only limited purposes, such as indirect or compendious endorsement and disquotation.
    a system of government involving all, or a large part, of the people governed
    See also:
    participatory democracy
    representative democracy
    signify, indicate, mean, convey, name
    after Kripke, a distinction is sometimes made between denotation (which involves reference via a description) and naming in which reference is made without description
    denotational semantics (computing)
    a semantics for a programming or other language, given by defining mappings from each syntactic category into suitable semantic domains. The mappings are usually expected to be compositional, and "mathematical" semantic domains are often preferred (in which case it may be called a mathematical semantics).
    deontic logic
    a logic for reasoning about obligations and rights
    serve as the name or distinctive mark of
    a name or description which designates, or refers to, something
    one of the immediate constituent formulae or sentences in a disjunction, e.g. in "A or B", "A" and "B" are the disjuncts.
    a formula or sentence whose principle operator is logical (inclusive) or, e.g. "x>5 x<6"
    the removal of quotation marks, typically by the use of the predicate "is true", e.g.: "x>5 x<6" is true
    disquotation principle
    that "'S' is true iff S" for all sentences S
    given to asserting or imposing personal opinions
    a tendency to be dogmatic
    a dogmatic person
    (according to pyrrhonism and Sextus Empiricus)
    someone who is not a sceptic, and is willing to assert at least one proposition to be true
    a sphere of control or influence
    - of a function
    the collection of values for which the function is defined
    - of a relation (in set theory) -
    the set of elements or values which relate to some other element under the relation
    - in formal semantics
    a collection of values which represent the meanings of a certain class of linguistic entities.
    concerning motion or change
    dynamic semantics
    that aspect of the semantics of a programming language which is concerned with the effects of executing the program. Also used for the non-static aspects of the semantics of formal specification languages.
    effective procedure
    An effective procedure is an unambiguous prescription for computing some function or solving a class of problems.
    effectively computable
    A function is effectively computable if there is an effective procedure for computing the value of the function.
    effectively decidable
    A class of problems, or a set, is effectively decidable if there exists an effective procedure which will determine the answer to the problem (or membership of the set) terminating with the correct answer within a finite number of steps, for all candidates.
    effectively semi-decidable
    A class of problems, or a set, is effectively semi-decidable if there exists an effective procedure which terminates with a positive answer whenever the answer to the problem or the membership question is positive, but which may fail to terminate in the case that the answer is negative.
    based on observation or experiment
    one who emphasises the role of sensory experience or experimental evidence in the justification of knowledge.
    The theory of knowledge.
    epistemic logic
    A logic for reasoning about knowledge and belief.
    of a set
    the membership of the set
    of a property
    the collection of things which have the property
    of a function
    the mapping defined by the function, as distinct from any algorithm, rule or formula used to define the function
    of a set theory
    A set theory is extensional when two sets are equal iff they have the same extension.
    of a higher-order logic
    A higher order logic is extensional when two properties or functions are equal iff they have the same extension.
    a genre, treading the line between fact and fantasy
    an adjective used in factasia to describe some of its peculiar doctrines or methods
    factastic future engineering
    an approach to future engineering advocated in Factasia
    local abbreviation for formal analytic.
    FAn oracle
    an oracle for FAn conjectures and problems
    a doctrine which acts on certain propositions for reasons other than knowledge of or belief in the truth of the proposition, e.g. for pragmatic reasons. See: PS
    a doctrine which accepts sceptical arguments for the unattainability of absolutely certain knowledge but which admits definite affirmative judgements nonetheless. See: PS
    an area of operation or activity
    of a relation (in set theory) -
    the field of a relation is the set of all elements which relate to, or are related to by, some other element under the relation. The field is the union of the domain (also called the left field) and the range (also called the right field) of the relation.
    earliest in time or in some other ordering
    first order logic
    predicate logic involving quantification only over individuals, not over sets properties or functions (the ordering involved here is the ordering of types of entities in terms of the logical complexity of the entities).
    of notations - defined with mathematical precision, machine processable
    formal analytic
    an analytic truth or falsehood expressed in a formal notation
    a philosophy of mathematics mainly associated with the mathematician Hilbert.
    the solid ground or base on which a building rests.
    a term used in epistemology for theories of knowledge in which our knowledge of the "external" world is founded upon evidence provided by our senses. More generally, for knowledge of a certain kind of fact, the theory that this knowledge is derived from premises (often supposed indubitable) of a special kind.
    a right or privilege granted to a person or corporation
    1. not restricted or impeded, not controlled or bound
    2. at no cost
    free variable (logic)
    a variable which is not bound
    of self - develop and exploit one's gifts and character to the full.
    Something which determines for each of a number of possible values for arguments (to the function) a specific value which is the result of the function for that argument.
    (in set theory)
    a many-one relation (which is sometimes called the graph of the function)
    (in computing or constructive mathematics)
    an expression or rule which shows how the value of a function may be computed, or is otherwise determined by, the value of the argument to the function.
    that which is yet to come, what will be
    future engineering
    the engineering of the future
    A general proposition obtained by inference from particular cases.
    (in deductive logic)
    An inference from a proposition about an unspecified individual (as a free variable) to a universally quantified proposition. The rule which permits such inferences.
    A technique for encoding the formulae of arithmetic as numbers used by Kurt G&#246;del in his incompleteness proofs [G&#246;del31].
    see also:
    arithmetization (G&#246;delization is a technique for the arithmetization of logical syntax)
    G&#246;del number
    A number assigned to some syntactic entity by G&#246;delization.
    G&#246;del numbering
    see G&#246;delization
    Software which facilitates collaboration.
    cut or chop roughly, mangle
    (Computing, 1)
    to write a program hastily with little concern for elegance and structure
    (Computing 2)
    to attempt to gain unauthorised access to computer systems, usually through electronic networks
    Someone who hacks.
    The connotations of this term vary widely depending on who is using it. In the tradition now associated with the "open source" movement (which credits itself as the main source of the software infrastructure for the internet) a hacker is a hero who has made significant contributions to the development of open source software. In other milieu the term may be associated with over hasty and poorly engineered software development. In the popular press the term has been primarily associated with the practice of attempting illegally to penetrate computer systems and networks (i.e. nothing much to do with software development). A vigorous campaign by open source advocates to dissuade the press from this usage has had some marginal success (so small that I can't bring to mind the term which they are supposed to use instead).
    halting problem
    the problem of deciding for an arbitrary Turing machine and initial configuration (tape + position on tape + initial state) whether the Turing machine started in that configuration would ever halt.
    This term was coined by Karl Popper as a label for those kinds of social philosophy which engage in sweeping historical prophesy and assert the inevitability of the prophesied course of history.
    Higher Order Logic (1)
    A logical system, usually a Type Theory, with multiple ranges of quantification (usually called types) some of which contain sets or functions. See also: Church's Simple Theory of Types, Pure Type Systems
    Higher Order Logic (2)
    A proof tool, originally developed by the Hardware Verification Group at The University of Cambridge Computer Laboratories. Now available as several variants (HOL88, HOL90, HOL98, HOL Light), supporting the construction and checking of proofs in Higher Order Logic. There are also many more proof tools for variants of Higher Order Logic or for logical Type Theories which do not go under the name "HOL". There is an annual international workshop concerned with the development and application of these proof tools.
    An exacting standard of rationality based on the assertion only of formally proven analytic propositions.
    an underlying substance, as opposed to an attribute or that which is insubstantial
    reify, possibly fallaciously
    In combinatory logic, the identity combinator, a function which, when applied to some value always returns that same value.
    I = x. x
    if and only if
    not predicative
    A includes B if everything in B is also in A
    inclusion polymorphism
    a kind of polymorphism found in the type systems of object oriented programming languages in which some types are included in others. A type of object consisting of multiple named components would typically include the types whose objects have the same set of named components together with some additional components.
    a method of proving a general truth affirming that every one of a set of mathematical objects (e.g. the natural numbers) has a certain property (e.g. has exactly one prime factorisation). The method depends upon their being a systematic way of constructing all the elements of the set by starting with one of a finite set of basis elements and repeatedly applying a finite number of constructions (for the natural numbers the basis is the number 0, and the method of construction is addition of 1). An inductive proof then consists of a proof that the basis elements each have the required property and a proof that the construction, when applied to elements having the property, will yield an element also having the property. Mathematical induction is in fact a kind of deduction. It is also called structural induction.
    scientific induction is the process of concluding empirical generalisations from particular instances, where this is not deductively sound because not all possible instances are premises
    where two things lie across each other
    (in set theory)
    the intersection of two sets a and b is that set whose members are those things which are members both of a and of b
    a position in the Philosophy of Mathematics mainly associated with L.E.J.Brouwer
    the meaning or internal content of a concept, as contrasted with its extension
    the strenuous exertion of the mind or will
    of a logic
    not extensional
    of an act
    thing intended
    in error, or perhaps correctly in American English: intensional
    intentional stance
    the attempt to understand an artefact by second guessing the intentions of its designer [[Dennett95] ch.9 p.229]
    intentional systems
    Systems whose behaviour can be - at least sometimes - explained and predicted by relying on ascriptions to the system of beliefs and desires (and hopes, fears, intentions, hunches,...). [also from Dennett]
    The critical faculty whereby we assess the truth of claims, an application of, or the result of applying this faculty.
    in formal logic
    in some formal logics the theorems of the system are called judgements and there may be a single form of judgement (as in Frege's Begriffsschrift, where a judgement always takes the form of the assertion, using a vertical bar, of a content formed using a horizontal bar), or multiple forms (as, for example, in the contructive type theories of Per Martin L&#246;f).
    Show the justice or rightness of.
    that which justifies (or warrant's)
    in epistemology
    knowledge may be explained or defined as "justified true belief", in which case the question what (if anything) counts as justification of a claim to knowledge becomes a central problem
    (combinatory logic)
    the constant combinator. A function which, when applied to some value, yields a constant function which always returns that value.
    K = x y. x
    considerate, generous, affectionate
    Class, type, sort, variety.
    a polymorphic logical type theory which has operations over types may have a second tier of typing in which types and operators over them are assigned to kinds.
    justified true belief
    the greek letter
    lambda abstraction
    a syntactic construct denoting a function, beginning with the lambda symbol which binds a variable in an expression which denotes the value of the function for the argument whose value is denoted by the variable, e.g. " x. x*x" is a lambda expression denoting the square function.
    lambda calculus
    a notation and calculus involving lambda abstraction, widely used logic and in theoretical computer science
    large cardinal
    a cardinal number at least as large as the first strongly inaccessible cardinal
    that beyond which something may not pass
    (in mathematics)
    a quantity which the value of a function or sequence or the sum of a series approaches arbitrarily closely
    limit ordinal
    an ordinal number which is not a successor ordinal
    As a subject
    The study of reasoning
    a logic
    a (usually formal) system encoding principles of reasoning.
    logical atomism
    A philosophical position associated with Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein involving logical analysis of propositions into atomic propositions and their correspondence with the structure of reality (in the form of facts).
    logical construction
    A method (advocated by Bertrand Russell and originating in his philosophy of mathematics) permitting parsimonious ontologists to maximise their use of Occam's razor by "logically constructing" entities as complexes of simpler things to which one is already committed. Most notoriously, of physical objects from sense data
    logical necessity
    A proposition is logically necessary if it is true in all possible worlds.
    logical positivism
    The name adopted by the Vienna Circle (including Rudolf Carnap and Alfred Ayer) for their philosophical position, most famous for introducing the verification principle as a criterion for meaning of synthetic propositions, and for dismissing metaphysics as meaningless
    what is meant by, or the significance or importance of, a word, sentence or event
    meaning-truth platitude
    the principle that the truth value of a statement depends only on its meaning and the state of the world in certain respects
    What it takes to realise some end. Maybe material or intellectual resources, maybe methods.
    arranging to be accomplished by machinery (possibly by computers or calculators)
    mechanisation of mathematics
    The automation of mathematical methods, usually by programming digital computers.
    that branch of philosophy which is concerned with ontology and other a priori aspects of the nature of the universe
    a unit of cultural transmission or of imitation (coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene [Dawkins89] ).
    the science (or pseudo science) of memes.
    memetic future engineering
    the use of memetics in future engineering
    A prescription, recipe or algorithm describing how to achieve some purpose or end.
    concerning possibility, impossibility, necessity or contingency
    modal logic
    a diverse family of logics involving modal operators, usually rendered and . The original interpretation of these symbols was for "necessarily" and "possibly" respectively, but other applications of modal logics have introduced alternative interpretations, e.g. in relation to time (always, sometime), provability (provable, consistent), and knowledge (know, believe).
    a representation of something, possibly smaller (scale model), simplified, made more precise (mathematical model), or idealised.
    (of a first order theory)
    A model of a first order theory is an interpretation of the language of the theory which satisfies all the non-logical axioms of the theory.
    An abstract model, defined with mathematical precision, of some thing or phenomenon, which may be used to reason about or calculate its behaviour. Often used in engineering design to ensure that a design will fulfill its intended purpose.
    model theory
    A major branch of mathematical logic which studies the models of first order theories.
    existing in, or caused by, nature
    natural meaning
    the meaning or significance of some natural entity or phenomenon
    non-natural meaning
    the meaning of words and sentences
    natural number
    The non-negative whole numbers, zero and those numbers which can be reached by counting upwards from zero. Occasionally used to mean the strictly positive whole numbers, excluding zero.
    Imitating nature closely.
    naturalistic fallacy
    Phrase used by the philosopher G.E.Moore for the fallacy of supposing that the good is susceptible of definition.
    could not possibly be otherwise
    See also:
    logical necessity
    A kind of mathematical object on which computations are performed.
    A written expression (i.e. a bit of syntax) which denotes a number, as distinct from the number itself. e.g. the numeral which denotes 45 is "45".
    Analogous to the disquotional principle (concerning truth) we might put forward a disquotational principle for numerals: that "'n' denotes n" for all numerals n.
    a branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being
    pertaining to ontology
    ontological conception of vagueness
    the theory that some vagueness is inherent in the nature of things themselves, rather than in the language we use to talk about them (see also: semantic conception of vagueness)
    not permitting the transmission of light, or of enlightenment
    the property of being opaque
    undisguised, public, manifest; not exclusive or limited
    open brand
    a brand which is not limited to use by some particular organisation but is made generally available under terms similar to those for Open Source software.
    open mind
    a mind open to new ideas, lacking in prejudice, not dogmatic.
    open sesame
    a way of acquiring or achieving something which would not normally be possible (magic words used in The Arabian Nights)
    open society
    a society with wide dissemination of information and freedom of belief. See: [Popper45a/b].
    open source
    a software development ethos in which the product and its sources are licenced without charge under very liberal licencing conditions. See
    concerning methods of working
    operational semantics
    a semantics for a programming language, given by defining how the program should (or could) be evaluated or compiled
    See also:
    structured operational semantics
    a person or thing regarded as infallible
    (recursion theory)
    the study of relative recursiveness involves reasoning about the capabilities of Turing machines equipped with an oracle capable of answering a problem the Turing machine could not otherwise have answered (e.g. an oracle for the halting problem).
    see also:
    FAn oracle
    of or concerning and order
    ordinal number
    numbers denoting position ("first", "second", "third", ...), as opposed to cardinal numbers indicating quantity ("one", "two", "three", ...).
    See also:
    successor ordinal
    limit ordinal
    load excessively
    overloading (computing)
    a kind of polymorphism in programming languages involving the use of the same name to denote several different values or operations.
    a figure of speech which is apparently self contradictory
    a value which controls the effect of some operation or procedure
    parametric polymorphism
    a kind of polymorphic type system in which a polymorphic function takes an (implicit or explicit) type parameter and processes in a uniform manner arguments of a polymorphic type involving a type variable which is instantiated by the type parameter.
    take part in
    participatory democracy
    a democracy in which people may participate directly in decision making processes rather than indirectly throught the election of representatives.
    See also:
    representative democracy
    piece by piece, gradually
    piecemeal engineering
    a kind of social engineering advocated by Karl Popper.
    See also:
    utopian engineering
    the search for truth through reason
    performative utterence
    an utterence which, while appearing to make a statement, should (according to J.L.Austin) be understood as performing an action, e.g. "I promise...".
    the doctrine that physical reality is all that there is
    (after Plato) the doctrine that abstract entities really do exist (often specialised to some particular domain, e.g. mathematics)
    the use of more words than are needed to give the sense
    Coming in various different forms, e.g. the caterpillar and the butterfly are different forms of one polymorphic insect.
    polymorphic type
    a generic type, usually involving a type variable, which can be instantiated to multiple specific types
    polymorphic type system
    a type system is polymorphic if it is possible in it to define functions which operate over more than one type of data. Such a function would have a polymorphic type.
    the property of being polymorphic.
    see also:
    ad hoc polymorphism
    inclusion polymorphism
    parametric polymorphism
    universal polymorphism
    Positivist philosophy in its broadest sense is a general tendency in philosophy which embraces aspects of the thought of many philosophers including Humean scepticism, the work of Comte (who coined the term), elements of utilitarianism and pragmatism, and logical positivism. The term also has application in other disciplines, e.g. legal positivism.
    that part of a sentence which affirms something of the subject of the sentence
    predicate logic
    a logic in which the internal structure of propositions is exposed by constructing atomic propositions from predicate applied to some subject, or relation expressed between several. By contrast with a propositional logic in which atomic propositions are not further be analysed.
    formed or contained in the predicate
    predicative type theory
    a type theory in which objects may be defined using predicates involving quantification over some whole of which the defined object is an element
    known only to an individual or to a select group
    private language (1)
    a language which can, in principle, only be understood by one person
    private language (2)
    a language in which it is possible for an individual to talk (or write) about things which are private to him
    program (computing)
    a set of instructions for a computer prescribing how some task is to be performed
    programming language (computing)
    a language designed for programming computers
    a projectivist theory about some domain of discourse is one which claims that statements about that domain are not objective claims about reality but are projections onto the world of feelings or other mental states of the speaker, e.g. the position of David Hume and of logical positivism about ethical statements.
    proof theoretic strength
    a measure of the strength of a formal logical system.
    that which is expressed by a statement
    propositional connective
    a word used to construct a compound proposition from one or more constituent propositions, e.g. and, or, not.
    propositional function
    in the context of some logic, a function whose value is a proposition or a truth value, as appropriate. In classical logic, a boolean valued function. Examples include the boolean operators.
    propositional logic
    an elementary form of logic concerned with truth functional combinations of atomic propositions
    propositional tautology
    a valid formula of propositional logic
    See also:
    the intrusion of psychological considerations into logic (also used similarly in relation to other disciplines)
    unmixed, unadulterated
    pure type system (logic)
    a type system presented in a systematic way devised by Henk Barendregt. This presentation is helpful (inter alia) in making clear the interpretation of these type theories as logics under the propositions-as-types interpretation.
    the philosophy of Pyrrho of Elis (c300 b.c.), the ultimate scepticism
    the use of a quantifier
    a linguistic construct in which an assertion is made using a variable which ranges over some domain of discourse
    see also:
    universal quantifier
    the essence of a person or thing
    (see also: [Quine87])
    the verb "to quine" was coined by the tortoise in Douglas Hofstadter's G&#246;del, Escher, Bach [Hofstadter80] as the name of a process devised by W.V.Quine which is helpful in explaining G&#246;del's proof of the incompleteness of arithmetic [G&#246;del31]. To quine a phrase is to form a larger phrase or sentence (or nonesense) by writing the phrase first in quotation marks, and then once more without the quotation marks. In brief, to precede the phrase by its quotation.
    For example, the phrase "yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation", when quined gives:
    "yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation" yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation
    a variant of the liar paradox. This technique is used (together with g&#246;delization) to explain G&#246;del's construction of a sentence of arithmetic which asserts its own unprovability.
    quine corner
    The symbols " " and " ", used by W.V.Quine as G&#246;delizing braces, are sometimes known as "quine corners". The expression formed by enclosing an expression or formula of first order arithmetic in quine corners (as in 45+7=50 ) is a "shorthand" for the G&#246;del numeral of the enclosed expression and therefore denotes the relevant G&#246;del number.
    the area over which a thing is distributed
    - of a relation (in set theory) -
    the set of elements or values which are related to some other element under the relation
    based on reason
    rational number
    a number which is either zero or the ratio of two non-zero whole numbers
    see also:
    one who emphasises the role of reason in the justification of knowledge.
    not imaginary
    real number
    the limit of a convergent sequence of rationals
    belief in objective existence, often relative to some type of entity
    involving self-reference
    (in computer science and logic)
    a definition of a function or procedure is recursive if it involves reference to the function or procedure being defined, i.e. if during evaluation the function or procedure may invoke itself (usually with different arguments).
    recursive function (logic)
    a recursive function is one which is effectively computable, whose evaluation always terminates with a result.
    recursive set (logic)
    a set is recursive if the question of membership in the set is effectively decidable.
    recursively enumerable (logic)
    a set is recursively enumerable if there is an effective procedure for enumerating the members of the set. Equivalently, if its membership question is semi-decidable.
    conforming to a standard, complete, thorough, absolute
    regular ordinal
    an ordinal is regular if it is a limit ordinal whose cofinality, cf( ), is .
    the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
    what one person or thing has to do with another
    (logic, set theory)
    a correspondence between two sets (say A, B) represented by a set of ordered pairs, each containing one element from A and one from B.
    convert into a thing, materialise
    (computing, formal methods)
    to realise an abstract specification as an executable program
    see also:
    consisting of elected deputies
    representative democracy
    a democracy in which government effected by elected representatives of the people
    see also:
    participatory democracy
    inflexible, strict
    rigid designator
    a name or description which designates the same object in every possible world
    nonrigid designator
    a designator which is not rigid
    someone inclined to doubt accepted opinions
    systematic doubt. See also: PS
    See also:
    1. a unit of time
    2. coming immediately after the first, in time or in some other ordering
    second order logic
    a logic in which entities are typed, each type forming a domain of quantification, among which there is type of individuals and a type of second order entities (sets, properties, relations or functions of or over individuals) but no types of higher than second order.
    concerning meaning
    semantic conception of vagueness
    the theory that vagueness originates in language and is not an objective feature of the world (see also: ontological conception of vagueness)
    semantic creativity
    the ability of users of a language to understand sentences which they have never previously encountered
    semantic holism
    the idea that the meaning of linguistic constructs is dependent on the rest of the language of which they are a part
    semantic irrealism
    the denial that there are any semantic facts
    semantic naturalism
    theories which consider natural language semantics to be definable in terms of the concepts of the natural sciences.
    See also:
    axiomatic semantics
    denotational semantics
    dynamic semantics
    operational semantics
    static semantics
    structured operational semantics
    see: effectively semi-decidable
    the study of signs and symbols
    an unstructured collection
    set theory
    a theory of sets, e.g. ZF.
    See also:
    an imaginary means of suspension in the sky
    a mistake of grammar or of idiom
    a group of things with common attributes, a type or kind. Typically used in preference to type in the context of a first order logical system (as in "many-sorted first-order logic"). Also used by Barendregt in his pure type systems as a generic term covering types, kinds
    to rearrange a list or sequence according to a prescribed ordering relation
    a logic is sound with respect to its semantics if only true sentences are derivable under the inference rules from premises which are themselves all true.
    formation of theories or conjectures, especially without a firm factual basis
    unmoving or unchanging
    static semantics
    that aspect of the semantics of a computer programming language which is concerned with type constraints (which are usually checked by a compiler before execution of the program). Also used for similar aspects of formal specification languages, which however need not be decidable.
    static type checking
    a type system for a programming language allows for static type checking if it is possible to check conformance to the type constraints at compile time.
    strong type checking
    a type system for a programming language allows for strong type checking if a type correct program will give no data type related errors during execution.
    strongly rigid designator
    a rigid designator of a necessary object
    See also:
    proof theoretic strength
    a set of interconnected parts of any complex thing
    structured operational semantics
    an operational semantics presented as an axiom system permitting the derivation of transformations over a canonical syntax
    something which immediately follows
    successor ordinal
    an ordinal number which immediately follows some other ordinal number, i.e. which is obtained by adding one to an ordinal
    See also:
    limit ordinal
    that aspect of the study or definition of languages which concerns rules governing which constructs in a language are well-formed
    says something about the real world
    1. the saying of the same thing twice over in different words
    2. a statement in which the predicate asserts no more than is contained in the meaning of the subject
    3. an instance of a valid formula of propositional logic
    4. a complex proposition which is true independently of the truth values of its constituent atomic propositions
    5. a statement that is necessarily true
    6. an analytic statement
    see also:
    propositional tautology
    temporal logic
    A modal logic in which one can reason about time.
    TOE - Theory Of Everything
    A term used for the elusive goal of the quest to unify the fundamental (but incompatible) theories of physics, viz. general relativity and quantum theory. This would supposedly yield a single coherent (and true) theory (a TOE) to which all other scientific theories would be in principle reducible (which is where the everything comes from). (e.g. string theory)
    an instance of a type
    transitive relation
    a relation is transitive iff for all elements x, y and z in the field of the relation, if x is related to y and y related to z then x is related to z.
    transitive set
    a set s is transitive iff every member of s is a subset of s.
    the property of being true
    Turing machine
    a kind of automaton invented by the logician Alan Turing for the purpose of establishing the existence of unsolvable problems
    a collection of things or persons having common characteristics
    type checking (computing)
    a stage in the compilation or interpretation of computer programs in which the conformance of the program to defined typing rules is checked.
    see also:
    static type checking
    strong type checking
    type sentence (philosophy)
    Used by some philosophers to distinguish a syntactical object from its instances (which are then called tokens). This sentence might then be called a type sentence of which the instance occurring on the screen in front of you is a token.
    type system (computing)
    a system for classifying data values manipulated by computer programs, usually specific to a particular high level programming language
    see also:
    polymorphic type system
    pure type system
    type theory (logic)
    a logical system in which the domain of discourse consists of a number of types, each of which is a collection of elements (of that type), and in which logical variables are associated with a type and range over the elements of that type.
    type variable (computing and logic)
    In a typed programming language or logical system a type variable is a variable which ranges over some or all of the available types.
    a whole resulting from combination of parts or members
    (in set theory)
    the union of two sets a and b is that set whose members are those things which are either members of a or of b (or of both)
    an individual or element, in the domain of a set theory, which is not a set
    completely general
    that (if anything) which is referred to by general terms (e.g. virtuousness)
    universal polymorphism
    (after [CardelliTDP]) those kinds of polymorphism in programming languages in which a polymorphic function uses a single algorithm independent of the type of its arguments, e.g. inclusion polymorphism and parametric polymorphism.
    universal characteristic (philosophy)
    an english translation of Characteristica Universalis, the name given by Leibniz to his proposed universal language in which all things be expressed and which would also be universally intelligible. See: The Method of Mathematics.
    universal quantifier (logic)
    a variable binding construct used in a logic to express the proposition that some expression is true of every element in a domain of discourse or of a type
    An imagined perfect place or state of things, e.g. The Factasian Utopia.
    utopian engineering
    Term used by Karl Popper in [Popper45a] for approaches to social engineering which involve first drawing a blueprint (i.e. describing the desired utopia) and then devising an implementation plan. Utopian engineering is contrasted with historicism, which is fatalistic and therefore may regard blueprints and plans as superfluous, and piecemeal engineering, which, fearful of repeating past blunders of utopian engineering, confines itself to a kind of sociological firefighting.
    Principles or standards, one's judgement of what is valuable or important.
    value agent
    A non-profit value-promoting agent in the Factasia Value Net.
    value net
    The economic infrastructure of Factasia.
    value system
    A coherent, organised collection of values, e.g. The Factasia Value System.
    a name used in a formal notation, either for an unspecified value (of some particular type) (a free variable) or in a variable binding construct (such as universal quantification or lambda abstraction) (a bound variable).
    see also:
    type variable
    The process of establishing the truth of a proposition.
    the verification principle
    A principle of logical positivism to the effect that the meaning of a statement lies in its method of verification, and that a statement is meaningful iff it can in principle be verified.
    Vienna Circle
    A group of philosophical scientists and scientific philosophers which flourished in Vienna during the late 1920s and early 1930s and was the source of the philosophy of logical positivism.
    Apparent, not real.
    virtual brand
    A brand (as in product marketing) promoted in its own right, not closely associated with tangible product. A branded vision or ideology promulgated through cyber-space.
    virtual corporation
    (1 - strong)
    A company with few or no employees and no physical assets, possibly identified with a virtual brand.
    (2 - weak)
    A company which conducts a significant part of its business electronically, or which makes use of telecommuting.
    Moral excellence, goodness.
    Imaginative insight or foresight.
    anything that authorises a person or an action
    epistemic warrant
    that which justifies a claim to knowledge
    a particular philosophy or view of life
    Zermelo Set Theory
    The first axiomatisation of set theory published by Ernst Zermelo in 1908 [Zermelo08] in response to the antinomies found in informal set theory by Russell and others. Intended to provide a consistent foundation for mathematics, its consistency remains unimpeached, though it has been found necessary to augment the theory with the axiom of replacement (see ZF) to provide an adequate foundation for modern mathematics. Zermelo's system includes the axiom of choice, but the letter "Z" is now normally used to refer to his system with the axiom of choice omitted.
    The Z specification language
    A language developed by Jean Raymond Abrial and others at the University of Oxford, broadly similar in strength and character to Zermelo set theory (though the etymology seems uncertain), but with a much richer syntax oriented to applications in the specification of software.
    Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, an axiomatisation of set theory consisting of Zermelo set theory (see above) strengthened with the axiom of replacement, due to Abraham Fraenkel, the effect of which is to ensure that any collection of sets which can be shown to be no greater in size than an existing set is itself a set.
    Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory augmented by the axiom of choice.
    محمد لعضمات :lol:

  • #2

    <p align="right"><font face="Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="5"><strong><font color="#660000">جزاك الله خيرا أولا<br /><br />كانت ستكون الفائدة أكثر، لو كان هناك أشارة ما بين الكلمة ومعناها أو تفسيرها من جهة ومن جهة أخرى ما بينها وبين الكلمة التي تليها ومعناها أو تفسيرها بعلامة مميزة متفردة لكل  منهما</font></strong></font></p>

