مؤلف رسالة
شاركت: 14 فبراير 2006
نشرات: 274
المكان: UK
ارسل: الاربعاء مارس 08, 2006 12:07 pm موضوع الرسالة: U.S. MILITARY ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST
3M maintenance and material management (MMM)
AWSI avionics-weapons system integration
A/A air-to-air
A/C air conditioner
A/C aircraft
A/D analog/digital
A/S airspeed
AAA anti-aircraft artillery
AAA artifacts, agents and activities
AAAA army aviation association of america
AAB aviation armament bulletin (tdc 57)
AAC aircraft armament change (tdc 56)
AAI aircraft armament inc (aai corp baltimore)
AALC amphibious assault landing craft
AALCT amphibious assault landing craft
AAR air-to air receive
AATR air-to-air transmit/receive mode
AAW anti-air warfare
AAWBOT aviation antisubmarine warfare basic operator trainer
ABC analog backup computer
ABEC analog backup engine control
ABECL left engine abec
ABECR right engine abec
ABF advanced beam former (searchlight)
ABIT automatic built-in test
ABIU avionics bay interface unit
ABL allocated baseline
ABU analog backup
AC alternating current
AC armament computer
ACADA advanced chemical agent detector and alarm
ACALS army computer-aided acquistion & logistics support
ACAS application control architecture services
ACB aircrew bulletin (tdc 67)
ACC accept
ACC aircrew change (tdc 66)
ACC american communications corp
ACCB aircraft change control board
ACCE aircraft change control board
ACCS advanced communications control system
ACE acquisition career enhancement
ACE aircraft common equipment
ACFT aircraft
ACI allocated configuration identification
ACK acknowledge
ACLS auto carrier landing system (an/spn-xx)
ACMS air combat maneuvering system
ACMS air combat maneuvering simulator
ACMT automated configuration management tool
ACN advance change notice
ACO administrative contracting officer
ACS access
ACSIT aegis combat system interactive trainer
ACSUBS aircraft subsystems
ACT actuator
ACTR actuator
ACTS air combat training systems (pmtrade)
AD destroyer tender (material support)
AD/PE acquisition director / project engineer
ADA air defense artillery
ADA airborne data automation
ADA name (not acronym) of high level computer programming language
ADC air data computer
ADCAP advanced capability (mk 48 torpedo)
ADCS airborne data collection system
ADDR address
ADF automatic direction finder
ADI attitude director indicator
ADL authorized data list
ADLAT advanced low altitude technique
ADP automatic data processing
ADPA american defense preparedness association
ADPSO automatic data processing security officer
ADS air data system
ADS automated data system
ADSU air direction sensing unit
ADU air data unit
ADU audio distribution unit
AE ammunition ship (underway replenishment)
AEA auxillary engine assembly
AED active expendable decoy
AEL allowance equipage list
AEMS aircraft engine management system
AEO all engines operating
AESAT avionics & electrical systems advanced trainer
AF air force
AF store ship (underway replenishment)
AFA audio frequency amplifier
AFB airframe bulletin (tdc 74)
AFC airframe change (tdc 50)
AFCS automatic flight control system
AFDB large auxiliary floating dry dock (non self-propelled)
AFDL small auxiliary floating dry dock (non self-propelled)
AFDM medium auxiliary floating dry dock (non self-propelled)
AFFTC air force flight test center
AFLC air force logistics command
AFPRO air force plant representative office
AFS a distributed product of transarc
AFS combat store ship (underway replenishment)
AFSC air force systems command
AFSC air force speciality code
AFT after
AFTA advanced first term avionics
AFTRBDY afterbody
AFWL air force weapons laboratory
AG miscellaneous auiliary ship
AGB accessory gear box
AGDS deep submergence support ship (misc)
AGEH hydrofoil research ship (misc)
AGF miscellaneous command ship
AGFF frigate research ship (misc)
AGL above ground level
AGM missile range instrumentation ship (misc)
AGOR oceanographic research ship (misc)
AGOS ocean surveillance ship (misc)
AGP patrol craft tender (misc)
AGR air to ground ranging
AGS surveying ship (misc)
AGSI stabilized glide slope indicator (shipboard)
AGSS auxiliary research submarine (misc)
AH hospital ship (misc)
AHD ahead
AHIP army helicopter improvement program
AHRS attitude heading reference system
AIB action item browser
AIC air intercept controller
AIC allowance item code
AIC anti-ice command
AIF airborne inhabited fighter
AIL asset interchange language
AIM authoring instructional materials program
AIMD aircraft intermediate maintenance dept
AIMS altitude identification and measuring system
AIOL add oil level
AIPF anti-ice valve position failure
AIS automatic information system
AIT aircraft interface tester
AIT automated interactive target
AIVP anti-ice valve position
AIVPC anti-ice valve position command
AIVPFL anti-ice valve position failure left engine
AIVPFR anti-ice valve position failure right engine
AIVPL anti-ice valve position left engine
AIVPR anti-ice valve position right engine
AIX ibm advanced interactive executive operating system (ibm)
AJPO ada joint program office
AK cargo ship (misc)
AKA also known as
AL aluminum
ALC alternate logistic support analysis control number
ALOAF asset library open architecture framework
ALPS automated library publishing system
ALRT alert
ALT altimeter
ALT altitude
ALTAIR automated labor/time and attendance input and reporting
ALTMS automated library technical manual system
ALWT advanced lightweight torpedo
AM amplitude modulation
AMAC aircraft monitor control
AMC acquisition method code
AME aviation metalsmith (environmental control syst)
AMP acquisition management plan
AMRAAM advanced medium range air-to-air missile
AMS asset management system
AMSDL acquisition management system and data requirements list
AMST advanced medium range stol transport
ANDVT advanced narrowband digital voice terminal
ANS artificial neural systems
ANSI american national standards institute
ANT antenna
ANT/DET antenna/detector
ANVIS aviator's night vision imaging system
AO oiler (underway replenishment)
AOA angle of attack
AOE fast combat support ship (underway replenishment)
AOG gasoline tanker (misc)
AOILL add oil left engine
AOILR add oil right engine
AOR annual operating requirement
AOR replenishment oiler (underway replenishment)
AOT transport oiler
AP acquisition plan
AP transport (misc)
APADE automated purchase and accounting data entry
APARS automated printing and retrieval system
APB self-propelled barracks ship (misc)
APC acquistion professional community
APC approach power compensator
API armor piercing incendiary
APL allowance parts list
APN aviation procurement navy
APN1 apn funds budget one, weapon system production dollars
APN2 apn funds budget area two, minor non-weapon system <$10k
APN3 apn funds budget area three, non-weapon system procurement
APP advanced procurement plan
APP applications portability profile
APPL/A ada process programming language based on aspen
APPR approach
APROX approximately
APS avionic processing system
APSE ada program support environment
APU auxiliary power unit
AQP airworthiness qualification plan
AR repair ship (material support)
ARBS angle rate bombing set
ARC airborne radio communications
ARC cable repairing ship (misc)
ARCS automated reusable components system
ARD arinc and discrete circuit card
ARD auxiliary repair dry dock (non self-propelled)
ARDM medium auxiliary repair dry dock (non self-propelled)
ARH arli-radiation homer
ARINC aeronautical radio inc
ARM anti radiation missile
ARMT armament
ARN aeronautical radio navigation
ARPS advanced radar processing system
ARS aerial refueling store
AS airspeed
AS submarine tender (material support)
ASAC anti-submarine air controller
ASB airborne software bulletin (tdc 94)
ASC airborne sofware change (tdc 93)
ASCII american standard computer information interchange
ASD assistant secretary of defense
ASDS airborne serial data system
ASE aircraft survivability equipment
ASEMICAP air systems emi corrective action
شاركت: 14 فبراير 2006
نشرات: 274
المكان: UK
ارسل: الاربعاء مارس 08, 2006 12:07 pm موضوع الرسالة: U.S. MILITARY ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYM LIST
3M maintenance and material management (MMM)
AWSI avionics-weapons system integration
A/A air-to-air
A/C air conditioner
A/C aircraft
A/D analog/digital
A/S airspeed
AAA anti-aircraft artillery
AAA artifacts, agents and activities
AAAA army aviation association of america
AAB aviation armament bulletin (tdc 57)
AAC aircraft armament change (tdc 56)
AAI aircraft armament inc (aai corp baltimore)
AALC amphibious assault landing craft
AALCT amphibious assault landing craft
AAR air-to air receive
AATR air-to-air transmit/receive mode
AAW anti-air warfare
AAWBOT aviation antisubmarine warfare basic operator trainer
ABC analog backup computer
ABEC analog backup engine control
ABECL left engine abec
ABECR right engine abec
ABF advanced beam former (searchlight)
ABIT automatic built-in test
ABIU avionics bay interface unit
ABL allocated baseline
ABU analog backup
AC alternating current
AC armament computer
ACADA advanced chemical agent detector and alarm
ACALS army computer-aided acquistion & logistics support
ACAS application control architecture services
ACB aircrew bulletin (tdc 67)
ACC accept
ACC aircrew change (tdc 66)
ACC american communications corp
ACCB aircraft change control board
ACCE aircraft change control board
ACCS advanced communications control system
ACE acquisition career enhancement
ACE aircraft common equipment
ACFT aircraft
ACI allocated configuration identification
ACK acknowledge
ACLS auto carrier landing system (an/spn-xx)
ACMS air combat maneuvering system
ACMS air combat maneuvering simulator
ACMT automated configuration management tool
ACN advance change notice
ACO administrative contracting officer
ACS access
ACSIT aegis combat system interactive trainer
ACSUBS aircraft subsystems
ACT actuator
ACTR actuator
ACTS air combat training systems (pmtrade)
AD destroyer tender (material support)
AD/PE acquisition director / project engineer
ADA air defense artillery
ADA airborne data automation
ADA name (not acronym) of high level computer programming language
ADC air data computer
ADCAP advanced capability (mk 48 torpedo)
ADCS airborne data collection system
ADDR address
ADF automatic direction finder
ADI attitude director indicator
ADL authorized data list
ADLAT advanced low altitude technique
ADP automatic data processing
ADPA american defense preparedness association
ADPSO automatic data processing security officer
ADS air data system
ADS automated data system
ADSU air direction sensing unit
ADU air data unit
ADU audio distribution unit
AE ammunition ship (underway replenishment)
AEA auxillary engine assembly
AED active expendable decoy
AEL allowance equipage list
AEMS aircraft engine management system
AEO all engines operating
AESAT avionics & electrical systems advanced trainer
AF air force
AF store ship (underway replenishment)
AFA audio frequency amplifier
AFB airframe bulletin (tdc 74)
AFC airframe change (tdc 50)
AFCS automatic flight control system
AFDB large auxiliary floating dry dock (non self-propelled)
AFDL small auxiliary floating dry dock (non self-propelled)
AFDM medium auxiliary floating dry dock (non self-propelled)
AFFTC air force flight test center
AFLC air force logistics command
AFPRO air force plant representative office
AFS a distributed product of transarc
AFS combat store ship (underway replenishment)
AFSC air force systems command
AFSC air force speciality code
AFT after
AFTA advanced first term avionics
AFTRBDY afterbody
AFWL air force weapons laboratory
AG miscellaneous auiliary ship
AGB accessory gear box
AGDS deep submergence support ship (misc)
AGEH hydrofoil research ship (misc)
AGF miscellaneous command ship
AGFF frigate research ship (misc)
AGL above ground level
AGM missile range instrumentation ship (misc)
AGOR oceanographic research ship (misc)
AGOS ocean surveillance ship (misc)
AGP patrol craft tender (misc)
AGR air to ground ranging
AGS surveying ship (misc)
AGSI stabilized glide slope indicator (shipboard)
AGSS auxiliary research submarine (misc)
AH hospital ship (misc)
AHD ahead
AHIP army helicopter improvement program
AHRS attitude heading reference system
AIB action item browser
AIC air intercept controller
AIC allowance item code
AIC anti-ice command
AIF airborne inhabited fighter
AIL asset interchange language
AIM authoring instructional materials program
AIMD aircraft intermediate maintenance dept
AIMS altitude identification and measuring system
AIOL add oil level
AIPF anti-ice valve position failure
AIS automatic information system
AIT aircraft interface tester
AIT automated interactive target
AIVP anti-ice valve position
AIVPC anti-ice valve position command
AIVPFL anti-ice valve position failure left engine
AIVPFR anti-ice valve position failure right engine
AIVPL anti-ice valve position left engine
AIVPR anti-ice valve position right engine
AIX ibm advanced interactive executive operating system (ibm)
AJPO ada joint program office
AK cargo ship (misc)
AKA also known as
AL aluminum
ALC alternate logistic support analysis control number
ALOAF asset library open architecture framework
ALPS automated library publishing system
ALRT alert
ALT altimeter
ALT altitude
ALTAIR automated labor/time and attendance input and reporting
ALTMS automated library technical manual system
ALWT advanced lightweight torpedo
AM amplitude modulation
AMAC aircraft monitor control
AMC acquisition method code
AME aviation metalsmith (environmental control syst)
AMP acquisition management plan
AMRAAM advanced medium range air-to-air missile
AMS asset management system
AMSDL acquisition management system and data requirements list
AMST advanced medium range stol transport
ANDVT advanced narrowband digital voice terminal
ANS artificial neural systems
ANSI american national standards institute
ANT antenna
ANT/DET antenna/detector
ANVIS aviator's night vision imaging system
AO oiler (underway replenishment)
AOA angle of attack
AOE fast combat support ship (underway replenishment)
AOG gasoline tanker (misc)
AOILL add oil left engine
AOILR add oil right engine
AOR annual operating requirement
AOR replenishment oiler (underway replenishment)
AOT transport oiler
AP acquisition plan
AP transport (misc)
APADE automated purchase and accounting data entry
APARS automated printing and retrieval system
APB self-propelled barracks ship (misc)
APC acquistion professional community
APC approach power compensator
API armor piercing incendiary
APL allowance parts list
APN aviation procurement navy
APN1 apn funds budget one, weapon system production dollars
APN2 apn funds budget area two, minor non-weapon system <$10k
APN3 apn funds budget area three, non-weapon system procurement
APP advanced procurement plan
APP applications portability profile
APPL/A ada process programming language based on aspen
APPR approach
APROX approximately
APS avionic processing system
APSE ada program support environment
APU auxiliary power unit
AQP airworthiness qualification plan
AR repair ship (material support)
ARBS angle rate bombing set
ARC airborne radio communications
ARC cable repairing ship (misc)
ARCS automated reusable components system
ARD arinc and discrete circuit card
ARD auxiliary repair dry dock (non self-propelled)
ARDM medium auxiliary repair dry dock (non self-propelled)
ARH arli-radiation homer
ARINC aeronautical radio inc
ARM anti radiation missile
ARMT armament
ARN aeronautical radio navigation
ARPS advanced radar processing system
ARS aerial refueling store
AS airspeed
AS submarine tender (material support)
ASAC anti-submarine air controller
ASB airborne software bulletin (tdc 94)
ASC airborne sofware change (tdc 93)
ASCII american standard computer information interchange
ASD assistant secretary of defense
ASDS airborne serial data system
ASE aircraft survivability equipment
ASEMICAP air systems emi corrective action