<div class="text"><i>Islam, Muslims, and America</i> gives a sound introduction to the history of Islam's experiences with the West, and the principles of Islamic teachings; and in that context identifies and discusses the reasons for Muslim-West alienation. It highlights both the disconnect between true Islamic beliefs and extremist actions, and the failure of Americans to seek the root causes of the current anti-American trend. </div><div class="actions" dt="true"><br />Muslims, who were highly supportive of and sympathetic to President Bush after 9/11, have been disappointed and upset by his subsequent actions. These include praise for Sharon (when the Israeli army was invading the West Bank) and the war against Iraq on dubious grounds, in contravention of world opinion that was important only so long as it suited America, based on what most Muslims believe is a hidden agenda. <i>Islam, Muslims, and America</i> clarifies how a series of events, spread over centuries, have created the current negative perception of the West and America among Muslims. It is the cumulative effect of these events that has shaped Muslim thinking, beliefs, and attitude.<br /><br />http://rapidshare.com/files/172305838/IslaMusli_aAmeri.rar<a href="http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/theology_occultism/east_religion/Islam-Muslims-and-America.html"></a></div>
Islam, Muslims, and America: Understanding the Basis of Their Conflict
إحصائيات Arabic Translators International _ الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
المواضيع: 10,516
المشاركات: 54,251
الأعضاء: 6,148
الأعضاء النشطين: 2
نرحب بالعضو الجديد, Turquie santé.