<div class="center" align="left"><b>Piotr Kuhiwczak, Karin Littau, "A Companion to Translation Studies"</b><br />Publisher: Multilingual Matters Limited | 2007-05 | ISBN 1853599573 | PDF | 181 pages | 1.6 MB</div><p align="left"><br />Presents authoritative contributions from leading scholars in the field - Takes the reader through the basic theoretical concepts, issues and themes which define the most important approaches to translation - Provides an unparalleled work of reference for teaching and researching in Translation Studies - Offers pointers to the future of Translation Studies - Contains an up-to-date bibliography with suggestions for further reading<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://uploadbox.com/files/bcfc0e7b95">http://uploadbox.com/files/bcfc0e7b95</a><br /><br /><a href="http://uploading.com/files/TZSIA9ZU/1853599573.zip.html">http://uploading.com/files/TZSIA9ZU/1853599573.zip.html</a></p>
A Companion to Translation Studies
إحصائيات Arabic Translators International _ الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
المواضيع: 10,514
المشاركات: 54,236
الأعضاء: 6,148
الأعضاء النشطين: 6
نرحب بالعضو الجديد, Turquie santé.