Negotiating Outside the Law: Why Camp David Failed
Publisher: Pluto Press | ISBN: 0745322190 | edition 2004 | PDF | 336 pages | 1,09 mb

A startling account of the arguments, the relationships and the strategies that played out over the summer of 2000. Based upon personal correspondence and position papers with all three leaders, this book offers a unique account of the real reasons behind the failure of Camp David. As its title suggests, this book's leitmotif is that peacemaking can succeed only if based on international law, and that Israel is responsible for the failure of the 2000 Camp David negotiations between itself and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) because its positions were inconsistent with international law. As Joel Singer of Sidley Austin Brown&Wood LLPs, wrote, the justification presented by Helmick (a Jesuit priest, who makes no claim to a legal education) for his theory is both legally and logically flawed.

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