Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in Iraq in the 1940s

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    • Jul 2007
    • 1629

    Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in Iraq in the 1940s

    [align=left]Esther Meir-Glitzenste, "Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in Iraq in the 1940s"
    Publisher: Routledge | 2004 | ISBN 0714655791 | PDF | 304 pages | 10.9 MB

    Zionism in an Arab Country explores the relations between the Zionist establishment in Israel, and the Jewish community in Iraq. This relationship centered on two organizations: a Zionist movement and a defense organization. By reviewing the activity of these organizations, Esther Meir-Glitzstein examines the decade preceding mass immigration, and reveals the political, societal, economic and cultural developments that shaped the history of Iraqi Jewry in this crucial period.
    The book covers:
    · The relations between the Jewish minority and the Muslim-Arab majority in Iraq - in the context of the rise of the local national government, its struggle against British colonialism, and its efforts to lay foundations of an Iraqi nation.
    · Struggles within the Jewish community between different sectors of society, political groups, and ideologies of the time regarding Jewish orientation.
    · The relationship between the Zionist establishment and Iraqi Jewry: how it changed during the 1940s, and its operative ramifications.
    · The characteristics and evolution of the Zionist movement in Iraq in the 1940s, its status as a Jewish community, and its role during the mass immigration from Iraq.
    · Women's role in Zionist activities in Iraq.
    · The defense organization in Iraq and the dilemmas entailed in its existence.
    Beyond the main focus on the sphere of Zionist activity, Meir-Glitzstein also uncovers the basic problems that shaped both the development of Iraqi Jewry in the 1940s and the policy of the Zionist establishment - trapped between Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism. Finally, she elucidates the reasons and circumstances that led to the mass immigration of Jews from Iraq to the state of Israel.

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