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  • soubiri
    أعضاء رسميون
    • May 2006
    • 1459

    _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"><strong>When is it appropriate to capitalize 'university'?<p></p></strong></span></p><p align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">In British Engish we distinguish between formal titles and descriptive use. Here is the ruling in the <i>Oxford Guide to Style </i>(from the chapter on 'Capitalization and treatment of names'): <p></p></span></p><p align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">Some words bear a distinction in capitalization according to their use in an abstract or specific sense ... Note the distinction between <p></p></span></p><p align="left"><placename w:st="on"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">Oxford</span></placename><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"> <placetype w:st="on">University</placetype> and <placename w:st="on">Cambridge</placename> <placetype w:st="on">University</placetype><br /><city w:st="on">Oxford</city> and <city w:st="on"><place w:st="on">Cambridge</place></city> universities <p></p></span></p><p align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">where <i>universities</i> is lower-case because it is descriptive rather than part of a formal name. <p></p></span></p><p align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">So we write of <i>university admissions/staff/students</i> etc. <p></p></span></p>
    صابر أوبيري


    • soubiri
      أعضاء رسميون
      • May 2006
      • 1459

      _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

      <h3 dir="ltr" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align="left"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: blue; font-family: verdana"><font size="2">When you are quoting a phrase that is incorrect, do you follow that phrase or the incorrect word with (sic)? <p></p></font></span></h3><p dir="ltr" align="left"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">There is a helpful article on the use of <i>sic</i> in <i>A Dictionary of Modern American Usage</i> by Bryan A. Garner (OUP 1998). <p></p></span></p><p dir="ltr" align="left"><b><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">sic</span></b><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"> <i>Sic</i> (=thus, so), invariably bracketed and usually set in italics, is used to indicate that a preceding word or phrase in a quoted passage is reproduced as it appeared in the original passage. <i>Sic</i> at its best is intended to aid readers who might be confused about whether the quoter or the quoted writer is responsible for the spelling or grammatical anomaly. <p></p></span></p><p dir="ltr" align="left"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">You should therefore position [sic] straight after the error to which it refers: if a misspelling, after the word concerned; otherwise after the phrase. <p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="ltr" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><b><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"><p> </p></span></b></p>
      صابر أوبيري


      • soubiri
        أعضاء رسميون
        • May 2006
        • 1459

        _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

        <h2 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="center"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-style: normal; font-family: verdana"><u>Commonly Confused Words<p></p></u></span></h2><p align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">These are some of the pairs of words that are most often confused with each other.<p></p></span></p><h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">DO NOT CONFUSE <p></p></span></h4><p align="left"><b><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">adoptive</span></b><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"> with <b>adopted</b>: children are <b>adopted</b>, but parents are <b>adoptive</b>.<p></p></span></p>
        صابر أوبيري


        • soubiri
          أعضاء رسميون
          • May 2006
          • 1459

          _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

          صابر أوبيري


          • soubiri
            أعضاء رسميون
            • May 2006
            • 1459

            _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

            صابر أوبيري


            • soubiri
              أعضاء رسميون
              • May 2006
              • 1459

              _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

              <h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">DO NOT CONFUSE</span></h4><h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"> <b><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">ambiguous</span></b><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"> with <b>ambivalent</b>: <b>ambiguous</b> primarily means 'having more than one meaning, open to different interpretations', while <b>ambivalent</b> means 'having mixed feelings'.<p></p></span><p></p></span></h4>
              صابر أوبيري


              • soubiri
                أعضاء رسميون
                • May 2006
                • 1459

                _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                <h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">DO NOT CONFUSE </span></h4><h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"><p><p><font color="#000066"><font face="Helvetica"><b><span style="font-size: 10pt">amoral</span></b><span style="font-size: 10pt"> with <b>immoral</b>: <b>amoral</b> means 'not concerned with morality', while <b>immoral</b> means 'not conforming to accepted standards of morality'.<p></p></span></font></font></p></p></span></h4>
                صابر أوبيري


                • soubiri
                  أعضاء رسميون
                  • May 2006
                  • 1459

                  _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                  <h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">DO NOT CONFUSE <h4 align="left"><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-ansi-language: en-us; mso-bidi-language: ar-sa; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-fareast-language: en-us"><strong>appraise</strong></span><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-ansi-language: en-us; mso-bidi-language: ar-sa; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-fareast-language: en-us"> with <b>apprise</b>: <b>appraise</b> means 'assess', while <b>apprise</b> means 'inform'</span></h4></span></h4>
                  صابر أوبيري


                  • soubiri
                    أعضاء رسميون
                    • May 2006
                    • 1459

                    _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                    <h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">DO NOT CONFUSE </span></h4><h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"><p><p><font size="3"><font face="Helvetica"><b><span style="color: blue">augur</span></b><span style="color: blue">, 'be a sign of (a likely outcome)', with <b>auger</b> (a tool used for boring).<p></p></span></font></font></p></p></span></h4>
                    صابر أوبيري


                    • soubiri
                      أعضاء رسميون
                      • May 2006
                      • 1459

                      _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                      <h4 style="margin: 12pt 0cm 3pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left" align="left"><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana">DO NOT CONFUSE </span></h4><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana"><p><h4 align="left"><font size="3"><font face="Helvetica"><b><span style="color: blue">censure</span></b><span style="color: blue"> with <b>censor</b>: <b>censure</b> means 'express strong disapproval of', whereas <b>censor</b> means 'suppress unacceptable parts of (a book, film, etc.)'.<p></p></span></font></font></h4></p></span>
                      صابر أوبيري


                      • soubiri
                        أعضاء رسميون
                        • May 2006
                        • 1459

                        _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                        صابر أوبيري


                        • soubiri
                          أعضاء رسميون
                          • May 2006
                          • 1459

                          _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                          <p align="left"><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: blue; font-family: verdana; mso-ansi-language: en-us; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-fareast-language: en-us; mso-bidi-language: ar-sa"><strong>DO NOT CONFUSE<br /></strong><p align="left"><font size="3"><font color="#000066"><font face="Helvetica"><strong>complacent</strong>, 'smug and self-satisfied', with <strong>complaisant</strong>, which means 'willing to please'.</font></font></font></p></span></p>
                          صابر أوبيري


                          • soubiri
                            أعضاء رسميون
                            • May 2006
                            • 1459

                            _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                            صابر أوبيري


                            • soubiri
                              أعضاء رسميون
                              • May 2006
                              • 1459

                              _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                              صابر أوبيري


                              • soubiri
                                أعضاء رسميون
                                • May 2006
                                • 1459

                                _MD_RE: Ask the Experts

                                DO NOT CONFUSE

                                council, an administrative or advisory body, with counsel, advice or guidance.
                                councillor with counsellor: a councillor is a member of a council, whereas a counsellor is someone who gives guidance on personal or psychological problems.
                                صابر أوبيري

