how to approache a text before the step of translation

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  • badrassila
    عضو منتسب
    • Nov 2006
    • 24

    how to approache a text before the step of translation

    Some ways to Approach your Text:

    Every time you are given a text you know nothing or little about to translate, it is useful to ask yourself the following questions:

    1. Possible source? (If not stated).
    2. SL readership?
    3. Text Type? (Expressive, informative, vocative, etc.)
    4. Style/Tone? (Literary, business, etc.)
    5. Register?
    6. Author's intention?
    7. Translator's intention?
    8. TL readership?

    Ideally, the answers should help you decide on the register, style, tone, etc., you are going to use in your translation.

    - Always read the text first, at least once, in order to:

    a) Get the gist (never attempt to translate anything unless you understand clearly what it is about).
    b) Be able to answer the above questions.
    c) Pinpoint areas of particular difficulty (lexical, structural, contextual and stylistic problems).

    A few guidelines to bear in mind:

    a) try to get into the mind of the writer.
    b) Do not try to find difficult equivalent words in the hope that this will add to the perfection of your translation.
    c) SL and TL punctuation differ in many ways; take care to punctuate correctly.
    d) Check your translation two or three times at the end. Put the original passage "aside" and listen to your translation with your ear "tuned in", as if it were a passage originally written in the TL.

    Having followed all these instruction, I believe every one of us will be able to produce a text which is accepted at all levels, since there is “No Perfect Translation”
    Badr :-)
  • Pinky
    عضو منتسب
    • Oct 2006
    • 4

    _MD_RE: how to approache a text before the step of translation

    السلام عليكم

    شكــرا ..

    اسمح لي أن آخذ هذا الموضوع كي أضيفه لبحثي ..

    ولن أنسى طبعا ذكر المصدر .. شكــرا مرة أخرى ..


    • aroma
      عضو منتسب
      • Nov 2006
      • 18

      _MD_RE: how to approache a text before the step of translation

      مقال رائع جدا

      شكرا لك

      لو سمحت سأنقله لمنتدى اخر و طبعا سأذكر المصدر
      أستغفر الله


      • badrassila
        عضو منتسب
        • Nov 2006
        • 24

        _MD_RE: how to approache a text before the step of translation

        I will be happy to add it to other forums. thanks in advance
        Badr :-)

