<p class="titletextblue" dir="ltr" style="margin: auto 0cm"><span style="font-size: 10pt"><font color="#1a0980"><font face="Arial">SIETAR Europa<p></p></font></font></span></p><p class="titletextblue" dir="ltr" style="margin: auto 0cm"><b><span style="font-size: 11pt"><font color="#1a0980"><font face="Arial">Introducing our organisation<p></p></font></font></span></b></p><p class="defaulttextblue" dir="ltr" style="margin: auto 0cm"><font size="2"><font color="#1a0980"><font face="Arial">SIETAR, the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research is the world's largest interdisciplinary network for professionals working in the intercultural field. The network was originally established in 1974 and now includes over 3,000 interculturalists and 15 national and regional groups world-wide. Various SIETAR groups hold NGO status at the United Nations or are recognized by the Council of Europe. Membership is drawn from individuals active in arts, business, consulting and training, migration and development aid, education and research, government, health services, language services, NGOs, minority advocates, public service, research, and social work.<p></p></font></font></font></p><p class="defaulttextblue" dir="ltr" style="margin: auto 0cm"><font size="2"><font color="#1a0980"><font face="Arial">SIETAR Europa was founded in 1991 and is part of the international SIETAR network. It is a pan-European, not-for-profit organization of professional intercultural workers and includes members from all European countries, the Middle East and <place w:st="on">Africa</place>. Local SIETAR groups flourish in <country-region w:st="on">Germany</country-region>, <country-region w:st="on">France</country-region>, The Netherlands, <country-region w:st="on">Austria</country-region> and <country-region w:st="on"><place w:st="on">Spain</place></country-region>, and others are in formation. SIETAR works to make people more aware of how culture affects education, policy-making, and business. We help people communicate across their differences and provide expert information and assistance in intercultural issues. We work to develop quality standards and ethical norms for intercultural work and promote exchange of ideas and experience in the intercultural field.<p></p></font></font></font></p><p class="defaulttextblue" dir="ltr" style="margin: auto 0cm"><font face="Arial" color="#1a0980" size="2">The purpose of SIETAR is to encourage the development and application of knowledge, values and skills which enable effective intercultural and interethnic relations at individual, group, organization and community levels. As such it assists the creation of intercultural competence through paper and online publications, educational events, regional meetings and congresses, as well as professional networking and information sharing worldwide. Besides our </font><a href="http://www.sietar-europa.org/office.htm"><b><span style="color: #334698"><font face="Arial" size="2">office hub information centre</font></span></b></a><font size="2"><font color="#1a0980"><font face="Arial"> currently located in <country-region w:st="on"><place w:st="on">France</place></country-region> we provide an online documentation centre, newsletters, workspaces and e-learning programs for our members and the public on this site. Currently a new online quarterly journal on critical intercultural topics is in preparation as well as a new service, “Journal Watch” which will alert members to the latest publications in the field on a regular basis. Our next major international congress will take place in Spring <metricconverter w:st="on" ProductID="2007 in">2007 in</metricconverter> <place w:st="on"><city w:st="on">Sophia</city>, <country-region w:st="on">Bulgaria</country-region></place>.<p></p></font></font></font></p><p class="defaulttextblue" dir="ltr" style="margin: auto 0cm"><font size="2"><font color="#1a0980"><font face="Arial">SIETAR seeks to represent the intercultural profession to the public and provide the organization’s support as well as to promote its members services to both public and private organizations seeking intercultural expertise and assistance. SIETAR members make themselves available for advising governmental, commercial, NGO & private organizations as well as for coaching & mentoring young professionals in the field. While SIETAR is politically unaligned as an organization, the strong commitments of its individual members are a part of the diversity we respect, welcome, and encourage. Information on membership in SIETAR Europa and the local SIETAR groups is available on our website or through our office.<p></p></font></font></font></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="ltr" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left"><a href="http://www.sietar-europa.org/aboutus.htm">http://www.sietar-europa.org/aboutus.htm</a></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="ltr" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left"><p> </p></p>
Cultural Organisations
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