<br />بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم<br /> Name: Shaimaa Riad Fatahallah<br /> Affixation in English <br /><u>(1)Prefixes <br />(A) Counting prefixes: quantify the root: </u><br />Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />A-\an- Lacking Asymmetry عدم التناسق <br />Ambi- Both - around amphitheatre المدرج<br /> Arch- Chief –principal - high Archangel رئيس الملائكة <br />Bi- Twice - double Bilingual مجيد اللغتين <br />Di- Two Diatomic ثنائي الذرة <br />Mono- One Monocrystal البلورة المنفردة <br />Multi- Many Multidimensional متعدد الأبعاد <br />Oligo- few Oligarchy حكم القلة <br />Omni- all Omnipresence كلية الوجود<br /> Pan- All , comprising or affecting all Panorama الاستعراض <br />Poly- Many Polygamy تعدد الزوجات <br />Tri- three Trident الرمح الثلاثى <br />Uni- one Uniped ذو قدم واحدة <br />(<u>B)Involvement prefixes: say something about the kind of involvement of the participants in the action: </u><br />Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />Anti- Opposed , instead , against Antibody الجسم المضاد <br />Auto- Self Auto-Run تشغيل آلى <br />Co-\con- Together / jointly Coauthoring المشاركة بالتأليف <br />Contra- Against / opposite Contra lateral فى الجزء المقابل <br />Vice- In place of / instead Viceroys نواب الملك <br /><u>(C) Judgment about the root: </u>Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />Dis- Not / opposite of Disfavored مكروه <br />Dys- Bad / badly Dyspepsia سوء الهضم <br />Eu- Good / well Euphonies الكلمات الجميلة <br />Extra- Outside the scope of Extra-cellular خارج الخلية <br />Mal- Ill / evil / wrong Malcontented متذمر <br />Meta- Changed / transcending Meta-language ما وراء اللغة(اللغة التي تستخدم في تعريف لغة اخرى) <br />Mis- Badly / wrongly Misdeeds الآثام <br />Pro- On behalf of Proclamations إعلانات <br />Proto- First / chief Prototype النموزج <br />Pseudo- False / deceptive / resemblance Pseudonyms الاسماء المستعارة <br />Crypto- Secret\hidden Cryptography الكتابة المشفرة <br /><u>(D) Locative prefixes: place or direction:</u> <br />Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />Ab-\a-\abs- From \away Abbreviation الإختصار <br />Ad- toward Addiction الادمان <br />Ana- back Ancestor الجد <br />Apo- Away \ from Apocalyptic تنيؤي <br />Cata- Down\away\back\opposite Catabolism الانتفاض <br />Circum Around Circumference المحيط <br />Counter Against\opposite Counteractive مضاد <br />De- Away from\down Deactivation التعطيل <br />Dia- Across \through Diagrams التخطيطات <br />Ecto- \ exo- external Ectopic منزاح<br /> En- In \ into Endeavour المسعى <br />Endo- internal Endoderm السطح الداخلى من الجلد <br />Epi- On \ over Epicenter المركز <br />Ex-\ec- Out from\away Exogenous خارجى<br /> In- In\into\within In-line بالإتجاه نفسه <br />Infra- Below/beneath\within Infrared الأشعة تحت الحمراء <br />Intra-\intro- inside Intranasal داخل الأنف <br />Ob- Toward\against Obfuscation التشويش <br />Para- Beside\along with Parapsychology دراسة خوارق اللاشعور<br /> Per- Through/thoroughly Perambulation التجول <br />Peri- Around\nearby Perimeter المحيط <br />Pro- In front of Procreation الولادة <br />Pros- Toward Prostration الانهيار <br />Retro- Backwards\back Retrospect التذكر، التأمل فى الماضى <br />Sub- Under\below Subcategorizing التصنيف الثانوى <br />Super- Over\above Superhuman فوق طاقة البشر <br />Sur- Over \ above\beyond Surname اللقب <br />Syn- With \together Synchronization التزامن <br />Trans-\tres\tra- Across\surpassing Transcended متجاوز <br /><u>(E) Measurement prefixes:</u> <br />Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation<br /> Hyper- Over\to excess Hypercritical شديد الانتقاد<br /> Hypo- Under\slightly Hypodermic تحت الجلد<br /> Is-\iso- equal Isometric متساوى القياس<br /> Macro- Large\broad scale Macroeconomics الاقتصاد الكلى<br /> Micro- Tiny\small scale Microanalysis التحليل الكيميائي لكمية ضئيلة جداً من المادة <br />Mid- middle Midland وسط البلاد <br />Semi- Half\partly Semi-Automatic نصف آلى <br />Ultra- Beyond\extreme Ultra-violet الأشعة فوق البنفسجية<br /><u> (F) Negative prefixes: </u>Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation<br /> Dis- Apart\reversal\lacking Disability العجز <br />In- negative Inability عدم القابلية <br />Non- Not Non-numerical غير عددى <br />Ob- Inverse\in the opposite directions Obfuscation التشويش <br />Se-\sed- apart Seductively بإغراء <br />Un- Not/opposite Unappealable غير قابل للاستئناف <br /><u>(G) Temporal prefixes: time and duration:</u> <br />Prefix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />Ante- preceding Antedating السبق <br />Fore- before Forecast التوقع <br />Neo- New\recent Neologisms التعابير الجديدة <br />Post- After\behind Postdoctoral متعلق بـما بعد الدكتوراة <br />Pre-\pro- Before\in front of Preallocated مخصص مسبقا <br />Re-\red- Anew\again\back Regatheredعادة تجميع )<br />(<u>2)Suffixes <br />(A) Deriving adjectives from nouns and verbs:</u> <br />Suffix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />-able Fit for doing \fit for being done Comfortable مريح <br />-al\-ial\-ical\-ual Having the property of physical طبيعي <br />-an\-ian Belonging to\resembling Sectarian طائفي <br />-ary Having a tendency or purpose contemporary معاصر<br /> -ate Full of Passionate عاطفى<br /> -ese Belonging to a place Portuguese برتغالى <br />-esque Having the style of something Picturesque رائع <br />-esc become Coalesce إلتئم<br /> -ful Full of something beautiful جميل <br />-iac Pertaining to the property of Maniac معتوه<br /> -ic Having the property of Medic الطبيب <br />-ish To become like something Girlish بناتي <br />-ive Characterized by passive سلبي <br />-less Without \ free from fearless جريئ <br />-ly Appropriate to \befitting perfectly بشكل مثالي <br />-oid Having the shape of\resembling Paranoid المذعور <br />-ory Connected with\serving for Obligatory إلزامي <br />-ose Full of \abounding in Verbose مضجر <br />-ous Of the nature of something Religious ديني <br />-some Like\characterized by\apt to handsome وسيم <br />-y Full of\characterized by lovely رائع <br /><u>(B) Forming abstract nouns:</u> <br />Suffix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />-asy\-acy State or quality Ecstasy النشوة <br />-age Condition\state\rank\office of savage وحشي <br />-ance \-ence State\act\fact of Emergence الظهور <br />-ade General noun Salad سلطة <br />-al Act of Local محلى <br />-ation State of being X-ed Information معلومات <br />-ery\-ry Collectively Slavery العبودية <br />-hood State of \condition of Fatherhood الإبوة <br />-ia Condition of Paranoia الذعر <br />-icity Abstract noun from -ic electricity الكهرباء <br />-ism Doctrinal; system of principles Realism الواقعية <br />-ity State\quality\condition of Unity الوحدة <br />-ment Condition of being something armament السلاح <br />-ness State\quality\condition of Innateness الفطرة <br />-ship State\condition of Friendship الصداقة <br /><u>(C) Forming agentive nouns:</u> <br />Suffix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation<br /> -ant\-ent One who Agent الوكيل <br />-arian Member of sect\holding to a doctrine Authoritarian المتسلط <br />-ast One associated with something Enthusiast المتحمس <br />-er agent Teacher مدرس <br />-ist One connected with\often agent Artist فنان <br />-ician One skilled in some art or science Politician رجل سياسة <br /><u>(D) Forming verbs from roots and stems:</u> <br />Suffix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />-ate Cause something to happen Terminate منتهي <br />-en To become Darken ظلم <br />-ify To cause \to be something Rectify صحح <br />-ize To cause to be something Realize يدرك <br />-ed Past tense verbs hopped تمنى <br />-er comparative higher أعلى <br />-est comparative biggest الأكبر <br />-ing Verb form \present participle running يجرى <br />-s\-es More than one Books كتب <br /><u>(E) Miscellaneous suffixes:</u> <br />Suffix Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation <br />-arium Locative\a place for or connected with Aquarium حوض سمك <br />-ess Feminine of something Tigress أنثى النمر <br />-let diminutive Booklet الكتيب )<br />(<u>3)Roots<br />(A) Common Latin roots Latin</u> <br />Root Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation<br /> Aud hear Audible مسموع <br />Equi equal Equitable متساوى <br />Fig form Figure شكل <br />Ject throw Reject يرفض<br /> Migr move Migrate يهاجر <br />Port carry Porter يحمل <br />Spect look Inspect يفتش <br />Vid\vis see Video\visible مرئى <br />Voc voice Vocal صوتى <br />Bene Well\good Benefit منفعة <br />Centi hundred Centipede مئوية الأقدام <br />Contra against Contrary عكسى\ضد <br />Dict Say\speak dictation الإملاء <br />duct lead Conduct التصرف <br />Form shape Formulate يشكل <br />Fract break Fracture يكسر <br />Struct build Construct يبنى <br />(<u>B) Common Greek roots </u><br />Greek Root Meaning Keyword Arabic Translation<br /> Biblio book Bibliography الفهرس <br />Graph Write\record Autograph التوقيع<br /> Meter measure Thermometer ميزان الحرارة<br /> Ology Study of Biology علم الأحياء <br />Phil love Philosophy فلسفة<br /> Sphere ball Hemisphere نصف الكرة الأرضية <br />Tele From afar Telephone تليفون <br />Auto self Automatic آلى <br />Bio life biology علم الأحياء <br />Chron time Chronology تأريخ الأحداث <br />Geo Earth Geology جيولوجيا <br />Hemi half Hemisphere نصف الكرة الأرضية <br />Macro large Macromolecular ضخم الجزيئات<br /> Micro small Microcosm العالم الصغير <br />Mono single monosyllabic أحادى المقطع <br />Psych Mind\soul psychic روحانى<br />therm heat thermometer ميزان الحرارة <br /><u>Used references:</u> <br />http://www.bioseschools.org/cirriculum/la_supplement/root_wordlist.pdf http://inglish.com/english-affixation.htm (Excellent) Recommendations: http://ueno.cool.jp\let\prefix.html http://www.epsboks.com\downloads\articles\prefix-suffixWordList.pdf <br /><u>For detailed list of roots, prefixes and suffixe</u>s: http://www.michigan-proficiency-exams.com/prefix-suffix.html<br /><br />respectfully,<br /><br />Shaimaa Riad <br />
إحصائيات Arabic Translators International _ الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
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