Below is a list of some Grammar Books that are to be downloaded.<br /><br />1- click on the link<br /> 2- a new page is to appear. <br />3- wait till in the middle you see a place where you find<font color="#ff0000"><u> loading file info don't like waiting</u> </font>. <br />4- after a while it will be changed to be<font color="#ff0000"><u> download file</u></font>. <br />5 click on the download file and not on the link above of it.<br /> 6- you will have a compressed file. <br />7-open it and decompress it and then setup it . <br />8-if the file is to say that it has a password contact the publisher at the page you see when clicking on download file on the left corner side ,above in the same page I mentioned lately.If not you are on the safe side.<br /><br /> here is the links to various Grammar Books<br /><br /><a href=" .html?s=1" onclick="javascriptpenNetworkFolder(' .html?s=1'); return false;"><font color="#ff0000">BETTY AZAR_Understanding and Using English Grammar.rar</font></a><font color="#ff0000"> <br /></font><a href="" onclick="javascriptpenNetworkFolder('' ); 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English Grammar Downloadable Books
English Grammar Downloadable Books
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