الله يخليكم ممكن مساعده

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    الله يخليكم ممكن مساعده

    ممكن احد يساااااااااااااعدني

    الله يعطيكم االف عافيه وعسااكم ع القوووه

    عندي نص طبي ومطلوب علينا ترجمته لكن مو ترجمه حرفيه ترجمه المعنى

    وصعبه بالنسبه لي الترجمه الطبيه لان لسه ماوصلنا لهاالمرحله بس الدكتوره الله يهديها
    اتمنى من يقدر يسااعدني وبارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله خير

    هدا النص

    Osteoporosis often called silent thief
    Disease can cause sudden, painful breaks anywhere in the body.
    Osteoporosis the name literally means porous bones)_causes once-strong bones to )
    Become fragile and more likely to break.
    The gradual, symptom –less loss of calcium has become known as the silent thief because it can sneak up and steal quality of life in a moment. The disease's first waning may be the sudden snap of a breaking bone from something as simple as a bump or a fall.
    Osteoporosis can affect any bone in the body but most commonly affected are the hip spine and wrist bones. Fractures of these bones have serious consequences, including permanent disability, severe back pain, deformity and even loss of height.
    While osteoporosis occurs more often in women, men are also at risk. factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis include age: use of tobacco or alcohol calcium or vitamin D deficiency: lack of exercise: certain medications such as steroids and anti convulsants: excess thyroid hormone: being small or thin boned: estrogen deficiency due to menopause: low testosterone levels in men: and heredity.
    In Saudi Arabia, osteoporosis is becoming more of a problem because of sedentary lifestyles unhealthy eating habits and avoidance of sunlight, which can contribute to vitamin D deficiency.
    Building strong bones especially before the age of 30, is the best defense against osteoporosis.maximum height is reached during the teen years, but peak bone density is not attained until about age 30.after that, bones slowly lose density or strength.
    Calcium, vitamin D and exercise are keys to avoiding the disease.
    Calcium is important building and maintaining strong bones. Calcium-rich foods include low fat milk, cheese broccoli and dark-green vegetables. Calcium is also added to some food, for example, orange juice, cereals and breads. Most adults can meet their daily calcium requirement of 1,000-1,200 mg through diet alone, but some will need calcium supplements.
    Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium. The body makes vitamin D when skin is exposed to sunlight, typically manufacturing enough in about 10-15 minutes. Others, such as the elderly and those who are housebound, may require vitamin-D supplements.
    Exercise also is important in building and maintaining strong bones. Weight bearing exercises such as jogging; walking stair-climbing and weight training are particularly important. Remember to consult before starting any exercise program.
    In some cases, medicines are prescribed to slow or stop bone loss, increase bone density or reduce fracture risk. Physicians may request a dual energy X-ray to measure bone density, which is a valuable tool for screening and diagnosing osteoporosis.
    To help reduce the rate osteoporosis, the Saudi Armco medical services organization will conduct an osteoporosis awareness campaign step 2 to oct.3 in the eastern province for more information
    More information about osteoporosis can be found or the SAMSO web site
  • s___s

    الله يخليكم ممكن مساعده

    <font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>يا ويسبر ليبس <br /><br />وهذا الاسم يوحي بدلع شديد، اسأل الله تعالى أن ينجينا منه<br /><br /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><br /><br />في البداية هل ممكن أن تضعي معلوماتك في صفحتك وفي خانة التوقيع وضع ما ترغبي أن نناديك به بدل اسم الدلع هذا<br /></strong></font><a href="http://www.wataonline.net/site/userinfo.php?uid=3089"><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>http://www.wataonline.net/site/userinfo.php?uid=3089</strong></font></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>ثانيا لا أظن أن هناك من سيكون مهتم بمساعدتك لحل واجبك البيتي بالطريقة التي عرضتِها أعلاه<br /><br />ولكن أظن سيكون هناك أكثر من شخص يساعدك إن قمتِ بوضع ترجمتك للواجب ليضع كل منهم ما يرى أن فيه تقويم لها<br /><br />وأهلا وسهلا<br /><br /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /></strong></font>

