مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

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    مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

    <p align="left"><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>وجدت المقال التالي في الموقع التالي</strong></font><a href="http://www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.html"><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>http://www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.html</strong></font></a><br /><br /><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>وأحببت أن أعمل مسابقة عليه لأحسن ترجمة له يتم وضعها هنا وله الحق في نشرها في أي محل بعد ذلك والفائز بأفضل ترجمة له جائزة عينية من عندي، وأتمنى أن تكون إدارة الجمعية الحكم في اختيار أفضل ترجمة، وإليكم المقال</strong></font><br /></p><div align="left"><table align="left"><tr><td width="700"><center><img src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.banner.jpg" /> <p><span class="verdana15"><strong><font face="Verdana" size="5">Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom? </font></strong></span></p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" size="5"></font></strong></p><div class="verdana10">by Dan Eden </div></center><p></p><div class="verdana10">Someone wrote and asked me, "Why are there Israeli- but not Mexican-American Dual Nationals?" <p>Well, here's my take on this. I'd also like your views and opinions. </p><p>Unless we are Native American Indians, all Americans have their origins in some other country. Both of my parents were from England. They were proud to be "British" but they were most proud of achieving their American citizenship. Sure, we had pictures of the Queen and nick-nacks with the Union Jack on them. My mother even celebrated the traditional 4 o'clock tea time and was good at making Yorkshire Pudding. In the late 60's my older brother served in the US Army and did his tour in Viet Nam. When it came down to "allegiance," we were all patriotic Americans. Period. </p><p>The word "allegiance" means that we promise loyalty. It also carries with it the expectation that this loyalty will be exclusive and unrestrained. In the case of a declared war or real threat or conflict, for example, our allegiance to America should preclude any other interest, be it another country or political ideology. </p><p>When they took their oath to become American citizens, my parents had to pledge their "allegiance" exclusively to America and renounce their allegiance to "any and all foreign governments." That included Great Britain, one of our strongest allies. </p><p>Before Viewzone asked me to research the meaning of "dual citizenship," I had never heard of the term. How could someone be a citizen of two countries at the same time? But I was just ignorant. Dual nationalities and citizenships are quite common. </p><p>From my internet research, I learned that in 1997, a French Canadian with a U.S. passport ran for mayor of Plattsburgh, N.Y. He argued that the incumbent spoke French too poorly to be running a city so close to Quebec. He lost. Also in 1997, a retired top American official for the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) ran for president of Lithuania. He was inaugurated in February to a burst of fireworks! </p><p>In 1996, Dominicans from New York not only could vote in the Dominican Republic's presidential elections for the first time, they could vote for a fellow New Yorker. Multiple nationalities have become so commonplace that some analysts fear the trend is undermining the notion of nationhood, particularly in the place with the most diverse citizenry on Earth: the United States. </p><p>Debate over the issue intensified in the late 1990s, when Mexico joined the growing list of poor nations that say it's OK for their nationals to be citizens of the countries to which they have migrated. Under the law that took effect in 1998 Mexicans abroad -- most of them in the United States -- will be able to retain Mexican citizenship even if they seek U.S. citizenship. And naturalized Americans of Mexican descent will be able to reclaim their original citizenship. The Mexican government stopped short, for now, of giving expatriates the right to vote. </p><p><strong>Security Issues</strong> </p><p>Since citizenship carries with it a responsibility to be exclusively loyal to one country, the whole concept of dual citizenship and nationality raises questions about which of the dual citizenships have priority. This is extremely important when the two countries have opposing interests. It can be a deadly problem when a dual citizen is in a high position within our American government. </p><p>Can one imagine a Japanese citizen serving in the Pentagon during WWII? Or how about a citizen of the Soviet Union holding a cabinet position in the White House during the Cold War? </p><p>Today's conflicts are centered in the Middle East. America needs to balance foreign policies towards oil producing Arab nations with our goal being peace and stability in the region. This places a burdon on our government to be even-handed in our dealings with the Arab world and Israel. While the Iraq War was waged on lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction and revenge for 911, the <a href="http://www.thornwalker.com/ditch/snieg_isrorgs.htm">real reason</a> has emerged as a well designed global plan to improve the power and leverage of Israel. Added to this policy is yet another potential blow to American interests and security -- the impending War with Iran. This war will be waged for the security of Israel and will be paid for by the blood of American soldiers and the hard-earned money of American citizens whose quality of life is inversely tied to the cost of petrolium. </p><p>Recently, in their much lauded paper, <u>The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy</u>, Harvard professor, Stephen Walt, and University of Chicago professor, John Mearsheimer, focused attention on the strong Israeli lobby which has a powerful influence over American foreign policies (see <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7104030.stm">BBC article</a>). They detail the influence that this lobby has exerted, forming a series of international policies which can be viewed as in direct opposition to the interests and security of the American people. These acts and policies are more often than not carried out by US government appointees who hold powerful positions and who are dual American-Israeli citizens. Since the policies they support are often exclusively beneficial to Israel, often to the detriment of America, it has been argued that their loyalties are misdirected. </p><p>A few classic examples can be cited here. </p><p><strong>Jonathan Jay Pollard</strong> was an American-Israeli citizen who worked for the US government. He is well known because he stole more secrets from the U.S. than has any other spy in American history. During his interrogation Pollard said he felt compelled to put the "interests of my state" ahead of his own. Although as a U.S. Navy counter-intelligence specialist he had a top-secret security clearance, by "my state" he meant the state of Israel. </p><p>Literally tens of thousands of Americans holding U.S. passports admit they feel a primary allegiance to the state of Israel. In many instances, these Americans vote in Israeli elections, wear Israeli uniforms and fight in Israeli wars. Many are actively engaged both in the confiscation of Palestinian lands and in the Israeli political system. Three examples come to mind: </p><p>One is <strong>Rabbi Meir Kahane</strong>, who founded the militant Jewish Defense League in the U.S. in the 1960s, then emigrated to Israel where, eventually, he was elected to the Knesset. Until he was shot and killed at one of his U.S. fund-raising rallies in 1990, the Brooklyn-born rabbi shuttled between Tel Aviv and New York, where he recruited militant American Jews for his activities in Israel against Palestinians. He claimed to be a "dual citizen" of America and Israel. </p><p>Another Jewish American, <strong>James Mahon</strong> from Alexandria, Virginia, reportedly was on a secret mission to kill PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat when he was shot in 1980 by an unknown assailant. When he was shot, Mahon held an American M-16 in his hand and a <strong>U.S. passport in his pocket</strong>. </p><p>Then there was <strong>Alan Harry Goodman</strong>, an American Jew who left his home in Baltimore, Maryland, flew to Israel and served in the Israeli army. Then, on April 11, 1982, armed with an Uzi submachine gun, he walked, alone, to Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem's most holy Islamic shrine, where he opened fire, killing two Palestinians and wounding others. Both the U.S. and Israeli governments played down the incident, as did the media. </p><p>Most recently, US Navy Petty Officer, <strong>Ariel J. Weinmann</strong>, while serving at or near Bahrain, Mexico, and Austria, "with intent or reason to believe it would be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation (Israel), [attempted] to communicate, deliver or transmit classified CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET information relating to the national defense, to a representative, officer, agent or employee of a foreign government." Weinmann was apprehended on March 26 after being listed as "a deserter by his command," according to the US Navy. The information he gathered was supplied to Israel. </p><p>The examples of Kahane, Mahonm, Goodman and Weinmann raise the question of when a U.S. citizen ceases to be, or should cease to be, a U.S. citizen. U.S. Law at one time clearly stated that an American citizen owed first allegiance to the United States. A U.S. citizen should not fight in a foreign army or hold high office in a foreign country without risking expatriation. What the heck happened? </p><p><strong>The 1940 Nationality Act</strong> </p><p>Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, "shall lose his [U.S.] nationality by...voting in a political election in a foreign state." </p><p>This law was tested many times. In 1958, for instance, an American citizen named <strong>Perez voted in a Mexican election</strong>. The case went to the Supreme Court, where the majority opinion held that <strong>Perez must lose his American nationality</strong>. The court said Congress could provide for expatriation as a reasonable way of preventing embarrassment to the United States in its foreign relations. </p><p>But then something very odd happened. </p><p>In 1967 an American Jew, <strong>Beys Afroyim</strong> received an exemption that set a precedent exclusively for American Jews. Afroyim, born in Poland in 1895, emigrated to America in 1912, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1926. In 1950, aged 55, he emigrated to Israel and became an Israeli citizen. In 1951 Afroyim voted in an Israeli Knesset election and in five political elections that followed. So, by all standards he lost his American citizenship -- right? Wrong. </p><p>After living in Israel for a decade, Afroyim wished to return to New York. In 1960, he asked the U.S. Consulate in Haifa for an American passport. The Department of State refused the application, invoking section 401 (e) of the Nationality Act -- the same ruling that had stripped the American citizen named Perez of his U.S. citizenship. </p><p>Attorneys acting for Afroyim took his case to a Washington, DC District Court, which upheld the law. Then his attorneys appealed to the Court of Appeals. This court also upheld the law. The attorneys for Afroyim then moved the case on to the Supreme Court. Here, with Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, Lyndon Johnson's former attorney and one of the most powerful Jewish Americans, casting the swing vote, the court voted five to four in favor of Afroyim. The court held that the U.S. government had no right to "rob" Afroyim of his American citizenship! </p><p>The court, reversing its previous judgment as regards the Mexican American, ruled that Afroyim had not shown "intent" to lose citizenship by voting in Israeli elections. Huh? </p><p>While Washington claims it has a "good neighbor" policy with Mexico, the U.S. does not permit Mexicans to hold dual nationality. The US makes them become either U.S. or Mexican -- you can't be both. But the U.S., in its special relationship with Israel, has become very sympathetic to allowing Israeli-Americans to retain two nationalities and allowing U.S. citizens not only to hold public office in Israel, but to hold US government positions as well! No other country holds this special exception to our laws of citizenship. </p><p>So, you might ask, are there any other dual Israel-American citizens who hold US government positions that could compromise American security? Yes. Consider the following list that I obtained on the web: </p><p></p><center><img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.mukasey.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.chertoff.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.pearle.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.wolfowitz.jpg" />  </center><p><strong>Michael Mukasey</strong><br />Recently appointed as US Attorney General. Mukasey also was the judge in the litigation between developer Larry Silverstein and several insurance companies arising from the destruction of the World Trade Center. </p><p><strong>Michael Chertoff</strong><br />Former Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the Justice Department; now head of Homeland Security. </p><p><strong>Richard Perle</strong><br />One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli government agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle came from one the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktanks, the AEI. Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war mongering within the administration and now in the media. </p><p><strong>Paul Wolfowitz</strong><br />Former Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives in Israel. Wolfowitz came from the above mentioned Jewish thinktank, JINSA. Wolfowitz was the number two leader within the administration behind this Iraq war mongering. He later was appointed head of the World Bank but resigned under pressure from World Bank members over a scandal involving his misuse of power. </p><p></p><center><img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.feith.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.luttwak.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.kissinger.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.zakheim.jpg" />  </center><p><strong>Douglas Feith</strong><br />Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He is a close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel. The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer." Feith basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith also came from the Jewish thinktank JINSA. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq. </p><p><strong>Lawrence (Larry) Franklin</strong><br />The former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst with expertise in Iranian policy issues who worked in the office of Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and reported directly to Feith's deputy, William Luti, was sentenced January 20, 2006, "to more than 12 years in prison for giving classified information to an Israeli diplomat" and members of the pro-Israel lobbying group <strong>American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)</strong>. </p><p>Franklin will "remain free while the government continues with the wider case" and his "prison time could be sharply reduced in return for his help in prosecuting" former AIPAC members Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, [who] are scheduled to go on trial in April [2006]. Franklin admitted that he met periodically with Rosen and Weissman between 2002 and 2004 and discussed classified information, including information about potential attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. Rosen and Weissman would later share what they learned with reporters and Israeli officials." (source: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Larry_Franklin">sourcewatch.com</a>). </p><p><strong>Edward Luttwak</strong><br />Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist whose main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging war against Iraq and Iran. </p><p><strong>Henry Kissinger</strong><br />One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle. For detailed information about Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersch's book (Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger likely had a part in the Watergate crimes, Southeast Asia mass murders (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), Installing Chilean mass murdering dictator Pinochet, Operation Condor's mass killings in South America, and more recently served as Serbia's Ex-Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He consistently advocated going to war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S. Unfortunately, President Bush nominated Kissinger as chairman of the September 11 investigating commission. It's like picking a bank robber to investigate a fraud scandal. He later declined this job under enormous protests. </p><p><strong>Dov Zakheim</strong><br />Dov Zakheim is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim attended Jew's College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva University. Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby. </p><p>Dov Zakheim is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and in 2000 a co-author of the Project for the New American Century's position paper, Rebuilding America's Defenses, advocating the necessity for a Pearl-Harbor-like incident to mobilize the country into war with its enemies, mostly Middle Eastern Muslim nations. </p><p>He was appointed by Bush as Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. At that time he was unable to explain the disappearance of $1 trillion dollars. Actually, nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books. That story, as mentioned, was buried under 9-11's rubble. The two sums disappeared on Zakheim's watch. We can only guess where that cash went. </p><p>Despite these suspicions, on May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world. One of its clients then was Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama bin Laden. Booz, Allen &amp; Hamilton then also worked closely with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is the research arm of the Department of Defense. </p><p>Judicial Inc's bio of Dov tells us Zakheim is a dual Israeli/American citizen and has been tracking the halls of US government for 25 years, casting defense policy and influence on Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. Judicial Inc points out that most of Israel's armaments were gotten thanks to him. Squads of US F-16 and F-15 were classified military surplus and sold to Israel at a fraction of their value. </p><p></p><center><img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.libby.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.satloff.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.abrams.jpg" />  <img height="150" src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.grossman.jpg" />  </center><strong>Kenneth Adelman</strong><br />One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle, and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supported going to war against Iraq. Adelman frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his racism or ignorance, he actually called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001), when he could have looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs by definition are Semites. <p><strong>I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby</strong><br />Vice President Dick Cheney's ex-Chief of Staff. As chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, it helps explains why Cheney is so gun-ho to invade Iran. Libby is longtime associate of Wolfowitz. Libby was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Marc Rich, whom Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president. Libby was recently found guilty of lying to Federal investigators in the Valerie Plame affair, in which Plame, a covert CIA agent, was exposed for political revenge by the Bush administration following her husband's revelations about the lies leading to the Iraq War. </p><p><strong>Robert Satloff</strong><br />U.S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff was the executive director of the Israeli lobby's "think tank," Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Many of the Israeli lobby's "experts" come from this front group, like Martin Indyk. </p><p><strong>Elliott Abrams</strong><br />National Security Council Advisor. He previously worked at Washington-based "Think Tank" Ethics and Public Policy Center. During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant Secretary of State, handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally selling U.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq, and illegally funding the contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He also actively deceived three congressional committees about his involvement and thereby faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991 to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service. A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted Abrams a full pardon. He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Reagan Administration's State Department. </p><p><strong>Marc Grossman</strong><br />Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. Grossman is one of many of the pro-Israel Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that Bush has promoted to higher posts. </p><p><strong>Richard Haass</strong><br />Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large. He is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr) Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocated going to war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon. </p><p><strong>Robert Zoellick</strong><br />U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position. He is also one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Bush (Jr) Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying a portion of the country in order to set up a Vichy-style puppet government. He consistently advocates going to war against Iran. </p><p><strong>Ari Fleischer</strong><br />Ex- White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr) Administration. Prominent in the Jewish community, some reports state that he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected to the extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the Qabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews. Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001. </p><p><strong>James Schlesinger</strong><br />One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supported going to war against Iraq. Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon. </p><p><strong>David Frum</strong><br />White House speechwriter behind the "Axis of Evil" label. He lumped together all the lies and accusations against Iraq for Bush to justify the war. </p><p><strong>Joshua Bolten</strong><br />White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Bolten was previously a banker, former legislative aide, and prominent in the Jewish community. </p><p><strong>John Bolton</strong><br />Former UN Representative and Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Bolton is also a Senior Advisor to President Bush. Prior to this position, Bolton was Senior Vice President of the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktank, AEI. He recently (October 2002) accused Syria of having a nuclear program, so that they can attack Syria after Iraq. He must have forgotten that Israel has 400 nuclear warheads, some of which are thermonuclear weapons (according to a recent U.S. Air Force report). </p><p><strong>David Wurmser</strong><br />Special Assistant to John Bolton (above), the under-secretary for arms control and international security. Wurmser also worked at the AEI with Perle and Bolton. His wife, Meyrav Wurmser, along with Colonel Yigal Carmon, formerly of Israeli military intelligence, co-founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri),a Washington-based Israeli outfit which distributes articles translated from Arabic newspapers portraying Arabs in a bad light. </p><p><strong>Eliot Cohen</strong><br />Member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor. Like Adelman, he often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. More recently, he wrote an opinion article in the Wall Street Journal openly admitting his rascist hatred of Islam claiming that Islam should be the enemy, not terrorism. </p><p><strong>Mel Sembler</strong><br />President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. A Prominent Jewish Republican and Former National Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Export-Import Bank facilitates trade relationships between U.S. businesses and foreign countries, specifically those with financial problems. </p><p><strong>Steve Goldsmith</strong><br />Senior Advisor to the President, and Bush's Jewish domestic policy advisor. He also served as liaison in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (White House OFBCI) within the Executive Office of the President. He was the former mayor of Indianapolis. He is also friends with Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert and often visits Israel to coach mayors on privatization initiatives. </p><p><strong>Adam Goldman</strong><br />White House's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. </p><p><strong>Joseph Gildenhorn</strong><br />Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. He was the DC finance chairman for the Bush campaign, as well as campaign coordinator, and former ambassador to Switzerland. </p><p><strong>Christopher Gersten</strong><br />Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS. Gersten was the former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Husband of Labor Secretary. </p><p><strong>Mark Weinberger</strong><br />Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs. </p><p><strong>Samuel Bodman</strong><br />Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was the Chairman and CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts. </p><p><strong>Bonnie Cohen</strong><br />Under Secretary of State for Management. </p><p><strong>Ruth Davis</strong><br />Director of Foreign Service Institute, who reports to the Office of Under Secretary for Management. This Office is responsible for training all Department of State staff (including ambassadors). </p><p><strong>Daniel Kurtzer</strong><br />Ambassador to Israel. </p><p><strong>Cliff Sobel</strong><br />Ambassador to the Netherlands. </p><p><strong>Stuart Bernstein</strong><br />Ambassador to Denmark. </p><p><strong>Nancy Brinker</strong><br />Ambassador to Hungary </p><p <b="">Frank Lavin</b /><br />Ambassador to Singapore. </p><p><strong>Ron Weiser</strong><br />Ambassador to Slovakia. </p><p><strong>Mel Sembler</strong><br />Ambassador to Italy. </p><p><strong>Martin Silverstein</strong><br />Ambassador to Uruguay. </p><p><strong>Lincoln Bloomfield</strong><br />Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs. </p><p><strong>Jay Lefkowitz</strong><br />Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council. </p><p><strong>Ken Melman</strong><br />White House Political Director. </p><p><strong>Brad Blakeman</strong><br />White House Director of Scheduling. </p><p>I don't know about you, but dual citizenship is fine with me for an ordinary citizen. But if you hold an official position that demands that you put American interests above all else -- if you should look transparent and fair to the rest of the world regarding your formation of Middle East foreign policies, then this is a dangerous trend. Even if there were no pro-Israeli agenda, the fact that decision makers have a bias or an allegiance to one of the parties involved in the current conflict should have raised red flags long before now. </p><p></p><center><img src="http://www.viewzone.com/dual.arab.jpg" border="1" /></center><p>If you think we're being unfair here, ask yourself: <strong>How you would react to the Head of Homeland Security if he or she were a dual national with citizenship in Iran, Lebanon or Saudi Arabia?</strong> Ask yourself why you don't feel the same about Israeli dual citizenship. Then you will understand how powerful the Israeli lobby has been in "adjusting" your acceptance of their special status. </p><p>Hey, I could be way off on this. Let's hear from you. </p><p><strong>UPDATE: December 4, 2007</strong> </p><p>Newsweek's Michael Isikoff reports that Iraq war architect <strong>Paul Wolfowitz has been rewarded with a new position in the Bush administration which will allow him to oversee classified intelligence and inform policies on WMD issues</strong>. </p><p>Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has offered Wolfowitz, a prime architect of the Iraq War, a position as chairman of the International Security Advisory Board, a prestigious State Department panel, according to two department sources who declined to be identified discussing personnel matters. The 18-member panel, which has access to highly classified intelligence, advises Rice on disarmament, nuclear proliferation, WMD issues and other matters. "We think he is well suited and will do an excellent job," said one senior official.</p></div></td></tr></table></div>
  • nahedhashem
    عضو منتسب
    • Dec 2007
    • 77

    _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

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    جازاك الله كل الخير وأتمنى أن أقرأ ترجمة هذا المقال قريبا بالعربية لأنه يطرح قضايا شائكة ومهمة جدا.
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    • s___s

      مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

      <font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>في البداية أهلا وسهلا بك، فلم انتبه لمن رحّب بك حتى الآن فأهلا وسهلا بك<br /><br />والمهم أن نرى ترجمتك له كذلك<br /><br />ولو استخدمتِ مواقع الترجمة الآلية المذكورة في الموقع التالي حبذا لو وضعتِ في كل موقع من المواقع المذكورة منها احدى النتائج الغريبة أو المضحكة من نتائج الترجمة الآلية<br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.wataonline.net/site/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=22"><font size="2">http://www.wataonline.net/site/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=22</font></a><br /><br /><br />وصاحب أكثر تعليقات مفيدة في اكتشاف نواقص وعيوب بأمثلة ونتائج في مواقع الترجمة الآلية في المنتدى أعلاه كل موقع بموقعه ستكون له جائزة أخرى، وفي هذا الباب أنا من سيحدد من هو الفائز<br /><br />في انتظار نتائجك ونتائج غيرك وبالتوفيق<br /><br /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /></strong></font>


      • nahedhashem
        عضو منتسب
        • Dec 2007
        • 77

        _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

        <font size="5"><font color="#009900">أشكرك أستاذي الكريم وأشكر ترحيبك اللطيف</font><font color="#009900"> موضوع ترجمة هذا المقال والزاوية التي طرح من خلالها شئ جميل جدا وستعمل على بث روح التنافس والابداع لمافيه الأفضل. أتمنى أن نقوم بمابوسعنا لذلك مودتي واحترامي<br /> ناهد</font></font>
        ناهد تاج هاشم


        • nahedhashem
          عضو منتسب
          • Dec 2007
          • 77

          _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

          <font color="#009900" size="5">.في الحقيقة فاتني أن أسأل الأستاذ أبو صالح ماهي الجائزة<br />ماذا تعتقدون ستكون الجائزة ؟بانتظار إجابة الأستاذ أبو صالح<br /><br />مودتي واحترامي<br />ناهد</font>
          ناهد تاج هاشم


          • RamiIbrahim
            Rami Ibrahim
            • Apr 2007
            • 325

            _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

            <p align="right"></p><p align="right"></p><p align="right"><font color="#000099" size="5">الأخ والأستاذ الكريم أبو صالح</font></p><p align="right"><font color="#000099" size="5"></font></p><p align="right"><br /><font color="#000099" size="5">أقدر فيك الإندفاع وحسن النية ولكن كنت أتمنى لو أنك عرضت الأمر على إدارة الجمعية ليصدر الإعلان <br />عنها ومن ثم قد تقبل تبرعك بالجائزة بعد أن تعرف ما هي ولدفع الطابع الشخصي عن الإعلان<br /><br />فإذا كنا نحاجج الآخرين على أننا جمعية ولها صفة اعتبارية وقانونية ورئيس ومجلس إدارة فيجب أن نتصرف <br />على هذا الأساس <br />هناك على أي حال عدة مساهمات وبعضها لحضرتك تخرج قليلاً عن رسالة الجمعية ورؤيتها وسأتعرض لذلك لاحقاً<br /><br /><br />أكرر شكري لك وارجو أن أفهم بشكل صحيح<br /><br />ودمتم أخاً وزميلاً عزيزاً<br /><br /></font></p>
            Rami Ibrahim


            • s___s

              مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

              <font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>عزيزي رامي<br /><br />في البداية أشكرك على تحفيزي لإعلان مسابقة أخرى من العربية إلى كل اللغات وجائزة عينية لأفضل ترجمة في كل لغة على حدة<br /><br />والموضوع ليس الجائزة كبرت أو صغرت من وجهة نظري بقدر ما هو التعلّم وتبادل الخبرات <br /><br />أنا من رأيي كل شيء قبل أن يتم اعتماده من قبل الجمعية يجب تجربته بشكل شخصي لمعرفة كل ما له علاقة بهذا الموضوع، حتى تكتمل الصورة لمعرفة الإيجابيات والسلبيات ويتم التفكير في كيفية البناء على الإيجابيات من جانب، والتفكير في إيجاد حلول لإمكانية تجاوز جميع السلبيات التي ظهرت على المستوى الشخصي من جانب آخر ، ففي هذه الحالة من وجهة نظري أفضل من أن تظهر السلبيات على مستوى الجمعية<br /><br />فما رأيكم دام فضلكم؟</strong></font>


              • RamiIbrahim
                Rami Ibrahim
                • Apr 2007
                • 325

                _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                <p align="right"></p><p align="right"></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">الأستاذ العزيز أبو صالح:<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p><font size="5"></font></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">أنا بالفعل أشجعك على كل ما فيه خير بشكلٍ عام وخيرٌ للجمعية على وجهٍ خاص...<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p><font size="5"></font></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">ولكن هذا سيزيد من جعلنا كلٌ يعمل في واد منطلقاً من رؤاه وأفكاره وشجونه الخاصة.<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p><font size="5"></font></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">أقصد أنه لو تم توجيه هذه المسابقة لتصب في أحد المشاريع المتوقفة ( ترجمة القصص إلى الانكليزية, ترجمة القصص إلى العربية) مثلاً أو أي مشروع جديد آخر (على أن تعمل الجمعية على توحيد الجهود لإنجازه) لعاد الأمر على الجميع بخيرٍ أعم حسب ما أرى.<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p><font size="5"></font></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">أردت في مشاركتي أن أؤكد فكرةً طرحتها في منتدى "قضية الإصلاح في العالم العربي" المشاركة رقم 35 وهي قضية التنسيق وتضافر الجهود والعمل على تحقيق الأهداف انطلاقاً من رؤى الجمعية ذاتها وليس من رؤانا الشخصية والتي قد تلتقي أو تفترق وأن تضيق أو تتسع...الخ<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p><font size="5"></font></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">على كل حال, مرحباً بك, وأنا أقرأ المقالة الآن وقد أقوم بترجمتها وأتمنى أن أجد وقتاً لذلك رغم أنني لا أوافق على أن يقوم أي منا بالإعلان عن مسابقة أو تقديمه لجائزة (بصفةٍ شخصية) لأنها ستضطرنا في المستقبل أن نقبل أشياءً شبيهة قد لا تكون سليمة النية وقد يكون الهدف من ورائها شراء المواقف والأصوات والأفكار والجهود وأنت تعرف كم للمال قدرة على ذلك.<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><font size="5">وقد قلت رأيي كما وفعلت أنت وأتمنى أن أكون أنا المخطئ<p></p></font></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p><font size="5"></font></p></span></p><p align="right"><span lang="AR-SA" dir="rtl" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-ascii-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-hansi-font-family: &quot;times new roman&quot;; mso-ansi-language: en-us; mso-fareast-language: en-us; mso-bidi-language: ar-sa"><font size="5">ولك مني كل المودة</font></span></p>
                Rami Ibrahim


                • s___s

                  مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                  <font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>عزيزي رامي<br /><br />أنت بهذه الطريقة تعمل وفق مفهوم الدولة القطرية عندنا والذي يتعارض مع مفهوم الله ولذلك نبهت عليه في موضوع قضية الإصلاح في الوطن العربي في من يريد أن يعمل أي شيء لإصلاح الأوضاع يجب أن يجد حل لذلك<br /><br />المفروض ما دام مرجعيتنا واضحة وأهدافنا واضحة، <br />على كل منّا أن يبادر فيما فيه الخير للمجتمع الذي أنت انتميت بإرادتك له، <br />فأن رأيت أن هناك مواضيع ومنتديات متوقفة وكان المفروض أن تتحرك بشكل أفضل<br />لما لا تعلن عن مسابقة أو غيرها من الأفكار التي تعمل على تحريك المواضيع التي لك أنت اهتمام بها على الأقل؟ <br />لماذا تنتظر إدارة الجمعية (الحكومة) أن تتحرك في كل شيء؟ <br />إدارة الجمعية كما هي الحكومات مجموعة من الأفراد وقدراتهم محدودة مهما كان نشاطهم وجديتهم وإنتاجهم، وإن رأت في تحركك شيء مفيد لها ستدعمك بأن تصدر شهادة في هذا الموضوع بأسمها، <br />كما في حال المسابقات في موضوع ترجمة المقال أو نص حوار البرنامج للفائز بأفضل ترجمة والتي هي من ستختاره أصلا ووفق موازينها، <br />أما إن رأت في ذلك ما يتعارض مع أهداف الجمعية فحلها بسيط جدا، <br />أولا هي الوحيدة التي  لديها الصلاحية لأيقاف إضافة أي شيء للموضوع أو حتى حذف كامل للموضوع وشطب عضوية طارحه في الموقع إن لم يكن عضو كامل العضوية للجمعية إن كان به أي اساءة للجمعية<br /><br />يجب أن يكون كل منّا مبادر وديننا يدعونا للمبادرة فكلّكم راعٍ وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته، <br />بدون تفعيل كل فرد في المجتمع لن يمكن أن نتقدم، <br />هناك فرق بين أن تكون فقط القيادة مسموح لها بالتفكيركما هو الحال في مفهوم الدولة القطرية وفق معاهدة سايكس بيكو، وجميع الأحزاب من كل التيارات الفكرية بلا استثناء التي نشأت وفق مفاهيمها ومن خلال قوانينها بغض النظر إن كانت إسلامية أو قومية أو أممية أو حتى قطرية<br />وبين أن يكون كل أفراد المجتمع مساهم في عملية البناء والتطوير والإصلاح،<br /> ويكون دور القيادة في محاولة تجميع الطاقات وتجميع خبرات التجارب المطروحة والبناء عليها والتكامل فيما بينها، <br />ولذلك من وجهة نظري أنت و أ.د. مظهر ما زلتم داخل الصندوق حسب المثل الذي أعطاه هو وسأعطي أمثلة أخرى على ذلك في موضوع الإصلاح في العالم العربي والإسلامي<br /><br />في انتظار مبادراتك أنت وبقية الأعضاء إن كانت مسابقة أو أي فكرة أخرى في كل المواضيع التي تظن إن هناك حاجة إلى زيادة النشاط بها<br /><br />مع تحياتي</strong></font>


                  • admin_02
                    إدارة المنتديات
                    • May 2006
                    • 104

                    _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                    <strong><font color="#ff0000" size="5">الإخوة والأخوات الأفاضل<br /><br />لم تتدخل الإدارة حتى الآن لسببين رئيسين:<br />- معرفة الإدارة بحسن قصد الأخ الأستاذ أبو صالح، وعدم شكها في جدية طرحه<br />- المنتديات مفتوحة للجميع يكتب فيها من يشاء ما يشاء ما دام ليس فيها خروجاً عن الآداب المرعية.<br /><br />وفيما يتعلق بطلب الأستاذ أبو صالح من إدارة الجمعية التحكيم إلا أن هذا لم يتم بشكل رسمي تعرف إدارة الجمعية من خلاله بشكل مسبق طبيعة موضوع الجائزة المطلوب ترجمته، ومدى ملائمته، وتوفر لجنة للتحكيم، ومعايير التحكيم، وشروط المسابقة، وقيمة الجائزة التي يجب أن تكون في حوزة الجمعية بالفعل قبل الإعلان عن المسابقة ودخول الجمعية طرفاً فيها ... إلخ.<br /> وليس هذا للتشكيك في المعلن عن الجائزة -لا سمح الله- ولكن لأن الخبرة السابقة تمنع الجمعية ككيان قانوني من الدخول كطرف في موضوع لا تملك زمامه. وكلنا على علم بآخرين يعلنون عن جوائز ثم يطرأ لهم طارئ من تغيير رأي أو وفاة أو تجاهل للموضوع برمته ... إلخ. مما يضع الجمعية حال حدوثه في عثرة لا يمكنها النهوض منه، وخاصة من ناحية المصداقية.<br /><br />وليس هناك ما يمنع الأستاذ أبو صالح أو غيره من مراسلة الإدارة مباشرة لإعطاء هذه المسابقة أو غيرها غطاءاً من الجمعية.<br /><br />أما والحال غير ذلك فيمكن النظر إلى هذه المسابقة على أنها "<font color="#0000ff">جائزة أبو صالح للترجمة</font>" والجمعية توفر مساحة في منتدياتها يتمكن منها الأخ الأستاذ أبو صالح والراغبين في المشاركة من التحاور ومعرفة الشروط والمعايير وقيمة الجائزة ... إلخ.<br /><br />الإدارة .</font></strong>
                    إدارة المنتديات


                    • s___s

                      مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                      <p><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>جزاك الله خيرا يا رامي فقد وفرت علينا في أجور الشحن وورطت الجمعية بذلك<br /><br /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /></strong></font></p><p><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>ويعلم الله إنني لم أعلن الجائزة حتى لا يقولوا استغلها في الدعاية، وإن كان ولا بد للتسمية فالرجاء رفع كلمة أبو، ولو أظن سيتغير الحال بعد المداولات السرّية<p><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e4c2e742.gif" /><img alt=" " src="http://www.wataonline.net/site/uploads/smil3dbd4e5e7563a.gif" /></p></strong></font></p>


                      • RamiIbrahim
                        Rami Ibrahim
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 325

                        _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                        <p align="right"></p><p align="right"></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">الأستاذ العزيز أبو صالح<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">توضيح:<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أنا أنطلق في الحياة من مفهوم إنساني واسع جداً لا هو قطري ولا هو ديني, وأقف من جميع التيارات والأديان "ومفاهيمها" على مسافةٍ واحدة. لدي طبعاً معتقداتي وأفكاري ولكني غير متعصب لها وأعمل على تطويرها و"توسيعها" بشكل دائم وهي بلا شك أضيق مما ستكونه غداً أو بعد غد وشكراً لك.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أما بالنسبة للعمل في الجمعية فأنا أعمل وأنطلق من مفهوم العمل المؤسساتي وأكثر ما جذبني إليها هو<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">1_ إعلانها بأنها ذات صفة غير قطرية أو دينية أو عرقية...الخ<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">2_ ما لمسته من ديمقراطية ومهنية وصدق في سير عملها<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">إن هذا لا ينفي أن تأخذ الجمعية بأي اقتراح سواء صدر هذا الاقتراح عن مفهوم "قطري" أو "ديني" أو غير ذلك (إذا تمت الموافقة على ذلك) ولكنها لا تنطلق من أيٍ منهما أو أيٍ منهم.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أنا لم أقل بأن التفكير حكرٌ على إدارة الجمعية (كما تقوِّلني أو كما فهمت) ولكن القرارات والإعلانات والمسابقات والجوائز هي شيءٌ من مسؤولياتها. أما مسؤولية الباقين فيما تفضلت بقوله نقلاً عن الرسول الكريم (كلكم راعٍ وكلكم مسؤولٌ عن رعيته) فتكمن في اقتراح هذه المسابقات أو الجوائز وعرض الأفكار والتصويت عليها والتنبيه على الخطأ ...الخ من جهة, وفي تقديم التبرعات أو الدعم المالي بالشكل الذي توافق عليه الجمعية من جهةٍ أخرى.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">وبكلماتٍ أخرى..<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أنت حرٌ في أن تُعمل فكرك وتصب طاقتك أينما شئت ولا قيود على ذلك, ولكن لا أن تأخذ قراراً بدلاً من الجمعية وهذا أمرٌ لا أظن بأنَّ رئيس الجمعية يقدم عليه دون عرضه على مجلس الإدارة.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أكرر وأقول بأني أحيي فيك المبادرة والاندفاع ولست ضد المسابقة أو الجائزة أو موضوعها أو أي شيءٍ من هذا ولكن مأخذي الوحيد هو الطابع الشخصي واتخاذ القرار بدلاً من إدارة الجمعية, وكنت سأقول ما قلت لو تصرف<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>أي أحد من أعضاء مجلس الإدارة على نحوٍ منفرد.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أنا لم أشأ أن أخوض في الموضوع أكثر, وأنهيتُه على أنَّك قلتَ رأيكَ وقُلت رأيي وحرصت أن يكون انتقادي مسالماً وودياً (لعلمي لما في موروثنا من محاربة لمن ينتقد) فقلت بأني أقرأ المقالة وقد أقوم بترجمتها ولكني أراك بدأت تتحامل علي لمخالفتك في الرأي قليلاً وتزجني في خانة الدكتور عبد الحميد مظهر(الذي تقوم بالتحامل عليه أيضا لخلافٍ في الرأي أو ربما في التوجُّه والطريقة وتقوم بالإشارة إليه في أكثر من منتدى على أنه.... ما لا أعلم ولا تعلم).<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span><p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">فإذا كان زجُّنا في خانة واحدة بالصدفة فلا عتب<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أمَّا إذا كان ذلك لوضعنا في خانة واحدة بحيث أُحسَب عليه ويُحسَب علي, فهذا تفكيرٌ ضيق ومرفوض..بل ومرفوضٌ جِدا.ً<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">إنما نحن نتلقى أفكاراً واقتراحات ولنا الحق في التعبير عن رأينا سلباً أو إيجاباً, وإذا كنتُ وافقتُه على شيء وخالفتكَ على آخر فهذا لا يعني في حالٍ من الأحوال أنني معه أو أنني ضدك, وقد أخالفك في كل ما تأتي به من أفكار ولكنني لست ضِدَّك كشخص ولا أتمنى لك إلا كُلَّ الخير.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">قرأت في إحدى مداخلاتك أنك ضد الديمقراطية, وأنا أحترم رأيك وأفهم دوافعك إلى قول ذلك, ولا أريد الخوض في تعاريف و أنواعٍ للديمقراطية ولكن الجمعية تنحو في علاقاتها ومنتدياتها وسير العمل فيها منحاً ديمقراطياً(تشير إليه مساهمة الإدارة في الأعلى), فدعنا ننعم بذلك في هذه "الفسحة" من العالم ولا تحرمنا منها لأنهم كثرٌ من يفعلون.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">مع مودتي<p></p></span></p><p align="right"></p>
                        Rami Ibrahim


                        • s___s

                          مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                          <p><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>عزيزي رامي<br /><br />حمّلت كلماتي أكثر مما تحتمل، </strong></font></p><p><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>الذي أفهمه أنا <br />أن الديمقراطية شيء <br />وحرية الرأي شيء <br />والاحساس بالانتماء شيء <br />والديكتاتورية شيء<br /> كل منهم له مفهومه، ويصبح لكل منها تعريف من خلال المفهوم الآخر، يتميّز عن المفهوم نفسه، عندما يكون كل منها مستقل، كما هو الحال بكل المفردات والمفاهيم والمصطلحات، ويجب أن ننتبه لذلك خصوصا ونحن في موقع معني باللغة ومفرداتها<br /><br />وأنا تعرفت على الجميع هنا من خلال كلماتهم فقط، <br /><br />ولم أفكر في طرحي أي رأي في أي موضوع أكثر مما كان نتيجة لتفاعلي مع الكلمات التي قرأتها وقتها وجاءت نتيجة لذلك ردودي عليها، <br /><br />وأنت حر أن أعجبك رأي فلان هذا اليوم وغدا يعجبك رأي لي، كما هو الحال بي إن أعجبني رأي فلان هذا اليوم وغدا لا يعجبني رأيه في مسألة أخرى، ونصيحتي لك حاول أن تبعد عن القولبة قبل أن تفهم ما موجود على السطر أمامك ستستفيد أكثر<br /><br />أنا هنا لأستفيد من الجميع وأتفاعل مع الجميع<br /><br />والموضوع ليس شخصي بالنسبة لي ضد أي أحد إن كنت تظن أو حسبت ذلك<br /><br />مع تحياتي</strong></font></p>


                          • RamiIbrahim
                            Rami Ibrahim
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 325

                            _MD_RE: مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                            <p align="right"></p><p align="right"></p><p align="right"></p><p align="right"></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span lang="AR-SA"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">الأستاذ المحترم أبو صالح:<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">لا تعطِ نصيحةً لمن لم يسألك النصح فيضيع قدرها<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">وأما استفادتي فأنا من يحدد أين وكيف تتم<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">ولا تخاطبني "رامي" لأني لا أخاطبك "أبو صالح"<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">ألست القائل بأنك لا تتعامل على أنك في مدرسة وترفض أن يلعب دور "الأستاذ" أحد<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أوليس اعتراضك على الدكتور مظهر هو إيحاءٌ منه بلعب دور "الاستاذ"<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">وهل هناك غير المربي أو الوصي(الأستاذ) من<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">1_ يسدي النصائح دون أن تطلب منه<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">2_ يرشد تلاميذه إلى كيف يحققون الاستفادة<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">3_ يخاطب تلاميذه من دون ألقاب ولا يخاطبه تلاميذه بغير اللقب<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">4_يأخذ القرارات بدلاً من الآخرين<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أستاذي العزيز:<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p> </p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أنا معني بما يصدر عنك أكثر مما هو في قلبك لا سيما وأن معرفتي بك حديثة ..<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">أرجو أن تتذكر بأن موضوع هذا المنتدى هو المسابقة أو الجائزة التي قمت بالإعلان عنها, فإذا كان لديك ما تقوله بأمرها أرجو أن تتفضل به. أما إذا كنت تريد الرد علي مدافعاً عن وجهة نظر أو مصححاً أو غير ذلك فتفضل بإرساله إلى بريدي الخاص لأن لا شأن لباقي الأعضاء أو الزوار الكرام بفكرتك عني أو فكرتي عنك.<p></p></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" dir="rtl" style="text-justify: kashida; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; text-kashida: 0%"><span lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;">وشكراً</span><span dir="ltr" style="font-size: 16pt; color: blue; mso-bidi-font-family: &quot;simplified arabic&quot;"><p></p></span></p><p align="right"></p>
                            Rami Ibrahim


                            • s___s

                              مسابقة لأحسن ترجمة لمقال والفائز سيحصل على جائزة

                              <font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم واستغفر الله العظيم ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العظيم<br /><br />هل طلبت منك أن تناديني بشيء غير الذي وضعته أنا في خانة التوقيع يا رامي إبراهيم؟ خصوصا عندما لا يكون لديك للألقاب أي معنى، فهذا ما كان واضحا في تعليقك الأخير، وأنا لم أمنعك من قول أو فعل أو تصرّف وحتى لو كان بودي ذلك لا استطيع وفق إمكانيات الموقع المتاحة بالنسبة لي، وأنا لم أدخل أي موضوع آخر هنا إلاّ رداً على شيء أنت طرحته<br /><br />وعندما أنت تضع  في خانة التوقيع أي شيء آخر سأناديك به، فأنا أمشي على هذه الطريقة، إن أعجبتك أهلا وسهلا</strong></font>

