Walk on water

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  • Tassilia
    عضو منتسب
    • Nov 2008
    • 23

    Walk on water


    I am thinking about that since many days already

    the expression "walk on water" in the context where I read it means "nothing is impossible", so when I tried to translate this meaning into Arabic, I found a big difficulty.

    walk on water is reduced to "wow" in the book: the wow effect for example. How can we translate such kind of expressions (abbreviations?)?
    when it comes to knowledge, I\'m very thirsty int:
  • Aratype
    • Jul 2007
    • 1629

    _MD_RE: Walk on water

    <p><font size="5"> أترجمه عادة "صنع معجزة" وهو في الفرنسية Faire des merveilles</font></p>


    • Tassilia
      عضو منتسب
      • Nov 2008
      • 23

      _MD_RE: Walk on water

      Hi, salut

      in fact, I realise that in Arabic we don't have abbreviations, they aren't used as in the same way as in English and this thread shows an example.

      The "WOW" effect, or the "Walk On Water" effect cannot be translated into Arabic keeping the same idea, here I explain:

      walk on water means nothing is impossible, I translated it to: لا شيء مستحيل, كل شيء ممكن

      Walk On Water = abbreviated to WOW (with has another meaning -surprise: like "ohhh)

      ك ش م = كل شيء ممكن = the initials in Arabic don't mean anything
      when it comes to knowledge, I\'m very thirsty int:

