مطلوب مساعدة من اخواننا المترجمين هل ممكن ترجمة هذا المستند

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  • uaehonest
    عضو منتسب
    • Jan 2009
    • 2

    مطلوب مساعدة من اخواننا المترجمين هل ممكن ترجمة هذا المستند

    مطلوب مساعدة من اخواننا المترجمين هل ممكن ترجمة هذا المستند ، وأسأل الله تعالى لكم خير الجزاء

    النص هو :
    Before starting this assignment it is important to familiarise yourself with the module
    syllabus and the associated objectives and competence criteria so that your
    understanding and application of them will be a feature of your submitted report.
    For this assignment you should work with your own organisation or one that is
    familiar to you. Briefly describe the organisation, its purpose, products and/or
    services and the department or project you work for (or the department/project you
    have selected) and your involvement with it.
    Explain your understanding of the term “quality” and explain in general terms how
    and why organisations aspire to and measure quality. Include in your explanation the
    role and influence that customers may have in setting quality measures.
    Drawing on academic and organisational research, explain your understanding of
    quality systems and why these are used. Describe the formal and informal systems
    that your organisation uses to ensure quality of products and/or services.
    Using your own department or project, identify your customers and their
    expectations. You should include here the agreed customer-supplier standards, key
    performance indicators or other methods for assessing quality. Explain how your
    department or project monitors quality and the key success factors. You should
    include here an explanation of any existing limitations or constraints which may
    impact on quality.
    Produce copies of quality monitoring dcidcidocumentation for your department or project.
    Analyse these dcidcidocuments and draw conclusions about how well or otherwise you are
    meeting agreed quality standards. Summarise your findings and indicate how these
    might affect your relationship with customers (internal and external) and the possible
    consequences for the future in terms of costs, delivery and staffing issues.
    Meet with appropriate people, including team/project members, to share your
    findings. Drawing on the experiences of those present, identify improvements that
    can be made to improve quality based on the concept of continuous quality
    Evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation’s quality systems (with a particular
    focus on your department or project) and compare this with other available systems.
    Draw conclusions about the effectiveness and efficiency of the systems and identify
    areas for improvement.
    Devise an implementation plan for changes in your department or project to improve
    quality, clearly demonstrating the costs and benefits of these changes. Incorporate
    this plan into a report to your manager justifying your recommendations. Also
    comment on the existing quality systems and make recommendations for changes to
    these where appropriate.
    You must include in your assignment report all dcidcidocumentation, notes and materials
    generated during each stage of the study
  • s___s

    مطلوب مساعدة من اخواننا المترجمين هل ممكن ترجمة هذا المستند

    <font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>أهلا وسهلا في موقع الجمعية، ونتمنى أن نرحب بك قريبا كعضو كامل العضوية في الجمعية<br /><br />صفحة معلوماتك لا توجد بها أي معلومة سوى عنوانك الإليكتروني<br /><br /></strong></font><a href="http://www.wataonline.net/site/userinfo.php?uid=6556"><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>http://www.wataonline.net/site/userinfo.php?uid=6556</strong></font></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><font color="#660000" size="5"><strong>لا تنسى إجابة جميع الأسئلة، وتضع ما تحب مناداتك به في خانة التوقيع<br /><br />بالنسبة لطلبك، مما لاحظته على مثل هكذا طلبات لن تجد تفاعل لو وضعت مثل هكذا طلبات، <br /><br />ولكن ستجد تفاعل أكبر لو وضعت النص وترجمتك له، وطلبت تقويم لترجمتك حينها سيكون التفاعل أكثر<br /><br />فحاول في المداخلة التالية أن تضع النص والترجمة التي أنت تستطيع ترجمتها<br /><br />ما رأيكم دام فضلكم؟</strong></font>

