What is science
The words ‘science’ and ‘scientist’ are surprisingly modern inventions. The word ‘scientist’ was coined by the Victorian polymath William Whewell, who used it in the Quarterly Review in March 1834. The Americans accepted and used the word almost immediately, and by the end of the century it was also popular in Britain
The word ‘science’ in the English-speaking world was not always so designated. The Oxford English Dictionary proffers the following homophones: Sienz, ciens, cience, siens, syence, syense, scyence, scyense, scyens, science, sciens, and scians

All derived from the Latin scientia, which mean ‘knowledge’, and it supplanted other terms such as"natural philosopher
But no one construes “science” merely as knowledge. It is thought of rather as knowledge hard won, in which we have much more confidence than we have in opinion, hearsay, or popular sayings
The history of the word and the changes in its meanings need to be studied carefully to be able to distinguish between the implied different meanings and be able to differentiate between science, knowledge, and information
Here is a selection of quotations about Science<O

Here is a selection of quotations about Science<O
