Less than a Goodbye

Written by: Hoiyda Saleh
Translated by: Dr. Abdallah Altaiyeb
Her sister’s voice came as if she had just lost a heavy burden she had been carrying for a long time, despite her feeble attempt to sound completely unbiased:
Your mother died
A stony silence seized her for a moment, her sister on the other end of the line thought she was crying, so she echoed her allegedly unbiased voice again:
She is finally resting in peace… no one suffered like she did
Quietly, she put down the hand-piece. Her husband, who was busy combing their little girl’s hair, glanced inquisitively at her, and she just collapsed next to him on the sofa, her hands hiding the pain in her face, but working out the last details of the shock on it. The little girl broke away from the stronghold of her father’s hands, to hold her mother’s hand. When she heard the girl cry, she looked at her and hugged her, and lost herself in the void of emptiness.
Sitting confused, her husband was at a complete loss for words to comfort her. She had just arrived few hours ago after spending eight days with her mother. She hesitantly told her father, standing shyly before him, that she was going home to extend her vacation and come back. Now, one question was haunting her: couldn’t her mother stay alive for just a few more hours so she could look into her eyes one last time, or hold her hand?
She tucked some clothes for herself and her husband in a small bag. She decided to leave the little girl with her aunt, and walked amidst the stunned neighbors who showed their compassion for her, but could not help gossiping about her!
Poor girl … looks like she is in denial
My God, her mother was a saint
- Oh God, they will have a rough time traveling in the middle of the night; transportation is a bitch in the countryside
Her husband did not haggle much with the aged cab driver. He simply agreed to pay him the overly exaggerated fare, choosing to comfort himself in the back seat of the ramshackle car, reciting Quran and whispering prayers, with her rapped in his arm. Every now and then, he would glance at her, to find she was still awake, and continue humming. She was staring at the extended darkness wickedly tortured by the low beam of the car’s headlights; the silhouettes of the trees on the sides were swaying and swinging. All she was thinking of at that moment was her mother’s rapidly vanishing visage; how could those features fade away so quickly? She tried to think of their moments together, but the memories were far and pale, the pictures were like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle in a dark night.
Her mother was a fragile and vulnerable woman, and their relation was always different and nontraditional. The image of her mother standing up for her when her father was about to slap her was all of a sudden brilliantly etched against the night, and her soft voice, trying to convince him not to force her to marry his nephew, was ringing in her ears. He wanted to protect her from the risks and myriad temptations of college life, the books she was always carrying around in her hand, and the complexity of unrestrained thoughts and ideals. When she graduated from high school at the top of her class, her father was very enthusiastic about her pursuing higher education, but his brothers’ talk of the dangers and impact of expatriate life on single girls tormented him. All the while, her mother was adamant that he would accept the idea of them traveling and continuing their education.
Your children are good and well mannered
Her husband patted her lightly on the shoulder, but she was fleeing away towards the body she had just left few hours ago. The car was traveling on the unpaved road which seemed, to her, longer than usual. The first lights of dawn were violating the darkness of the night. The farmers were going out to their fields, their faces blurred in the morning mist, she could recognize some of them talking and walking along with their farm animals, while others had their names long removed from her memory. A young boy was standing in front of his house, rubbing his eyes, and staring at the car with empty looks. On their way to the marketplace or the fields, the women looked at her in awe, as she got close to her neighborhood. She stepped out of the car, leaving the bag to her husband who was busy shaking hands with the driver, thanking him for the ride. The driver looked at the bill, and then put it in his pocket without a word; he got into his car, and looked at her walking with heavy, mechanical steps, then said in a low voice:
My deep condolences Madam
Her steps grew much heavier; she looked back and saw the driver backing his car to make a turn, for the road was narrow. Her husband was frequently rushing her with hurrying looks and words:
Hurry up
Scores of women got out of their houses, curiously standing with stretched hands to pay condolences. Wordless, she shook their hands while still in denial. In a seemingly natural way, wistful smiles curving their lips, they indulged in sweet gossip:
Poor child, this is the dilemma of expat life
Did you know that her mother used to say she was afraid of dying without seeing her
She was a kind and religious woman
Her cousin was standing in the middle of the mourning; her younger sister was frantically waving her hands, holding the tail of her black veil, wailing:
Your darling is here, mother; come on, take her in your arms as usual, she is calling you
Still in shock, she asked:
Was she ever conscious when I was gone
She walked in, amidst tens of wailing women who made room for her. She entered the house; her husband went straight to the guest room, while she headed to her mother’s room. The body was covered with a red silk quilt; gently she uncovered her mother’s face and was surprised to see the serene look on it. She always wished to die praying, but now she died, after eight days in a coma.
None of your wishes were granted mother, but one; you always said to your cruel husband who was afraid to reveal his emotions to you, may God take my life before yours. Your prayer was answered and your day came, mother. Did you cry over her, dad? Did you ever make up for your cruelty? Whenever she was late visiting her mother, he would pace in and out of the room, like an abandoned child, asking:
When is your mother coming back
The three girls would answer in one voice:
She will come at dusk
He would keep looking at his watch time and again, the girls would try hard to stifle their smiles, and when the food was served, he would not touch it, but would rather say with a shy and low voice:
I’ll eat when your mother arrives.
Now, so many dusks would pass him by, without her
The washing lady is coming, someone’s voice called her back to reality. The blind woman entered the house with her white cane, stumbling at the door step, she found herself rushing to her aid. She took her by the hand and helped her sit on the couch next to the bed, then asked her sister to prepare warm water. The woman helped her put the lithe body in the washing basin. Afterward, the woman repeated some prayers in a low voice, and then versed her in what to say in the day of reckoning. She tilted the head towards the Qibla, and said:
- Her body is like fresh dough, for her deeds were all good, your mother was a kind woman, and was always there for the poor and the needy
She was looking at the woman with no words to match her praise; she resolved to task herself with filling a cup with warm water and pouring it on her mother’s back. The woman resonated gracefully with her, caressing the body with a soap soaked sponge. To her astonishment, although she fought hard to conceal it, when the woman finished washing the body, she folded the legs to the knees several times. But the woman was quick to say:
Just to remove the gas from her stomach so she meets her God clean and pure
Somehow, she was not surprised how the woman had been able to see the astonished look on her face, and told herself instead that blind people are gifted with special powers. She was about to let the woman know that there could no gas in her body for she was in a coma, but instead decided to give silence a chance at the last moment; she just stood in awe and silence by her mother’s soft body.
After the blind woman finished her work, she enshrouded the body in white sheets and put cotton buds in the ears and the mouth. With the help of the woman, she carried the body, put her on the bed, and covered her with the red quilt. She sat down reciting Sura Yaseen of the Quran, while the woman was unrolling her sleeves, tidying her clothes, and getting ready to leave.
Clearing his throat, her cousin walked in, carrying the coffin on his shoulders; she automatically reached with her hand to cover her legs with her black dress. Her husband helped him lay down the body in the coffin. At that moment, she bent over to pour the wash water in a large metal pot, and did not forget to put the sponge and the soap inside. She bit her lips, holding the pot atop her head, and walked tall underneath, while the women made way for her. One of the neighbors tried to help her carry the load, but she determinately insisted on carrying it alone, saying:
Nobody shall pour the wash water but me
She headed towards the river, not quite able to recall the fable that advocated pouring the wash water in flowing water; all the same, she trusted her instincts and the pharaohic body washing rituals. The long, heated road stretched eternally before her, young kids were playing on both sides of the road, she felt the pot weighing down on her head and straining her back. Finally, the river arrived at her sight, and she stood right at its bank. Slowly, she put down the pot, poured the soapy wash water in the waveless river, and watched it make two sinuous trails, within the river, leading to the far horizon. At this instant, she felt that her mother had actually died, her soul merging with the flowing water, and disappearing into the unknown. She reached with her hand to wipe two lines of tears that slowly streaked down her cheeks, and returned back home. Suggest
>********** </O
Qibla : The direction of the Kaaba (in Makkah) toward which Muslims turn for their daily prayers
Surat Yaseen: Chapter 36 of the Holy Quran
Translated by: Dr. Abdallah Altaiyeb

Her sister’s voice came as if she had just lost a heavy burden she had been carrying for a long time, despite her feeble attempt to sound completely unbiased:

Your mother died

A stony silence seized her for a moment, her sister on the other end of the line thought she was crying, so she echoed her allegedly unbiased voice again:

She is finally resting in peace… no one suffered like she did

Quietly, she put down the hand-piece. Her husband, who was busy combing their little girl’s hair, glanced inquisitively at her, and she just collapsed next to him on the sofa, her hands hiding the pain in her face, but working out the last details of the shock on it. The little girl broke away from the stronghold of her father’s hands, to hold her mother’s hand. When she heard the girl cry, she looked at her and hugged her, and lost herself in the void of emptiness.

Sitting confused, her husband was at a complete loss for words to comfort her. She had just arrived few hours ago after spending eight days with her mother. She hesitantly told her father, standing shyly before him, that she was going home to extend her vacation and come back. Now, one question was haunting her: couldn’t her mother stay alive for just a few more hours so she could look into her eyes one last time, or hold her hand?

She tucked some clothes for herself and her husband in a small bag. She decided to leave the little girl with her aunt, and walked amidst the stunned neighbors who showed their compassion for her, but could not help gossiping about her!

Poor girl … looks like she is in denial
My God, her mother was a saint
- Oh God, they will have a rough time traveling in the middle of the night; transportation is a bitch in the countryside

Her husband did not haggle much with the aged cab driver. He simply agreed to pay him the overly exaggerated fare, choosing to comfort himself in the back seat of the ramshackle car, reciting Quran and whispering prayers, with her rapped in his arm. Every now and then, he would glance at her, to find she was still awake, and continue humming. She was staring at the extended darkness wickedly tortured by the low beam of the car’s headlights; the silhouettes of the trees on the sides were swaying and swinging. All she was thinking of at that moment was her mother’s rapidly vanishing visage; how could those features fade away so quickly? She tried to think of their moments together, but the memories were far and pale, the pictures were like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle in a dark night.

Her mother was a fragile and vulnerable woman, and their relation was always different and nontraditional. The image of her mother standing up for her when her father was about to slap her was all of a sudden brilliantly etched against the night, and her soft voice, trying to convince him not to force her to marry his nephew, was ringing in her ears. He wanted to protect her from the risks and myriad temptations of college life, the books she was always carrying around in her hand, and the complexity of unrestrained thoughts and ideals. When she graduated from high school at the top of her class, her father was very enthusiastic about her pursuing higher education, but his brothers’ talk of the dangers and impact of expatriate life on single girls tormented him. All the while, her mother was adamant that he would accept the idea of them traveling and continuing their education.

Your children are good and well mannered

Her husband patted her lightly on the shoulder, but she was fleeing away towards the body she had just left few hours ago. The car was traveling on the unpaved road which seemed, to her, longer than usual. The first lights of dawn were violating the darkness of the night. The farmers were going out to their fields, their faces blurred in the morning mist, she could recognize some of them talking and walking along with their farm animals, while others had their names long removed from her memory. A young boy was standing in front of his house, rubbing his eyes, and staring at the car with empty looks. On their way to the marketplace or the fields, the women looked at her in awe, as she got close to her neighborhood. She stepped out of the car, leaving the bag to her husband who was busy shaking hands with the driver, thanking him for the ride. The driver looked at the bill, and then put it in his pocket without a word; he got into his car, and looked at her walking with heavy, mechanical steps, then said in a low voice:

My deep condolences Madam

Her steps grew much heavier; she looked back and saw the driver backing his car to make a turn, for the road was narrow. Her husband was frequently rushing her with hurrying looks and words:

Hurry up

Scores of women got out of their houses, curiously standing with stretched hands to pay condolences. Wordless, she shook their hands while still in denial. In a seemingly natural way, wistful smiles curving their lips, they indulged in sweet gossip:

Poor child, this is the dilemma of expat life
Did you know that her mother used to say she was afraid of dying without seeing her
She was a kind and religious woman

Her cousin was standing in the middle of the mourning; her younger sister was frantically waving her hands, holding the tail of her black veil, wailing:

Your darling is here, mother; come on, take her in your arms as usual, she is calling you

Still in shock, she asked:

Was she ever conscious when I was gone

She walked in, amidst tens of wailing women who made room for her. She entered the house; her husband went straight to the guest room, while she headed to her mother’s room. The body was covered with a red silk quilt; gently she uncovered her mother’s face and was surprised to see the serene look on it. She always wished to die praying, but now she died, after eight days in a coma.

None of your wishes were granted mother, but one; you always said to your cruel husband who was afraid to reveal his emotions to you, may God take my life before yours. Your prayer was answered and your day came, mother. Did you cry over her, dad? Did you ever make up for your cruelty? Whenever she was late visiting her mother, he would pace in and out of the room, like an abandoned child, asking:

When is your mother coming back

The three girls would answer in one voice:

She will come at dusk

He would keep looking at his watch time and again, the girls would try hard to stifle their smiles, and when the food was served, he would not touch it, but would rather say with a shy and low voice:

I’ll eat when your mother arrives.

Now, so many dusks would pass him by, without her

The washing lady is coming, someone’s voice called her back to reality. The blind woman entered the house with her white cane, stumbling at the door step, she found herself rushing to her aid. She took her by the hand and helped her sit on the couch next to the bed, then asked her sister to prepare warm water. The woman helped her put the lithe body in the washing basin. Afterward, the woman repeated some prayers in a low voice, and then versed her in what to say in the day of reckoning. She tilted the head towards the Qibla, and said:

- Her body is like fresh dough, for her deeds were all good, your mother was a kind woman, and was always there for the poor and the needy

She was looking at the woman with no words to match her praise; she resolved to task herself with filling a cup with warm water and pouring it on her mother’s back. The woman resonated gracefully with her, caressing the body with a soap soaked sponge. To her astonishment, although she fought hard to conceal it, when the woman finished washing the body, she folded the legs to the knees several times. But the woman was quick to say:

Just to remove the gas from her stomach so she meets her God clean and pure

Somehow, she was not surprised how the woman had been able to see the astonished look on her face, and told herself instead that blind people are gifted with special powers. She was about to let the woman know that there could no gas in her body for she was in a coma, but instead decided to give silence a chance at the last moment; she just stood in awe and silence by her mother’s soft body.

After the blind woman finished her work, she enshrouded the body in white sheets and put cotton buds in the ears and the mouth. With the help of the woman, she carried the body, put her on the bed, and covered her with the red quilt. She sat down reciting Sura Yaseen of the Quran, while the woman was unrolling her sleeves, tidying her clothes, and getting ready to leave.

Clearing his throat, her cousin walked in, carrying the coffin on his shoulders; she automatically reached with her hand to cover her legs with her black dress. Her husband helped him lay down the body in the coffin. At that moment, she bent over to pour the wash water in a large metal pot, and did not forget to put the sponge and the soap inside. She bit her lips, holding the pot atop her head, and walked tall underneath, while the women made way for her. One of the neighbors tried to help her carry the load, but she determinately insisted on carrying it alone, saying:

Nobody shall pour the wash water but me

She headed towards the river, not quite able to recall the fable that advocated pouring the wash water in flowing water; all the same, she trusted her instincts and the pharaohic body washing rituals. The long, heated road stretched eternally before her, young kids were playing on both sides of the road, she felt the pot weighing down on her head and straining her back. Finally, the river arrived at her sight, and she stood right at its bank. Slowly, she put down the pot, poured the soapy wash water in the waveless river, and watched it make two sinuous trails, within the river, leading to the far horizon. At this instant, she felt that her mother had actually died, her soul merging with the flowing water, and disappearing into the unknown. She reached with her hand to wipe two lines of tears that slowly streaked down her cheeks, and returned back home. Suggest


Qibla : The direction of the Kaaba (in Makkah) toward which Muslims turn for their daily prayers
Surat Yaseen: Chapter 36 of the Holy Quran



وداع لايليق بأمي<O
للأديبة المصرية هويدا صالح<O

للأديبة المصرية هويدا صالح<O


جاء صوت أختها كمن وضع حملاً ثقيلا ظل يحمله فترة طويلة ، قالت بصوت حيادي تماماً : أمك ماتت ، ظلت صامتة لا ترد لبضع دقائق جعلت الأخت علي الطرف الثاني من الهاتف تعتقد أنها تبكي فرددت لها بصوت أكثر حيادية :
ـ ارتاحت محدش شاف عذابها
وضعت السماعة في هدوء .. كان زوجها يمشط للصغيرة شعرها .. نظر إليها نظرة تساءل ، فانهارت بجانبه علي الكرسي .. الصغيرة تنفلت من يد الزوج وتمسك بيدي أمها اللتين تغطي وجهها .. رفعت رأسها حين بدأت الصغيرة تبكي .. احتضنتها وتاهت في الفراغ .. زوجها يشعر بالارتباك ولا يجد كلمات يواسيها بها .. لقد عادت منذ ساعات بعد أن ظلت بجانبها ثمانية أيام .. وقفت علي استحياء أمام أبيها وقالت له : <O
ـ هروح أجدد الأجازة وأرجع . <O
ـ ارتاحت محدش شاف عذابها
وضعت السماعة في هدوء .. كان زوجها يمشط للصغيرة شعرها .. نظر إليها نظرة تساءل ، فانهارت بجانبه علي الكرسي .. الصغيرة تنفلت من يد الزوج وتمسك بيدي أمها اللتين تغطي وجهها .. رفعت رأسها حين بدأت الصغيرة تبكي .. احتضنتها وتاهت في الفراغ .. زوجها يشعر بالارتباك ولا يجد كلمات يواسيها بها .. لقد عادت منذ ساعات بعد أن ظلت بجانبها ثمانية أيام .. وقفت علي استحياء أمام أبيها وقالت له : <O

ـ هروح أجدد الأجازة وأرجع . <O

سؤال ظل يتردد في ذهنها .. أما كنتي قادرة يا أم علي أن تفيقي لحظات حتي أر ي فيها عيونك لآخر مرة ؟ ، دست بعض الملابس لها ولزوجها في حقيبة صغيرة <O
قررت ترك الصغيرة مع عمتها ، سارت وسط ذهول جيرانها الذين تعاطفوا معها وبدأوا يرددون تعليقات سمعتها في صمت : <O
ـ السكينة سارقاها <O
ـ والله أمها كانت ست أميرة <O
ـ يا عيني هيتبهدلوا في نص الليل ، مواصلات الصعيد صعبة <O
لم يستطع الزوج أن يساوم كثيراً السائق العجوز .. وافقه علي ما يريد رغم المبالغة الواضحة ... واندسا في سيارته المتهالكة ، بدأ الزوج يردد الآيات القرآنية والأدعية وهو يلف ذراعه حول جسدها ، ينظر في وجهها من وقت لآخر فيجدها مازالت مستيقظة ، يواصل قراءته وهي تنظر في العتمة الممتدة ، أضواء السيارة تبددها ، فتتمايل أشباح الأشجار والنخيل علي الجانبين ، لم تكن تفكر في شيء في تلك اللحظة إلا في ملامحها التي تفر منها ، كيف تتلاشي ملامحها بهذه السرعة ؟! <O

قررت ترك الصغيرة مع عمتها ، سارت وسط ذهول جيرانها الذين تعاطفوا معها وبدأوا يرددون تعليقات سمعتها في صمت : <O

ـ السكينة سارقاها <O

ـ والله أمها كانت ست أميرة <O

ـ يا عيني هيتبهدلوا في نص الليل ، مواصلات الصعيد صعبة <O

لم يستطع الزوج أن يساوم كثيراً السائق العجوز .. وافقه علي ما يريد رغم المبالغة الواضحة ... واندسا في سيارته المتهالكة ، بدأ الزوج يردد الآيات القرآنية والأدعية وهو يلف ذراعه حول جسدها ، ينظر في وجهها من وقت لآخر فيجدها مازالت مستيقظة ، يواصل قراءته وهي تنظر في العتمة الممتدة ، أضواء السيارة تبددها ، فتتمايل أشباح الأشجار والنخيل علي الجانبين ، لم تكن تفكر في شيء في تلك اللحظة إلا في ملامحها التي تفر منها ، كيف تتلاشي ملامحها بهذه السرعة ؟! <O

حاولت تذكر مواقف تجمعهما ، لا شيء في الذاكرة ، كل شيء باهت وبعيد ، تأتيها صور غير مترابطة في عتمة الليل ... طوال عمرها العلاقة بينهما غير تقليدية ، هي المرأة الضعيفة خالص ، صورتها وهي تقف حائلاً بينها وبين أبيها وهو يهم بصفعها تحتل الكادر الآن ... صوتها الضعيف يحاول إقناعه بعدم الضغط عليها لتتزوج ابن أخيه .. يخشي عليها الجامعة .. والكتب التي لا تتركها من يدها ..والأفكار .. تحمس كثيراً حين تفوقت في المدرسة .. لكن كلام أخوته عن مخاطر الغربة والسفر علي البنات تربكه .. وهي تصر علي أن يتقبل فكرة خروجهن وتعليمهن : <O
ـ ولادك متربيين وعاقلين <O

ـ ولادك متربيين وعاقلين <O

يد زوجها تربت علي كتفها .. تفر بعيداً حيث الجسد الذي تركته منذ ساعات .. حين اخترقت السيارة الطريق الترابي الذي طال علي غير العادة كانت خيوط الضوء الأولي تبدد العتمة .. الرجال يخرجون للحقول .. صورهم تبدو ضابية في غبشة الصبح .. تميز بعضهم وهم يتحدثون ويجرون وراءهم حيواناتهم .. البعض الآخر أسماءهم تضيع من ذاكرتها ... ولد صغير يقف أمام منزله يدعك عيونه ويشيع السيارة في نظرة لا تدل علي شيء .. النساء اللاتي يذهبن للسوق أو للحقل يرمقنها في أسي .. اقتربت من شارعهم نزلت تاركة الحقيبة لزوجها .. يشد الزوج علي يد السائق ويشكره .. ينظر السائق في النقود ، ثم يدسها في جيبه دون تعليق .. يدخل سيارته ويرمق المرأة التي تسير بخطوات متثاقلة .. يقول لها في صوت خافت : <O
ـ البقية في حياتك يا مدام <O
خطواتها تزداد ثقلاً .. تلتفت إلي الوراء ما زال الرجل يعود بسيارته للخلف ..مساحة الشارع لا تسمح له بالالتفات المباشر .. يسبقها الزوج بخطوات ، ثم يدير رأسه إليها : <O
ـ مدي <O
النساء يخرجن من الدور .. يقفن في فضول ويتصعبن ..أيديهن تمتد لتعزيتها .. تمد يدها في ذهول ولا تنطق حرفاً وهن يمصمصن شفاههن : <O
ـ يا عيني يا بنتي ده حال الغريب <O
ـ تصدقي أمها دائماً كانت تقول خايفة بنتي متشفناش لما نموت <O
ـ أصلها كانت طيبة وفيها شيء لله <O
ابنة عمها تتوسط المندبة .. أختها الصغري ترفع ذراعيها بالشال الأسود وتنادي أمها : <O
ـ حبيبتك جت يا أمي قومي أجري عليها زي العادة .. نادت باسمك كتير <O
في ذهول تسأل : <O
ـ هيه فاقت بعد ما مشيت ؟ <O

ـ البقية في حياتك يا مدام <O

خطواتها تزداد ثقلاً .. تلتفت إلي الوراء ما زال الرجل يعود بسيارته للخلف ..مساحة الشارع لا تسمح له بالالتفات المباشر .. يسبقها الزوج بخطوات ، ثم يدير رأسه إليها : <O

ـ مدي <O

النساء يخرجن من الدور .. يقفن في فضول ويتصعبن ..أيديهن تمتد لتعزيتها .. تمد يدها في ذهول ولا تنطق حرفاً وهن يمصمصن شفاههن : <O

ـ يا عيني يا بنتي ده حال الغريب <O

ـ تصدقي أمها دائماً كانت تقول خايفة بنتي متشفناش لما نموت <O

ـ أصلها كانت طيبة وفيها شيء لله <O

ابنة عمها تتوسط المندبة .. أختها الصغري ترفع ذراعيها بالشال الأسود وتنادي أمها : <O

ـ حبيبتك جت يا أمي قومي أجري عليها زي العادة .. نادت باسمك كتير <O

في ذهول تسأل : <O

ـ هيه فاقت بعد ما مشيت ؟ <O

الجميع يفسح لها الطريق .. تخترق جموع النساء الباكيات ، وتدخل .. زوجها يذهب إلي الرجال في المندرة الجانبية .. تدخل حجرتها .. اللحاف الحريري الأحمر يغطي جسد أمها .. تزيل الغطاء عن وجهها .. تندهش من نظرة الراحة والسماح عليه .. كانت أمنيتها الدائمة أن تموت طاهرة ومصلية .. والآن تموت في غيبوبة استمرت ثمانية أيام .. لم تتحقق كل أمنياتك يا أمي .. أمنية واحدة فقط هي التي تحققت .. ظلت تردد لرجل يدعي القسوة ، ويخشي أن يظهر عنانه وعطفه ... يا رب يجعل يومي قبل يومك ... هاهو يومك يأتي يا أمي .. تري هل بكيت عليها يا أبي .. هل عوضتها يوماً عن قسوتك تجاهها .. حين كانت تغيب عند جدتها .. يظل يدخل ويخرج من حجرة لأخري كطفل تركته أمه الآن .. يداوم السؤال : <O
ـ هيه أمكم قالت هتغيب ؟ <O
الفتيات الثلاث يجبن في نفس واحد : <O
ـ هتيجي ع المغرب <O
يعاود النظر في ساعته مرات ومرات .. والفتيات يدارين وجوههن ويبتسمن .. حين يوضع الطعام أمام يرفضه ويداري نظرة خجلي ويقول في صوت خافت <O
ـ لما أمكم تيجي هبقي آكل . <O
الآن ستأتي مغارب كثيرة ولن تعود إليك : <O

ـ هيه أمكم قالت هتغيب ؟ <O

الفتيات الثلاث يجبن في نفس واحد : <O

ـ هتيجي ع المغرب <O

يعاود النظر في ساعته مرات ومرات .. والفتيات يدارين وجوههن ويبتسمن .. حين يوضع الطعام أمام يرفضه ويداري نظرة خجلي ويقول في صوت خافت <O

ـ لما أمكم تيجي هبقي آكل . <O

الآن ستأتي مغارب كثيرة ولن تعود إليك : <O

ـ المغسلة جاية .. <O
تدخل المرأة الكفيفة تتحسس الطريق بعصاها .. .تتعثر في عتبة الباب فتجري إليها .. . تمسك بيديها وتجلسها علي الكنبة بجانب السرير .. تطلب من أختها إعداد الماء الساخن .. و تساعدها المرأة علي وضع الجسد المرن في الطشت ... تردد الأدعية في صوت خافت وتحفظها ما ستقول وقت الحساب .. تدير الرأس نحو القبلة وتقول : <O
ـ ما شاء الله .. جسمها ولا العجين الخمران .. من عملها .. أصلي أمك دي بنت خير .. عمرها ما ردت حد ..<O
كانت تنظر للمرأة التي تردد الأدعية وآيات القرآن ولا ترد .. تملأ الكوب بالماء الساخن وتكبه علي ظهرها ، ويد المرأة تدعك لها بالليفة المغموسة في الصابون .. بعد أن انتهت من غمر جسدها بالماء الساخن ضمت ساقيها إلي ركبتيها مرات عديدة وأمام دهشة البنت التي لم تعلنها : <O
ـ علشان ميبقاش في بطنها ريح ولا فضلات وتقابل ربها طاهرة . <O
لم تندهش من معرفة المرأة لنظرة الذهول علي وجهها وقالت في نفسها كل العميان لديهم قدرات غير عادية .. همت أن تقول لها لا يمكن أن يكون في بطنها أي ريح أو فضلات لأنها كانت في غيبوبة ، ولكنها صمتت في اللحظة الأخيرة ... نظرت إلي جسد أمها الطري وصمتت .. بعد أن انتهت المرأة من عملها لفتها في الكفن الأبيض ووضعت القطن في أذنيها وفمها .. حملت الجسد من بين يدي المرأة ووضعته علي السرير ، وغطته باللحاف الحريري الأحمر .. جلست تقرأ لها سورة يس والمرأة تنزل كميها ، وتسوي ملابسها ، وتستعد للرحيل .. ابن عمها يحمل الخشبة علي كتفه ويتنحنح .. مدت يدها لتفرد الفستان الأسود الذي انزاح عن ساقيها ، زوجها يساعده في إراحة الجسد .. انحنت لتكب ماء الغسل في الإناء الكبير .. وضعت الليفة والصابونة داخله .. ضغطت علي شفتيها وهي ترفعه فوق رأسها .. سارت منتصبة تحته .. أفسح لها جمع النساء أمام الباب الطريق .. حاولت إحدي الجارات أخذ الإناء منها لكنها أصرت علي حمله وهي تقول : <O
ـ محدش هيكب غسل أمي غيري <O

تدخل المرأة الكفيفة تتحسس الطريق بعصاها .. .تتعثر في عتبة الباب فتجري إليها .. . تمسك بيديها وتجلسها علي الكنبة بجانب السرير .. تطلب من أختها إعداد الماء الساخن .. و تساعدها المرأة علي وضع الجسد المرن في الطشت ... تردد الأدعية في صوت خافت وتحفظها ما ستقول وقت الحساب .. تدير الرأس نحو القبلة وتقول : <O

ـ ما شاء الله .. جسمها ولا العجين الخمران .. من عملها .. أصلي أمك دي بنت خير .. عمرها ما ردت حد ..<O

كانت تنظر للمرأة التي تردد الأدعية وآيات القرآن ولا ترد .. تملأ الكوب بالماء الساخن وتكبه علي ظهرها ، ويد المرأة تدعك لها بالليفة المغموسة في الصابون .. بعد أن انتهت من غمر جسدها بالماء الساخن ضمت ساقيها إلي ركبتيها مرات عديدة وأمام دهشة البنت التي لم تعلنها : <O

ـ علشان ميبقاش في بطنها ريح ولا فضلات وتقابل ربها طاهرة . <O

لم تندهش من معرفة المرأة لنظرة الذهول علي وجهها وقالت في نفسها كل العميان لديهم قدرات غير عادية .. همت أن تقول لها لا يمكن أن يكون في بطنها أي ريح أو فضلات لأنها كانت في غيبوبة ، ولكنها صمتت في اللحظة الأخيرة ... نظرت إلي جسد أمها الطري وصمتت .. بعد أن انتهت المرأة من عملها لفتها في الكفن الأبيض ووضعت القطن في أذنيها وفمها .. حملت الجسد من بين يدي المرأة ووضعته علي السرير ، وغطته باللحاف الحريري الأحمر .. جلست تقرأ لها سورة يس والمرأة تنزل كميها ، وتسوي ملابسها ، وتستعد للرحيل .. ابن عمها يحمل الخشبة علي كتفه ويتنحنح .. مدت يدها لتفرد الفستان الأسود الذي انزاح عن ساقيها ، زوجها يساعده في إراحة الجسد .. انحنت لتكب ماء الغسل في الإناء الكبير .. وضعت الليفة والصابونة داخله .. ضغطت علي شفتيها وهي ترفعه فوق رأسها .. سارت منتصبة تحته .. أفسح لها جمع النساء أمام الباب الطريق .. حاولت إحدي الجارات أخذ الإناء منها لكنها أصرت علي حمله وهي تقول : <O

ـ محدش هيكب غسل أمي غيري <O

اتجهت للنهر .. لا تعرف ما هي الأسطورة التي تؤكد علي كب ماء الغسل في ماء جارٍ ، ولكنها تثق في حدسها .. وفي الأصول الفرعونية لمعظم طقوس الغسل .. الطريق يطول .. وثقل الإناء فوق رأسها يؤلم ظهرها .. الصغار يلعبون علي جانبي الطريق .. حين اقتربت .. وقفت علي حافته ,و أنزلت الإناء إلي مستوي صدرها .. كبت الماء المختلط بالصابون ، صنع خطين متعرجين وسط الماء الرائق ... تشعر الآن أن أمها ماتت .. روحها تختلط بالماء الجاري ، وتضيع .. مدت يدها لتمسح خطين من الدموع انحدرا ببطء ، وعادت .<O
