هذه بعض الكلمات المظللة في نطقها، وددت عرضها عليكم للإفادة والإستفادة
Impugn= is pronounced (I-m-p-you-n)
But we say:
Repugn: (Re-pa-g-n.)
Wind ( noun)=wind
Wind( v.)= (waind)
Bowl= (bael) like in (coal)
Bowel= ( baol) like in ( foul) same with (fowl)
Hymn= is pronounced same like the pronoun (Him)
Thyme= is pronounced like (time in : what’s the time)
Draught= draft
Drought= draout ( like in dra+out)
Bow-tie= ( noeud papillon in French) as a compound adjective is pronounced with a soft (o) like in (o of SO) similarly with elbow or (sow يذرas a verb and also row as a noun meaning line or rank).
Bow as verb is pronounced (AO) like in (bough or sow as a noun and also row meaning argument or fight or female pig)
Ewe is pronounced like (You)
Flour is pronounced like Flower
Sleigh is pronounced (slay)
Sleight is pronounced like(slight)
Minute as a noun is pronounced (minit)
Minute as an adjective ( meaning tiny) is pronounced like ( my-new-t)
Slough= (meaning bog or swampy ground) is pronounced like ( sl-a-o) as in cow.
Slough ( N+V) meaning change skin if we are talking about a snake or mutation of an insect is pronounced (SLAF).
But :
Lough ; meaning lock or loch landlocked lake or a cove
لis pronounced
Preface= is not pronounced (pre-faice) like in (pre and face) but is pronounced ( pre’fis)
Menace= is pronounced ( me’nis)
Quay is pronounced like ( key in door key)
Caecum is pronounced ( see=cam)
المصران الأعور
Indict is pronounced ( i-n-dait) same like (diet) the( C) is dropped or silent
Gaoler is is pronounced like (jailer)
Victual is pronounced (vetel) meaning supply with…
Lineage is pronounced like (lenidge) as in ancestry, breed
And (Line+age= lainadge) as in publishing
Lieuteneant is pronounced ( lutenant UK) and ( leftenant USA)
Schedule is pronounced ( shed-you-ll : UK and ske-dge-wel US
Lichen is pronounced ( liken as in the verb ( liken) or (letchen)
Beseech is pronounced ( beseetch)
أتمنى المنفعة للجميع
أرجوا ملاحظات أساتذتنا الفضلاء
ما أصبت فمن الله و ما أخطأت فمن نفسي و من الشيطان
و الله المستعان
Impugn= is pronounced (I-m-p-you-n)
But we say:
Repugn: (Re-pa-g-n.)
Wind ( noun)=wind
Wind( v.)= (waind)
Bowl= (bael) like in (coal)
Bowel= ( baol) like in ( foul) same with (fowl)
Hymn= is pronounced same like the pronoun (Him)
Thyme= is pronounced like (time in : what’s the time)
Draught= draft
Drought= draout ( like in dra+out)
Bow-tie= ( noeud papillon in French) as a compound adjective is pronounced with a soft (o) like in (o of SO) similarly with elbow or (sow يذرas a verb and also row as a noun meaning line or rank).
Bow as verb is pronounced (AO) like in (bough or sow as a noun and also row meaning argument or fight or female pig)
Ewe is pronounced like (You)
Flour is pronounced like Flower
Sleigh is pronounced (slay)
Sleight is pronounced like(slight)
Minute as a noun is pronounced (minit)
Minute as an adjective ( meaning tiny) is pronounced like ( my-new-t)
Slough= (meaning bog or swampy ground) is pronounced like ( sl-a-o) as in cow.
Slough ( N+V) meaning change skin if we are talking about a snake or mutation of an insect is pronounced (SLAF).
But :
Lough ; meaning lock or loch landlocked lake or a cove
لis pronounced
Preface= is not pronounced (pre-faice) like in (pre and face) but is pronounced ( pre’fis)
Menace= is pronounced ( me’nis)
Quay is pronounced like ( key in door key)
Caecum is pronounced ( see=cam)
المصران الأعور
Indict is pronounced ( i-n-dait) same like (diet) the( C) is dropped or silent
Gaoler is is pronounced like (jailer)
Victual is pronounced (vetel) meaning supply with…
Lineage is pronounced like (lenidge) as in ancestry, breed
And (Line+age= lainadge) as in publishing
Lieuteneant is pronounced ( lutenant UK) and ( leftenant USA)
Schedule is pronounced ( shed-you-ll : UK and ske-dge-wel US
Lichen is pronounced ( liken as in the verb ( liken) or (letchen)
Beseech is pronounced ( beseetch)
أتمنى المنفعة للجميع
أرجوا ملاحظات أساتذتنا الفضلاء
ما أصبت فمن الله و ما أخطأت فمن نفسي و من الشيطان
و الله المستعان