مصطلحات البرمجيات

  • الوقت
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  • sameer
    عضو منتسب
    • Jan 2016
    • 1

    مصطلحات البرمجيات

    يرجى ترجمة المصطلحات التالية :

    subject matter experts
    functional analysts
    solutions architect
    development lead
    quality assurance
    project manager
    development manager
  • حامد السحلي
    إعراب e3rab.com
    • Nov 2006
    • 1374

    1- ليس مصطلح بل جزء جملة منتزعة من سياق subject matter experts
    2- تحلي وظائفي functional analysts
    3- معمارية أو هيكلية الحلول solutions architect
    4- ليس مصطلح معناه قيادة التطوير لكن قد يختلف باختلاف السياق development lead
    5- مطور developer
    6- ضمان الجودة quality assurance
    7- تطوير deployment
    8- مدير المشروع project manager وعادة هو الذي يرسم معمارية الحل
    9- منصب إداري وليس تقني يقصد به مدير التطوير في الشركات الضخمة وهو مدير مدراء المشاريع development manager
    إعراب نحو حوسبة العربية
    المهتمين بحوسبة العربية
    المدونات العربية الحرة


    • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
      • Nov 2007
      • 1868


      الترجمة تعتمد على السياق و على الاستعمال بين فعل و أسم

      [align=center]Deployment refers to assigning people to serve in various locations, especially soldiers and other military personnel. A deployment may include soldiers, as well as equipment and generals. Deployments might be part of a war or a peaceful mission. Also, non-military organizations use this word too: they might speak of a deployment of workers to a new office. When you see the word deployment, you know people are being sent somewhere for a specific mission
      [align=left] verb used with object

      to spread out (Military troops) so as to form an extended front or line--

      to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately--

      to deploy a battery of new missiles--

      verb used without object

      to spread out strategically or in an extended front or line--

      to come into a position ready for use--
      the plane can't land unless the landing gear deploys


      the use of something or someone in an effective way--
      the deployment of technologies to address this challenge

      t-- the movement of soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed
      The Chief of Police ordered the deployment of 300 troops to try to stop the rioting


      • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
        • Nov 2007
        • 1868

        [align=center]functional analysts[/align]

        analysis= تحليل

        analyst = الشخص الذى يقوم بعملية التحليل= محلل


        محلل نظم = system analyst
        محلل نفسي= psychoanalyst

