فائية النصائح
لمولانا فضيلة الشيخ حسام جاد
ترجمها شعرًا إلى الإنجليزية أحمد الليثي (بعنوان سبيل الصالحين)
The Path of the Righteous (Fā’iyyah al-Naṣā’iḥ)
لمولانا فضيلة الشيخ حسام جاد
ترجمها شعرًا إلى الإنجليزية أحمد الليثي (بعنوان سبيل الصالحين)
The Path of the Righteous (Fā’iyyah al-Naṣā’iḥ)
Praise be to Him whose grace we feel, Who shows His mercy with such zeal, He crushes tyrants with His might, And humbles rebels from their height. |
All praise to the One whose tender care Has blessed us all, His mercy rare, Who cast the tyrants from their height, And brought the proud beneath His might. |
حَــمْــدًا لِـمَــنْ بِـنَـا رَأَفْ وَبِــالـعِــبَـادِ قَــدْ لَــطَـفْ وَلِلــطُّــغَــاةِ قَـدْ نَــسَـفْ وَبِـالبُـــغَـاةِ قَــدْ خَـسَـفْ |
Then prayers in ardent love ascend, On him, the faithful, who did amend, Who in piety did live and tread, Muhammad, finest ever made, |
Prayers upon the Chosen One, The pure, the truthful, duty done; In piety he stood arrayed, Muhammad, finest ever made. |
ثُـمَّ الـصَّـلَاةُ فِـي شَغَـفْ عَلَى الَّـذِي وَفَّـى وَعَــفْ وَبِـالـتُّـقَـى قَـــدِ اتَّـصَـفْ مُـحَـمَّــدٍ خَــيْـرِ الـسَّلَـفْ |
He spoke of God with perfect grace, In truth, no err nor pride to trace, He wandered not, nor strayed aside, With words of wisdom, not of pride. |
He spoke of God in words so true, With meanings deep, and wisdom too; No errant step, no crooked thought, With clear, divine insight he taught. |
وَلِـلْإِلَـــهِ قَــــدْ وَصَـــفْ بِــمَــا بِــهِ قَـــدِ اتَّــصَـفْ وَلَا غَــوَى وَلَا انْــحَــرَفْ وَبِـالْــكَــلَامِ مَــا هَــرَفْ |
My counsel goes to those who see, Who know God's favor constantly, And drink from oceans of His light, Wrapped in the cloak of pure insight. |
To those who seek to understand, I urge you: take the outstretched hand, Drink from God’s endless, boundless sea, And robe yourself in piety. |
نَــصِيــحَتِي لِمَـنْ عَــرَفْ لِلَّـــهِ فَـضْــلاً وَاعْــتَــرَفْ وَمِــنْ بِــحَــارِهِ اغْــتَـرَفْ وَبِـالْـهُـدَى قَــدِ الْـتَــحَـفْ |
O brother, leave behind your pride, And fear your Lord, take Him as guide, For highest honor truly lies In One who hears our heartfelt cries. |
O brother, leave your pride behind, Before your Lord, in awe, be kind, For highest honors lie within The oneness of the Lord of men. |
أَيَـــا أَخِــي، دَعِ الـصَّـلَـفْ لِلَّـــهِ قُـــمْ وَمِــنْــهُ خَــفْ فَــإِنَّ أَعْــظَـــمَ الــشَّــرَفْ تَـوْحِـيـدُ مَــنْ بِـنَا لَــطَـفْ |
Beware, O brother, of deceit, For in hypocrisy is defeat, Work for the Lord, who has decreed That only those who turn succeed. |
Beware hypocrisy’s deceit— A path that leads to sure defeat; Work for the Lord who swore to give His grace to those who rightly live. |
أَخِــي، مِــنَ الــرِّيَـاءِ خَـفْ فَــــإِنَّــــهُ هُـــوَ الــتَّــلَـــفْ وَاعْــمَـلْ لِــرَبٍّ قَـدْ حَـلَـفْ بِــفَــوزِ مَــنْ لَــــهُ صَــرَفْ |
Hold to the knowledge of the past, And by it, honor you shall grasp, For in its path is safety sure, To keep the soul from ruin pure. |
Seek wisdom from the saints of old, Whose knowledge shines with light untold; A path well-trodden, strong and bright, To guide you through the darkest night. |
وَاحْرِصْ عَلَى عِلْمِ السَّلَـفْ تَــنَــلْ بِـــهِ ذُرَى الــشَّـرَفْ فَـــذَاكَ نَــهْــجٌ مُـــؤْتَــلَـفْ تَــنْـجُــو بِــهِ مِــنَ التَّــلَـفْ |
Be like the scholars, firm in heart, Who seek the truth, and from it start, They strip away falsehood's veil, And with their light, all darkness pale. |
Be like the scholars, firm and wise, Who sought the truth and saw through lies; They scattered falsehood’s fleeting cloud, And to the light of truth they bowed. |
وَكُـــنْ كَـــعَـــالِـمِ الـسَّـلَـفْ عَلَى الـعُـلُـومِ قَــدْ عَــكَــفْ وَلِلـضَّـــلَالِ قَـــدْ كَـــشَــفْ كَــمْ مِـنْ ضَــلَالَــةٍ نَـسَــفْ |
Do not trust the one who turns away, Nor him who’s strayed from the true way, Avoid the one who flees from right, And walks away from guiding light. |
Trust not the biased, nor the weak, Who from the righteous path would sneak; Avoid the hearts that turn away, From guiding light to stray and sway. |
لَا تَـــأْمَــنَــنَّ مَـــنْ جَــنَــفْ وَلَا الَّـــذِي قَـــدِ انْــحَـــرَف وَلَا تُــصَــاحِـبْ مَـن نَـكَــفْ عَــنِ الـدَّلِـيــلِ وَانْــصَـــرَفْ |
Forsake the places filled with pain, And those whose lives are dark with strain, And cast them out without a fright, For they have followed their desire's flight. |
Leave grief behind and sorrows past, Banish their shadow, make it last; Do not be swayed by fleeting whims— For those who stray, their future dims. |
وَدَعْ مَـــوَاطِـــنَ الأَسَـــفْ وَكُـــلَّ مَــنْ بِــهِ اتَّـــصَــفْ وَاطْــرُدْهُ عَــنْـكَ لَا تَـخَـفْ مَـنْ تَـابَـعَ الْهَـوَى انْـحَـرَفْ |
Be like the one who fears his Lord, Whose heart with trembling love is stored, And lets the tears of truth descend, He is the one who meets his end. |
Stand firm for God, with trembling heart, In awe of Him, play out your part; Let tears of humble truth be shed— Such souls, in honor, raise their head. |
وَكُـــنْ كَـــمَـــنْ لِلَّـــهِ عَــفْ وَقَــلْــبُـــهُ قَـــدِ ارْتَــجَـــفْ وَلِلـــــدُّمُــــوعِ قَـــــدْ ذَرَفْ هَــذَا الَّــذِي نَــالَ الـشَّــرَفْ |
Keep company with those who know, The light of guidance they bestow, From sins and faults, their hearts are free, Blessed are those who cease to flee. |
Accompany the righteous ones, Who walked the path, whose battle’s won; Their deeds untainted by disgrace, Blessed are those who never cease. |
وَصَــاحِــبَـــنَّ مَـــنْ عَـــرَفْ نُـورَ الْـهُـدَى وَمَــا اعْـتَـسَـفْ وَلِلــذُّنُـــوبِ مَــــا اقْــتَــرَفْ طُــوبَـى لِــعَـبْـدٍ مَــا وَكَـــفْ |
Complain not of a life so lean, Nor mourn the days of hardship seen, But seek refuge from life's excess, For it is given in blessedness. |
Do not complain of life’s harsh days, And shun indulgence’s tempting ways; For you’ve been given just enough— A simple life, though free of fluff. |
لَا تَــشْــكُــوَنَّ فِـي لَـــهَــــفْ عَــيْــشـًا تَــرَاهُ ذَا شَّــظَـــفْ وَلْـتَـسْتَـعِــذْ مِــنَ الـــتَّــرَفْ رُزِقْـتَ عَـيْـشـًا ذَا غَـــطَـــفْ |
This world is but a fragile thing, And all its gifts, a hollow ring, Turn not away from truth so fast, The righteous path alone shall last. |
This world is brittle, like to clay, And fragile things will fade away; So keep the path of those before, And stray from it, no more, no more. |
دُنْــــيَــاكَ كُــلُّـــهَــا خَــــزَفْ وَمَــا بِــهَـا سِــوَى الْعَـجَــف فَــلَا تَــكُــنْ مِـمَّـنْ صَــدَفْ عَـــنْ مَـهْـيَـعِ الَّـذِي سَــلَــفْ |
Blessed is the one who gives his all, Who helps the orphan heed God's call, And charges forth to battle's fray, To cast the enemy away. |
How great is he who cares and gives, To orphans, as long as he lives; Who hastens forth, for justice fights, And stands to guard the truth, with might. |
لِـلَّـــــهِ دَرُّ مَـــــنْ عَـــطَـــفْ عَــلَـى اليَــتِـيــمِ وَانْـصَـرَفْ وَلِـلْـــجِـــهَــــادِ قَــــدْ وَزَفْ وَلِـلْــعَـــــدُوِّ قَـــدْ قَـــــذَفْ |
Seek the shade where peace doth rest, And beauty's calm fills every breast, Leave the causes of disgust behind, For time, once lost, we cannot find. |
Rejoice beneath the spreading shade, Where beauty lingers, softly laid; Forsake what’s vile, embrace what’s pure, For time, dear friend, will not endure. |
انْـــعَــمْ بِــظِـــلٍّ قَــدْ وَرَفْ وَلِلْـــجَــمَـــالِ قَــدْ وَصَــفْ وَخَــلِّ أَسْـــبَــابَ الْـقَـــرَفْ فَـالْــوَقْـتُ حَـقـًّا مَـا وَقَـفْ |
Who strives in earnest shuns delight, And leaves behind life's fleeting sight, Walk the path of those before, And be the heir of their great store. |
Whoever strives in earnest deed, From worldly folly finds reprieve; So walk the path the pious knew, And you will find your honor too. |
مَــنْ جَـــدَّ فِـي أَمْــرٍ عَـزَفْ عَـــنِ الْمَلَاهِــي وَالــتَّـــرَفْ فَــسِـرْ عَـلَى دَرْبِ السَّـلَــفْ تَـكُـنْ لَـهُـمْ خَـيـرَ الْـخَـلَــفْ |
Beware of pride, for it destroys, And leaves no room for humble joys, Shun excess, for it is a curse, A poison to the soul, far worse. |
Beware the pride that blinds the soul, It leads one far from truth’s control; And shun the excess wealth may bring— For luxury is a bitter sting. |
وَحَــاذِرَنْ مِـــنَ الــصَـلَــفْ قَـدْ يُــهْـلِـكُ الْفَـتَى الأَنَــفْ لَا تَـــرْضَـيَــنَّ بِـــالْــسَـرَفْ فَــــإِنَّــــهُ بِـئْــسَ الـدَّنَـــفْ |
Be one who speaks of truth profound, And in its meanings, joy is found, For in its words, the righteous stand, While falsehood crumbles into sand. |
Speak truth with clarity and grace, Align your words in rightful place; For falsehood crumbles at its core, Its empty shell survives no more. |
بِـالْـحَـقِّ كُـنْ مِــمَّـنْ قَـذَفْ وَلِلْـمَــعَـانِــي قَـــدْ وَصَــفْ وَلِلْـمَـــبَـانِــي قَـــدْ رَصَــفْ فَـبَـاطِــلٌ بِــهِـا انْــقَــصَــفْ |
Abandon sin, and leave despair, And turn to Him who holds us dear, If a servant turns and does confess, God forgives what he may profess. |
Abandon sin and wayward thought, Repent to Him whose love is sought; For when a servant turns in shame, Forgiveness follows in God’s name. |
دَعِ الْـمَـعَـاصِـي وَالْـجَــنَـفْ وَتُــبْ لِــمَــنْ بِــنَـــا لَــطَـفْ إِنْ تَـــابَ عَـبْــدٌ وَاعْـتَــرَفْ يُــغْــفَـرْ لَــهُ مَـا قَـدْ سَــلَـفْ |