ترجمة قصيدة فائية النصائح لفضيلة الشيخ حسام جاد

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • ahmed_allaithy
    رئيس الجمعية
    • May 2006
    • 4014

    ترجمة قصيدة فائية النصائح لفضيلة الشيخ حسام جاد

    فائية النصائح
    لمولانا فضيلة الشيخ حسام جاد
    ترجمها شعرًا إلى الإنجليزية أحمد الليثي (بعنوان سبيل الصالحين)
    The Path of the Righteous (Fā’iyyah al-Naṣā’iḥ)
    Praise be to Him whose grace we feel,
    Who shows His mercy with such zeal,
    He crushes tyrants with His might,
    And humbles rebels from their height.
    All praise to the One whose tender care
    Has blessed us all, His mercy rare,
    Who cast the tyrants from their height,
    And brought the proud beneath His might.
    حَــمْــدًا لِـمَــنْ بِـنَـا رَأَفْ
    وَبِــالـعِــبَـادِ قَــدْ لَــطَـفْ
    وَلِلــطُّــغَــاةِ قَـدْ نَــسَـفْ
    وَبِـالبُـــغَـاةِ قَــدْ خَـسَـفْ
    Then prayers in ardent love ascend,
    On him, the faithful, who did amend,
    Who in piety did live and tread,
    Muhammad, finest ever made,
    Prayers upon the Chosen One,
    The pure, the truthful, duty done;
    In piety he stood arrayed,
    Muhammad, finest ever made.
    ثُـمَّ الـصَّـلَاةُ فِـي شَغَـفْ
    عَلَى الَّـذِي وَفَّـى وَعَــفْ
    وَبِـالـتُّـقَـى قَـــدِ اتَّـصَـفْ
    مُـحَـمَّــدٍ خَــيْـرِ الـسَّلَـفْ
    He spoke of God with perfect grace,
    In truth, no err nor pride to trace,
    He wandered not, nor strayed aside,
    With words of wisdom, not of pride.
    He spoke of God in words so true,
    With meanings deep, and wisdom too;
    No errant step, no crooked thought,
    With clear, divine insight he taught.
    وَلِـلْإِلَـــهِ قَــــدْ وَصَـــفْ
    بِــمَــا بِــهِ قَـــدِ اتَّــصَـفْ
    وَلَا غَــوَى وَلَا انْــحَــرَفْ
    وَبِـالْــكَــلَامِ مَــا هَــرَفْ
    My counsel goes to those who see,
    Who know God's favor constantly,
    And drink from oceans of His light,
    Wrapped in the cloak of pure insight.
    To those who seek to understand,
    I urge you: take the outstretched hand,
    Drink from God’s endless, boundless sea,
    And robe yourself in piety.
    نَــصِيــحَتِي لِمَـنْ عَــرَفْ
    لِلَّـــهِ فَـضْــلاً وَاعْــتَــرَفْ
    وَمِــنْ بِــحَــارِهِ اغْــتَـرَفْ
    وَبِـالْـهُـدَى قَــدِ الْـتَــحَـفْ
    O brother, leave behind your pride,
    And fear your Lord, take Him as guide,
    For highest honor truly lies
    In One who hears our heartfelt cries.
    O brother, leave your pride behind,
    Before your Lord, in awe, be kind,
    For highest honors lie within
    The oneness of the Lord of men.
    أَيَـــا أَخِــي، دَعِ الـصَّـلَـفْ
    لِلَّـــهِ قُـــمْ وَمِــنْــهُ خَــفْ
    فَــإِنَّ أَعْــظَـــمَ الــشَّــرَفْ
    تَـوْحِـيـدُ مَــنْ بِـنَا لَــطَـفْ
    Beware, O brother, of deceit,
    For in hypocrisy is defeat,
    Work for the Lord, who has decreed
    That only those who turn succeed.
    Beware hypocrisy’s deceit—
    A path that leads to sure defeat;
    Work for the Lord who swore to give
    His grace to those who rightly live.
    أَخِــي، مِــنَ الــرِّيَـاءِ
    خَـفْ فَــــإِنَّــــهُ هُـــوَ الــتَّــلَـــفْ
    وَاعْــمَـلْ لِــرَبٍّ قَـدْ حَـلَـفْ
    بِــفَــوزِ مَــنْ لَــــهُ صَــرَفْ
    Hold to the knowledge of the past,
    And by it, honor you shall grasp,
    For in its path is safety sure,
    To keep the soul from ruin pure.
    Seek wisdom from the saints of old,
    Whose knowledge shines with light untold;
    A path well-trodden, strong and bright,
    To guide you through the darkest night.
    وَاحْرِصْ عَلَى عِلْمِ السَّلَـفْ
    تَــنَــلْ بِـــهِ ذُرَى الــشَّـرَفْ
    فَـــذَاكَ نَــهْــجٌ مُـــؤْتَــلَـفْ
    تَــنْـجُــو بِــهِ مِــنَ التَّــلَـفْ
    Be like the scholars, firm in heart,
    Who seek the truth, and from it start,
    They strip away falsehood's veil,
    And with their light, all darkness pale.
    Be like the scholars, firm and wise,
    Who sought the truth and saw through lies;
    They scattered falsehood’s fleeting cloud,
    And to the light of truth they bowed.
    وَكُـــنْ كَـــعَـــالِـمِ الـسَّـلَـفْ
    عَلَى الـعُـلُـومِ قَــدْ عَــكَــفْ
    وَلِلـضَّـــلَالِ قَـــدْ كَـــشَــفْ
    كَــمْ مِـنْ ضَــلَالَــةٍ نَـسَــفْ
    Do not trust the one who turns away,
    Nor him who’s strayed from the true way,
    Avoid the one who flees from right,
    And walks away from guiding light.
    Trust not the biased, nor the weak,
    Who from the righteous path would sneak;
    Avoid the hearts that turn away,
    From guiding light to stray and sway.
    لَا تَـــأْمَــنَــنَّ مَـــنْ جَــنَــفْ
    وَلَا الَّـــذِي قَـــدِ انْــحَـــرَف
    وَلَا تُــصَــاحِـبْ مَـن نَـكَــفْ
    عَــنِ الـدَّلِـيــلِ وَانْــصَـــرَفْ
    Forsake the places filled with pain,
    And those whose lives are dark with strain,
    And cast them out without a fright,
    For they have followed their desire's flight.
    Leave grief behind and sorrows past,
    Banish their shadow, make it last;
    Do not be swayed by fleeting whims—
    For those who stray, their future dims.
    وَدَعْ مَـــوَاطِـــنَ الأَسَـــفْ
    وَكُـــلَّ مَــنْ بِــهِ اتَّـــصَــفْ
    وَاطْــرُدْهُ عَــنْـكَ لَا تَـخَـفْ
    مَـنْ تَـابَـعَ الْهَـوَى انْـحَـرَفْ
    Be like the one who fears his Lord,
    Whose heart with trembling love is stored,
    And lets the tears of truth descend,
    He is the one who meets his end.
    Stand firm for God, with trembling heart,
    In awe of Him, play out your part;
    Let tears of humble truth be shed—
    Such souls, in honor, raise their head.
    وَكُـــنْ كَـــمَـــنْ لِلَّـــهِ عَــفْ
    وَقَــلْــبُـــهُ قَـــدِ ارْتَــجَـــفْ
    وَلِلـــــدُّمُــــوعِ قَـــــدْ ذَرَفْ
    هَــذَا الَّــذِي نَــالَ الـشَّــرَفْ
    Keep company with those who know,
    The light of guidance they bestow,
    From sins and faults, their hearts are free,
    Blessed are those who cease to flee.
    Accompany the righteous ones,
    Who walked the path, whose battle’s won;
    Their deeds untainted by disgrace,
    Blessed are those who never cease.
    وَصَــاحِــبَـــنَّ مَـــنْ عَـــرَفْ
    نُـورَ الْـهُـدَى وَمَــا اعْـتَـسَـفْ
    وَلِلــذُّنُـــوبِ مَــــا اقْــتَــرَفْ
    طُــوبَـى لِــعَـبْـدٍ مَــا وَكَـــفْ
    Complain not of a life so lean,
    Nor mourn the days of hardship seen,
    But seek refuge from life's excess,
    For it is given in blessedness.
    Do not complain of life’s harsh days,
    And shun indulgence’s tempting ways;
    For you’ve been given just enough—
    A simple life, though free of fluff.
    لَا تَــشْــكُــوَنَّ فِـي لَـــهَــــفْ
    عَــيْــشـًا تَــرَاهُ ذَا شَّــظَـــفْ
    وَلْـتَـسْتَـعِــذْ مِــنَ الـــتَّــرَفْ
    رُزِقْـتَ عَـيْـشـًا ذَا غَـــطَـــفْ
    This world is but a fragile thing,
    And all its gifts, a hollow ring,
    Turn not away from truth so fast,
    The righteous path alone shall last.
    This world is brittle, like to clay,
    And fragile things will fade away;
    So keep the path of those before,
    And stray from it, no more, no more.
    دُنْــــيَــاكَ كُــلُّـــهَــا خَــــزَفْ
    وَمَــا بِــهَـا سِــوَى الْعَـجَــف
    فَــلَا تَــكُــنْ مِـمَّـنْ صَــدَفْ
    عَـــنْ مَـهْـيَـعِ الَّـذِي سَــلَــفْ
    Blessed is the one who gives his all,
    Who helps the orphan heed God's call,
    And charges forth to battle's fray,
    To cast the enemy away.
    How great is he who cares and gives,
    To orphans, as long as he lives;
    Who hastens forth, for justice fights,
    And stands to guard the truth, with might.
    لِـلَّـــــهِ دَرُّ مَـــــنْ عَـــطَـــفْ
    عَــلَـى اليَــتِـيــمِ وَانْـصَـرَفْ
    وَلِـلْـــجِـــهَــــادِ قَــــدْ وَزَفْ
    وَلِـلْــعَـــــدُوِّ قَـــدْ قَـــــذَفْ
    Seek the shade where peace doth rest,
    And beauty's calm fills every breast,
    Leave the causes of disgust behind,
    For time, once lost, we cannot find.
    Rejoice beneath the spreading shade,
    Where beauty lingers, softly laid;
    Forsake what’s vile, embrace what’s pure,
    For time, dear friend, will not endure.
    انْـــعَــمْ بِــظِـــلٍّ قَــدْ وَرَفْ
    وَلِلْـــجَــمَـــالِ قَــدْ وَصَــفْ
    وَخَــلِّ أَسْـــبَــابَ الْـقَـــرَفْ
    فَـالْــوَقْـتُ حَـقـًّا مَـا وَقَـفْ
    Who strives in earnest shuns delight,
    And leaves behind life's fleeting sight,
    Walk the path of those before,
    And be the heir of their great store.
    Whoever strives in earnest deed,
    From worldly folly finds reprieve;
    So walk the path the pious knew,
    And you will find your honor too.
    مَــنْ جَـــدَّ فِـي أَمْــرٍ عَـزَفْ
    عَـــنِ الْمَلَاهِــي وَالــتَّـــرَفْ
    فَــسِـرْ عَـلَى دَرْبِ السَّـلَــفْ
    تَـكُـنْ لَـهُـمْ خَـيـرَ الْـخَـلَــفْ
    Beware of pride, for it destroys,
    And leaves no room for humble joys,
    Shun excess, for it is a curse,
    A poison to the soul, far worse.
    Beware the pride that blinds the soul,
    It leads one far from truth’s control;
    And shun the excess wealth may bring—
    For luxury is a bitter sting.
    وَحَــاذِرَنْ مِـــنَ الــصَـلَــفْ
    قَـدْ يُــهْـلِـكُ الْفَـتَى الأَنَــفْ
    لَا تَـــرْضَـيَــنَّ بِـــالْــسَـرَفْ
    فَــــإِنَّــــهُ بِـئْــسَ الـدَّنَـــفْ
    Be one who speaks of truth profound,
    And in its meanings, joy is found,
    For in its words, the righteous stand,
    While falsehood crumbles into sand.
    Speak truth with clarity and grace,
    Align your words in rightful place;
    For falsehood crumbles at its core,
    Its empty shell survives no more.
    بِـالْـحَـقِّ كُـنْ مِــمَّـنْ قَـذَفْ
    وَلِلْـمَــعَـانِــي قَـــدْ وَصَــفْ
    وَلِلْـمَـــبَـانِــي قَـــدْ رَصَــفْ
    فَـبَـاطِــلٌ بِــهِـا انْــقَــصَــفْ
    Abandon sin, and leave despair,
    And turn to Him who holds us dear,
    If a servant turns and does confess,
    God forgives what he may profess.
    Abandon sin and wayward thought,
    Repent to Him whose love is sought;
    For when a servant turns in shame,
    Forgiveness follows in God’s name.
    دَعِ الْـمَـعَـاصِـي وَالْـجَــنَـفْ
    وَتُــبْ لِــمَــنْ بِــنَـــا لَــطَـفْ
    إِنْ تَـــابَ عَـبْــدٌ وَاعْـتَــرَفْ
    يُــغْــفَـرْ لَــهُ مَـا قَـدْ سَــلَـفْ
    د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
    رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
    تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

    فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي
