ترجمة قصيدة يا نفسُ نلتِ المنى

  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • ahmed_allaithy
    رئيس الجمعية
    • May 2006
    • 4013

    ترجمة قصيدة يا نفسُ نلتِ المنى

    يا نفس نلتِ المنى فاستبشـري وسلــي
    هـذا الحبيـبُ وهـذا سيـدُ الرسـل
    O soul, you've reached your longed-for prize, rejoice and sing,
    For here’s the Beloved, the Messenger, Heaven’s King!
    The one you sought with every breath and tear,
    Now in his presence, cast aside all fear!
    هـذا الـذي مـلأتْ قلبـي محبتُــــــــه
    هذا الذي سهرتْ مـن أجلـِه مُقَلـي
    He is the one whose love has filled my heart so deep,
    The one for whom my eyes forsake their sleep.
    Through restless nights I stayed awake for him,
    My soul aglow, though every light grew dim.
    هذا الذي كنتُ أهـواه و فـزتُ بــــه
    يا ترحتي انفصلي، يا فرحتي اتصلـي
    He is the one I’ve always loved, now he is mine,
    O sorrow, depart from me, O joy, intertwine!
    At last, I’ve won the love I’ve longed to see,
    Rejoice, my heart, for now you’re truly free!
    هذا الذي الخَلْقُ من أشواقـه هجـروا
    للأهل والصحـب والأبنـاء والطلـل
    He is the one whose love made creation leave behind,
    Their kin, their friends, their children, every tie that binds.
    For him, they left their homes and all they knew,
    Driven by longing, pure and true.
    هـذا الـذي للهدى والديـن أرشدنـــا
    لمِلَّـٍة شرعُهـا يسمو علـى المِـلَـل
    He is the one who guided us to truth and light,
    To a faith whose law soars beyond all others’ might.
    He led us on the path of righteousness and grace,
    A creed whose teachings time cannot erase.
    هذا الذي انشـق اكرامًـا لـه قمــــرٌ
    لما اشـار إليـه فـي محفـلٍ حَفِـلِ
    He is the one for whom the moon once split in two,
    A miracle by his sign, in a gathering so true.
    When with a simple gesture, he pointed to the sky,
    And all creation marveled, glorified on high.
    هذا الـذي رد عينـًا بعدمـا قُلِـعَـــتْ
    وريقُه قد شفـى عيـنَ الإمـامِ عَلِـٍّي
    He is the one who restored a sightless eye,
    When it was struck and torn beneath the sky.
    His blessed saliva healed Imam Ali’s pain,
    And brought his vision, whole and clear, again.
    هذا الذي إنْ مشى في التُّرْبِ لا أَثَـرَ
    يُرى له ويُرَى في الصخـر والجبـل
    He is the one who walked upon the earth, unseen,
    No trace of him was left on ground serene,
    Yet even stones and mountains bore his sign,
    A miracle of grace, both pure and fine.
    هذا الذي حـَنَّ جِـذْعٌ عنـد فُرْقَتِـــــه
    لـَهُ وَأَنَّ أنـيـنَ الـوالِـِه الثَّـكـِل
    He is the one for whom the palm trunk wept,
    When parted from him, in grief, it softly crept,
    A sorrowful moan, like a mother’s cry,
    Longing for him, her tear-filled eye.
    هذا الذي جـاء بئـرا وهـي مالحـــةٌ
    ومـجَّ فيهـا فعـاد المـاءُ كالعسـل
    He is the one who found a well of bitter taste,
    He touched its water, and sweetness filled the place,
    What once was salt, became as honey pure,
    His blessed touch made every drop endure.
    هذا الذي فـار مـاءٌ مـن أصابعِــــه
    مثل الزُّلالِ حكى الأنهارَ في السبـل
    He is the one from whose fingers water streamed,
    Like rivers flowing, cool and clear, it gleamed,
    His hands gave forth, as if from heaven’s door,
    Refreshing all who drank, forevermore.
    هذا الذي اذ دعا جـاءت لـه شجـــرٌ
    تَجُرُّ أصلًا لهـا سعيـًا علـى عجـل
    He is the one who, when he called, the trees would race,
    Dragging their roots in haste to reach his blessed place.
    In awe they moved, responding to his voice,
    Guided by his call, they had no other choice.
    هذا الـذي سبـَّح الحصبـا براحتـِه
    والضَّب ُّكَلَّمَـه جهـرًا مـع الجَمَـل
    He is the one whose palm stones glorified with praise,
    As the pebbles in his hand did hymns of worship raise.
    And the desert lizard, with the camel too,
    Spoke clearly to him, their words ringing true.
    هذا الذي شَدَّ مـن جـوعٍ بـه حَجَـًرا
    أكْرِمْ بِمَوْلَى غـدًا بالزهـد مِشتمـل
    He is the one who, in hunger’s grip, tied a stone,
    Yet his contentment and piety brightly shone.
    O how blessed is the one whose life was full of grace,
    Clad in asceticism, he turned from the world's embrace.
    هذا الذي راودتْهُ الشُّـمُّ مـن ذَهَـٍب
    فَرَدَّهـا، وإلـى الدنيـا فلـم يـَمِـل
    He is the one to whom gold’s mountains sought to cling,
    But he turned them away, to wealth he’d never bring.
    He never leaned toward this fleeting world’s lure,
    His heart remained in purity, steadfast and sure.
    هذا الذي في مقامِ العـرضِ شافعُنـا
    إذا استغثنا بـه مـن شـدة الوجـل
    He is our intercessor in the grand display,
    When we plead for mercy on that dreadful day.
    And the garden between his pulpit and grave,
    Is from Paradise, where the blessed shall be saved.
    هذا الذي روضـةٌ مـا بيـن منبـرِه
    وقبرِه من رياض الخُلـد لـم تـزل
    He is the one whose garden, between his pulpit and grave,
    Remains a meadow of Paradise, where the blessed souls crave.
    يا سيدَ الخلق يـا مـَن حـاز مرتبـة ً
    عُلْيا و قد جلَّ عن شَبَهٍ و عـن مَثـَل
    O Master of creation, you who hold the highest place,
    Beyond compare, unique in every trace.
    يا دُرَّةَ الأنبيـا، يـا روضـةَ العُلَمـا
    يا ملجَـأَ الغُرَبـا، يـا سيـِّدَ الرسـل
    O pearl of prophets, garden of the wise,
    Shelter of the strangers, whose guidance never dies.
    O refuge of the lost, O leader of the best,
    O noble Messenger, above all the rest!
    العبـدُ عابـدُ رحمـنٍ، الجليـلِ، أتـى
    إليك و هو مـن الأوزار فـي خَجـل
    The servant of the Most Merciful, the Glorious One, has come,
    To you, burdened with sins, in shame, and feeling numb.
    يرجـو بمدحتـِه غـفـرانَ زَلَّـتِـه
    مع الرضا و حُلول الخُلـد و الحُلَـل
    He hopes through his praise to earn forgiveness for his fall,
    And with it, God's pleasure, eternal peace, and robes for all.
    صلى عليـك إلـهُ العـرشِ خالقُنـا
    في الليل والصبح والإبكار والأُصُل
    May prayers be upon you, O Messenger, from our Creator,
    The Lord of the Throne, both in night and morning's hour,
    In dawn's first light, and when the day grows old,
    Blessings unceasing, forever untold.
    و اخْصُصْ أبا بكر ثم الْحَقْ بِهِ عُمَـرَ
    كذاك عثمانُ ذو النُّورَيْـن ثـم عَلِـيٌّ
    And give special honor to Abu Bakr, the steadfast true,
    Then follow him with Umar, in virtue's hue,
    And Uthman, bearer of two lights so bright,
    Then Ali, the lion, in wisdom and might.
    و الآلَ و الصحبَ و الأتباعَ أجمعَهـم
    أُولي النهى و الفَخارِ السَّـادَةَ النُّجُـل
    And upon the family, companions, and all followers too,
    The noble ones of wisdom, honor, and virtue true.
    And those who first embraced Islam’s shining light,
    And the righteous who followed, in goodness and right.
    و السابقين إلـى الإسـلام قاطبــــةً
    والتابعيـن بإحسـانٍ و كـلِّ وَلِـي
    May blessings fall on each loyal friend,
    And every saint to whom the faithful bend,
    All those who tread the path with care,
    With hearts devoted to prayer and sincere.
    د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
    رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
    تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

    فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي
