See You My Love in Paradise…..

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • Dr_Almazeny
    كبار الشخصيات
    • May 2006
    • 151

    See You My Love in Paradise…..

    هذه ترجمة قام بها محبين للخير لخاطرة دعوية
    ولو لديكم تعقيب أو تصويب للقواعد- أو غيرها - فمرحبا به
    ولو هناك متطوع(ة) لترجمة غيرها من الرسائل النافعة فالله شكور حليم

    See You My Love in Paradise…..

    Never ask about Fatimah!

    By: Dr. Islam Sobhi Al-Mazeny

    Let us share my thoughts….

    I was in a night shift in an emergency unit, sitting with other physician listening to a radio talking about Fatimah Az-Zahra. Suddenly, the receptionist of the hospital pushed the door harshly and shouted Pascal! Pascal!...Then he switched on the television and switched off the radio in excited way.

    I thought there was a program on that particular French scientist of physics whom we once studied for. Only as he was flipping through the channels, I couldn't help wondering how did the receptionist majored in commerce, knew about such prominent physicist! So, I thought the program must then be interesting! But only to find out that he was seeking no more than obscene scenes! I realized that the 'Pascal' he meant was the naked dancer which has the same name with the scientist. He stood there watching, almost drooling at such filth! He behaved like a mad dog, forgive me for saying so. His heart was beating fast, I almost felt it! His eyes were popping out! All those for such a cheap amusement. Is such a pleasure favored over destiny? Can you see with your own sheer eyes?

    These 'women' were a worse case than slaves in ancient history! Their bodies were not sold to one man as used to be the case with old civilizations! They were not holding up red flags as used to be done in the Hijaz desert prior to Islam. Their bodies then were sold to a one mean man for a Dinar or some food!

    At our age and time, there are women displaying themselves for millions of people out in the public and not in the dark allies anymore! What could be degrading? Can that be freedom? Is putting out oneself disgracefully considered a generosity though it renders no self-respect at all?! I turned my face around and left the room. The name was added to my sum of knowledge! Surely it was not just any name… I was deeply indulged in my sadness thinking! How could a doctor who had spent seven years of study, who had lived a life of excellence, just degraded himself to such an extent?! He looked exactly like a monkey furiously fighting a bug!!

    At the waiting area, I saw the nurse was sharing the same 'ceremony' but from a different television. Oh! well, I thought why should she be any different, so I decided to leave, unpleased with all these. It was a repulsive act, which displease the Al-Mighty Allah.

    I went into a different room of a person on call and there I went on listening to my radio program. Although I knew about the biography of Fatimah Az-Zahra', may Allah bless her soul, I still was intrigued to follow. The same receptionist repeated the same thing the following days. I just wasn't willing to share the bodies of some women with that person or others through that television or anything else as if we are a bunch of hyenas hovering over some dead donkey!!

    Yes, I kept leaving and going a further distance to enjoy another type of program, full of enlightment and feeling as though an angel might be blessing me with serenity amidst a flood of non-sense.

    I am a normal guy! I love fun! I want to enjoy! I share laughter but I fight against the Devil! I am definite that we are not on a trip in this kind of life. It is an exam we are putting up against, with some breaks now and then. Pleasure, I believe, it has its own channels. Our religion is, thank Allah, of no monkhood! And I fight away self weakness. At the middle of the night, I wrote something about Fatimah az-Zahra'. I wanted to express myself and push away the smothering wrongdoing around me.

    Please share with me… Perhaps we can go back to a method long forgotten in order to fly high in a world of hope!

    With Fatimah az-Zahra'

    To meet in Heaven my dear,

    my Ali,

    to meet in Heaven,

    don't cry dear,

    days will pass by so fast…

    and then you will come..

    and we will meet there,

    Where death…

    Can never make us apart again…

    Don't ask about Fatimah,

    Who wouldn't love her?

    Her pure scent..

    Her youth…

    She answered the call ..

    From the Creator…


    She was immortal

    High mannered,

    But short life,

    Yet amazingly enough!

    She fulfilled her religious duties,


    A woman at the top of the world.

    We all love her,

    Generation after generation,

    Mothers loved her,

    Daughters of her age,

    The whole nation,

    Respected her,

    And everybody just loved Fatimah,

    Whether they were righteous or not!

    What greatness!

    Behold the love of Allah to His creation,

    How it spread and prevails!

    Peace be upon you Fatimah,

    A smile to all around her,


    Commitment were all her..

    A good and loving wife,

    A role model to all,

    The best wife,

    The best daughter,

    I think you reached the Paradise ahead of me.

    Heaven is not usually guaranteed!

    Who can be like you?

    Pure hearted?

    Rightful and committed,

    The flower of my life,

    Just thinking about you,

    Brings a smile to my face!

    We forget our sadness…

    When we remember your joy…

    You had the best of kinship,

    The daughter of the Messenger of Allah…

    For the whole nation

    The Final Messenger,

    The blessing,

    Do you know him?

    A leader,

    A light,

    A mercy,

    Still they say; "how can we then follow his steps?"

    We're not of the same level?

    Allah asked all of you to follow the Prophet's path,

    That's all!

    You need not fast and not eat,

    Nor pray all night and day,

    Just obey your Messenger,

    Don't be misguided.

    What does 'following' really mean?

    What is the use of light to be blind!

    Let them be Fatimah,

    A fulfillment from Allah to whoever wishes to believe…


    Whose father is like no other man,

    Sent from Allah,

    Blessed with peace and prayers from the Al-Mighty

    And Chosen by Him

    A unique father!

    A great parent!

    A great daughter!

    She was a follower,


    A'isha also talked of how wonderful Fatimah was,

    She had the Prophet's walk,

    His ways and beliefs were embodied by Fatimah,

    Who but you Fatimah,

    Such an honoring life.

    She was the daughter of Khadijah,

    The Prophet's most beloved wife,

    Whose Allah bestowed His blessings upon her..

    Allah sent His Messenger Angel Jibreel to Fatimah's mother, Khadijah

    To tell her of the palace of pearls that awaits her in the Heaven..

    Who is like you Fatimah?

    Our mother,

    Our sister,

    The beloved mother of all believers,

    To love her is to follow her,

    Just like butterflies follow the light,

    Who is like you?

    Your sons; Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein,

    The best of youth,

    Real men and high mannered.

    How wonderful Fatimah is!

    A woman whom Islam had done her just and enlightened her.

    Who can be like you?

    You were a daughter

    Who wholeheartedly felt for her father,

    Lived with him through his hardship and fights…

    You endured a lot..

    Till the message was completed and perfectly delivered.

    How can be there those who will not follow?

    There are those who learn to know and realize what should be done.

    Oh! Fatimah,

    It was not your mistake,

    People just disregarded the Message…

    Even neglected the Qur'aan.


    No one like you…

    You are immortal

    And example to all believing women.

    Was Makkah your beginning?




    All, the meanings of Truth can be recognized through you..

    The Prophet's child, Khadijah's offspring,

    Who is like you?

    But still…. The girls are not following your steps!

    They just imitate other cheap personalities!

    They are ashamed to follow you!

    What a shame!

    What a blindness!

    Men who are only interested in indecent women…

    they will surely suffer the consequences… Oh!

    Who can be like you Fatimah,

    Names fade away while yours remain clearly distinguished!



    Ali bin Abi Taleb was your husband,

    Anyone knows who is Ali?

    A light shining forever,

    The last of Caliph ar-Rasheedeen,

    A star whose antagonists were the mislead!

    The first little boy to become a believer in only Allah.

    The prophet and his wife loved him,

    Caliph Omar loved him,

    Do you know Omar?

    The Farouq?

    Omar's endearment towards someone is indescribable!

    He was a man cultured by Islam,

    Only in our time,

    The ill-mannered have become the idols!

    A lost generation!

    The media has become intoxicated!


    People are blinded to see the teachings of Allah…

    Who can be like you Omar?

    A unique man,

    a chosen man.


    Through you alone,

    The Prophet's legacy will live on,

    Who can be like you?


    Others are made as leading examples

    Who are ignorant of their own Holy Qur'aan.

    They are willing to take off decency and take off their 'minds'!

    They don’t realize how grave it is..


    You are at the top where Maryam is placed,

    The pure,

    The poised…

    Don't be sad,

    They are bitter so they tasted the 'bitterness' of honey!

    Fatimah was the real role model,

    They never saw it!

    Her way of dressing was part of it but not all of it..

    Fatimah is the envy of those who live only by their wishes..

    They just don't see how virtuous she was,

    I heard them,

    They thought she was a loser..

    They like low standards!

    They are ignorant of history!

    Why don’t they learn from what the West has suffered?

    They don't see the flaws!

    Their hearts are blinded!

    They don't want the truth,

    They believe human beings are made to live in pigsties!

    They want ideal girls,

    Incapable of appreciating Fatimah!

    Don't be sad,

    Only the worthy will follow,

    Only the rabble will fall!


    I sometimes wish they can only know the worst picture!

    They are repelled by Musk and drawn by waste,

    just like worms!!

    Let them be…


    We are with you, of you.

    We enjoy our lawful pleasures,

    We are extremely patient,

    Who can be like you, let them be,

    You will have coming generations of righteous believers..

    And happiness will never be realized by the disbelievers,

    Not any woman will be affected by them,

    Life will go on,

    They will suffer remorse,

    You are 'happiness',




    She was happy,

    Her husband was too,

    The universe was happy also despite the Exhaustion,


    In Paradise, we will meet Ali,

    Oh! Fatimah,

    You were never served,

    Your hands were worn out of hard work,

    It will be alright,

    A matter of short time and we are on our way to our Creator!

    I will go on…,

    We will meet in the Paradise,


    Fatimah got up there,

    Right after the Prophet,

    The first to follow him among the family…

    What an honor!

    No time for this life,

    No time for food or gossip,

    No time to follow up new fashion of clothes,

    Enough of this life of such pain..

    You made it Fatimah!,

    Blessed is the promise,

    Paradise opened its doors everywhere!



    Silk garments,


    Drinking Vessels,




    And you father calling,


    Zahraa' ,


    A part of me,

    Come here,

    We arrived at the end of the test!

    This is the beginning!

    This is the real life!

    Everlasting joy!



    A Permanent Home!


    Drink my sweet daughter,

    Your father will not suffer anymore,

    For here is the real blessing,

    The glamour,

    The beauty..

    The river of al-Kauthar,

    Drink dear..

    Yes this is the Kauthar water,

    Exactly as mentioned in the Qur'aan,

    Here are also pleasant scents…

    Just drink my love,

    I will hand it to you with my own hand,

    There is a river of honey,

    Fortunate and blessed who will work for such prizes,

    There is a river of wine,

    For those who patiently persevere..

    There is the river of blessed yoghurt..

    Oh! Allah!

    There is also found a river of forever fresh water,

    They won't decoy like some human minds!

    There is the palace of your beloved mother Khadijah!

    There is your comfortable sofa!

    Can you see your sons?

    They are with us,

    Here in the Paradise,

    High among its youth,

    Loved by all,


    All are decorous and pure,

    Chosen as Allah wants,

    There is the palace for those who benefit from their knowledge,

    Here is the place for the patients and diligent,

    Who worked sincerely hard to win such a prizes,

    And whom Allah accepted and approved.


    Will I live long enough to enjoy all that in Heaven?



    There is no limit of lifetime,

    No age set,

    Only infinity,



    Here is your husband,

    In the Palace a happy martyr,

    He was always fully aware of his religion,

    Never undermined an aspect!


    There is Zainab,

    Your sister,

    Embrace her…

    The second light of my daughters,

    And your sister,

    Ruqaiyah and Umm Kalthom,

    All are pure..

    And your grandmother Safiyah.

    We are all here,

    Once gathered back in that previous life for the Message of Truth,

    And we never ignored a word there,

    Never feared but Allah,

    So now,

    We are gathered here in the Paradise by the Light.

    People are of two types,

    Some got themselves in wrongdoing,

    They spend their life in regret and gloominess! Some others,

    However are blessed, enjoying.

    Paradise's palaces and sweet smell!


    There will be fruit and food never tasted before,

    There in A'isha, your best friend too..

    Allah has made it up for her in the Paradise,

    For all the lies said about her in that life,

    Do you wish to greet her?

    One greeting here is 'salaam' a great wonderful greeting!

    Say with me Fatimah,

    Thank Allah for granting us the promised blessings,

    And for the Paradise..

    A place where we can have all we wish…

    And our dreams come true,

    Just like He promises in the Qur'aan,

    Just like He saved us from Hell,

    He will grant us His promise to look at His Gracious


    The shield will be lift up!

    A shield of Light!


    Let us go for such a meeting,

    We are content,

    By Allah we are content…

    We are gratified,

    Please Allah,

    Be pleased with us,



    I bestow My Blessings Upon You…

    I will never be displeased by any of you anymore…. Forever…..
    "طلب العلم فريضة"

    د. إسلام المازني
  • BashirShawish
    أعضاء رسميون
    • May 2006
    • 384

    _MD_RE: See You My Love in Paradise…..

    الدكتور أسلام:
    بعد التحية
    شكرا على الموضوع وأقترح التصويبات التالية التي أمل أن تكون في محلها:
    Some corrections:
    In a night shift= on a night shift
    In excited way =in an excited way
    French scientist whom we once studied= French scientist about whom we studied.
    …which has the same name with…=who had the same name as ..
    At our age and time=at this age and time
    What could be degrading = what could be more degrading
    At the waiting area= in the waiting area.
    I decided to leave unpleased= I decided to leave displeased
    …act which displease= …act which displeases.
    I went into a different room for …=I went into a different room which belonged to…
    …just wasn't willing to share the bodies…= …just wasn't willing to share looking at the bodies…
    …through other things= through any other means.
    …I want to enjoy= I want to enjoy myself (or I want to enjoy things)
    Days will pass by= the days will pass by.
    But short- live= but short-lived.
    For the whole nation= for the whole world.
    everyone knows who is Ali=everyone knows who Ali is
    the heaven= heaven.
    The Paradise= Paradise
    Dr. Bashir Shawish
    د/ بشير محمد الشاوش


    • Dr_Almazeny
      كبار الشخصيات
      • May 2006
      • 151

      _MD_RE: See You My Love in Paradise…..

      <p align="right">ولك تحية نقية مثلها أخي الكريم أشكر هذه النصيحة التي نتعلم منها روح البذل وفضل العلم جزاك الله على هديتك خيراً، فما أحسبنا ننهض بمجازاتها </p>
      "طلب العلم فريضة"

      د. إسلام المازني

