كتاب تلبيس إبليس
لأبي الفرج ابن الجوزي
Delusion of the Devil
By Abu'l-Faraj Ibn Al-Jauzi
==========لأبي الفرج ابن الجوزي
Delusion of the Devil
By Abu'l-Faraj Ibn Al-Jauzi
الحمد لله الذي سلم ميزان العدل إلى أكف ذوي الألباب
Praise be to God, who has committed the balance of justice to the hands of the intelligent
وأرسل الرسل مبشرين ومنذرين بالثواب والعقاب
and sent Apostles to promise reward and give warning of punishment
وأنزل عليهم الكتب مبينة للخطأ والصواب
has revealed unto them the Books which explain wrong and right
وجعل الشرائع كاملة لا نقص فيها ولا عيب
has established Codes that are perfect without fault or flow
أحمده حمد من يعلم أنه مسبب الأسباب
I praise Him as one who knows that he is the Causer of causes
وأشهد بوحدانيته شهادة مخلص في نيته غير مرتاب
and I attest His Unity, as one who is sincere in his intent and undoubting
وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله
and I testify that Muhammad is His Servant and His Envoy
أرسله وقد سدل الكفر على وجه الإيمان والحجاب
sent at a time when infidelity had let down its veil over the face of faith
فنسخ الظلام بنور الهدى وكشف النقاب
so that he cleared away darkness by the light of guidance, removed the veil of ignorance
وبين للناس ما أنزل إليهم
explained to the people what had been revealed to them through him
وأوضح مشكلات الكتاب
elucidating the difficulties of the Book
وتركهم على المحجة البيضاء لا سرب فيها ولا سراب
leaving them on the white highroad, wherein is no pitfall and no mirage
فصلى الله عليه وعلى جميع الآل وكل الأصحاب وعلى التابعين لهم بإحسان إلى يوم الحشر والحساب وسلم تسليما كثيرا .
God be gracious unto him and all his household and companions, and their successors, favouring them until the day of Judgement and reckoning: and may He give them perfect peace