Gaslighting & Concierge Medical Care

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    أعضاء رسميون
    • May 2006
    • 13

    Gaslighting & Concierge Medical Care

    السلام عليكم،
    هذان المصطلحان مستقلان. وتعريف الأول، أي Gaslighting،
    A common form of pscyhological abuse, brainwashing or "mind control" in which an abuser tries to falsely convince the victim that the victim's understanding is defective -- and this for various purposes, such as making the victim more pliable and easily controlled, or making the victim more emotional and therefore more needy and dependent.
    Gaslighting is often done by friends and family members, who claim (and may even believe) that they are trying to be helpful. The gaslighting abuser sees himself or herself as a nurturing parental figure in relation to the victim, and uses gaslighting as a means for keeping the victim in that relationship, perhaps as punishment for the victim's attempt to break out of the dependent role.
    Example 1: If an abusive person says hurtful things and makes you cry, and then, instead of apologizing and taking responsibility, starts recommending treatments for what he or she calls "your depression" or "your mood swings", you are in the presence of a gaslighter.
    Example 2: If someone insults you or criticizes you, and then pretends it was a joke and asks, "Don't you have a sense of humor?", that's gaslighting.
    Perception blaming is a common form of gaslighting, and a common technique for evading the consequences of one's actions.
    Example: "I'm sorry you perceived my words that way; it wasn't my intention." Translation: "You are perceptually defective. Everyone else in the world can read my mind; if you can't, there must be something wrong with you."
    Term is named after the film "Gaslight" (1944), in which the villain changed light levels in a home, leading the protagonist to think there was something wrong with her own mind.
    أما الثاني، أيConcierge Medical Care, فهو:

    A form of highly personalized medical attention in which a patients pay a physician an annual retainer in exchange for - in most cases - 24 hours doctors' availability.

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