هذا ظَهْري فأجْلِدُوه

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • محمد سالم
    عضو منتسب
    • Aug 2018
    • 6

    هذا ظَهْري فأجْلِدُوه

    السَّلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى

    جِئْتُ هُنا لأتعلَّمَ وكانَ أوَّلُ ما وقَعَ عليهِ بصري مقالةً للأستاذ عبد الرَّحمن السُّليمان " الديك الفصيح من البيضة يصيح" وقرَّرتُ أنْ أترجمَها فأشبعوها نقدًا أرجوكم

    The child is father of the man

    Upon reaching down a high mountain in Agshour in north Morocco from which fresh waters spring and develop spectacular waterfalls and then tumble into the village plains, I run out of fresh water and I was parched as the midday heat soared temperatures to forty degrees. I reached the plain and now with scattered roadside vendors of drinks, fruits, useful herbs, nuts and antiques, I first saw a boy aged six or seven selling orange natural juice in his wheeled hand carriage which was surrounded by plastic storage containers full of orange fruits soaked in cold water of that that flows free down from the mountain. I ordered one glass but he, nonetheless, showed me two different size drinking glasses saying and explaining with a certain language of child innately innocence: The small glass costs five Dirhams, and the large glass costs seven Dirhams. Which one do you prefer, Sir? I ordered a large glass of freshly pressed orange juice to quench the thirst caused by climbing and descending a mountain in the midday

    The boy took seven cold oranges out of the pail and begun hand-squeezing them but his arm seemed to be too weak to appropriately squeeze the oranges so he overstrained his slim body upwards and then steadily leant all his weight on the juicer to press out the juice over and over until finishing it off. I offered him my assistance but he turned it down, may be he saw that my offer to help impugns his own capabilities to press oranges

    While he was pressing the second orange, his brother came, I would have guessed him to be a good two or three years older, and asked him - in a showy manner – to step aside, and started squeezing the oranges with liveliness and moves that gave away his intention to fit in an appearance that is beyond his early age and tender body to appear competent in the eyes of his clients

    :He took the initiative and started conversing with me
    Sir, the small glass costs five Dirhams, the large glass costs eight -
    But your brother said the large glass costs seven Dirhams -
    My brother is too young and he doesn’t understand…..He just doesn’t yet have the good concept of pricings
    I’ll do however you like Sir, I pay eight Dirhams and even more -
    No, I swear. Let it be as my brother said: seven Dirhams and no more. He said looking me in the face

    The glass is now almost full and instead of giving me the glass, he split the eighth orange to press it
    There is no need to squeeze it, the glass is already full. I said-
    !You must be honoured, Professor -
    But you have honoured me, you have filled up the glass until it almost spilled over -
    !You worth it Professor. Actually, I care very much -
    ?Allah bless you, but how did you know I am a professor -
    !By perspicacity -
    ?How did you know about perspicacity -

    He cast a glance at me that is worth thousand words and handed me the glass. I drunk my fill

    I was very much surprised by this boy. I asked him his age and I knew he was ten years old, he is a resident of a neighbouring villages of Agshour, he is a pupil in the primary school and he works during summer vacations in selling juices to tourists in Agshour to help his peasant parents make some extra money on the side for winter season

    I took my leave of him musing over his deeds and those of his brother, the sweetness of his words, his liveliness, perseverance and endeavour to satisfy his clients by filling up their glasses at times and his mellifluous words at others but always with an innocence that is clean of the grown up people trickery and frauds. I left with the assertion that if education, rearing of children and development are made available for such a child and his kind of young generation in the Arabic countries, our home lands will then witness a real development because the human resources there are inexhaustible, the earth is productive and Heaven is such closer to the Earth whereas the hope of those who trust in the existence of its Creator will never be disappointed

    Agshour, July 24th, 2018

    وأعتذرُ للأستاذ عن عدم استشارته في ترجمة هذا المقال
    Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
  • عبدالرحمن السليمان
    عضو مؤسس، أستاذ جامعي
    • May 2006
    • 5731

    [align=justify]أهلا وسهلا ومرحبا بالأستاذ محمد سالم في الجمعية. وأرجو أن يطيب لك المقالم بيننا.

    وشكرا جزيلا على هذه المفاجأة! ولا داعي إلى الاعتذار فالمادة ملك للقراء!

    نحن لا نجلد أحدا في الجمعية، بل نرحب بزملائنا وزميلاتنا الكرام أجمل ترحيب. وإذا كان لا بد من ضرب ورمي، فنرميهم بالورود!

    أترك التعليق على ترجمتك للزملاء والزميلات المتخصصين بالترجمة إلى الإنكليزية، وأنا لستُ منهم.

    وتحية طيبة.


    • محمد سالم
      عضو منتسب
      • Aug 2018
      • 6

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة عبدالرحمن السليمان
      [align=justify]أهلا وسهلا ومرحبا بالأستاذ محمد سالم في الجمعية. وأرجو أن يطيب لك المقالم بيننا.

      وشكرا جزيلا على هذه المفاجأة! ولا داعي إلى الاعتذار فالمادة ملك للقراء!

      نحن لا نجلد أحدا في الجمعية، بل نرحب بزملائنا وزميلاتنا الكرام أجمل ترحيب. وإذا كان لا بد من ضرب ورمي، فنرميهم بالورود!

      أترك التعليق على ترجمتك للزملاء والزميلات المتخصصين بالترجمة إلى الإنكليزية، وأنا لستُ منهم.

      وتحية طيبة.

      السَّلامُ عليكم ورحْمةُ الله تعالى وبَركاتُه
      أحمَدُ الله إليكم وأشْكُرُكم على الرِّقةِ والإحسان
      Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new


      • Hassanhegazy11
        حسن حجازي /مصر
        • Sep 2007
        • 130

        هدايا الصباح
        وبساتين المحبة تطل علينا
        حسن حجازي
        حسن حجازى
        مترجم وشاعر مصري

