<blockquote class="replbq" style="padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 5px; border-left: #1010ff 2px solid"><div>إذا أردت أن تسترجع بريدك الإليكتروني المسروق عليك أن<br /><a href="http://us.f592.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=service_x@hotmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#22229c"><span id="lw_1180742759_0" style="background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%">service_x@hotmail.com</span></font></a> : تقوم بإرسال رسالة إلى شركة الهوتميل وهو<br />PW VERIFICATION INFO ENCLOSED : وتكتب عنوان الرسالة <br />وتملأ هذا النموذج <br />first name : أسمك الأول <br />- last name : أسمك الأخير <br />ملاحظه : يجب عليك ان تضع الاسم الاول والاسم الاخير مطابقا بما وضعته سابقا اثناء تسجيل ايميلك <br />- Sign-in name : ايميلك المسروق <br />- Country/region : الدولة <br />- State : المدينه <br />- Zip or postal code : الكودرقم <br />- Approximate date of last successful sign-in or approximate date of account registration : تاريخ آخر يوم فتحت إيميلك <br />- The name of your ISP : <br />- As many "old" outdated passwords you used in the past as you can remember وهنا تكتب كلمات السر القديمة التى تتذكرها <br /><br />وبعد الإنتهاء ....تقوم بإرسالها <br /><br />وستصلك هذه الرساله مباشره بعد ارسال المعلومات هذا نصها <br />This is an auto-generated response designed to let you know our system received <br />your support inquiry. <br />We respond to inquiries in the order received, and a Hotmail Support <br />Representative will address your specific issues as promptly as possible. You <br />should hear from your Support Representative soon. <br />Remember that MSN Hotmail also has comprehensive online help available--just <br />click "Help" in the upper right corner. <br />Please لاe that you will لا receive a reply if you respond directly to this <br />message. <br />اذا كانت المعلومات ناقصه اوغير صحيحة ستاتيك هذه الرساله <br />Hello abcd_110, <br />Thank you for writing to MSN Hotmail. This is Janice, and I am writing in <br />response to your password concerns. <br />Kindly provide the following information for verification purposes. <br />- Name (first and last) <br />- Sign-in name <br />- Birth date <br />- Country/region <br />- State <br />- Zip or postal code <br />- Approximate date of last successful sign in or approximate date of account <br />registration <br /><br />If you provide all of the information requested and it is correct, Hotmail <br />resets your password and sends it by e-mail to the address from which you sent <br />your request. As soon as you can gain access to your account, change your <br />password and your secret question. <br />>>> To change your secret question <br />1. Click "Options" to the right of the "Address Book" tab. The "Options" page appears. <br />2. Under "Your Information", click the "Secret Question" link. The "Secret <br />Question" page appears. <br />3. Type your password in the box provided: below that, type your new secret <br />question and its answer. <br />4. Click "OK" to complete the change or "Cancel" to return to the "Options" page without changing your secret question. <br />Note: If you are using a non-English version of Hotmail, remember that you must type your password, like your sign-in name, in Standard English-based text. <br />Before you sign in with your new password, consider selecting the "Remember my <br />Sign-In Name and Password" option. Then when you quit Hotmail and return,Hotmail automatically signs you in and sends you directly to your Inbox. <br />Note: If you do لا sign in to your Hotmail account for 30 days or within the <br />first 10 days after you set up your account, Hotmail marks your account as <br />"Inactive." Your stored e-mail messages are deleted, and inbound messages are <br />returned to the sender. Your Passport still functions, and your Hotmail sign-in name is reserved. <br />To reactivate your account, go to: <br /><a href="http://www.hotmail.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#22229c"><span id="lw_1180742759_1" style="background: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%">http://www.hotmail.com/</span></font></a> <br />Type your sign-in name and password. <br />If your account remains "Inactive" for 90 days, Hotmail permanently deletes it. <br />Hotmail ensures your e-mail privacy by requiring that you use a password to gain <br />access to your Hotmail account. Do NOT share your password with anyone, even <br />someone claiming to work for Hotmail. Hotmail employees will never ask you to <br />provide your password to them over the phone or by e-mail. <br />Remember that MSN Hotmail also has comprehensive online help available--just <br />click "Help" in the upper right corner. <br />Sincerely, <br />Janice G. <br />MSN Hotmail Customer Support <br />اذا كانت البيانات التى ارسلتها مقنعه سيرسلون لك هذه الرساله بعد ساعة أو بالكثير 3 ساعات وبها كلمة السر <br />Hello MSN Hotmail Member, <br />Thank you for writing to MSN Hotmail. <br />We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. We have reset your password to:كلمة السر <br />After you regain access to your account (الاميل@hotmail.com), please <br />follow the steps given below to change the password <br />1. Click "Options" to the right of the "Address Book" tab. <br />2. Under "Your Information", click the "Password" link. <br />3. Input the new password and click OK. <br />Also, due to the security reasons we have deleted your secret question and <br />answer, I suggest you to create Password Hint Question and Answer so you can use <br />the automated password retrireview system. Click the “Secret question” link under <br />“Your Information” <br />1. The "Secret Question" page appears. <br />2. Type your password in the box provided. Below that, type your new secret <br />question and its answer. <br />3. Click "OK" to complete the change or click "Cancel" to return to the <br />"Options" page without changing your secret question. <br />For your security and convenience, make sure that the answer to your secret <br />question is: <br />>>> At least five characters in length. <br />>>> Something only you know. <br />>>> Not related to your password or member name in any way. <br />>>> Unlikely to change over time. <br />>>> Extremely difficult for others to guess, even if they see your secret <br />question. <br />Some examples of good secret questions are: <br />>>> What are the last five digits of my credit card? <br />>>> What are the last five digits of my social security number? <br />>>>What is my mother's maiden name? <br />Hotmail ensures your e-mail privacy by requiring that you use a password to <br />gain access to your Hotmail account. Do NOT share your password with anyone, <br />even someone claiming to work for Hotmail. Hotmail employees will never ask you <br />to provide your current password to them over the phone or by e-mail. <br />Note: Your password is case sensitive, so be aware of any letters that you <br />capitalize. <br />Remember that MSN Hotmail also has comprehensive online help available--just <br />click Help in the upper right corner. <br />Sincerely, <br />Deepa M. <br />Your satisfaction with my Customer Service is very important to me. If you <br />consider your issue resolved, please click on the link below to let me know how <br />I am doing. With your comments please include my name and ticket number (found <br />in this mail's subject line) to help me keep track of my performance <br />Customer Service Survey : <a href="http://www.surveyhost.com/hotmail2/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><font color="#22229c"><span id="lw_1180742759_2">http://www.surveyhost.com/hotmail2/</span></font></a> <br />ولايفوتنى ان انبه انه بعد استرجاع ايميلك ان تتخذ الخطوات الاتيه: <br />1 - تغيير السؤال السرى والدوله المسجل بها . <br />2 - تغيير كلمة السر كما وضحت سابقا وحفظ التغييرات فى مفكره خارجية حتى لا يسرق مرة أخرى. <br />3 - إنشاء مجلدين جديدين في الحساب وتسميتهم باسماء تحفظونها . <br />فذ كر اسم هذان المجلدان يساعد في عملية استعادة البريد المسروق<br /><br /><font color="#ff4040">accontant : ben ayash</font><br /><br /></div></blockquote><br />
How to retrieve your email stolen إذا أردت أن تسترجع بريدك الإليكتروني المسروق
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