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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • soubiri
    أعضاء رسميون
    • May 2006
    • 1459


    International Day of Action for Women's Health - May 28, 2006

    The 1993 Day of Action for Women's Health focused on the number of deaths which occur as a result of unsafe and illegal abortion. In Argentina, a signature campaign to support decriminalization of abortion enlisted the aid of more than 100 influential citizens. The campaign in Brazil coincided with the introduction of reforms which would decriminalize abortion. In Chile, a nationwide campaign was launched to reinstate therapeutic abortion. The day was commemorated in Colombia with several events which advocated the decriminalization of abortion. Women in Costa Rica demanded being treated as subjects, not objects, of health policies, while Ecuadorian activists spent the day distributing an article analyzing the importance of the day and discussing the health problems of Ecuadorian women, especially those related to overwork, subordinate status, and illegal abortion. A new study was released in Mexico which revealed that four women die every day of pregnancy and child-birth related causes (40% of these are the complications of induced abortion). Nationwide activities were coordinated in Nicaragua including forums, theater presentations, festivals, and a women's march. A labor group joined the campaign in Peru, and efforts in Puerto Rico centered on preventing and surviving breast cancer. Elsewhere in the world, genital mutilation was the topic of a seminar in Canada, women in the Philippines launched a campaign against "needless" maternal mortality, and a Spanish group issued a publication analyzing abortion around the world and discussing the introduction of RU-486 to Spain. The next important date is September 28, when women's health groups in Latin America and the Caribbean will join to call for the legalization of abortion.
    صابر أوبيري
  • ahmed_allaithy
    رئيس الجمعية
    • May 2006
    • 4038


    لست أدرى سبباً لجعل هذا اليوم أعلاه يوماً دولياً. والغريب أن هذه دول وتلك جمعيات وهيئات تدعو إلى عدم تجريم الإجهاض، وجعله حقاً قانونياً.

    إن الإجهاض قتل لنفس قدرهاالله، وما من نفس منفوسة إلا الله خالقها. ولا يجوز إلا في إطار المعايير الشرعية المنظمة لذلك.

    أما من لا يعرفون عن الشريعة شيئاً بإراداتهم أو جهلاً منهم أو إنكاراً أو جحوداً أو غير ذلك فهم الذين يتخبطون يمنة ويسرة، تساندهم حكوماتهم تارة، وجمعيات نسوية تارة أخرى، وجهات ضالة مرة، وأصحاب دعاوي باطلة مرة أخرى. وهم يدعون إلى عدم تجريم الإجهاض على الإطلاق دون حدود أو قيود أو ضوابط، أو نظر للمصلحة غير الآنية وغير الشخصية.

    إن من يقتل إنساناً في أي قانون أرضي وضعي يحاسبه ذلك القانون، فما الفرق بين هذا القتل وقتل نفس في رحم امرأة؟

    إن المطلوب ليس عدم تجريم الإجهاض بل تجريمه بحيث يصل إلى درجة القتل العمد إذا توافرت له الشروط المفضية إلى ذلك.

    ولأن المسألة قد خلت من كل وازع من دين أو ضمير يخرج علينا في العالم كله دعاة لمثل هذه الجرائم ويعتبرون هذا من باب الحرية الشخصية أو حق مكتسب أو أو أو، وما أكثر الأوات.

    إن كل مجتمع -عربي أو أعجمي- يبتعد عن المعايير الإلهية قبل الإنسانية التي تحفظ للنفس الإنسانية كرامتها وقيمتها واحترامها هو مجتمع بدائي متخلف، لا حظ له من العقل أو الفكر أو الأمانة في الحفاظ على النفس التي حرمها الله.

    إن السماح بالإجهاض دون ضوابط واضحة (وهي مقررة في شريعة الله ولا تحتاج لللمتحذلقين الحدثاء) هو دعوة لمرحلة جديدة من الفوضى الجنسية، بعد فوضى ضياع الأنساب واختلاطها في المجتمعات التي تسمح بهذا سراً جهراً. وهو وصمة عار على جبين تلك الأمم التي تدعو اليوم إلى شيء فتعلي من شأن دعوتها، ثم تكتشف بعد سنين أن ما دعت إليه كان باطلاً، فتنكس على أعقابها، ولا ت ساعة مندم.

    إن الكثير من النسوة في دول كثيرة تقمن علاقات جنسية مع خليل أو غير ذلك ، وتنتهي بحمل غير مرغوب فيه. ثم تتدخل اعتبارات كثيرة لا يدخل ضمنها قيمة هذه الحياة الجديدة التي خلقها الله في رحم المرأة. أنما هي اعتبارات الدراسة والعمل والأسرة وكلام الناس ووصمة العار والتحرر وضيق ذات اليد.... إلخ فيكون الحل: الإجهاض أو إلقاء الطفل بعد ولادته في أقرب مقلب زبالة. وما أكثر هذه الحالات في كثير من الدولة. فلست أدري هل الامتناع عن العلاقات الجنسية المحرمة خير وأهون أم قتل النفس بدم بارد؟

    وما أكثر الدعوات المشابهة لهذا على مر التاريخ وخاصة المعاصر منه.

    بل إن الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان يسمح بالزنا واللواط والسحاق، والزواج من مثليي الجنس!!! فأي عالمية في هذا الإعلان؟ واي حقوق؟

    وهذه الدول التي تتحدث باسم العالم تجرم تعدد الزوجات. فهاهم يجرمون ويحرمون الحلال، ويحللون الحرام. فليست هناك مشكلة إن كان للرجل كل يوم خليلة، ولكنها مشكلة تفضي بالرجل إلى السجن إن كانت له زوجة ثانية.

    إن عدم تجريم الإجهاض يعني توجه مبالغ طائلة نحو أبحاث الإجهاض حتى تصبح المسألة مجرد تعاطي حبة دواء وينتهي الأمر. والحقيقة أن هذا هو الواقع في كثير من الدول الغربية خاصة. لا تتعدى المسألة حبة دواء بعد أقل من يوم من التعاطي الجنسي. ويعني الأمر أيضاً تصدير هذه التقنيات لدول العالم، ويعني ألف أمر آخر.

    وعلى الرغم من أن الإجهاض يباح وفق ضوابط معينة وأن وجود تقنيات غير مؤلمة أو مكلفة نتيجة تطور البحث العلمي أمر محمود إلا أن الوسيلة للوصول إلى ذلك هي محط الخلاف، والثمن المدفوع للوصول إلى تلك الغاية -إن كانت واردة في الأذهان- ثمن باهظ لا يشعر بفداحته إى أصحاب الكرامة، والغيورين على العرض والشرف.

    لقد اختلطت المعايير، وانقلبت الموازيين. وعار على بشرية هذادأبهاأن تكون من أهل هذا الزمان، أو أن تنتسب لبني الإنسان.

    نسأل الله أن يجهض جهود هؤلاء البائسين، دعاة الفوضى والإباحية، أولئك الذئاب الذين يدخلون علينا بثياب الحملان.

    د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
    رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
    تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

    فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي


    • soubiri
      أعضاء رسميون
      • May 2006
      • 1459


      دكتورنا أحمد

      أوافق إلى ما ذهبتم إليه، غير أننا نود دائما أن نكون في الصورة.

      صابر أوبيري


      • soubiri
        أعضاء رسميون
        • May 2006
        • 1459


        International Day of Peacekeepers, 29 may 2006

        VIENNA, 28 May (UN Information Service) -- The United Nations will observe the International Day of UN Peacekeepers for the second time on Saturday, 29 May. The General Assembly created the Day two years ago to pay tribute to "all the men and women who have served and continue to serve in UN peacekeeping operations, as well as to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace." The first UN peacekeeping mission began with a group of military observers in Palestine on 29May 1948.
        صابر أوبيري


        • soubiri
          أعضاء رسميون
          • May 2006
          • 1459


          World No Tobacco Day 2006
          Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise

          Date: 31 May 2006
          Place: Celebrated globally

          This year, World No Tobacco Day aims to raise awareness – especially among young people – about the great variety of deadly tobacco products. Using the slogan "Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise", activities and events worldwide will draw attention to the following facts:
          • Tobacco is deadly in any form – cigarettes, pipes, waterpipes, snuff, bidis, kreteks, etc.
          • Tobacco is deadly in any disguise – "light and mild", "low-tar", "organic", flavoured, etc.
          With this theme for World No Tobacco Day 2006, WHO urges governments to regulate all tobacco products strictly.
          صابر أوبيري


          • soubiri
            أعضاء رسميون
            • May 2006
            • 1459


            World Environment Day, 05 June

            World Environment Day is an international celebration commemorated every year on June 5 to recognize the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment at Stockholm in 1972.

            The significance of this conference was to formulate ‘A Global Agenda for Change’! It envisioned and promoted the notion of Sustainable Development – to ensure that development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
            The full environmental implications of our current actions will not have a tremendous impact on today’s decision makers. It is the youth that will be left with the consequences of environmental degradation. Educating for the environment is extremely important to prepare the youth for environmental decisions of tomorrow and to ensure a healthy and sustainable future.
            صابر أوبيري


            • soubiri
              أعضاء رسميون
              • May 2006
              • 1459


              World Ocean Day, 8 June

              Created in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro - although not yet officially designated by the United Nations - World Ocean Day is an opportunity each year to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea. The Ocean Project helps each year to coordinate events and activities worldwide with aquariums, zoos, museums, conservation organizations, schools, businesses. Together with the World Ocean Network, we are also working to have the United Nations officially designate World Ocean Day as June 8th each year. Take time to do something good for our ocean.
              صابر أوبيري


              • soubiri
                أعضاء رسميون
                • May 2006
                • 1459

                INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                World Day Against Child Labour
                12 June 2006

                The End of Child Labour:
                Together we can do it!

                The World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL), which is observed worldwide around the 12th June every year, is intended to serve as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labour. The WDACL has often focused on one of the “Worst Forms of Child labour” listed in Convention No.182, starting with the Unconditional Worst Forms, such as child trafficking. This was then followed by child domestic work and then child labour in mining last year. This year the event is focussed on the findings of the new ILO global report on child labour. The WDACL is an opportunity to reflect on the findings of the new ILO global report “The end of child labour: within reach” which was released on 4 May 2006, and will serve as the pinnacle background document for the debate on the 9th of June. This second Global Report documents the fact that there has been a major shift in the progress of the movement to end child labour. For the first time it can be documented that there is a world-wide decrease in child labour, with the worst forms of child labour decreasing most significantly. The Report reviews the ways in which this has been achieved – broadly speaking, the international community now understands the policies that have to be put into place, and is helping countries make them work. Furthermore, national ownership from developing countries in combating child labour and creating concrete time bound plans of action is now a priority. It is clear that countries do not have to wait until they become rich to eliminate child labour. While economic progress is important, putting the right policies into place matters at least as much.
                صابر أوبيري


                • soubiri
                  أعضاء رسميون
                  • May 2006
                  • 1459

                  INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                  World Blood Donor Day 2006, 14 juin

                  Towards 100% voluntary blood donation:
                  this year, like every year, World Blood Donor Day will be commemorated on 14 June in a global celebration of the millions of people throughout the world who give their blood on a voluntary, unpaid basis to save the lives of those in need. The day aims to raise awareness of the need for safe blood, to thank and honour those blood donors who make transfusion possible and to encourage regular blood donation by suitable donors.

                  World Blood Donor Day 2006 will focus on commitment: commitment from healthy individuals to become regular voluntary unpaid blood donors, commitment from existing voluntary donors to continue to donate regularly and commitment by blood transfusion services and partner organizations to provide the highest standards of care at every stage of the transfusion process - from the collection of blood from the donor to its transfusion to the patient.

                  صابر أوبيري


                  • soubiri
                    أعضاء رسميون
                    • May 2006
                    • 1459

                    INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                    International Day of the African Child (16 June 2003)

                    In Soweto, South Africa, thousands of black school children took to the streets in 1976, in a march more than half a mile long, to protest the inferior quality of their education and to demand their right to be taught in their own language. Hundreds of young boys and girls were shot down; and in the two weeks of protest that followed, more than a hundred people were killed and more than a thousand were injured.
                    To honour the memory of those killed and the courage of all those who marched, the Day of the African Child has been celebrated on 16 June every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organization of African Unity. The Day also draws attention to the lives of African children today. This year's theme is the need to ensure all children are registered at birth.

                    Source: UNICEF
                    صابر أوبيري


                    • soubiri
                      أعضاء رسميون
                      • May 2006
                      • 1459

                      INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                      World Day to Combat Desertification, Juin 17

                      “The Beauty of Deserts – The Challenge of Desertification”
                      This year, there is double reason to celebrate the World Day to Combat Desertification, with 2006 being the International Year of Deserts and Desertification. Accordingly, the IYDD is the focus of the 2006 World Day celebrations, and its message is reflected in this year's theme: "The Beauty of Deserts - The Challenge of Desertification".

                      The World Day to Combat Desertification is celebrated every year on 17 June all over the world in order to highlight the fact that desertification is of global concern and to strengthen the visibility and importance of the dry lands issue on the international environmental agenda.
                      This year, attention is given in addition to the world's deserts, magnificent ecosystems which have been home to ancient civilizations. The Day will therefore also celebrate the fragile beauty and unique heritage of our deserts.
                      2006 marks the tenth anniversary of the ratification of the UNCCD, the only internationally recognized, legally binding instrument that addresses the problem of land degradation in dry lands and which enjoys a truly universal membership of 191 Parties. It plays a key role in global efforts to eradicate poverty, achieve sustainable development and reach the Millennium Development Goals.
                      17 June represents an opportunity to remind everyone that desertification can be effectively tackled through strengthened community participation and co-operation at all levels.
                      Country Parties and civil society organizations are invited to organize events to celebrate this special World Day to Combat Desertification to help raise awareness and galvanize action to meet this important challenge.


                      صابر أوبيري


                      • soubiri
                        أعضاء رسميون
                        • May 2006
                        • 1459

                        INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                        5th World AIDS Orphans’ Day Monaco «official supporter»

                        On the initiative of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, the Mairie of Monaco will be taking part in the 5th World AIDS Orphans’ Day on 7th May 2006. Monaco was the first town in Europe to declare the 7th May as World
                        AIDS Orphans’ Day back in 2004.

                        Launched in 2002 by the Association François-Xavier Bagnoud - FXB – within the framework of the United Nations Special Session on Children, this International Day of Solidarity aims to focus public attention on the distress
                        of these vulnerable children and the consequences of their exclusion from society. Taking care of AIDS
                        orphans (over 15 million across the globe) is a major human, economic and social challenge. Since FXB was
                        first created, it has helped more than 1 500 000 people in 17 countries throughout the world.

                        From 31st May to 2nd June 2006, Governments are being called upon to assess the progress achieved
                        concerning the commitments they made at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session
                        (UNGASS) in New York in 2001.

                        Pending the upcoming progress report, it is however obvious that the fixed objectives are far from being reached
                        and that national action is quite clearly insufficient to cope with neither the world AIDS crisis nor that of the
                        orphans and children made vulnerable by the virus. FXB is therefore launching an appeal for donations and
                        would like to remind potential donors that 50 Euros will cover all tuition and schooling fees (uniform, school
                        material, enrolment) for one orphan in Africa for a full year, while 100 Euros, for example, will provide 70
                        orphans with a daily meal for a whole month in South Africa.


                        صابر أوبيري


                        • soubiri
                          أعضاء رسميون
                          • May 2006
                          • 1459

                          INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                          International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking

                          Drugs: treatment works" is the theme of UNODC's year-long campaign launched on 26 June, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking. The goal of the campaign is to emphasize the importance and effectiveness of drug treatment - to drug dependent individuals, as well as to the general public. Additionally, UNODC hopes to diminish the stigma attached to drug users by showing the possibilities for a positive future using the stories of individuals who have successfully undergone treatment and are engaged in a productive life.
                          The campaign is being launched in conjunction with the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which is celebrated every year on 26 June to commemorate the signature of the Declaration adopted at the International Conference against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking on that day in 1987. The decision was taken by the General Assembly during its 42nd session by way of resolution 112 entitled "International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking". The document is also available in Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
                          Every year, a theme is established and thousands of people around the world are mobilized through UNODC's field office network to celebrate the day. Civil society organizations are particularly involved in relating their activities to the celebration of the International Day.


                          صابر أوبيري


                          • soubiri
                            أعضاء رسميون
                            • May 2006
                            • 1459

                            _MD_RE: INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                            Journée mondiale du bandeau blanc contre la pauvreté, 1 juillet 2006

                            En détail
                            La première journée de mobilisation internationale «Bandeau Blanc» était vendredi 1er juillet. Cette date était l’un des points d’orgue de l’Action mondiale contre la pauvreté, quelques jours avant le G8 au Royaume-Uni. Les organisations de la société civile qui s’associent à l’Action mondiale contre la pauvreté ont demandé aux pays membres du G8 (Etats-Unis, France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Canada, Italie, Japon, Russie) de s’occuper prioritairement de questions concernant l’annulation de la dette de pays le plus pauvres, l’augmentation de l’aide internationale y compris sa qualité et de réflexions pour rendre le commerce mondial plus juste.

                            Le Bandeau blanc

                            Le bandeau blanc symbolise l’unité et l’engagement de la société civile du monde entier face à l’objectif de la lutte contre la pauvreté. Le port du bandeau blanc permet facilement à chacun, riche ou pauvre, de participer partout dans le monde - au travail, à l’école, en voyage, passent la soirée avec des amis, ou simplement à la maison en famille. En portant le bandeau blanc autour du poignet, des millions de personnes montrent symboliquement par ce geste leur solidarité avec ceux et celles qui, au quotidien, subissent les conséquences d’une pauvreté extrême.

                            Pour manifester leur soutien à l’Action mondiale contre la Pauvreté, des organisations ou institutions peuvent également participer en hissant un bandeau blanc sur le fronton de leur façade.

                            Info :
                            صابر أوبيري


                            • soubiri
                              أعضاء رسميون
                              • May 2006
                              • 1459

                              _MD_RE: INTERNATIONAL DAYS

                              2 juillet : Journée mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose

                              La tuberculose tue 2 millions de personnes par an. Faute de nouveaux moyens diagnostic et de médicaments plus efficaces, elle continue de progresser avec 8 millions de nouveaux cas chaque année. A l'occasion de la journée mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose, découvrez notre dossier sur cette maladie contagieuse.
                              20.000 patients soignés dans 32 projets et 17 pays, c'est l'investissement de MSF dans la lutte contre la tuberculose, à travers des programmes spécifiques de prise en charge de malades, comme en Ethiopie, en Géorgie ou en Afghanistan, ou dans le cadre de ses autres programmes d'assistance.
                              Cette maladie bactérienne, responsable du décès de 2 millions de personnes chaque année selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, progresse alors que les traitements mis sur le marché dans les années 40 ou 60 sont de moins en moins adaptés et efficaces, que les moyens de diagnostic sont de plus en plus aléatoires et que l'efficacité du vaccin même est en question. La maladie progresse, avec 8 millions de nouveaux cas chaque année, à la faveur des résistances au traitement et vaccin actuels, de la pandémie de sida dont la tuberculose est l'une des maladies opportunistes (on estime que 70% des patients tuberculeux en Afrique sont aussi infectés par le VIH) et enfin de l'augmentation de la pauvreté.

                              Il est donc urgent de relancer activement la recherche pour de nouveaux moyens diagnostic et des médicaments plus efficaces, simples d'utilisation (le traitement de première ligne actuel dure de 6 à 8 mois et a des effets secondaires lourds) et à la portée des malades.

                              صابر أوبيري

