شكرا لكم جميعا على المرور
ارجوكم ساعدوني ممكن تترجمو لي هذه القصه
One morning, the hospital administration unusually called the father to tell him that his wife was in danger and he had to come now,
So the father went out very fast from his work, hurried to Baraoua’s school and accompanied her to the hospital. When he arrived to the hospital, he asked her daughter to stay in the car in order to assure himself of her mother’s safety and then return and take her to see her mother.
He refused to take her with him because he didn’t want that his daughter be directly shocked if her mother had died.
The father went out quickly of his car, his eyes filled with tears and he was totally absent-minded. While he was crossing the road to enter the hospital, a speeding car hit him and he died quickly in front of her daughter’s eyes.
Baraoua came down very fast crying in the bosom of her father, who left her in the car to die alone in the street...
Gentlemen, the tragedy of Baraoua did not end yet, the news of death was hidden from the mother who was lying in the hospital between life and death. After only five days the mother died.
Baraoua’s parents died and she was left alone in this life without knowing anyone of her relatives in Saudi Arabia.
Her father’s friends met with good Egyptians and Saudis in order to find a solution for Baraoua’s situation, and how to arrange for bringing the child back to her parents’ family in Egypt...
But without warning, Baraoua feels severe pains and after tests she knows that she has the same mother's illness.
The little girl smiles and says in front of everyone: “thank God…I’m going to see Dad and Mum!” Everyone was in shock and astonishment…
Surprisingly! An affliction after an affliction
which come down on the top of the little girl, and she is still patient and happy to serve God.
************************************************** ******تعليق
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نرحب بالعضو الجديد, Turquie santé.