غَذوَتُكَ مولوداً وَعُلتُكَ يافِعاً
تُعَلُّ بِما أُحنيَ عَلَيكَ وَتَنهلُ
إِذا لَيلَةٌ نابَتكَ بِالشَكو لَم
أَبِت لِشَكواكَ إِلّا ساهِراً أَتَمَلمَلُ
كَأَني أَنا المَطروقُ دونَكَ بِالَذي
طُرِقَت بِهِ دوني فَعَينايَ تَهمُلُ
تَخافُ الرَدى نَفسي عَلَيكَ وَإِنَني
لَأَعلَمُ أَنَ المَوتَ حَتمٌ مُؤَجَّلُ
فَلَمّا بَلَغَت السِّنَ وَالغايَةَ الَّتي
إِليها مَدى ما كُنتُ فيكَ أُؤَمِلُ
جَعَلتَ جَزائي غِلظَةً وَفَظاظَةً
كَأَنَكَ أَنتَ المُنعِمُ المُتَفَضِلُ
فَلَيتَكَ إِذ لَم تَرعَ حَقَّ أُبوَتي
فَعَلتَ كَما الجارُ المُجاورُ يَفعَلُ
زَعَمتَ بِأَنّي قَد كَبِرتُ وَعِبتَني
لَم يَمضِ لي في السِنُ سِتونَ كُمَّلُ
وَسَمَيتَني باِسِمِ المُفَنَّدِ رَأيُهُ
وَفي رَأيِكَ التَفنيدُ لَو كُنتَ تَعقِلُ
تُراقِبُ مِني عَثرَةَ أَو تَنالَها
هَبِلتَ وَهذا مِنكَ رَأيٌ مُضَلَلُ
وَإِنَكَ إِذ تُبقي لِجامي موائِلاً
بِرَأيِكَ شابّاً مَرَةً لَمُغَفَّلُ
وَما صَولَةُ الحِقِّ الضَئيلُ وَخَطرُهُ
إِذا خَطَرتَ يَوماً قَساورُ بُزَّلُ
تَراهُ مُعِدّاً لِلخِلافِ كَأَنَهُ
بِرَدٍّ عَلى أَهلِ الصَوابِ مُوَكَلُ
وَلَكِنَّ مَن لا يَلقَ أَمراً يَنوبُهُ
بِعُدَّتِهِ يَنزِل بِهِ وَهو أَعزَلُ
تُعَلُّ بِما أُحنيَ عَلَيكَ وَتَنهلُ
إِذا لَيلَةٌ نابَتكَ بِالشَكو لَم
أَبِت لِشَكواكَ إِلّا ساهِراً أَتَمَلمَلُ
كَأَني أَنا المَطروقُ دونَكَ بِالَذي
طُرِقَت بِهِ دوني فَعَينايَ تَهمُلُ
تَخافُ الرَدى نَفسي عَلَيكَ وَإِنَني
لَأَعلَمُ أَنَ المَوتَ حَتمٌ مُؤَجَّلُ
فَلَمّا بَلَغَت السِّنَ وَالغايَةَ الَّتي
إِليها مَدى ما كُنتُ فيكَ أُؤَمِلُ
جَعَلتَ جَزائي غِلظَةً وَفَظاظَةً
كَأَنَكَ أَنتَ المُنعِمُ المُتَفَضِلُ
فَلَيتَكَ إِذ لَم تَرعَ حَقَّ أُبوَتي
فَعَلتَ كَما الجارُ المُجاورُ يَفعَلُ
زَعَمتَ بِأَنّي قَد كَبِرتُ وَعِبتَني
لَم يَمضِ لي في السِنُ سِتونَ كُمَّلُ
وَسَمَيتَني باِسِمِ المُفَنَّدِ رَأيُهُ
وَفي رَأيِكَ التَفنيدُ لَو كُنتَ تَعقِلُ
تُراقِبُ مِني عَثرَةَ أَو تَنالَها
هَبِلتَ وَهذا مِنكَ رَأيٌ مُضَلَلُ
وَإِنَكَ إِذ تُبقي لِجامي موائِلاً
بِرَأيِكَ شابّاً مَرَةً لَمُغَفَّلُ
وَما صَولَةُ الحِقِّ الضَئيلُ وَخَطرُهُ
إِذا خَطَرتَ يَوماً قَساورُ بُزَّلُ
تَراهُ مُعِدّاً لِلخِلافِ كَأَنَهُ
بِرَدٍّ عَلى أَهلِ الصَوابِ مُوَكَلُ
وَلَكِنَّ مَن لا يَلقَ أَمراً يَنوبُهُ
بِعُدَّتِهِ يَنزِل بِهِ وَهو أَعزَلُ
I raised you as a child and took care of you as a youth,
You were fed by what I bent over you and you drew from it.
When a night came upon you with complaints,
I would not sleep except staying up, restless.
As if I were the one struck by what had struck you,
And my eyes would overflow with tears.
My soul fears for your demise, even though I know that death is an inevitable decree.
When you reached the age and goal To which I had long aspired for you,
You repaid me with harshness and cruelty,
As if you were the benefactor and gracious one.
I wish that if you did not honor the right of my fatherhood,
You would have acted as a neighboring neighbor does.
You claimed that I have aged and criticized me,
Even though I have not yet completed sixty full years.
You called me by the name of the misguided one,
While it is in your opinion that there is misguidance if you were to understand.
You observe and seize upon any of my slips,
Foolish are you, and this is a misguided opinion.
If you think to keep my reins yielding
With your opinion while considering me youthful, you are indeed naive.
What is the power of the weak right and its danger
If the mighty heroes once stood against you? You see him ready for opposition as if
He is entrusted with replying to the people of truth.
But he who does not face any trial with his readiness
Will fall into it unprepared.
You were fed by what I bent over you and you drew from it.
When a night came upon you with complaints,
I would not sleep except staying up, restless.
As if I were the one struck by what had struck you,
And my eyes would overflow with tears.
My soul fears for your demise, even though I know that death is an inevitable decree.
When you reached the age and goal To which I had long aspired for you,
You repaid me with harshness and cruelty,
As if you were the benefactor and gracious one.
I wish that if you did not honor the right of my fatherhood,
You would have acted as a neighboring neighbor does.
You claimed that I have aged and criticized me,
Even though I have not yet completed sixty full years.
You called me by the name of the misguided one,
While it is in your opinion that there is misguidance if you were to understand.
You observe and seize upon any of my slips,
Foolish are you, and this is a misguided opinion.
If you think to keep my reins yielding
With your opinion while considering me youthful, you are indeed naive.
What is the power of the weak right and its danger
If the mighty heroes once stood against you? You see him ready for opposition as if
He is entrusted with replying to the people of truth.
But he who does not face any trial with his readiness
Will fall into it unprepared.