What is science?

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S59) Science has begun to set aside the blinders it has been wearing for the past 200 years to view the world in terms of complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty


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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S58) Science adds credibility to our cultural dreams by supporting it in a seemingly objective –subjective way


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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    [align=center]The value of science education[/align]
    [align=left] S57) Science should be taught at schools as a process rather than as a product. Teaching science as a process means that learning experience contain and emphasize ingredients of description, classification, comparisons, contrast, discrimination, setting up hypotheses, setting up control experiments, verification, prediction, and training in the scientific method of acquiring new knowledge as a product

    ( Cont )

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S56) Science is a process and products


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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S55) Science attempts to understand the world by identifying the laws that govern it

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S54) Science is the engine shaking the foundations of civilization, propelling it into a new century with unexpected marvels and miracles. Science is a double-edged sword; it creates as many problems as it solves, but always on a higher level. There are two competing trends in the world today: one is to create a planetary civilization that is tolerant, scientific, and prosperous, but the other glorifies anarchy and ignorance that could rip the fabric of our society

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S53) Science concepts and principles are subject to modification and improvements in the light of new evidence collected by the succeeding research workers


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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S52) It is the task of science to learn as much as it can about how the world or the universe, not made by us, behaves

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S51) Science begins with our relationship to nature; and proceeds by abstracting what is essential from accidental details of matter, events, phenomena, and processes

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar

    S50) Science supposedly provides an objective account of the material world based upon measurement and quantification so that structure, process, movement, and transformation can be described mathematically in terms of fundamental laws

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar

    S49) Examination of the errors into which uninstructed reasoning is liable to mislead mankind, affected by so many prejudices and superstitions, shows immediately how and why science is indispensable, if any valuable lessons are to be drawn from the most ordinary experience


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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    [align=left] S48) If the history of science has taught us anything, it should be the shortsightedness of believing that what we see is all there is

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S47) Science is an organized common sense where a beautiful theory was killed by an ugly fact

    Thomas Huxley

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S46) Science is not static. Science is exploding exponentially all around us. If you count the number of scientific articles being published, you will find that the sheer volume of science doubles every decade or so. Innovation and discovery are changing the entire economic, political, and social landscape, overturning all the old cherished beliefs and prejudices [/align]

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  • Dr-A-K-Mazhar
    S45 ) Science is a continuous ongoing activity attempting to understand the universe and humanity's relationship to nature


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