S44) Involvement in the process and concepts of science not only teaches the thinking habits of mind, it also provides experience with problems, phenomena, and strategies from which they can sometimes be intuited, or at least more deeply understood
What is science?
S43) The greater familiarity with the scientific enterprise should help to promote the habits of mind necessary to think clearly about evidence and to steer clear the dubious beliefs
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S42) We can not understand the word "science" fully without taking into consideration the following
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S41) The essential habits of mind, particularly the most general ones for dealing with incomplete and unrepresentative evidence, were originally developed as part of the scientific enterprise. For instance, the idea that what one observes under one set of conditions can only be evaluated with reference to what would have happened under slightly different circumstances is embodied in the scientist’s use of the control group
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S40) Science tries to stretch the limits of what is known. The scientist is constantly thrust against a barrier of ignorance. The more science one learns, the more one becomes aware of what is not known, and the provisional nature of much of what is
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S39) The main element of science is the scientific method. The real purpose of the scientific method is to make sure nature has't misled you into thinking you know something and you actually don't know
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S38) The results of science are replicable. This requirement of replicability applies to all fields of science. That means no single experiment or no set of experiments carried out in one laboratory, can ever stand as definitive evidence. Science requires that a phenomenon be reliably produced in different laboratories , i.e. independent of the experimenter, for it to be accepted as genuineاترك تعليق:
S37) Science is not equivalent to knowledge, it is thought of rather as knowledge hard won in which we have much more confidence than we have in opinion, hearsay, or popular sayings. The history of the word "science" and the changes in its meanings need to be studied carefully to be able to distinguish between the implied different meanings and be able to differentiate between science, knowledge, and information
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S36) Present Science has little to say about the way in which people live their daily lives; enter into relationships; experience love, hate, birth, and death; give value to the world; and respond to new situations in creative ways
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S35) The essential nature of science is the fragmentation. The fragmentation of science comes about when a system is taken to be collection of units that belong apart and are not internally related in a deeper sense, and in many cases the more global considerations tend to be lost in details
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S34) While science has an awesome power to predict and control , it is also clear that its essential fragmentation of nature is no longer able to address all the major problems that face the world today
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S33) Science has developed an ever increasing tendency to fragment knowledge and experience into various areas of specializations
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S32) Science requires that a phenomenon be reliably produced in different laboratories for it to be accepted as genuine. No single experiment, or no set of experiments carried out in one laboratory can ever stand as definitive evidence
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S31) While science has conventionally accepted that its laws are purely descriptive in nature, it is plausible that behind the phenomena of the material world lies a generative and formative order called the objective intelligence
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S30) Classical science assumes that certainty and predictability had become associated with regularity, clockwork, and ability to strip away inessentials in order to describe apparently complex phenomena in terms of simple mechanical models
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نرحب بالعضو الجديد, Turquie santé.
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