ترجمة عبارات وجمل دينية

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • إسلام بدي
    في انتظار الموافقة
    • Jun 2017
    • 424

    العقيدة Basic Tenets of Faith

    الإلحاد أعظم كفرا من الشرك Atheism is a greater sin than shirk

    أيهما أكبر ذنباً ، الإلحاد أم الشرك ؟
    Which is a greater sin: Atheism or polytheism?.1

    الإلحاد في المفهوم المعاصر يعني تعطيل الخالق بالإطلاق
    Atheism, in modern terminology, means denying the Creator altogether

    وإنكار وجوده ، وعدم الاعتراف به سبحانه وتعالى
    denying that He exists and not acknowledging Him
    may He be glorified and exalted

    وإنما العالم وما فيه قد جاء ـ على حسب زعمهم ـ بمحض الصدفة
    . The universe and everything in it, according to their claims, came about purely by chance

    وهو مذهب غريب مناف للفطرة والعقل والمنطق السليم
    This is a strange view which is contrary to sound human nature, reason and logic

    ومناقض لبدهيات العقل ومسلَّمات الفكر
    and is contrary to simple logic and indisputable facts

    أما الشرك فهو يتضمن الإيمان بالله عز وجل والإقرار به
    As for shirk (polytheism or associating others with Allah), it implies belief in Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, and affirmation of Him

    ولكن يشمل أيضا الإيمان بشريك لله في خلقه
    but it also includes belief in a partner to Allah in His creation

    يخلق ، أو يرزق ، أو ينفع ، أو يضر
    who creates or grants provision or brings benefit or wards off harm

    وهذا شرك الربوبية
    This is shirk al-ruboobiyyah (ascribing partners to Allah in His Lordship)1

    أو بشريكٍ يُصرَف له شيء من العبادة محبة وتعظيما
    Or it means belief in a partner to whom some kind of worship is devoted as an act of love and veneration

    كما تصرف لله سبحانه وتعالى ، وهذا شرك العبادة

    as it is devoted to that person or thing as it should to devoted to Allah, may He be glorified and exalted. This is shirk al-‘ibaadah (associating others with Allah in worship)1

    وبالتأمل في هذين الانحرافين
    By studying these two deviations

    نجد أنَّ في كلٍّ منهما مِن الإثم والسوء ما يدلنا على سوء حالهم
    we may see that each of them involves sin and evil which tells us that they are bad

    وكيف أن الله جل جلاله وصفهم بأنهم كالبهائم
    and we see how Allah described them as being like dumb animals

    يقول الله تعالى : أَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَهَهُ هَوَاهُ أَفَأَنْتَ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِ وَكِيلًا . أَمْ تَحْسَبُ أَنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ يَسْمَعُونَ أَوْ يَعْقِلُونَ
    seen him who has taken as his ilaah (god) his own vain desire? Would you then be a Wakeel (a disposer of his affairs or a watcher) over him?

    44. Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle nay

    إِنْ هُمْ إِلَّا كَالْأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ سَبِيلًا
    they are even farther astray from the Path, even worse than cattle

    وقال سبحانه : ( وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنْسِ )
    “And surely, We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell

    لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لَا يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لَا يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا
    They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth).1

    أُولَئِكَ كَالْأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ
    They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones”1

    ورغم ذلك كله فالملحد الجاحد المكذِّبُ بوجود الله ورسله واليوم الآخر أعظمُ كفرًا
    Nevertheless, the atheist who denies the existence of Allah and rejects His Messengers and disbelieves in the Last Day, is in a greater state of kufr

    وأشنعُ مقالةً من الذي آمن بالله ، وأقر بالمعاد
    and his beliefs are more reprehensible than the one who believes in Allah and the Hereafter

    ولكنه أشرك معه شيئا من خلقه
    but he associates something of His creation with Him

    فالأولُ معاند مكابر إلى الحد الذي لا يتصوره الفكر
    The former is stubborn and arrogant to an extent that can not be imagined

    ولا تقبله الفطرة
    or accepted by sound human nature

    ومثله يستبيح كلَّ محرَّم
    Such a person would transgress every sacred limit

    ويقع في كل معصية
    and fall into every sin

    وينتكس عقله إلى حد لا يخطر على البال
    his worldview would be distorted to an inconceivable level

    ومع ذلك فقد شكك كثير من المتكلمين في ظاهرة الإلحاد بصدق وجود هذه الظاهرة في قرارة أنفس الملحدين
    Yet many scholars who discussed the issue of atheism doubted that this has deep roots in the hearts of the atheists

    وقرروا أن الملحد إنما يظاهر بإلحاده ، وهو في باطنه مُوقِنٌ بإله واحد
    and they affirmed that the atheist is only professing atheism outwardly; deep down he believes in one God

    ولشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية الكثير من العبارات التي تدل على أن طائفة الملحدين المعطِّلين الجاحدين أعظم كفرا من المشركين
    haykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said a great deal which indicates that this group of atheists who deny and reject the existence of God are in a worse state of kufr than the mushrikeen who associate partners with Him

    ننقل هنا بعض ما وقفنا عليه من ذلك :
    We will quote a little of what we have come across:1

    الكفر عدم الإيمان بالله ورسله ، سواء كان معه تكذيب ، أو لم يكن معه تكذيب
    Kufr (disbelief) means not believing in Allah and His Messengers, whether it involves rejecting

    بل شك وريب أو إعراض عن هذا كله
    or it consists of doubt and uncertainty about the issue or ignoring the issue altogether

    حسدا أو كبرا أو اتباعا لبعض الأهواء الصارفة عن اتباع الرسالة
    out of envy or arrogance or following whims and desires that divert a person from following the Message

    وإن كان الكافر المكذب أعظم كفرا ،

    However, the kaafir who rejects and disbelieves is in a state of greater kufr

    وكذلك الجاحد المكذب حسدا مع استيقان صدق الرسل
    although the one who rejects and denies out of envy, even though he believes that the Messengers brought the message of truth, is also in a state of kufr

    مَن أنكر المعاد مع قوله بحدوث هذا العالم فقد كفَّرَه الله

    The one who denies the Hereafter but believes that this universe is created is described by Allah as a kaafir

    ، فمن أنكره مع قوله بقدم العالم فهو أعظم كفرا عند الله تعالى
    The one who denies it and says that this universe existed from eternity is a worse kaafir in the sight of Allah, may He be exalted

    بل قال رحمه الله في معرض إلزام منكري الصفات :
    He said (may Allah have mercy on him) refuting those who deny the Divine attributes: 1

    وإما أن يلتزم التعطيل المحض فيقول : ما ثم وجود واجب
    (Denying the Divine attributes) implies complete denial which reaches the point that says: There is nothing that must exist
    and cannot have not existed.

    فإن قال بالأول وقال : لا أثبت واحدًا من النقيضين لا الوجود ولا العدم
    If he believes that and says: I do not affirm either existence or non-existence

    قيل : هب أنك تتكلم بذلك بلسانك ، ولا تعتقد بقلبك واحدًا من الأمرين
    then the answer to that is: Suppose you state that verbally and in your heart you do not believe either of the two

    بل تلتزم الإعراض عن معرفة اللّه وعبادته وذكره
    rather you turn away from knowing Allah and worshipping and remembering Him

    فلا تذكره قط ، ولا تعبده ، ولا تدعوه ، ولا ترجوه ، ولا تخافه
    so you never remember Him, worship Him, call upon Him, put your hope in Him or fear Him

    فيكون جحدك له أعظم من جحد إبليس الذي اعترف به "

    1 in that case your denial of Him is worse than that of Iblees who (at least) acknowledged Him

    المستكبر الذي لا يقر بالله في الظاهر كفرعون أعظم كفرا منهم – يعني مِن مشركي العرب
    The arrogant one is the one who does not acknowledge Allah outwardly, like Pharaoh. He is in a worse state of kufr than them (meaning the mushrik Arabs)1

    وإبليس الذي يأمر بهذا كله ويحبه ويستكبر عن عبادة ربه وطاعته أعظم كفرا من هؤلاء
    Iblees, who enjoins all of that and loves it and is too arrogant to worship his Lord and obey him, is in a worse state of kufr than them (the mushrikeen),1

    وإن كان عالما بوجود الله وعظمته
    even though he was aware of the existence and might of Allah

    كما أن فرعون كان أيضا عالما بوجود الله
    just as Pharaoh was also aware of the existence of Allah

    قول الفلاسفة - القائلين بقدم العالم وأنه صادر عن موجب بالذات
    The view of the philosophers -- those who say that the universe is eternal and that it is dependent on that which inevitably must exist

    متولد عن العقول والنفوس الذين يعبدون الكواكب العلوية
    came from the minds and hearts of those who worshipped heavenly bodies

    ويصنعون لها التماثيل السفلية - : كأرسطو وأتباعه -
    and made images of them on Earth, such as Aristotle and his followers

    أعظم كفرا وضلالا من مشركي العرب الذين كانوا يقرون بأن الله خلق السموات والأرض وما بينهما في ستة أيام بمشيئته وقدرته
    This view is worse kufr and is more misguided than that of the Arab mushrikeen who believed that Allah created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days by His will and power

    ولكن خرقوا له بنين وبنات بغير علم
    but they attribute falsely without knowledge sons and daughters to Him (cf. al-An’am 6:100)1

    وأشركوا به ما لم ينزل به سلطانا
    and joined others in worship with Allaah, for which He had sent no authority

    وكذلك المباحية الذين يسقطون الأمر والنهي مطلقا
    Similarly, the permissive people

    who do not believe in any command or prohibition at all

    ويحتجون بالقضاء والقدر
    and refer to the Divine will and decree as an excuse for their evil deeds

    أسوأ حالا من اليهود والنصارى ومشركي العرب
    are worse off than the Jews, Christians and Arab mushrikeen

    فإن هؤلاء مع كفرهم يقرون بنوع من الأمر والنهي والوعد والوعيد
    because even though the latter are kaafirs, they still believe in some kind of command and prohibition, and the promise and warning (i.e., the Hereafter)1

    ولكن كان لهم شركاء شرعوا لهم من الدين ما لم يأذن به الله
    but they had partners with Allaah (false gods) who instituted for them a religion which Allaah had not ordained

    بخلاف المباحية المسقطة للشرائع مطلقا
    unlike the permissive people who ignore all laws altogether

    فإنما يرضون بما تهواه أنفسهم
    They are only pleased with whatever suits their whims and desires,

    ويغضبون لما تهواه أنفسهم
    and they get angry on the basis of their whims and desires

    لا يرضون لله ، ولا يغضبون لله ، ولا يحبون لله ، ولا يغضبون لله
    they do not get pleased for the sake of Allah, or angry for the sake of Allah, or love for the sake of Allah

    ولا ينهون عما نهى عنه
    ،، ، or hate for the sake of Allah

    إذا كان لهم في ذلك هوى فيفعلونه لأجل هواهم
    they do not enjoin that which Allah has enjoined and they do not forbid that which Allah has forbidden, unless that suits their whims and desires

    لا عبادةً لمولاهم
    in which case they do it for that purpose and not as an act of obedience to their Lord

    ولهذا لا ينكرون ما وقع في الوجود من الكفر والفسوق والعصيان إلا إذا خالف أغراضهم
    Hence they do not denounce what takes place of kufr, evil doing and sin unless it goes against their whims and desires

    فينكرونه إنكارا طبيعيا شيطانيا لا إنكارا شرعيا رحمانيا
    in which case they will denounce it, prompted by their devilish nature and not prompted by sharee’ah and love of Allah.

    ولهذا تقترن بهم الشياطين إخوانهم فيمدونهم في الغي ثم لا يقصرون
    Hence the devils plunge them deeper into error, and they never stop short

    وقد تتمثل لهم الشياطين وتخاطبهم وتعينهم على بعض أهوائهم
    and the devils may show themselves to them and address them and help them with some of their whims and desires

    كما كانت الشياطين تفعل بالمشركين عباد الأصنام "
    as the devils used to do with the mushrikeen who worshipped idols

    ومن الشرك أن يعبد غير الله عبادة كاملة , فإنه يسمى شركا ويسمى كفرا
    it is shirk to worship something other than Allah completely; that may be called shirk or kufr

    فمن أعرض عن الله بالكلية
    Whoever turns away from Allah altogether

    وجعل عبادته لغير الله كالأشجار أو الأحجار أو الأصنام أو الجن أو بعض الأموات ، من الذين يسمونهم بالأولياء
    and directs his worship to something other than Allah, such as trees, rocks, idols, the jinn or some of the dead, those whom they call awliya’ (“saints”)1

    يعبدهم أو يصلي لهم أو يصوم لهم ، وينسى الله بالكلية
    worshipping them or praying to them or fasting for them, and forgetting Allah altogether

    فهذا أعظم كفرا وأشد شركا , نسأل الله العافية.
    and this is the worst kind of kufr and shirk. We ask Allah to keep us safe and sound

    وهكذا من ينكر وجود الله
    The same applies to denying the existence of Allah

    ويقول : ليس هناك إله والحياة مادة كالشيوعيين والملاحدة
    and saying that there is no God and life is material, like the Communists and atheists

    المنكرين لوجود الله هؤلاء أكفر الناس وأضلهم وأعظمهم شركا وضلالا
    who deny the existence of Allah. These are the worst disbelievers among mankind, the most astray, the most involved in shirk and the most misguided

    , نسأل الله العافية
    We ask Allah to keep us safe and sound

    والاشتراكيون ذبائحهم محرمة من جنس ذبح المجوس وعبدة الأوثان
    Meat slaughtered by Communists is haraam and is like the meat of the Magians and idol worshippers

    بل ذبائحهم أشد حرمة
    in fact their meat is even more haraam

    لكونهم أعظم كفرا بسبب إلحادهم وإنكارهم الباري عز وجل ورسوله
    because their degree of kufr is greater due to their atheism and denial of the Creator (may He be glorified and exalted) and His Messenger


    • إسلام بدي
      في انتظار الموافقة
      • Jun 2017
      • 424


      التاريخ والسيرة.
      Islamic history and biography

      من هو منصور الحلاج ؟ وما هو وضعه في التاريخ الإسلامي ؟.
      Who was Mansoor Hallaj . What is his role in Islamic History?1

      نشأ بواسط . وقيل بتستر ، وخالط جماعة من الصوفية منهم سهل التستري والجنيد وأبو الحسن النوري وغيرهم .
      He grew up in Waasit, or it was said in Tastar, and he was connected with a group of Sufis including

      رحل إلى بلاد كثيرة ، منها مكة وخراسان ، والهند وتعلم السحر بها
      He traveled to many places, including Makkah and Khurasaan, and India where he learned sihr (magic, witchcraft)1

      وأقام أخيراً ببغداد ، وبها قتل .
      He finally settled in Baghdaad, where he was killed

      تعلم السحر بالهند ، وكان صاحب حيل وخداع
      He learned magic in India, and he was a trickster and cheat

      فخدع بذلك كثيراً من جهلة الناس ، واستمالهم إليه
      He deceived many ignorant people thereby, and they were attracted by him

      حتى ظنوا فيه أنه من أولياء الله الكبار .
      until they thought that he was one of the greatest awliya’ (close friends or “saints”) of Allaah. 1

      له قبول عند عامة المستشرقين
      He is liked by most of the Orientalists

      ويظهرونه على أنه قتل مظلوماً
      and they think that he was killed wrongfully

      وذلك لما سيأتي من أن اعتقاده قريب من اعتقاد النصارى ، ويتكلم بكلامهم .
      because, as we shall see below, his beliefs were close to Christian beliefs and he preached a similar message

      قتل ببغداد عام 309 هـ بسبب ما ثبت عنه بإقراره وبغير إقراره من الكفر والزندقة
      He was executed in Baghdad in 309 AH, because it was proven by his own confession and otherwise that he was a kaafir and a heretic

      وأجمع علماء عصره على قتله بسبب ما نقل عنه من الكفر والزندقة .
      The scholars of his time were agreed that he was to be executed because of the words of kufr and heresy that were narrated from him

      وها هي بعض أقواله :
      The following are some of the things that he said: 1

      ادعى النبوة ، ثم تَرَقَّى به الحال أن ادعى أنه هو الله
      He claimed to be a prophet, then he went further and said that he was God

      فكان يقول : أنا الله . وأمر زوجة ابنه بالسجود له
      He used to say, “I am Allaah,” and he commanded his daughter-in-law to prostrate to him

      فقالت : أو يسجد لغير الله ؟ فقال : إله في السماء وإله في الأرض
      She said, “Should I prostrate to someone other than Allaah?” He said, “There is a god in the heavens and a god on earth.” 1

      كان يقول بالحلول والاتحاد

      He believed in incarnation and union with the Divine, i.e., that

      أي : أن الله تعالى قد حَلَّ فيه ، وصار هو والله شيئاً واحداً
      Allaah was incarnated in him, and that he and Allaah had become one and the same

      تعالى الله عن ذلك علواً كبيراً.
      exalted be Allaah far above that

      وهذا هو الذي جعل له القبول عن المستشرقين النصارى لأنه وافقهم على الحلول
      This is what made him acceptable to the Christian Orientalists, because he shared their belief in incarnation

      إذ إنهم يعتقدون في عيسى عليه السلام أن الله تعالى قد حَلَّ فيه
      for they believe that God was incarnated in Jesus (‘Eesa, peace be upon him)1

      ولهذا تكلم الحلاج باللاهوت والناسوت كما يفعل النصارى . فمن أشعاره :
      Hence al-Hallaaj spoke of divine nature and human nature as the Christians do. 1

      Some of the lines of verse that he composed said: 1

      سبحان مـن أظهر ناسوته سـر لاهوته الثاقـــب
      “Glory be to the one Whose human form manifested the secret of His divinity

      ثم بدا في خلقـه ظــاهراً في صورة الآكل والشارب
      Then He emerged among His creation in the form of one who eats and drinks.” 1

      ولما سمع ابن خفيف هذه الأبيات قال : على قائل هذا لعنة الله
      When Ibn Haneef heard these lines, he said, “May the curse of Allaah be upon the one who said this.”1

      فقيل له : هذا شعر الحلاج . فقال : إن كان هذا اعتقاده فهو كافر اهـ
      It was said to him, “This is the poetry of al-Hallaaj.” He said, “If this is what he believes, then he is a kaafir.”1

      سمع قارئاً يقرأ آية من القرآن ، فقال : أنا أقدر أن أؤلف مثل هذا .
      He heard someone reciting a verse from the Qur’aan, and he said, “I am able to compose something like that.”1

      من أشعاره :
      4- Another of his lines of poetry says: 1

      عَقَدَ الخلائقُ في الإله عقائدا وأنا اعتقدتُ جميعَ ما اعتقدوه
      “People formed different beliefs about God, and I believe in everything that they believed.” 1

      وهذا الكلام مع تضمنه إقراره واعتقاده لجميع الكفر
      These words imply that he approved of and believed in all forms of kufr

      الذي اعتقدته الطوائف الضالة من البشر
      that the misguided sects of humanity believe in

      فإنه مع ذلك كلام متناقض لا يقبله عقل صريح
      but it is a contradictory notion that no sound mind can accept

      إذ كيف يعتقد التوحيد والشرك في آنٍ واحد ؟!
      How can anyone believe in Tawheed and shirk at the same time? 1

      له كلام يبطل به أركان الإسلام ومبانيه العظام
      He said things which denied the pillars and basic principles of Islam

      كان يقول : إن أرواح الأنبياء أعيدت إلى أجساد أصحابه وتلامذته
      He used to say that the souls of the Prophets had been reincarnated in the bodies of his companions and students

      كان يقول لأحدهم : أنت نوح ، ولآخر : أنت موسى ، ولآخر : أنت محمد
      So he would say to one of them, “You are Nooh”; and to another, “You are Moosa”; and to another, “You are Muhammad.” 1

      لما ذُهب به إلى القتل قال لأصحابه
      When he was taken out to be executed, he said to his companions1

      لا يهولنكم هذا ، فإني عائد إليكم بعد ثلاثين يوماً . فقتل ولم يَعُدْ
      “Do not worry about this, for I will return to you after thirty days,” He was executed and he never came back. 1

      فلهذه الأقوال وغيرها أجمع علماء عصره على كفره وزندقته
      Because of these sayings and others, the scholars were agreed that he was a kaafir and a heretic

      وكذا ذمه أكثر الصوفية ونفوا أن يكون منهم
      Similarly, most of the Sufis denounced him and denied that he was one of them

      فممن ذمه الجنيد ، ولم يذكره أبو القاسم القشيري في رسالته التي ذكر فيها كثيراً من مشايخ الصوفية
      Among those who denounced him was al-Junayd, and he was not mentioned by Abu’l-Qaasim al-Qushayri in his book in which he mentioned many of the Sufi shaykhs. 1

      وكان من سعى في قتله وعقد له مجلساً وحكم عليه فيه بما يستحقه من القتل هو القاضي أبو عمر محمد بن يوسف المالكي رحمه الله
      The one who strove to have him executed and who held a council in which he ruled that he deserved to be executed was al-Qaadi Abu ‘Umar Muhammad ibn Yoosuf al-Maaliki (may Allaah have mercy on him)1

      وقد امتدحه ابن كثير على ذلك فقال
      Ibn Katheer praised him for that and said

      وكان من أكبر صواب أحكامه وأصوبها قَتْلَهُ الحسين بن منصور الحلاج

      “One of his greatest and most correct judgements was his ruling that al-Husayn ibn Mansoor al-Hallaaj was to be executed

      وقال ابن تيمية رحمه الله : ( مَنْ اعْتَقَدَ مَا يَعْتَقِدُهُ الْحَلاجُ مِنْ الْمَقَالاتِ الَّتِي قُتِلَ الْحَلاجُ عَلَيْهَا فَهُوَ كَافِرٌ مُرْتَدٌّ بِاتِّفَاقِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ
      Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Whoever believes what al-Hallaaj believed in and agrees with the ideas for which al-Hallaaj was executed, is a kaafir and an apostate, according to the consensus of the Muslims

      فَإِنَّ الْمُسْلِمِينَ إنَّمَا قَتَلُوهُ عَلَى الْحُلُولِ وَالاتِّحَادِ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ مِنْ مَقَالاتِ أَهْلِ الزَّنْدَقَةِ وَالإِلْحَادِ
      For the Muslims executed him because of his belief in incarnation, union with the Divine and other heretical beliefs

      كَقَوْلِهِ : أَنَا اللَّهُ . وَقَوْلِهِ : إلَهٌ فِي السَّمَاءِ وَإِلَهٌ فِي الأَرْضِ
      such as his saying, ‘I am Allaah,’ and, ‘There is a god in the heavens and a god on earth.’1

      وَالْحَلاجُ كَانَتْ لَهُ مخاريق وَأَنْوَاعٌ مِنْ السِّحْرِ
      … Al-Hallaaj performed extraordinary feats and various kinds of magic

      وَلَهُ كُتُبٌ مَنْسُوبَةٌ إلَيْهِ فِي السِّحْرِ
      and there are books of magic which are attributed to him

      وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَلا خِلافَ بَيْنِ الأُمَّةِ
      In conclusion, there is no dispute among the ummah that

      أَنَّ مَنْ قَالَ بِحُلُولِ اللَّهِ فِي الْبَشَرِ وَاتِّحَادِهِ بِهِ
      whoever believes that Allaah can be incarnated in a human being and be as one with him

      وَأَنَّ الْبَشَرَ يَكُونُ إلَهًا وَهَذَا مِنْ الآلِهَةِ : فَهُوَ كَافِرٌ مُبَاحُ الدَّمِ وَعَلَى هَذَا قُتِلَ الْحَلاجُ
      or that a human being can be a god, is a kaafir whose blood it is permissible to shed. On this basis al-Hallaaj was executed

      وَمَا نَعْلَمُ أَحَدًا مِنْ أَئِمَّةِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ ذَكَرَ الْحَلاجَ بِخَيْرِ لا مِنْ الْعُلَمَاءِ وَلا مِنْ الْمَشَايِخِ
      We do not know of anyone among the imams of the Muslims who spoke well of al-Hallaaj, neither among the scholars nor among the shaykhs

      وَلَكِنَّ بَعْضَ النَّاسِ يَقِفُ فِيهِ ; لأَنَّهُ لَمْ يَعْرِفْ أَمْرَهُ

      But some of the people did not comment on him because they did not know about him


      • إسلام بدي
        في انتظار الموافقة
        • Jun 2017
        • 424

        الحدود والتعزيرات Punishment and Judicial Sentences

        جريمة الزنا والخلاص من آثاره

        ماذا يجب على من وقع في جريمة الزنا للخلاص من آثار فعلته تلك؟
        What should the person who has fallen into the crime of zina do to get rid of the effects that it has had on him?.1

        الزنا من أعظم الحرام، وأكبر الكبائر
        Zina is one of the worst of haraam actions and is one of the greatest of major sins

        وقد توعد الله المشركين، والقتلة بغير حق، والزناة ، بمضاعفة العذاب يوم القيامة
        Allaah has issued a warning to the mushrikeen, those who kill unlawfully and those who commit zina of a double punishment on the Day of Resurrection

        والخلود فيه صاغرين مهانين لعظم جريمتهم، وقبح فعلهم
        and an eternity of punishment in which they will be humiliated because of the gravity of their crime and the abhorrence of their actions
        وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَدْعُونَ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَهًا آخَرَ وَلَا يَقْتُلُونَ النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا يَزْنُونَ
        “And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah, nor kill such person as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse

        وَمَنْ يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ يَلْقَ أَثَامًا
        and whoever does this shall receive the punishment

        يُضَاعَفْ لَهُ الْعَذَابُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَيَخْلُدْ فِيهِ مُهَانًا

        The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection
        and he will abide therein in disgrace

        إِلَّا مَنْ تَابَ وَآمَنَ
        Except those who repent and believe

        فعلى من وقع في شيء من ذلك التوبة إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى التوبة النصوح
        The one who has fallen into any of these sins has to repent sincerely to Allaah

        وإتباع ذلك بالإيمان الصادق، والعمل الصالح
        and follow that with sincere faith and righteous deeds

        وتكون التوبة نصوحا إذا ما أقلع التائب من الذنب
        Repentance is sincere when the penitent gives up the sin

        وندم على ما مضى من ذلك
        regrets what he has done in the past

        وعزم عزما صادقا على أن لا يعود في ذلك
        and resolves firmly and sincerely not to go back to it

        خوفا من الله سبحانه، وتعظيما له، ورجاء ثوابه، وحذر عقابه

        out of fear of Allaah and veneration of Him, and in hope of His reward and for fear of His punishment

        قال الله تعالى: (وَإِنِّي لَغَفَّارٌ لِمَنْ تَابَ وَآمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا ثُمَّ اهْتَدَى)
        And verily, I am indeed forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them till his death”1

        فالواجب على كل مسلم ومسلمة أن يحذر هذه الفاحشة العظيمة ووسائلها غاية الحذر،
        What every Muslim man and woman must do is beware of this grave evil
        and the things that lead to it

        وأن يبادر بالتوبة الصادقة، مما سلف من ذلك
        and they must hasten to repent sincerely from anything of that that they have done in the past

        والله يتوب على التائبين الصادقين ويغفر لهم"
        Allaah accepts the repentance of those who repent sincerely and forgives them


        • إسلام بدي
          في انتظار الموافقة
          • Jun 2017
          • 424

          ضوابط التكفير Guidelines on takfeer

          نرجو من سيادتكم معرفة الضوابط التي يمكن الحكم بها على شخص ما بالكفر أو النفاق

          We hope that you can define the guidelines by means of which it is possible to determine whether someone is a kaafir or faasiq

          حتى لا أقع في البدع التي وقع فيها كثير من الفرق
          so that I will not fall into the innovations into which many groups have fallen

          ، وبأي كتب توصيني أن أقرأ فيها ،
          Which books do you advise me to read?1

          مع العلم أني طالب علم مبتدئ ؟
          Please note that I am a beginner seeker of knowledge

          الحكم بالتكفير والتفسيق ليس إلينا بل هو إلى الله تعالى ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم

          Determining whether someone is a kaafir or a rebellious sinner (faasiq) is not up to us, rather it is up to Allaah, may He be exalted, and His Messenger

          فيجب التثبت فيه غاية التثبت
          so we should be very careful and base our judgement on
          clear proof

          ، فلا يكفر ولا يفسق إلا من دل الكتاب والسنة على كفره أو فسقه
          No one may be judged to be a kaafir or faasiq except the one whom the Qur’aan and Sunnah indicate is a kaafir or a rebellious sinner

          والأصل في المسلم الظاهر العدالة بقاء إسلامه وبقاء عدالته
          The basic principle is that the one who appears outwardly to be a Muslim of good character is regarded as still being a Muslim of good character

          حتى يَتَحَقَّقَ زوال ذلك عنه بمقتضى الدليل الشرعي
          until it is proven that this is no longer the case by means of evidence that is acceptable in sharee’ah

          ولا يجوز التساهل في تكفيره أو تفسيقه
          It is not permissible to take lightly the matter of judging someone to be a kaafir or rebellious sinner

          لأن في ذلك محذورين عظيمين
          because that involves two very serious matters: 1

          أحدهما : افتراء الكذب على الله تعالى في الحكم
          It implies fabricating lies against Allaah with regard to this ruling

          وعلى المحكوم عليه في الوصف الذي نبزه به
          and fabricating lies against the one who is being judged

          الوقوع فيما نبز به أخاه إن كان سالماً منه
          Falling into that which one accused one’s brother of, if he is free from that

          ( إِذَا كَفَّرَ الرَّجُلُ أَخَاهُ فَقَد بَاءَ بِهَا أَحَدُهُمَا )

          1 “If a man declares his brother to be a kaafir, it will apply to one of them.” 1

          وفي رواية : ( إِن كَانَ كَمَا قَالَ ، وَإِلاَّ رَجَعَتْ عَلَيهِ )
          According to another report: “Either it is as he said, otherwise it will come back to him.”1

          وعلى هذا فيجب قبل الحكم على المسلم بكفر أو فسق أن ينظر في أمرين
          Based on this, before ruling that a Muslim is a kaafir or a rebellious sinner, two things must be examined: 1

          انطباق هذا الحكم على القائل المعين أو الفاعل المعين ،
          Applying this ruling to a specific person who says or does that thing

          بحيث تتم شروط التكفير أو التفسيق في حقه ، وتنتفي الموانع
          such that the conditions of judging a person to be a kaafir or rebellious sinner will be met in his case, and there are no impediments

          ومن أهم الشروط :
          Among the most important of these conditions are the following: 1

          أن يكون عالماً بمخالفته التي أوجبت أن يكون كافراً أو فاسقاً
          That he should be aware of his transgression that renders him a kaafir or evildoer

          ولهذا قال أهل العلم : لا يكفر جاحد الفرائض إذا كان حديث عهد بإسلام حتى يُبَيَّنَ له
          Hence the scholars said that a person who denies obligatory duties should not be judged to be a kaafir if he is new in Islam, until that has been explained to him. 2

          ومن الموانع أن يقع ما يوجب الكفر أو الفسق بغير إرادة منه
          A reason why he cannot be ruled to be a kaafir or evildoer is if he does something that incurs such a judgement involuntarily

          ولذلك صور :
          This may take several forms such as: 1

          منها : أن يكره على ذلك ، فيفعله لداعي الإكراه ، لا اطمئناناً به ، فلا يكفر حينئذ
          For example, he may be forced to do that, so he does that because he is forced to, not because he accepts that. He is not a kaafir in that case

          مَنْ كَفَرَ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ إِيمَانِهِ إِلَّا مَنْ أُكْرِهَ وَقَلْبُهُ مُطْمَئِنٌّ بِالْأِيمَانِ
          Whoever disbelieved in Allaah after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith

          وَلَكِنْ مَنْ شَرَحَ بِالْكُفْرِ صَدْراً فَعَلَيْهِمْ غَضَبٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
          but such as open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allaah, and theirs will be a great torment

          ومنها : أن يُغلَقَ عليه فِكرُهُ ، فلا يدري ما يقول لشدة فرح أو حزن أو خوف أو نحو ذلك .
          Another example is when he is not thinking straight, so he does not know what he is saying because of extreme joy or sorrow or fear and so on

          قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (لَلَّهُ أَشَدُّ فَرَحًا بِتَوْبَةِ عَبْدِهِ حِينَ يَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ أَحَدِكُمْ كَانَ عَلَى رَاحِلَتِهِ بِأَرْضِ فَلَاةٍ

          Allaah rejoices more over the repentance of His slave when he repents to Him than one of you who was on his mount in the wilderness

          فَانْفَلَتَتْ مِنْهُ وَعَلَيْهَا طَعَامُهُ وَشَرَابُهُ فَأَيِسَ مِنْهَا
          , then he lost it, and his food and drink are on it, and he despairs of finding it

          فَأَتَى شَجَرَةً فَاضْطَجَعَ فِي ظِلِّهَا قَدْ أَيِسَ مِنْ رَاحِلَتِهِ
          He goes to a tree and lies down in its shade, having lost hope of finding his mount

          فَبَيْنَا هُوَ كَذَلِكَ إِذَا هُوَ بِهَا قَائِمَةً عِنْدَهُ
          and whilst he is like that, there it is standing in front of him

          فَأَخَذَ بِخِطَامِهَا ثُمَّ قَالَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الْفَرَحِ
          so he takes hold of its reins and says, because of his intense joy

          اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ عَبْدِي وَأَنَا رَبُّكَ
          أَخْطَأَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الْفَرَحِ
          ‘O Allaah, You are my slave and I am your lord,’ making this mistake because of his intense joy

          ومن الموانع أن يكون متأولا يعني أن تكون عنده بعض الشبه التي يتمسك بها ويظنها أدلة حقيقية
          Misinterpetation. He may have some confusion and some misinterpretation that he adheres to, thinking that it forms evidence for his beliefs

          أو يكون لم يستطع فهم الحجة الشرعية على وجهها ،
          or he may not be able to understand and comprehend shar’i evidence and proof in the proper way

          فالتكفير لا يكون إلا بتحقق تعمد المخالفة وارتفاع الجهالة
          Therefore, judging someone to be a kaafir is not valid except in the case of one who deliberately goes against the shar’i evidence and who knows that he is wrong

          ( ولَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ فِيمَا أَخْطَأْتُم بِهِ وَلَكِن مَّا تَعَمَّدَتْ قُلُوبُكُمْ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُوراً رَّحِيماً )
          And there is no sin on you concerning that in which you made a mistake, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”1

          ( ) ،
          فالإمام أحمد رضي الله تعالى عنه ترحم عليهم
          Imam Ahmad may Allaah be pleased with him prayed for mercy for them

          يعني الخلفاء الذين تأثروا بمقالة الجهمية

          the caliphs who were influenced by the view of the Jahamis

          الذين زعموا القول بخلق القرآن ، ونصروه
          who claimed that the Qur’aan was created, and supported it

          واستغفر لهم ، لعلمه بأنه لم يتبين لهم أنهم مكذبون للرسول
          and prayed for forgiveness for them, because he knew that it was not clear to them that they were disbelieving the Messenger

          ولا جاحدون لما جاء به ، ولكن تأولوا فأخطأوا ،
          and denying what he had brought, rather they misinterpreted and erred

          وقلدوا من قال ذلك لهم
          and followed those who said that to them

          وأما التكفير فالصواب أن من اجتهد من أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وقصد الحق فأخطأ لم يكفر
          With regard to judging someone to be a kaafir, the correct view is that a member of the ummah of Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him who strives to reach the truth concerning a certain issue, but reaches the wrong conclusion, is not to be deemed a kaafir

          بل يغفر له خطؤه
          rather he will be forgiven for his mistake

          ومن تبين له ما جاء به الرسول ، فشاق الرسول من بعد ما تبين له الهدى واتبع غير سبيل المؤمنين فهو كافر
          But the one who understands the message brought by the Messenger, but deliberately goes against the way of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) after true guidance has become clear to him, and follows a path other than that of the believers, is a kaafir

          ومن اتبع هواه وقصر في طلب الحق وتكلم بلا علم فهو عاص مذنب
          The one who follows his whims and desires and fails to seek the truth and speaks without knowledge is a disobedient

          ثم قد يكون فاسقاً وقد يكون له حسنات ترجح على سيئاته
          sinner, and may be a evildoer, but he may have some good deeds that outweigh his bad deeds

          هذا مع أني دائماً ومن جالسني يعلم ذلك مني
          However, and those who sit with me know this about me

          أني من أعظم الناس نهياً عن أن ينسب معين إلى تكفير وتفسيق ومعصية
          I am always one of those who most emphatically forbid describing a specific person as a kaafir, unchaste or sinner

          إلا إذا علم أنه قد قامت عليه الحجة الرسالية
          unless it is known that shar’i proof has been established against him

          وإني أقرر أن الله قد غفر لهذه الأمة خطأها
          I affirm that Allaah has forgiven this ummah for its mistakes

          وذلك يعم الخطأ في المسائل الخبرية القولية والمسائل العملية
          which includes mistakes in narrative and practical issues

          وما زال السلف يتنازعون في كثير من هذه المسائل
          The salaf continued to debate many of these issues

          ولم يشهد أحد منهم على أحد لا بكفر ولا بفسق ولا بمعصية
          but none of them testified that anyone else was a kaafir or an evildoer or a sinner

          وكنت أبين أن ما نقل عن السلف والأئمة من إطلاق القول بتكفير من يقول كذا وكذا ، فهو أيضاً حق
          I also state that what has been narrated from the salaf and the imams, stating that the one who says such and such is a kaafir, is also true

          لكن يجب التفريق بين الإطلاق والتعيين
          but it is essential to differentiate between general rules and specific cases

          والتكفير هو من الوعيد
          Takfeer is a kind of warning

          فإنه وإن كان القول تكذيباً لما قاله الرسول
          even though the words may be a rejection of what the Messenger said

          لكن قد يكون الرجل حديث عهد بإسلام ، أو نشأ ببادية بعيدة
          the man may be new in Islam, or he may have grown up in a remote region

          ومثل هذا لا يكفر بجحد ما يجحده حتى تقوم عليه الحجة
          Such a person cannot be ruled to be a kaafir, no matter what he denies, unless proof has been established against him

          وقد يكون الرجل لم يسمع تلك النصوص
          The man may not have heard of those texts

          أو سمعها ولم تثبت عنده
          or he may have heard them but they were nit proven to him

          أو عارضها عنده معارض آخر أوجب تأويلها وإن كان مخطئاً .
          or he may have some ideas that are contrary to what he heard, that med him to misinterpret the text

          ( إذا أنا مت فأحرقوني ، ثم اسحقوني ، ثم ذروني في اليم )
          When I die, burn me and crush (my bones), then scatter me in the sea, 1

          فوالله لئن قدر الله عليَّ ليعذبني عذاباً ما عذبه أحداً من العالمين
          or by Allaah, if Allaah grasps hold of me He will punish me as He has not punished anyone else in the world

          ففعلوا به ذلك ، فقال الله : ما حملك على ما فعلت ؟ قال : خشيتك . فغفر له

          They did that, and Allaah said: ‘What made you do what you did?’ He said: ‘Fear of You.’ And He forgave him.”1

          فهذا رجل شك في قدرة الله وفي إعادته إذا ذري
          This man doubted the power of Allaah and doubted that He would restore him if his remains were scattered

          بل اعتقد أنه لا يعاد ، وهذا كفر باتفاق المسلمين
          rather he believed that he would not be resurrected, which is kufr according to the consensus of the Muslims

          كن كان جاهلاً لا يعلم ذلك ، وكان مؤمناً يخاف الله أن يعاقبه ، فغفر له بذلك .
          But he was ignorant and did not know about that; however, he was a believer who feared that Allaah would punish him, so He forgave him because of that

          والمتأول من أهل الاجتهاد الحريص على متابعة الرسول
          One who is qualified to engage in ijtihaad and who bases his incorrect notion on some misinterpretation of some text but is sincere in his keenness to follow the Messenger

          أولى بالمغفرة من مثل هذا
          is even more deserving of forgiveness than such a person

          وإذا كان أمر التكفير بهذه المثابة ، والخطر
          Because the matter of takfeer is so serious

          والخطأ فيه شديد
          and mistakes therein are so grave

          فالواجب على طالب العلم ، خاصة إذا كان مبتدئا ، أن يتوقى الخوض في ذلك
          the seeker of knowledge, especially if he is a beginner, should refrain from indulging in that

          وأن ينشغل بتحصيل العلم النافع الذي يصلح به أمر معاشه ومعاده
          and he should focus on acquiring beneficial knowledge that will set his own affairs straight in this world and the Hereafter

          قبل أن نشير عليك بشيء من الكتب
          Before we suggest some books to you

          فإننا ننصحك بأن تستعين في تعلمك بأهل العلم من أهل السنة
          we should advise you to seek knowledge directly from scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah

          فإن ذلك هو الطريق الأسهل والأكثر أمنا
          because that is the easiest and safest way

          لكن شريطة أن يكون ذلك الذي تأخذ عنه من الموثوق في علمه ودينه
          but that is subject to the condition that the one from whom you learn is trustworthy in terms of his knowledge and religious commitment

          واتباعه للسنة ، وبعده عن الأهواء والبدع
          and following of the Sunnah, and in avoidance of whims and desires and innovations

          ( إِنَّ هَذَا الْعِلْمَ دِينٌ فَانْظُرُوا عَمَّنْ تَأْخُذُونَ دِينَكُمْ )
          This knowledge is the (foundation of) religion, so watch from whom you learn your religion

          فإن لم يتيسر لك ، في مكانك أن تحضر دروس أهل العلم فيمكنك أن تستعين بأشرطتهم
          If it is not possible where you are to attend lessons given by scholars, then you can make use of their tapes

          ثم يمكنك أيضا أن تنتفع ببعض طلاب العلم ، الذين يحرصون على العلم الشرعي
          You can also benefit from some seekers of knowledge who are keen to acquire shar’i knowledge

          وقلما يخلو منهم مكان
          hardly any place is without such people


          • إسلام بدي
            في انتظار الموافقة
            • Jun 2017
            • 424

            ضوابط التكفير Guidelines on takfeer

            نرجو من سيادتكم معرفة الضوابط التي يمكن الحكم بها على شخص ما بالكفر أو النفاق

            We hope that you can define the guidelines by means of which it is possible to determine whether someone is a kaafir or faasiq

            حتى لا أقع في البدع التي وقع فيها كثير من الفرق
            so that I will not fall into the innovations into which many groups have fallen

            ، وبأي كتب توصيني أن أقرأ فيها ،
            Which books do you advise me to read?1

            مع العلم أني طالب علم مبتدئ ؟
            Please note that I am a beginner seeker of knowledge

            الحكم بالتكفير والتفسيق ليس إلينا بل هو إلى الله تعالى ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم

            Determining whether someone is a kaafir or a rebellious sinner (faasiq) is not up to us, rather it is up to Allaah, may He be exalted, and His Messenger

            فيجب التثبت فيه غاية التثبت
            so we should be very careful and base our judgement on
            clear proof

            ، فلا يكفر ولا يفسق إلا من دل الكتاب والسنة على كفره أو فسقه
            No one may be judged to be a kaafir or faasiq except the one whom the Qur’aan and Sunnah indicate is a kaafir or a rebellious sinner

            والأصل في المسلم الظاهر العدالة بقاء إسلامه وبقاء عدالته
            The basic principle is that the one who appears outwardly to be a Muslim of good character is regarded as still being a Muslim of good character

            حتى يَتَحَقَّقَ زوال ذلك عنه بمقتضى الدليل الشرعي
            until it is proven that this is no longer the case by means of evidence that is acceptable in sharee’ah

            ولا يجوز التساهل في تكفيره أو تفسيقه
            It is not permissible to take lightly the matter of judging someone to be a kaafir or rebellious sinner

            لأن في ذلك محذورين عظيمين
            because that involves two very serious matters: 1

            أحدهما : افتراء الكذب على الله تعالى في الحكم
            It implies fabricating lies against Allaah with regard to this ruling

            وعلى المحكوم عليه في الوصف الذي نبزه به
            and fabricating lies against the one who is being judged

            الوقوع فيما نبز به أخاه إن كان سالماً منه
            Falling into that which one accused one’s brother of, if he is free from that

            ( إِذَا كَفَّرَ الرَّجُلُ أَخَاهُ فَقَد بَاءَ بِهَا أَحَدُهُمَا )

            1 “If a man declares his brother to be a kaafir, it will apply to one of them.” 1

            وفي رواية : ( إِن كَانَ كَمَا قَالَ ، وَإِلاَّ رَجَعَتْ عَلَيهِ )
            According to another report: “Either it is as he said, otherwise it will come back to him.”1

            وعلى هذا فيجب قبل الحكم على المسلم بكفر أو فسق أن ينظر في أمرين
            Based on this, before ruling that a Muslim is a kaafir or a rebellious sinner, two things must be examined: 1

            انطباق هذا الحكم على القائل المعين أو الفاعل المعين ،
            Applying this ruling to a specific person who says or does that thing

            بحيث تتم شروط التكفير أو التفسيق في حقه ، وتنتفي الموانع
            such that the conditions of judging a person to be a kaafir or rebellious sinner will be met in his case, and there are no impediments

            ومن أهم الشروط :
            Among the most important of these conditions are the following: 1

            أن يكون عالماً بمخالفته التي أوجبت أن يكون كافراً أو فاسقاً
            That he should be aware of his transgression that renders him a kaafir or evildoer

            ولهذا قال أهل العلم : لا يكفر جاحد الفرائض إذا كان حديث عهد بإسلام حتى يُبَيَّنَ له
            Hence the scholars said that a person who denies obligatory duties should not be judged to be a kaafir if he is new in Islam, until that has been explained to him. 2

            ومن الموانع أن يقع ما يوجب الكفر أو الفسق بغير إرادة منه
            A reason why he cannot be ruled to be a kaafir or evildoer is if he does something that incurs such a judgement involuntarily

            ولذلك صور :
            This may take several forms such as: 1

            منها : أن يكره على ذلك ، فيفعله لداعي الإكراه ، لا اطمئناناً به ، فلا يكفر حينئذ
            For example, he may be forced to do that, so he does that because he is forced to, not because he accepts that. He is not a kaafir in that case

            مَنْ كَفَرَ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ إِيمَانِهِ إِلَّا مَنْ أُكْرِهَ وَقَلْبُهُ مُطْمَئِنٌّ بِالْأِيمَانِ
            Whoever disbelieved in Allaah after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith

            وَلَكِنْ مَنْ شَرَحَ بِالْكُفْرِ صَدْراً فَعَلَيْهِمْ غَضَبٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
            but such as open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allaah, and theirs will be a great torment

            ومنها : أن يُغلَقَ عليه فِكرُهُ ، فلا يدري ما يقول لشدة فرح أو حزن أو خوف أو نحو ذلك .
            Another example is when he is not thinking straight, so he does not know what he is saying because of extreme joy or sorrow or fear and so on

            قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (لَلَّهُ أَشَدُّ فَرَحًا بِتَوْبَةِ عَبْدِهِ حِينَ يَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ أَحَدِكُمْ كَانَ عَلَى رَاحِلَتِهِ بِأَرْضِ فَلَاةٍ

            Allaah rejoices more over the repentance of His slave when he repents to Him than one of you who was on his mount in the wilderness

            فَانْفَلَتَتْ مِنْهُ وَعَلَيْهَا طَعَامُهُ وَشَرَابُهُ فَأَيِسَ مِنْهَا
            , then he lost it, and his food and drink are on it, and he despairs of finding it

            فَأَتَى شَجَرَةً فَاضْطَجَعَ فِي ظِلِّهَا قَدْ أَيِسَ مِنْ رَاحِلَتِهِ
            He goes to a tree and lies down in its shade, having lost hope of finding his mount

            فَبَيْنَا هُوَ كَذَلِكَ إِذَا هُوَ بِهَا قَائِمَةً عِنْدَهُ
            and whilst he is like that, there it is standing in front of him

            فَأَخَذَ بِخِطَامِهَا ثُمَّ قَالَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الْفَرَحِ
            so he takes hold of its reins and says, because of his intense joy

            اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ عَبْدِي وَأَنَا رَبُّكَ
            أَخْطَأَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الْفَرَحِ
            ‘O Allaah, You are my slave and I am your lord,’ making this mistake because of his intense joy

            ومن الموانع أن يكون متأولا يعني أن تكون عنده بعض الشبه التي يتمسك بها ويظنها أدلة حقيقية
            Misinterpetation. He may have some confusion and some misinterpretation that he adheres to, thinking that it forms evidence for his beliefs

            أو يكون لم يستطع فهم الحجة الشرعية على وجهها ،
            or he may not be able to understand and comprehend shar’i evidence and proof in the proper way

            فالتكفير لا يكون إلا بتحقق تعمد المخالفة وارتفاع الجهالة
            Therefore, judging someone to be a kaafir is not valid except in the case of one who deliberately goes against the shar’i evidence and who knows that he is wrong

            ( ولَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ فِيمَا أَخْطَأْتُم بِهِ وَلَكِن مَّا تَعَمَّدَتْ قُلُوبُكُمْ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُوراً رَّحِيماً )
            And there is no sin on you concerning that in which you made a mistake, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”1

            ( ) ،
            فالإمام أحمد رضي الله تعالى عنه ترحم عليهم
            Imam Ahmad may Allaah be pleased with him prayed for mercy for them

            يعني الخلفاء الذين تأثروا بمقالة الجهمية

            the caliphs who were influenced by the view of the Jahamis

            الذين زعموا القول بخلق القرآن ، ونصروه
            who claimed that the Qur’aan was created, and supported it

            واستغفر لهم ، لعلمه بأنه لم يتبين لهم أنهم مكذبون للرسول
            and prayed for forgiveness for them, because he knew that it was not clear to them that they were disbelieving the Messenger

            ولا جاحدون لما جاء به ، ولكن تأولوا فأخطأوا ،
            and denying what he had brought, rather they misinterpreted and erred

            وقلدوا من قال ذلك لهم
            and followed those who said that to them

            وأما التكفير فالصواب أن من اجتهد من أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وقصد الحق فأخطأ لم يكفر
            With regard to judging someone to be a kaafir, the correct view is that a member of the ummah of Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him who strives to reach the truth concerning a certain issue, but reaches the wrong conclusion, is not to be deemed a kaafir

            بل يغفر له خطؤه
            rather he will be forgiven for his mistake

            ومن تبين له ما جاء به الرسول ، فشاق الرسول من بعد ما تبين له الهدى واتبع غير سبيل المؤمنين فهو كافر
            But the one who understands the message brought by the Messenger, but deliberately goes against the way of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) after true guidance has become clear to him, and follows a path other than that of the believers, is a kaafir

            ومن اتبع هواه وقصر في طلب الحق وتكلم بلا علم فهو عاص مذنب
            The one who follows his whims and desires and fails to seek the truth and speaks without knowledge is a disobedient

            ثم قد يكون فاسقاً وقد يكون له حسنات ترجح على سيئاته
            sinner, and may be a evildoer, but he may have some good deeds that outweigh his bad deeds

            هذا مع أني دائماً ومن جالسني يعلم ذلك مني
            However, and those who sit with me know this about me

            أني من أعظم الناس نهياً عن أن ينسب معين إلى تكفير وتفسيق ومعصية
            I am always one of those who most emphatically forbid describing a specific person as a kaafir, unchaste or sinner

            إلا إذا علم أنه قد قامت عليه الحجة الرسالية
            unless it is known that shar’i proof has been established against him

            وإني أقرر أن الله قد غفر لهذه الأمة خطأها
            I affirm that Allaah has forgiven this ummah for its mistakes

            وذلك يعم الخطأ في المسائل الخبرية القولية والمسائل العملية
            which includes mistakes in narrative and practical issues

            وما زال السلف يتنازعون في كثير من هذه المسائل
            The salaf continued to debate many of these issues

            ولم يشهد أحد منهم على أحد لا بكفر ولا بفسق ولا بمعصية
            but none of them testified that anyone else was a kaafir or an evildoer or a sinner

            وكنت أبين أن ما نقل عن السلف والأئمة من إطلاق القول بتكفير من يقول كذا وكذا ، فهو أيضاً حق
            I also state that what has been narrated from the salaf and the imams, stating that the one who says such and such is a kaafir, is also true

            لكن يجب التفريق بين الإطلاق والتعيين
            but it is essential to differentiate between general rules and specific cases

            والتكفير هو من الوعيد
            Takfeer is a kind of warning

            فإنه وإن كان القول تكذيباً لما قاله الرسول
            even though the words may be a rejection of what the Messenger said

            لكن قد يكون الرجل حديث عهد بإسلام ، أو نشأ ببادية بعيدة
            the man may be new in Islam, or he may have grown up in a remote region

            ومثل هذا لا يكفر بجحد ما يجحده حتى تقوم عليه الحجة
            Such a person cannot be ruled to be a kaafir, no matter what he denies, unless proof has been established against him

            وقد يكون الرجل لم يسمع تلك النصوص
            The man may not have heard of those texts

            أو سمعها ولم تثبت عنده
            or he may have heard them but they were nit proven to him

            أو عارضها عنده معارض آخر أوجب تأويلها وإن كان مخطئاً .
            or he may have some ideas that are contrary to what he heard, that med him to misinterpret the text

            ( إذا أنا مت فأحرقوني ، ثم اسحقوني ، ثم ذروني في اليم )
            When I die, burn me and crush (my bones), then scatter me in the sea, 1

            فوالله لئن قدر الله عليَّ ليعذبني عذاباً ما عذبه أحداً من العالمين
            or by Allaah, if Allaah grasps hold of me He will punish me as He has not punished anyone else in the world

            ففعلوا به ذلك ، فقال الله : ما حملك على ما فعلت ؟ قال : خشيتك . فغفر له

            They did that, and Allaah said: ‘What made you do what you did?’ He said: ‘Fear of You.’ And He forgave him.”1

            فهذا رجل شك في قدرة الله وفي إعادته إذا ذري
            This man doubted the power of Allaah and doubted that He would restore him if his remains were scattered

            بل اعتقد أنه لا يعاد ، وهذا كفر باتفاق المسلمين
            rather he believed that he would not be resurrected, which is kufr according to the consensus of the Muslims

            كن كان جاهلاً لا يعلم ذلك ، وكان مؤمناً يخاف الله أن يعاقبه ، فغفر له بذلك .
            But he was ignorant and did not know about that; however, he was a believer who feared that Allaah would punish him, so He forgave him because of that

            والمتأول من أهل الاجتهاد الحريص على متابعة الرسول
            One who is qualified to engage in ijtihaad and who bases his incorrect notion on some misinterpretation of some text but is sincere in his keenness to follow the Messenger

            أولى بالمغفرة من مثل هذا
            is even more deserving of forgiveness than such a person

            وإذا كان أمر التكفير بهذه المثابة ، والخطر
            Because the matter of takfeer is so serious

            والخطأ فيه شديد
            and mistakes therein are so grave

            فالواجب على طالب العلم ، خاصة إذا كان مبتدئا ، أن يتوقى الخوض في ذلك
            the seeker of knowledge, especially if he is a beginner, should refrain from indulging in that

            وأن ينشغل بتحصيل العلم النافع الذي يصلح به أمر معاشه ومعاده
            and he should focus on acquiring beneficial knowledge that will set his own affairs straight in this world and the Hereafter

            قبل أن نشير عليك بشيء من الكتب
            Before we suggest some books to you

            فإننا ننصحك بأن تستعين في تعلمك بأهل العلم من أهل السنة
            we should advise you to seek knowledge directly from scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah

            فإن ذلك هو الطريق الأسهل والأكثر أمنا
            because that is the easiest and safest way

            لكن شريطة أن يكون ذلك الذي تأخذ عنه من الموثوق في علمه ودينه
            but that is subject to the condition that the one from whom you learn is trustworthy in terms of his knowledge and religious commitment

            واتباعه للسنة ، وبعده عن الأهواء والبدع
            and following of the Sunnah, and in avoidance of whims and desires and innovations

            ( إِنَّ هَذَا الْعِلْمَ دِينٌ فَانْظُرُوا عَمَّنْ تَأْخُذُونَ دِينَكُمْ )
            This knowledge is the (foundation of) religion, so watch from whom you learn your religion

            فإن لم يتيسر لك ، في مكانك أن تحضر دروس أهل العلم فيمكنك أن تستعين بأشرطتهم
            If it is not possible where you are to attend lessons given by scholars, then you can make use of their tapes

            ثم يمكنك أيضا أن تنتفع ببعض طلاب العلم ، الذين يحرصون على العلم الشرعي
            You can also benefit from some seekers of knowledge who are keen to acquire shar’i knowledge

            وقلما يخلو منهم مكان
            hardly any place is without such people


            • ahmed_allaithy
              رئيس الجمعية
              • May 2006
              • 4026

              شكر الله نقلك وجهدك ورغبتك في نشر العلم أستاذنا الفاضل.
              ويرجى عند النقل حذف الفراغات الطويلة بعد المداخلات لأنها تأخذ مساحة من الصفحة لا داعي لها، وكذا يرجى عدم تكرار النشر للشيء الواحد. فلا يتسع الوقت لإدارة الموقع لتعديل مثل هذه الأشياء، وهي سهلة في تجنبها. شكر الله لكم.
              د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
              رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
              تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

              فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي


              • إسلام بدي
                في انتظار الموافقة
                • Jun 2017
                • 424

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ahmed_allaithy
                شكر الله نقلك وجهدك ورغبتك في نشر العلم أستاذنا الفاضل.
                ويرجى عند النقل حذف الفراغات الطويلة بعد المداخلات لأنها تأخذ مساحة من الصفحة لا داعي لها، وكذا يرجى عدم تكرار النشر للشيء الواحد. فلا يتسع الوقت لإدارة الموقع لتعديل مثل هذه الأشياء، وهي سهلة في تجنبها. شكر الله لكم.

                أشكرك غاية الشكر أستاذي المتواضع أحمد الليثي على إستحسانك اللطيف لهذا العمل البسيط الذي نرجو به ثواب الله والدار الأخرة

                نعم سأحاول إبتداء من الآن فصاعدا حذف تلك الفراغات التي لافائدة منها أصلا

                أما مسألة التكرار فلا أدري لما تقع معي في بعض الأحايين، وعلى أي سأحاول قدر الإمكان تجاوز هذه المشكلة بإذن الله تعالى

                لك مودتي وتقديري الفائق


                • إسلام بدي
                  في انتظار الموافقة
                  • Jun 2017
                  • 424


                  معنى المجثمة
                  What is meant by al-mujaththamah (the animal that is used as a target)?1

                  ورد أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نهى عن المجثمة فما المقصود بها ؟
                  It is narrated that the Prophet blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him forbade al-mujaththamah (the animal that is used as a target). What is meant by that?.1

                  عَنْ أَبِي الدَّرْدَاءِ رضي الله عنه قَالَ : ( نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ أَكْلِ الْمُجَثَّمَةِ ، وَهِيَ الَّتِي تُصْبَرُ بِالنَّبْلِ )
                  from Abu’l-Darda’ may Allaah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allaah blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him forbade eating al-mujaththamah, which is the animal that has been shot to death with arrows

                  والمقصود بالمجثمة قد بَيَّنه راوي الحديث فقال: (وهي التي تصبر بالنبل).
                  What is meant by al-mujaththamah has been explained by the narrator of the hadeeth who said: it is the animal that has been shot to death with arrows

                  أي: هي الحيوان الذي يمسك أو يقيد ويرمى بالنبل حتى يموت
                  In other words, it is the animal that has been held or tied and shot with arrows until it died

                  ونهى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن أكلها لأنها ميتة
                  The Prophet blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him forbade eating it because it is maytah dead meat

                  وليست مذبوحة ذبحاً شرعياً
                  and has not been slaughtered in accordance with sharee’ah


                  • ahmed_allaithy
                    رئيس الجمعية
                    • May 2006
                    • 4026

                    أسأل الله أن يثيبك خيرًا وأن ينفع بما تنقله.
                    د. أحـمـد اللَّيثـي
                    رئيس الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية
                    تلك الدَّارُ الآخرةُ نجعلُها للذين لا يُريدون عُلُوًّا فى الأَرضِ ولا فَسادا والعاقبةُ للمتقين.

                    فَعِشْ لِلْخَيْرِ، إِنَّ الْخَيْرَ أَبْقَى ... وَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَدْعَى بِانْشِغَالِـي


                    • إسلام بدي
                      في انتظار الموافقة
                      • Jun 2017
                      • 424

                      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ahmed_allaithy
                      أسأل الله أن يثيبك خيرًا وأن ينفع بما تنقله.
                      اللهم أمين وإياك يارب، حفظك الله أستاذي العزيز أحمد وكثر الله فينا أمثالك


                      • إسلام بدي
                        في انتظار الموافقة
                        • Jun 2017
                        • 424

                        شروط وجوب الزكاة.Conditions for Zakaah Being Obligatory

                        معنى الحول في الزكاة : أن يمر عام هجري على المال الذي بلغ نصاباً
                        Meaning of the “zakaah year” is that one hijri year has passed since the wealth reached the nisaab

                        يشترط لوجوب الزكاة : حولان الحول ،
                        In order for zakaah to become obligatory, it is stipulated that one year should have passed

                        وهو أن يمر عام هجري على المال الذي بلغ نصابا ؛
                        What this means is that one hijri year should have passed since the wealth reached the nisaab (minimum threshold),1

                        لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( لا زكاة في مال حتى يحول عليه الحول )
                        because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no zakaah on wealth until one year has passed.” 1

                        وعليه ، فإذا كنت قد ملكت تلك الفلوس
                        Based on that, if you took possession of that money

                        ولا يجوز تأخيرها ل
                        and it is not permissible for you to delay it until

                        بل هي مرتبطة ببلوغ المال نصابا
                        rather it is connected to the time when the wealth reached the nisaab

                        ، فمتى بلغ النصاب ، وجب أن يحسب حوله من حين ذلك
                        When it reaches the nisaab, it becomes obligatory to work out when the “zakaah year” will end from that time

                        الأسماء والصفات. Names and Attributes of Allaah

                        ما معنى اسم الله عز وجل الواسع ؟.
                        What is the meaning of Allaah’s name al-Waasi’ (the All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs; the All-Embracing)?1

                        الله سبحانه وتعالى واسع يسع خلقه كلهم بالكافية والإفضال والجود والتدبير

                        Allaah encompasses all of His creation with His care, blessings, generosity and kindness

                        فالله هو الغني الذي وسع رزقه جميع خلقه
                        Allaah is the Self-Sufficient Whose provision is sufficient for all of His creatures

                        فلا تجد أحداً إلا هو يأكل من رزقه
                        There is no one who does not eat from His provision

                        ولا يقدر أن يأكل من غير ما رزقه
                        no one is able to eat from anything other than His provision

                        ووسعت رحمته كل شيء وغناه كل فقر
                        His Mercy encompasses all things and He fulfills every need

                        وهو الكثير العطاء الذي يسع لما يُسأل
                        He is the One Who gives much; He has sufficient means to respond to the requests of all

                        وهو المحيط بكل شيء
                        and He encompasses all things

                        كما في قوله تعالى : ( وسع كل شيء علماً )
                        as He says (interpretation of the meaning):1

                        “all things He comprehends in His knowledge”1

                        الواسع قد يتضمن من المعنى ما لا يتضمنه الغني
                        Al-Waasi’ may include meanings that are not implied by the name al-Ghaniy

                        حيث يقال : واسع الفضل وواسع الرحمة ، وقد عمت رحمته كل شيء ، وأحاط علمه بكل شيء
                        It is said (in Arabic), Waasi’ al-Fadl and Waasi’ al-Rahmah, meaning that His mercy encompasses all things and His knowledge encompasses all things

                        قال تعالى : ( ربنا وسعت كل شيء رحمة وعلماً )
                        Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):1

                        “ ‘Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge’”1

                        ويفضي هذا الاسم الاعتراف بأنه لا يعجزه شيء
                        This name implies that nothing is beyond Him

                        ولا يخفى عليه ، فهو الكثير مقدوراته ومعلوماته سبحانه
                        nothing is hidden from Him, His knowledge and power are vast, may He be glorified.1

                        والله الواسع الصفات والنعوت ومتعلقاتها
                        Allaah is the One Whose attributes are immense, as is all that is connected to them

                        بحيث لا يحصي أحد ثناء عليه
                        No one can praise Him sufficiently

                        بل هو كما أثنى على نفسه
                        He is as He has praised Himself

                        وهو واسع العظمة والسلطان والملك
                        His might, power and dominion are vast

                        واسع الفضل والإحسان ، عظيم الجود والكرم
                        and He is Great in bounty and goodness, and Most Generous


                        • إسلام بدي
                          في انتظار الموافقة
                          • Jun 2017
                          • 424

                          الآداب والأخلاق والرقائق
                          Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners

                          » الآداب »


                          الأسماء والكنى والألقاب

                          Names and Nicknames

                          معنى كلمة سمير
                          Meaning of the name Sameer

                          سمير فعيل من سَمَرَ وهو المسامرة أي الحديث بالليل
                          Sameer is derived from the root samara
                          which means to talk or chat in the evening or at night

                          وابنا سمر : الليل والنهار ، لأنه يُسمَر فيهما

                          It is associated with the idea of night and day, because one may talk or chat during both

                          ويقال السمير : الدهر وابناه : الليل والنهار ا.هـ

                          It was also said that sameer means time or age, which are also associated with the idea of night and day

                          معنى حديث استوصوا بالنساء خيرا
                          Meaning of the hadeeth, “Treat women kindly”1

                          {استوصوا بالنساء خيرا فإنهن خلقن من ضلع وإن أعوج شيء في الضلع أعلاه فاستوصوا بالنساء خيرا}
                          “Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a bent rib, and the most crooked part of the rib is the top part, so treat women kindly.”1

                          هذا أمر للأزواج والآباء والإخوة وغيرهم أن يستوصوا بالنساء خيرا وأن يحسنوا إليهن
                          This is a command to husbands, fathers, brothers and others to treat women kindly

                          وألا يظلموهن وأن يعطوهن حقوقهن ويوجهوهن إلى الخير
                          and not to oppress them; to give them their rights and to guide them to do good

                          وهذا هو الواجب على الجميع
                          This is what is obligatory upon everyone

                          وينبغي ألا يمنع من ذلك كونها قد تسيء في بعض الأحيان إلى زوجها وأقاربها بلسانها أو فعلها This is not altered by the fact that a woman may sometimes mistreat her husband or relatives with her words or actions

                          لأنهن خلقن من ضلع
                          because she was created from a rib

                          وإن أعوج شيء في الضلع أعلاه
                          and the most crooked part of it is the top

                          ومعلوم أن أعلاه مما يلي منبت الضلع
                          It is well known that the top of it is the part by which it is attached

                          فإن الضلع يكون فيه اعوجاج ، هذا معروف
                          so the rib will have some crookedness in it at that point, as is well known

                          فالمعنى أنه لا بد أن يكون في خلقها شيء من العوج والنقص
                          The meaning is that she will inevitably have some crookedness or shortcomings in her character

                          { ما رأيت من ناقصات عقل ودين أذهب للب الرجل الحازم من إحداكن }
                          “I have not seen any lacking in rational ability and failing in religion but (at the same time) robbing the wisdom of the wise, besides you [women].” 1

                          ومعنى نقص العقل أن شهادة المرأتين تعدل شهادة رجل واحد
                          What is meant by lacking in rational ability is that the testimony of two women is equivalent to the testimony of one man

                          وأما نقص الدين فهو أنها تمكث الأيام والليالي لا تصلي
                          Failing in religion means that women spend days and nights without praying, i.e

                          يعني من أجل الحيض ، وهكذا النفاس
                          because of menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding

                          وهذا نقص كتبه الله عليها ليس عليها فيه إثم
                          This is a shortcoming which Allaah has decreed for them, and there is no sin on them because of that

                          فينبغي لها أن تعترف بذلك على الوجه الذي أرشد إليه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
                          So women should accept this in the way that the Prophet
                          peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him meant it

                          ولو كانت ذات علم وتقى
                          even if a woman is knowledgeable and pious

                          لأن النبي لا ينطق عن الهوى
                          because the Prophet did not speak of his own whims and desires

                          وإنما ذلك منه وحي يوحيه الله إليه فيبلغه الأمة
                          rather that was a Revelation that was revealed to him, which he conveyed to the ummah

                          وَالنَّجْمِ إِذَا هَوَى
                          “By the star when it goes down (or vanishes).1

                          مَا ضَلَّ صَاحِبُكُمْ وَمَا غَوَى
                          Your companion (Muhammad) has neither gone astray nor has erred.1

                          وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى
                          Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.1

                          إِنْ هُوَ إِلا وَحْيٌ يُوحَى
                          It is only a Revelation revealed” 1


                          • إسلام بدي
                            في انتظار الموافقة
                            • Jun 2017
                            • 424

                            مذاهب وأديان.
                            Schools of Thought and Religions

                            شبهات من نصراني حائر

                            Questions from a confused Christian

                            إن الله تبارك وتعالى قد أكثر من ذكر المسيح عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام في كتابه لأسباب عديدة منها :
                            Allaah often mentions the Messiah in His Book the Qur’aan for a number of reasons, including the following: 1

                            أنه نبيٌّ من أنبيائه ، بل ومن أولي العزم من رسله إلى خلقه وعباده
                            1. He is one of His Prophets, indeed he is one of the Messengers of strong will whom He sent to His creation
                            and His slaves

                            إن أولى الناس بالعناية الدعوية هم أهل الكتاب من اليهود والنصارى
                            The first people whom we should be concerned about when calling others to Islam are the People of the Book, i.e., the Jews and the Christians

                            وذلك أنهم أقرب الأمم ممن جاءتهم الرسل من آخر الأمم التي بعث فيها آخر الرسل
                            because they are the closest of later nations to whom the later Messengers were sent

                            وقد علم كلٌّ من اليهود والنصارى مبعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
                            Both the Jews and the Christians knew of the coming of Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him

                            أوصافه مكتوبة عندهم في التوراة والإنجيل
                            and his attributes were written in their books, the Tawraat (Torah) and Injeel (Gospel)1

                            والواجب أن لا ينكروها وأن يسارعوا إلى الإيمان به
                            So they should not deny what they find in their books and they should hasten to believe in him

                            لأنهم يؤمنون من قبل بالرسل خلافاً لغيرهم من عبدة الأوثان
                            because they already believe in the Messengers who came before him, unlike other nations who worshipped idols

                            ما أُمروا به
                            as they were enjoined to do

                            كان لابد من الرد عليهم وتبين ما آلو إليه من تحريف التوحيد والأحكام
                            they had to be refuted and shown how they had distorted the message of divine Oneness (Tawheed).1

                            فكثر ذكرهم في الآيات لذلك .
                            This is why they are frequently mentioned in the verses of the Qur’aan
                            وهو أصل الأصول ، وعليه قوام الدين والدنيا
                            Tawheed (the Oneness of God) is the basic principle upon which everything else, both religious and worldly affairs, is to be built

                            وبه تكون النجاة من النار ، والدخول إلى الجنان
                            through Tawheed people will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise

                            وهو تقرير التوحيد لله الواحد الأحد
                            This means affirming that Allaah is One

                            اليهود والنصارى اختلفوا في عيسى عليه السلام فقالت اليهود : هو دجَّال أفاك كذاب مفتر على الله وجب قتله !
                            We see that the Jews and Christians differed concerning ‘Eesa ibn Maryam. The Jews said that he was a charlatan who told lies about God, so he had to be killed

                            والنصارى كان خلافهم أشد فمنهم من قال : إنه الله !
                            The Christians differed from them greatly; some of them said that he was God

                            ومنهم من قال : إنه ابن الله متحد مع الله في الأقانيم ، في الظاهر ابن الله وفي الحقيقة الله
                            and some of them said that he was the son of God, but was one with Him in the Trinity, so that outwardly he appeared to be the son of God but he was in fact God

                            ومنهم من قال : هو ثالث الأقانيم التي هي مرجع أصل التوحيد ومدار التثليث !
                            And some of them said that he was the third person of the Trinity which is a rejection of Tawheed

                            ، ، ، !وآخرون قالوا : بل هو رسول من عند الله وبشر كسائر الخلق لكن الله خصه بمعجزات ليقيم الحجة على العباد

                            Others said that he was a Messenger from God and was human like the rest of mankind, but that Allaah singled him out to perform miracles in order to establish proof against people

                            والآخِرون هم المصيبون فكان لابد من تفصيل الحال وبيان حقيقة الأمر وإظهار عيسى بما يليق به ولا يُنقصه كسائر الأنبياء والمرسلين
                            The last group are the ones who were right. So it was essential to explain the matter and describe ‘Eesa in befitting terms. As with all the other Prophets and Messengers

                            أنه بشر مخلوق من طين اختاره الله عن سائر البشر ليكون من غير أب إظهاراً لقدرة الله على إيجاد الخلق مع زوال الأسباب
                            it is not inappropriate to say that he was a human being, created from clay, whom Allaah chose from among all of mankind to be created without a father, as a manifestation of the power of Allaah to create a man outside the usual means

                            ، وإن مثل عيسى عند الله كمثل آدم ( إن مَثَل عيسى عند الله كمثل آدم خلقه من تراب ثم قال له كن فيكون )

                            The likeness of ‘Eesa before Allaah is like Adam
                            “Verily, the likeness of ‘Eesa (Jesus) before Allaah is the

                            likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: ‘Be!’ — and he was”1

                            فهذا الفيصل في خلق نبي الله عيسى مع إعجازه أمام أعين البشر وآدم عليه السلام أكثر إعجازاً منه
                            This is the correct belief concerning the creation of the Prophet of Allaah ‘Eesa, which was a miracle for all the people to see

                            دم خلقه الله من غير أب وأم وهذا أدعى لإظهار قدرة الله سبحانه وتعالى في الخلق والإبداع وأعظم إعجازا من خلق عيسى عليه السلام
                            Adam was created without a father or a mother, and this is more expressive of the power of Allaah to create; it is more miraculous than the creation of ‘Eesa (peace be upon him)1

                            فلكل ذلك وغيره كان لابد من التفصيل في أمر عيسى عليه السلام ووضع الأمور في نصابها وبيانها على حقيقتها .

                            For all these reasons and others, it was essential to explain the issue of ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) and put matters straight

                            والخلاصة : أن المعجزات التي وهبها لعيسى إنما هي كسائر معجزات الأنبياء
                            In conclusion, the miracles which Allaah gave to ‘Eesa were just like the miracles of all the other Prophets

                            للتدليل على صدقه وأنه رسول الله حقّاً
                            to prove that he was speaking the truth and that he was truly a Messenger from Allaah

                            فخلط المحرِّفون هذه المعجزات على بسطاء الناس
                            But those who distorted the religion confused the matter for the simple-minded people

                            وجعلوا من معجزاته وسلية للقول بأنه ابن الله أو أنه الله
                            and used his miracles as a justification to say that he was the son of God or that he was God

                            وهذا كله تحريف لتعاليم المسيح ورسالة المسيح عليه السلام .
                            All of that is a distortion of the teachings and message of the Messiah (peace be upon him). 1

                            فما من نبي إلا وتميز عن غيره بمعجزاته
                            each Prophet would be different from the others

                            فالجبال سبَّحت مع داود عليه السلام وما سبحت مع عيسى
                            For the mountains glorified Allaah along with Dawood (David – peace be upon him), but they did not do so with ‘Eesa

                            والبحر شُق لموسى وكلَّم ربَّه وكلمه ربُّه فكان كليم الله وما كان هذا لعيسى عليهما السلام
                            The sea was parted for Moosa and he spoke with his Lord and his Lord spoke with him but this did not happen to ‘Eesa

                            ونوح أغرق الله الأرض بدعائه وما كان هذا لعيسى
                            Allaah flooded the earth in response to the supplication of and that did not happen to ‘Eesa

                            ومحمد صلى الله خصه الله بكلامه وحفظ له معجزته من الزوال والتحريف
                            Allaah singled out Muhammad to speak to him and to protect his miracle from being lost or distorted

                            وبعث للناس كافة وكان له من المعجزات ما لم يكن لعيسى
                            he alone was sent to all of mankind, and he was given miracles that were not given to ‘Eesa

                            فهل يجوز أن يكونوا آلهة ؟ ! .
                            So how could that be taken to mean that they were all gods? 1

                            أما القول أنه إذا لم يكن القرآن محرَّفاً فلمَ توجد هذه الفرق الكثيرة من شيعة وغيرها من الفرق ؟

                            With regard to the view that if the Qur’aan were not distorted there would not be all these many sects such as the Shi’ah and other groups. 1

                            والجواب على هذا السؤال : أنه لا دخل للقرآن بصواب النَّاس وخطئهم
                            The answer to that is that the Qur’aan cannot force people to choose the right path

                            لأن القرآن الكريم هو سبيل الهداية للنَّاس
                            because the Qur’aan is simply guidance and it is up to people to choose

                            وهذه الفرق قد حذَّر الله تبارك وتعالى منها ، ونهى أن نتشبه بالأمم التي فرَّقت دينها
                            Allaah has warned us about these sects and groups, and He has forbidden us to imitate the nations who became divided in religious matters

                            { ولا تكونوا من المشركين الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا كل حزب بما لديهم فرحون }

                            and be not of the polytheists
                            who split up their religion and became sects, each sect rejoicing in that which is with it

                            { ولا تكونوا كالذين تفرقوا واختلفوا من بعد ما جاءهم البينات وأولئك لهم عذاب عظيم }
                            And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment”1

                            وأمرهم الله سبحانه بالاعتصام بكتابه واتباع سنَّة نبيِّه
                            Allaah has commanded them to adhere to His Book and to follow the path of His Prophet

                            ''واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا''
                            “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (this Qur’aan), and be not divided among yourselves

                            ''واذكروا نعمة الله عليكم إذ كنتم أعداء فألف بين قلوبكم ''
                            and remember Allaah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together

                            { فأصبحتم بنعمته إخوانا وكنتم على شفا حفرة من النار فأنقذكم منها كذلك يبين الله لكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون }
                            so that, by His Grace, you became brethren in Islamic Faith and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it

                            ''كذلك يبين الله لكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون''
                            Thus Allaah makes His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided”1

                            { يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقدموا بين يدي الله ورسوله واتقوا الله إن الله سميع بصير }
                            O you who believe! Make not (a decision) in advance before Allaah and His Messenger, and fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing”1

                            يعني لا تقولوا قولاً ولا تفعلوا فعلاً خلاف كتاب الله وسنة رسول الله
                            do not say or do anything that goes against the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger

                            فالمراد : بيان أن الله تبارك وتعالى نهى الناس عن الفرقة وأمرهم بالاجتماع
                            What is meant here is that Allaah forbade the people to split into various groups, and He commanded them to be united

                            فاتَّبعوا أهواءهم وتترسوا خلف شهواتهم وشبهاتهم ونبذوا كتاب الله خلف ظهورهم
                            but they followed their own whims and desires, and they cast the Book of Allaah behind their backs

                            وإن حملوا آية من كتاب الله لم يرجعوا في فهمها إلى سنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بل يكون الرأي عندهم هو الحكم وعقلوهم الفاسدة هي المرجع
                            and if they were confused about a verse from the Book of Allaah, they did not refer to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah in order to understand it, rather they let their own opinion and corrupt reasoning be the judge

                            أما السؤال عن تعدد الزوجات في الإسلام ومنعها في العهد الجديد
                            With regard to the question about plural marriage in Islam and its being forbidden in the New Testament

                            فاعلم أن الله تبارك وتعالى جعل لكل رسول شرعةً ومنهاجاً
                            it should be noted that Allaah gave each Messenger his own laws and path

                            فما مِن نبيٍّ أرسله الله إلا وأمره بالتوحيد
                            Allaah enjoined belief in the Oneness of Allaah upon every single Prophet whom He sent

                            وأما الشرائع فكانت مختلفة ناسخة لبعضها البعض
                            but the laws varied and some of them abrogated others

                            فما كان جائزاً في زمن آدم عليه السلام من الأحكام والشرائع نُسخ بعضُه في زمن نوح عليه السلام .
                            Some things that were permissible at the time of Adam were abrogated at the time of Nooh

                            { لكل جعلنا منكم شرعةً ومنهاجاً } ،

                            “To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way”

                            فإذا فهمت هذا فاعلم أن تعدد الزوجات لم يكن في شريعة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وحسب بل كان التعدد في شرائع الأنبياء السابقين
                            So once this is understood, we will realize that plural marriage did not exist only in the law of Muhammad rather it existed in the laws of all the previous Prophets

                            ومثاله أن يعقوب عليه السلام قد تزوج من امرأتين وجمع بين أختين على ما ذكر في العهد القديم من سفر التكوين
                            For example Jabob – peace be upon him had two wives and was married to two sisters at the same time, according to the Old Testament

                            وأبو الأنبياء إبراهيم عليه السلام كان قد تزوج من امرأتين وهما هاجر وسارة
                            The father of the Prophets Abraham – peace be upon him was also married to two women, Haajar (Hagar) and Saara (Sarah).1

                            وذكر العهد القديم أن نبي الله داود تزوج من سبعين امرأة أو تسع وتسعين على حد قول العهد القديم
                            The Old Testament mentions that the Prophet of Allaah Dawood (David) had seventy or ninety-nine wives

                            وسليمان قد تزوج من مائة امرأة، وغير ذلك مما يبين لك أن كلَّ نبيٍّ من الأنبياء يطبق ما شرع الله له من الأحكام
                            and Sulaymaan (Solomon) had one hundred wives. These and other examples demonstrate that each of the Prophets implemented the laws that Allaah had prescribed

                            وأن تعدد الزوجات ليس خاصّاً بهذه الأمة ، وأما منع النصارى من هذا التعدد فيمكن أن يكون لسببين
                            Plural marriage is not only for this nation , the Muslims. The fact that the Christians do not allow it may be for two reasons: 1

                            أنَّهم ابتدعوه من عند أنفسهم تشديداً عليها كما فعلوا في الرهبانية التي ابتدعوها ولم تكن قد كتبت عليهم لكن أرادوا منها أن يرضوا الله عز وجل بها
                            They introduced their own innovation and went to extremes in this matter, as in the case of monasticism which they invented and which was not prescribed for them, but they sought to earn the pleasure of Allaah thereby

                            أنه من شرع الله ، وهذا واجب التطبيق قبل مبعث محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
                            This is one of the laws of Allaah which was binding before the time of Muhammad

                            والله اسأل لك الهداية والتوفيق لبلوغ دين الحق
                            We ask Allaah to guide you and to help you find the true religion

                            وهو الإسلام وعلى سنة نبي الرحمة عليه الصلاة والسلام بفهم أصحابه الغر الميامين الكرام .
                            which is Islam, and the path of the Prophet of Mercy according to the understanding of his noble Companions

                            والله الهادي
                            And Allaah is the Guide to the Straight Path


                            • إسلام بدي
                              في انتظار الموافقة
                              • Jun 2017
                              • 424

                              مذاهب وأديان.
                              Schools of Thought and Religions

                              شبهات من نصراني حائر

                              Questions from a confused Christian

                              إن الله تبارك وتعالى قد أكثر من ذكر المسيح عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام في كتابه لأسباب عديدة منها :
                              Allaah often mentions the Messiah in His Book the Qur’aan for a number of reasons, including the following: 1

                              أنه نبيٌّ من أنبيائه ، بل ومن أولي العزم من رسله إلى خلقه وعباده
                              1. He is one of His Prophets, indeed he is one of the Messengers of strong will whom He sent to His creation
                              and His slaves

                              إن أولى الناس بالعناية الدعوية هم أهل الكتاب من اليهود والنصارى
                              The first people whom we should be concerned about when calling others to Islam are the People of the Book, i.e., the Jews and the Christians

                              وذلك أنهم أقرب الأمم ممن جاءتهم الرسل من آخر الأمم التي بعث فيها آخر الرسل
                              because they are the closest of later nations to whom the later Messengers were sent

                              وقد علم كلٌّ من اليهود والنصارى مبعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
                              Both the Jews and the Christians knew of the coming of Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him

                              أوصافه مكتوبة عندهم في التوراة والإنجيل
                              and his attributes were written in their books, the Tawraat (Torah) and Injeel (Gospel)1

                              والواجب أن لا ينكروها وأن يسارعوا إلى الإيمان به
                              So they should not deny what they find in their books and they should hasten to believe in him

                              لأنهم يؤمنون من قبل بالرسل خلافاً لغيرهم من عبدة الأوثان
                              because they already believe in the Messengers who came before him, unlike other nations who worshipped idols

                              ما أُمروا به
                              as they were enjoined to do

                              كان لابد من الرد عليهم وتبين ما آلو إليه من تحريف التوحيد والأحكام
                              they had to be refuted and shown how they had distorted the message of divine Oneness (Tawheed).1

                              فكثر ذكرهم في الآيات لذلك .
                              This is why they are frequently mentioned in the verses of the Qur’aan
                              وهو أصل الأصول ، وعليه قوام الدين والدنيا
                              Tawheed (the Oneness of God) is the basic principle upon which everything else, both religious and worldly affairs, is to be built

                              وبه تكون النجاة من النار ، والدخول إلى الجنان
                              through Tawheed people will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise

                              وهو تقرير التوحيد لله الواحد الأحد
                              This means affirming that Allaah is One

                              اليهود والنصارى اختلفوا في عيسى عليه السلام فقالت اليهود : هو دجَّال أفاك كذاب مفتر على الله وجب قتله !
                              We see that the Jews and Christians differed concerning ‘Eesa ibn Maryam. The Jews said that he was a charlatan who told lies about God, so he had to be killed

                              والنصارى كان خلافهم أشد فمنهم من قال : إنه الله !
                              The Christians differed from them greatly; some of them said that he was God

                              ومنهم من قال : إنه ابن الله متحد مع الله في الأقانيم ، في الظاهر ابن الله وفي الحقيقة الله
                              and some of them said that he was the son of God, but was one with Him in the Trinity, so that outwardly he appeared to be the son of God but he was in fact God

                              ومنهم من قال : هو ثالث الأقانيم التي هي مرجع أصل التوحيد ومدار التثليث !
                              And some of them said that he was the third person of the Trinity which is a rejection of Tawheed

                              ، ، ، !وآخرون قالوا : بل هو رسول من عند الله وبشر كسائر الخلق لكن الله خصه بمعجزات ليقيم الحجة على العباد

                              Others said that he was a Messenger from God and was human like the rest of mankind, but that Allaah singled him out to perform miracles in order to establish proof against people

                              والآخِرون هم المصيبون فكان لابد من تفصيل الحال وبيان حقيقة الأمر وإظهار عيسى بما يليق به ولا يُنقصه كسائر الأنبياء والمرسلين
                              The last group are the ones who were right. So it was essential to explain the matter and describe ‘Eesa in befitting terms. As with all the other Prophets and Messengers

                              أنه بشر مخلوق من طين اختاره الله عن سائر البشر ليكون من غير أب إظهاراً لقدرة الله على إيجاد الخلق مع زوال الأسباب
                              it is not inappropriate to say that he was a human being, created from clay, whom Allaah chose from among all of mankind to be created without a father, as a manifestation of the power of Allaah to create a man outside the usual means

                              ، وإن مثل عيسى عند الله كمثل آدم ( إن مَثَل عيسى عند الله كمثل آدم خلقه من تراب ثم قال له كن فيكون )

                              The likeness of ‘Eesa before Allaah is like Adam
                              “Verily, the likeness of ‘Eesa (Jesus) before Allaah is the

                              likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: ‘Be!’ — and he was”1

                              فهذا الفيصل في خلق نبي الله عيسى مع إعجازه أمام أعين البشر وآدم عليه السلام أكثر إعجازاً منه
                              This is the correct belief concerning the creation of the Prophet of Allaah ‘Eesa, which was a miracle for all the people to see

                              دم خلقه الله من غير أب وأم وهذا أدعى لإظهار قدرة الله سبحانه وتعالى في الخلق والإبداع وأعظم إعجازا من خلق عيسى عليه السلام
                              Adam was created without a father or a mother, and this is more expressive of the power of Allaah to create; it is more miraculous than the creation of ‘Eesa (peace be upon him)1

                              فلكل ذلك وغيره كان لابد من التفصيل في أمر عيسى عليه السلام ووضع الأمور في نصابها وبيانها على حقيقتها .

                              For all these reasons and others, it was essential to explain the issue of ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) and put matters straight

                              والخلاصة : أن المعجزات التي وهبها لعيسى إنما هي كسائر معجزات الأنبياء
                              In conclusion, the miracles which Allaah gave to ‘Eesa were just like the miracles of all the other Prophets

                              للتدليل على صدقه وأنه رسول الله حقّاً
                              to prove that he was speaking the truth and that he was truly a Messenger from Allaah

                              فخلط المحرِّفون هذه المعجزات على بسطاء الناس
                              But those who distorted the religion confused the matter for the simple-minded people

                              وجعلوا من معجزاته وسلية للقول بأنه ابن الله أو أنه الله
                              and used his miracles as a justification to say that he was the son of God or that he was God

                              وهذا كله تحريف لتعاليم المسيح ورسالة المسيح عليه السلام .
                              All of that is a distortion of the teachings and message of the Messiah (peace be upon him). 1

                              فما من نبي إلا وتميز عن غيره بمعجزاته
                              each Prophet would be different from the others

                              فالجبال سبَّحت مع داود عليه السلام وما سبحت مع عيسى
                              For the mountains glorified Allaah along with Dawood (David – peace be upon him), but they did not do so with ‘Eesa

                              والبحر شُق لموسى وكلَّم ربَّه وكلمه ربُّه فكان كليم الله وما كان هذا لعيسى عليهما السلام
                              The sea was parted for Moosa and he spoke with his Lord and his Lord spoke with him but this did not happen to ‘Eesa

                              ونوح أغرق الله الأرض بدعائه وما كان هذا لعيسى
                              Allaah flooded the earth in response to the supplication of and that did not happen to ‘Eesa

                              ومحمد صلى الله خصه الله بكلامه وحفظ له معجزته من الزوال والتحريف
                              Allaah singled out Muhammad to speak to him and to protect his miracle from being lost or distorted

                              وبعث للناس كافة وكان له من المعجزات ما لم يكن لعيسى
                              he alone was sent to all of mankind, and he was given miracles that were not given to ‘Eesa

                              فهل يجوز أن يكونوا آلهة ؟ ! .
                              So how could that be taken to mean that they were all gods? 1

                              أما القول أنه إذا لم يكن القرآن محرَّفاً فلمَ توجد هذه الفرق الكثيرة من شيعة وغيرها من الفرق ؟

                              With regard to the view that if the Qur’aan were not distorted there would not be all these many sects such as the Shi’ah and other groups. 1

                              والجواب على هذا السؤال : أنه لا دخل للقرآن بصواب النَّاس وخطئهم
                              The answer to that is that the Qur’aan cannot force people to choose the right path

                              لأن القرآن الكريم هو سبيل الهداية للنَّاس
                              because the Qur’aan is simply guidance and it is up to people to choose

                              وهذه الفرق قد حذَّر الله تبارك وتعالى منها ، ونهى أن نتشبه بالأمم التي فرَّقت دينها
                              Allaah has warned us about these sects and groups, and He has forbidden us to imitate the nations who became divided in religious matters

                              { ولا تكونوا من المشركين الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا كل حزب بما لديهم فرحون }

                              and be not of the polytheists
                              who split up their religion and became sects, each sect rejoicing in that which is with it

                              { ولا تكونوا كالذين تفرقوا واختلفوا من بعد ما جاءهم البينات وأولئك لهم عذاب عظيم }
                              And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment”1

                              وأمرهم الله سبحانه بالاعتصام بكتابه واتباع سنَّة نبيِّه
                              Allaah has commanded them to adhere to His Book and to follow the path of His Prophet

                              ''واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا''
                              “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (this Qur’aan), and be not divided among yourselves

                              ''واذكروا نعمة الله عليكم إذ كنتم أعداء فألف بين قلوبكم ''
                              and remember Allaah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together

                              { فأصبحتم بنعمته إخوانا وكنتم على شفا حفرة من النار فأنقذكم منها كذلك يبين الله لكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون }
                              so that, by His Grace, you became brethren in Islamic Faith and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it

                              ''كذلك يبين الله لكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون''
                              Thus Allaah makes His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided”1

                              { يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقدموا بين يدي الله ورسوله واتقوا الله إن الله سميع بصير }
                              O you who believe! Make not (a decision) in advance before Allaah and His Messenger, and fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing”1

                              يعني لا تقولوا قولاً ولا تفعلوا فعلاً خلاف كتاب الله وسنة رسول الله
                              do not say or do anything that goes against the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger

                              فالمراد : بيان أن الله تبارك وتعالى نهى الناس عن الفرقة وأمرهم بالاجتماع
                              What is meant here is that Allaah forbade the people to split into various groups, and He commanded them to be united

                              فاتَّبعوا أهواءهم وتترسوا خلف شهواتهم وشبهاتهم ونبذوا كتاب الله خلف ظهورهم
                              but they followed their own whims and desires, and they cast the Book of Allaah behind their backs

                              وإن حملوا آية من كتاب الله لم يرجعوا في فهمها إلى سنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بل يكون الرأي عندهم هو الحكم وعقلوهم الفاسدة هي المرجع
                              and if they were confused about a verse from the Book of Allaah, they did not refer to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah in order to understand it, rather they let their own opinion and corrupt reasoning be the judge

                              أما السؤال عن تعدد الزوجات في الإسلام ومنعها في العهد الجديد
                              With regard to the question about plural marriage in Islam and its being forbidden in the New Testament

                              فاعلم أن الله تبارك وتعالى جعل لكل رسول شرعةً ومنهاجاً
                              it should be noted that Allaah gave each Messenger his own laws and path

                              فما مِن نبيٍّ أرسله الله إلا وأمره بالتوحيد
                              Allaah enjoined belief in the Oneness of Allaah upon every single Prophet whom He sent

                              وأما الشرائع فكانت مختلفة ناسخة لبعضها البعض
                              but the laws varied and some of them abrogated others

                              فما كان جائزاً في زمن آدم عليه السلام من الأحكام والشرائع نُسخ بعضُه في زمن نوح عليه السلام .
                              Some things that were permissible at the time of Adam were abrogated at the time of Nooh

                              { لكل جعلنا منكم شرعةً ومنهاجاً } ،

                              “To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way”

                              فإذا فهمت هذا فاعلم أن تعدد الزوجات لم يكن في شريعة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وحسب بل كان التعدد في شرائع الأنبياء السابقين
                              So once this is understood, we will realize that plural marriage did not exist only in the law of Muhammad rather it existed in the laws of all the previous Prophets

                              ومثاله أن يعقوب عليه السلام قد تزوج من امرأتين وجمع بين أختين على ما ذكر في العهد القديم من سفر التكوين
                              For example Jabob – peace be upon him had two wives and was married to two sisters at the same time, according to the Old Testament

                              وأبو الأنبياء إبراهيم عليه السلام كان قد تزوج من امرأتين وهما هاجر وسارة
                              The father of the Prophets Abraham – peace be upon him was also married to two women, Haajar (Hagar) and Saara (Sarah).1

                              وذكر العهد القديم أن نبي الله داود تزوج من سبعين امرأة أو تسع وتسعين على حد قول العهد القديم
                              The Old Testament mentions that the Prophet of Allaah Dawood (David) had seventy or ninety-nine wives

                              وسليمان قد تزوج من مائة امرأة، وغير ذلك مما يبين لك أن كلَّ نبيٍّ من الأنبياء يطبق ما شرع الله له من الأحكام
                              and Sulaymaan (Solomon) had one hundred wives. These and other examples demonstrate that each of the Prophets implemented the laws that Allaah had prescribed

                              وأن تعدد الزوجات ليس خاصّاً بهذه الأمة ، وأما منع النصارى من هذا التعدد فيمكن أن يكون لسببين
                              Plural marriage is not only for this nation , the Muslims. The fact that the Christians do not allow it may be for two reasons: 1

                              أنَّهم ابتدعوه من عند أنفسهم تشديداً عليها كما فعلوا في الرهبانية التي ابتدعوها ولم تكن قد كتبت عليهم لكن أرادوا منها أن يرضوا الله عز وجل بها
                              They introduced their own innovation and went to extremes in this matter, as in the case of monasticism which they invented and which was not prescribed for them, but they sought to earn the pleasure of Allaah thereby

                              أنه من شرع الله ، وهذا واجب التطبيق قبل مبعث محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
                              This is one of the laws of Allaah which was binding before the time of Muhammad

                              والله اسأل لك الهداية والتوفيق لبلوغ دين الحق
                              We ask Allaah to guide you and to help you find the true religion

                              وهو الإسلام وعلى سنة نبي الرحمة عليه الصلاة والسلام بفهم أصحابه الغر الميامين الكرام .
                              which is Islam, and the path of the Prophet of Mercy according to the understanding of his noble Companions

                              والله الهادي
                              And Allaah is the Guide to the Straight Path


                              • إسلام بدي
                                في انتظار الموافقة
                                • Jun 2017
                                • 424


                                هل حدث زلزال في عهد الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟
                                Did any earthquake take place at the time of the Messenger blessings and peace of Allah be upon him?1

                                لم يثبت في كتب السنة والأثر بالسند المتصل الصحيح أن المدينة زلزلت في عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
                                There is no proof in the books of Sunnah and reports with an uninterrupted, authentic chain, to suggest that there was any earthquake
                                اسكني فإنه لم يأن لك بعد
                                Be still, for it is not yet time for that.1

                                ثم التفت إلى أصحابه ، فقال : إن ربكم يستعتبكم فأعتبوه
                                ” Then he turned to face his Companions and said: “Your Lord 1

                                is asking you to seek forgiveness, so seek forgiveness.” Narrated by Ibn Abi’l-Dunya in al-‘Uqoobaat (no. 18). : ‘Abd-Allaah told us, ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem told me, Abu Maryam informed us, al-‘Attaar ibn Khaalid al-Harami informed us, Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwaan told me.

                                وهذا إسناد ضعيف ، فيه عدة علل :
                                This isnaad is weak and has a number of faults

                                لم أعتد به
                                I do not pay any attention to his reports

                                وقال ابن حبان : كان ممن يروي عن الثقات المعضلات ، وعن الأثبات المقلوبات

                                Ibn Hibbaan said: He is one of those who narrated from trustworthy narrators problematic reports

                                ووثقه آخرون
                                Others regarded him as trustworthy

                                اختلط جدا ولم يتميز حديثه فترك
                                he is confused a great deal and we cannot be certain about his hadeeth
                                so he was rejected

                                عن قتادة ، قوله : ( وَمَا نُرْسِلُ بِالآيَاتِ إِلا تَخْوِيفًا )
                                from Qataadah, that he said: “And We sent not the signs except to warn, and to make them afraid (of destruction)” [al-Isra’17:59].1

                                وإن الله يخوّف الناس بما شاء من آية لعلهم يعتبرون
                                Allah causes people to fear Him by whatever signs He wills, so that they might learn a lesson

                                أو يذَّكَّرون ، أو يرجعون
                                or be reminded or come back (to Him). 1

                                ذُكر لنا أن الكوفة رجفت على عهد ابن مسعود
                                It was said to us that the ground shook in Kufah at the time of Ibn Mas‘ood,1

                                فقال : يا أيها الناس ! إن ربكم يستعتبكم فأعتبوه .
                                and he said: O people, your Lord is asking you to seek forgiveness, so seek forgiveness. 1

                                والحاصل أنه لم يثبت وقوع الزلزال في عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
                                To sum up, there is no proof that an earthquake took place at the time of the Prophet blessings and peace of Allah be upon him

                                وإنما وقع بعده في عهد عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه
                                rather it happened after his time, at the time of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him).1

                                زلزلت الأرض على عهد عمر
                                The earth shook at the time of ‘Umar

                                فخطب الناس فقال : لئن عادت لأخرجن من بين ظهرانيكم .
                                and he addressed the people and said: “If it happens again, I shall definitely abandon you and leave.1

                                ذكر ذلك ابن الجوزي
                                ” That was mentioned by Ibn al-Jawzi

                                تحصين المجتمعات من الزنا Protecting societies from Adultery

                                يعد العلماء في طرق ثبوت الزنا
                                The scholars have listed the ways of establishing proof of Adultery
                                1- الشهادة
                                1- Testimony of witnesses

                                2- والإقرار
                                2- Admission by the parties concerned

                                3- وحمل من لا زوج لها ولا سيد
                                3- Pregnancy of a woman who has no husband or master

                                4- وإذا تم لعان الزوج ولم تدفعه الزوجة
                                4- If the husband engages in li’aan and the wife refuses to take part in li’aan

                                أربعة ممن تجوز شهادتهم
                                four people whose testimony is acceptable

                                يصفون الزنا بصريح لفظه
                                and they should state that they have seen the zina in clear terms

                                وهو أنهم رأوا ذكر الرجل في فرج المرأة
                                they should have seen the man’s penis in the woman’s vagina

                                فإن اكتفى بعضهم بالشهادة برؤيتهما متجردين من اللباس
                                If some of them only testify that they saw them naked

                                أو وصفوا هيئة وحركة معينة ، فلا يكفي ذلك لثبوت الزنا .
                                or they describe certain positions or movements, that is not sufficient to proof that zina took place

                                لا بد من هذا
                                There is no alternative to that

                                فلو قالوا رأيناه عليها متجردين ، فإن ذلك لا يقبل
                                If they say: “We saw him on top of her and they were naked”, that is not acceptable.1

                                حتى لو قالوا نشهد بأنه كان منها كما يكون الرجل من امرأته
                                Even if they say “We saw him doing with her what a man does with his wife,”1

                                فإنها لا تكفي الشهادة
                                that is not sufficient as testimony.1

                                وليس هذا التشديد في أمر الشهادة على الزنا إلا لتحقيق مقصد أراده الشارع
                                This strictness with regard to testimony about zina serves only to achieve the purpose aimed at by sharee’ah

                                وهو الستر على العباد ، وعدم إشاعة الفاحشة
                                which is to conceal people and not spread immorality

                                وتجنيب المجتمعات الاتهام في الأعراض والطعن في الأنساب
                                and to make societies avoid accusations against people’s honour and aspersions on their lineages

                                تغليظاً على المدَّعِي ، وسترا على العباد
                                so as to make it hard for those who are testifying to such a thing, and to conceal people

                                ( لَوْلا جَاءُوا عَلَيْهِ بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاءَ )
                                “Why did they not produce four witnesses?”1

                                أي : هلا جاء الرامون على ما رموا به ، ( بأربعة شهداء ) أي : عدول مرضيين
                                why did the accusers not bring witnesses to the things they accused them of? “four witnesses” i.e., of good character

                                . ( فَإِذْ لَمْ يَأْتُوا بِالشُّهَدَاءِ فَأُولَئِكَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ )
                                “Since they (the slanderers) have not produced witnesses! Then with Allaah they are the liars” –1

                                وإن كانوا في أنفسهم قد تيقنوا ذلك ، فإنهم كاذبون في حكم الله
                                even if they are certain about that in themselves, they are liars in Allaah’s judgement,1

                                لأن الله حرم عليهم التكلم بذلك من دون أربعة شهود
                                because Allaah has forbidden them to speak of that without four witnesses.1

                                ولهذا قال : ( فَأُولَئِكَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ ) ولم يقل ( فأولئك هم الكاذبون )
                                Hence Allaah says: “Then with Allaah they are the liars”, and He did not say “Then they are the liars”.1

                                وهذا كله من تعظيم حرمة عرض المسلم
                                All of this points to the grave sanctity of the Muslim’s honour

                                بحيث لا يجوز الإقدام على رميه من دون نصاب الشهادة بالصدق
                                so it is not permissible to make accusations against it without establishing testimony


