ترجمة عبارات وجمل دينية

  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة
  • إسلام بدي
    عضو منتسب
    • Jun 2017
    • 426

    بُهت الصبي
    the lad was dumbfounded,
    وظهر عليه الوجوم
    and his discomfiture was apparent.
    وانصرف إلى عبثه ولعبه،
    and go off to games and amusement
    ويذهب إلى المحكمة متثاقلًا متباطئًا،
    and go to the Law Courts sluggishly, dawdling as he went
    ثم فترت همته
    and then his energy abated.
    التي يعبر بها الناس عن الاستحسان
    which people use to express approval
    أصلح من هذا الغرور
    he rectified this self-deceit
    أقبل يعاتبه عتابًا شديدًا،
    and reproached him severely.
    اغترَّ وأخذه الكبر
    he became conceited and overtaken by pride
    من تواضع لله
    He who humbles himself before God
    قرأ القاضي هذه الأبيات بصوت يحطِمه البكاء حَطمًا
    read this in a voice broken with sobs
    مُستوجِبٌ ثنائيَ الجميلا
    And deserves my hearty thanks
    وهو بِسَبْقٍ حائزٌ تفضيلا
    But he being a pioneer has merit,
    فائقةً ألفيَّةَ ابنِ مُعطي
    It surpasses the Alfiyya of Ibn M u'ty
    وتَقتَضِي رِضًا بغير سُخطٍ
    It induces satisfaction without resentment
    ويملأه تواضعًا
    and fill him with humility
    يُؤثِّر في نفس الصبي
    make a great impression on the lad
    الذي لم يكن يخلو من هيبة
    not devoid of awe
    وكيف لا يبتهج
    How should he not rejoice,
    وأشبه بفتاة ساذجة
    and her resemblance to a guileless girl
    بعينين خضراوين لامعتين تميل إلى الصفرة
    —in her shimmering yellow-green eyes
    ولكن فلورا — التي لم يكن من عادة كارلا أن تقيِّدها قط
    Flora, who was never tied up
    وعندما يكون مزاج كلارك معتلًّ
    and Clark’s mood weighted down
    وهو الشيء الذي رغبت في تغييره بشدة.
    the thing that she had most counted on replacing.
    ولكن الأمر الذي عارضه كلارك هو التخلص من الأبسطة
    What Clark balked at was tearing up the carpet,
    التي بهت لونها الآن بعد مرور كل هذا الوقت.
    which had since faded.
    وكانت كارلا تقوم بمهام الطلاء على عجل آنذاك،
    Her paint job was hasty
    ولم تُطِق صبرًا
    She could hardly wait
    والطريقة التي يتمُّ بها طلاء الأطراف التزيينية
    the way they had painted the trim
    دفعت برأسها بينهما
    butted in between them
    أصدر صهيلًا عاليًا، وراحا يحرِّكان أنفيهما لأعلى
    snorted and nuzzled up
    وقد بدت الخيول متسخة بعض الشيء
    —looking bedraggled
    خشية نمو الفطريات.
    , lest they develop a fungus
    عند تقليم حوافرها
    when her hoofs had to be picked out,
    وصارت تُحدِث جلبة كبيرة
    and kicked up a fuss
    فأصبحت أكثر عنادًا
    she was balky
    الذي كان يعامل الفرس كأنها حيوانه الأليف
    who had formerly made the little mare his pet
    وإن ليزي تستحق ما هو أفضل من ذلك
    and Lizzie deserved better
    «افعلي ما يتراءى لكِ.»
    “Suit yourself.”
    وقالت إن المكان ليس سوى مقلب للنفايات
    and said that their place was a dump
    وقد حاول كلارك من جانبه أن يلطِّف الأمر حتى لا يفقد أعصابه
    Clark had tried—for him—to be placating.
    ومظهره يبدو مزريًا، .
    looking miserable,
    كما لو أنها مصابة بالبرد
    as if she might have caught a chill
    عندما تكون في حالة مزاجية جيدة
    when she was in a jokey mood
    كانت الفرس كستنائية اللون، حادة الطباع،
    The horse was a quick-tempered
    تحتفظ بفرسها لديهما
    who boarded her horse with them
    ولم تنبِس ببنت شفة .
    She had not said anything to him
    عن شجاره مع جوي تاكر
    about his row with Joy Tucker.
    «إنك تستشيط غضبًا.»
    “You flare up,”
    لأنهم لم يقدِّموه بالسوار الخاص به،
    because no cuff had been provided.
    طفلًا في عربته
    a child in its stroller
    لم يحصل على الخصم المعلن عنه على وجبة الإفطار
    the advertised breakfast discount
    إن هذا ليس له داعٍ على الإطلاق.
    that was uncalled-for
    بسبب شجار ما
    because of some row.
    فأسلوبه الودود الكيس، والذي يكون رائعًا في البداية، قد ينقلب فجأة إلى غضب شديد؛
    His friendliness, compelling at first, could suddenly turn sour.
    حتى لا تدلف الخيول وسط الأوحال،
    to keep the horses from getting into the mud,
    وضع سياجًا من الأسلاك حول حلقة التدريب
    Clark had strung fence wire across
    حفر قناة لتصريف تلك المياه
    digging a channel to drain it away.
    وتمدَّدت بعرض الطريق فروع الأشجار
    But branches lay across the road,
    نتهت كارلا من إزالة الروث من الإسطبل
    Carla had finished mucking out in the barn.
    توقُّف الأمطار في تلك اللحظة
    the rain was holding off for the moment,
    وتجوب بحرية في الحقول وسط الحشائش
    poking around in the grass
    بسبب أحوال الطقس غير المشجعة،
    because of the weather being so discouraging.
    وتدس بجديلتها الكثيفة الطويلة داخل القميص الذي ترتديه.
    and tucked her long thick braid down her shirt.
    والحشائش الطويلة غمرتها مياه المطر
    the long grass soaking
    وترى الطرق وقد تراكمت بها الأوحال
    The trails were deep in mud,
    وهو الأمر الذي جعل كارلا تجفل.
    that made Carla shrink back.
    بَيْدَ أنها لم ترفع يدها عن عجلة القيادة لتلوِّح بها؛
    she didn’t lift a hand off the wheel to wave,
    الحفر الصغيرة والأوحال التي خلَّفها المطر
    the ruts and puddles the rain had made
    «ليتها لا تكون هي.»
    Let it not be her
    لا يستطيع أن يلمحها أحدٌ بسهولة
    she could not readily be seen—
    قبل أن تعتلي ذلك المرتفع الصغير في وسط الطريق
    before it topped the little rise in the road
    الاسم البديع، الذي لم يكن يخلو من هيبة
    a wonderful name not devoid of awe
    ابتهج بهذا
    ابتهاجًا لم يشعر بشيء مثله
    that rejoiced his heart more than anything else
    وإن كانت هذه النسخة ضئيلةً قذرةً سيئة الْجِلْد؛
    although it was well worn, dirty and badly bound
    فلم تُصب منه إلا قليلًا
    and partook meagrely of it;
    مسرفًا في الوعد
    making the most extravagant promises
    أقبلوا إليه فرحين !
    they flocked to him joyfully
    وكانت هذه الأسماء تقع من نفس الصبي مواقعَ تيهٍ وإعجاب
    These names aroused feelings of pride and awe in the breast of the lad,
    ولكنه كان يحتمل هذا كلَّه في صبر وجلد،
    But he bore it all with patience and endurance
    يغيظونه ويثيرون سخطه
    to tease him and arouse his indignation
    يشمتون به
    who used to gloat over him
    يرسل الطلاق والأيمان إرسالًا
    glibly making use of divorce and solemn oath
    تعلَّم الصبيُّ الاحتياط في اللفظ
    learnt to bridle his tongue
    عاد كارهًا مقدِّرًا ما سيلقاه
    He returned, much to his disgust, calculating what he would meet
    لكن هذه السعادة لم تدم إلا ريثما يَعقبها شقاء شنيع؛
    But this happiness was to be followed by bitter disillusionment
    كان يشعر بشيء من التفوق على رفاقه
    and felt a certain superiority over his friends
    كان يجد في التحدث بها شفاءً لنفسه،
    thereby easing his own feelings
    ولذة لهؤلاء الصبيان
    providing pleasure for the boys
    وأخذ يلعنهما أمام الصبيان ،
    He began to run them down in front of the pupils,
    ويصفهما بالكذب والسرقة والطمع
    characterising them as lying, dishonest and covetous
    فأطلق لسانه في الرجلين إطلاقًا شنيعًا
    So he gave his tongue full rein
    and spoke about the two men
    without restraint.
    وأخذ يُظهر من عيوبهما وسيئاتهما ،
    He began to expose such of their faults and
    وانقطع الصبيُّ عن الكُتَّاب
    So the lad ceased going to the school
    وعُنى به أثناء الغداء عنايةً خاصة،
    and paid special attention to him
    قال أبوه هذه الجملة في مزاحٍ قاسٍ
    his father
    said to him a sentence in cruel jest
    حتى أنس الصبيُّ إليه، وانطلق وجهه بعد عبوسه.
    and began to cheer up after his sulkiness
    فما زال يكلمه في دعابة
    and began to talk to him good-humouredly,
    فانصرف كئيبًا محزونًا
    and took his departure very despondently
    وإنما هو لعبٌ وعبثٌ!
    to play and idle away his time
    وإنما ابتدره بهذا السؤال
    forestalled him with this question
    حتى انتهت به إلى زاوية من زوايا المطبخ، فألقته فيها إلقاءً،
    having simply thrown him down in a corner,
    وما هي إلَّا أن أنهالت عليه شتمًا وتأنيبًا
    she did nothing else but pour down on him abuse, blame and reproach.
    فإذا هو واقف يضطرب
    while he stood there in
    وأهوى به إلى قفاه ضربًا!
    and let the edge fall on the back of his neck I
    مُنَكَّسَ الرأس،
    with head cast down,
    مضطربًا يتعثَّر
    stumbling in his dismay,
    وأخذته رِعدةٌ منكرةٌ،
    A terrible quivering took hold of him,
    تصبَّب على أثرها في وجهه عرقٌ بارد
    followed by cold sweat pouring down his face.
    وريقه لم يلبث أن جفَّ
    and the saliva
    in his mouth dried up.
    ولكنَّ لسانه لم يلبث أن انعقد
    but after that he became tongue-tied,
    وقد زعمت أنك مازلت تحفظ القرآن!
    You averred that you still knew the Quran properly
    قال الشيخ في هدوء وسخرية
    said gently and mockingly,
    فإذا استقرَّ به مكانه،
    When he had settled down in his place
    فيسرع إلى إجابته
    and he hastened in response.
    فلا يحفل الشيخ بهذا الجواب
    paid no attention to this reply
    ثم يهمل الصبي حينًا
    and took no
    notice of the lad
    ولكن ذلك لم يَرُعْه،.
    that did not alarm him
    فكثيرًا ما مشي حافيًا
    as he often walked barefoot


    • إسلام بدي
      عضو منتسب
      • Jun 2017
      • 426

      ويؤمنون به إيمانًا شديدًا.
      in which they believed implicitly.
      يستطيعون أن يروا النبيَّ فيما يرى النائم
      were able to see the
      Prophet in dreams;
      لقد رأيته بعَيْنَيْ رأسي هذا.
      I have seen him with my
      own eyes
      راكبًا بغلته
      riding his she-mule.”
      والله ما هكذا كان الأمل فيك يا غزالي!
      “I thought better of you, O Ghazzaly!
      فإذا هي تعدو من ورائي عَدْوًا
      she actually ran after me,
      فإذا هي قائمة تسعى
      was standing up and walking
      فليس لي بكما شأن.
      I have no concern with either of you
      وخلِّ بينها وبين جَدِّها
      leave her there with her grandfather
      ويجد في ذلك من المشقة والعناء الشيء الكثير
      he found this so irksome and troublesome
      فانحطم ظهرها انحطامًا،
      and her back was badly broken
      فلما فرغوا من الحج
      Now when they had accomplished the pilgrimage
      وانصرفوا إلى المدينة
      and had gone on to Medina
      يجدان لذةً في أن يتحدَّثا إلى أبنائهما
      took great delight in talking to their children,
      يمكِّنها من الفخر ،
      it enabled them to boast,
      ورفع الرأس
      hold up their heads
      ومناوأة الأشباه والنظائر
      and outdo their neighbours.
      كانت شرًّا لا بدَّ منه،
      In fact it was an ineluctable evil,
      جرت به العادة
      established by custom
      وصادف هوًى في الناس
      and meeting the desire of the people.
      شيئًا ترغب فيه الأسرة رغبة شديدة
      something which the family heartily desired
      ؛ يأخذ في هذه المرة بساطًا
      At one time he would take a carpet
      شيئًا راقه وأعجبه
      anything that took his fancy and pleased him
      لا يُلِمُّ بهذه الأسرة
      never descended upon this family
      إلا ارتحل من غده
      without staying until the following day
      ما لا بُدَّ منه من الضأن والمعز،
      what was necessary in the way of lambs and goats.
      هذه الأسرة التي كانت تعيش من سَعة
      this family which lived comfortably
      لا تكاد تُمسك لسانها إلا في مشقة وعناء؛
      she managed to bridle her tongue only with the greatest
      وتستثقل ظلَّه
      and found
      his presence unbearable.
      وكان من أشد الناس مقتًا له
      The person who loathed him most
      ومن أشد الناس سخطًا عليه
      and was most indignant about him
      فقد كان طمع الشيخ وحرصه .
      the greediness and covetousness of the sheikh were
      من له حظٌّ من أناة
      anybody with the
      slightest degree of discrimination
      لم يكن خالصًا من الشك والازدراء
      was not free from doubt and contempt.
      وتذاكرتِ الأسرة ما كان من أمره،
      the family talked about
      وأظهر أبو الصبيِّ تأثيرًا وفزعًا،
      The lad's father at first showed agitation and consternation,
      ثم أظهر اطمئنانًا وهدوءًا
      later appeared more confident and tranquil
      مصدر شؤم لا يشبهه شؤم
      was a source of bad luck without parallel.
      وإذا الشيخ قد ثار وفار،
      Forthwith the sheikh got excited and boiled
      وأرغى وأَزْبَد
      and foamed and frothed,
      وصاح بملء صوته
      crying at the top
      of his voice,
      ثم تنبث في أجسامهم رِعدة
      Then a shudder runs through their bodies
      فإذا هم جميعًا وقوف
      and lo ! they are all standing
      ثم يُنصَب المجلس
      and then the assembly was
      مُدَّت الموائد
      the tables were laid
      سيكون لابنه شأن
      his son was destined to become
      وَكَانَ فَضْلُ اللهِ عَلَيْكَ عَظِيمًا،
      the grace of God was mighty upon you
      يذهبون في فهمها وتأويلها المذاهب.
      that they could interpret pretty much as they liked.
      ومنهم من يسأله حاجة
      and others asking him about some affair
      وينصرف خاشعًا،
      and going away meekly
      وهم يتقاطرون عليه
      and they flocked to him
      والشيخ عنهم في شغل
      But the sheikh was too
      preoccupied to heed them.
      يستبقون ويختصمون
      vie with one another and quarrel
      انصرفوا عنه
      they went away
      يأتمرون أمرَه
      carrying out his behests.
      ومن حوله أصفياؤه وأولياؤه
      surrounded by his chosen friends and devotees
      وإذا هم إلى طعامهم
      and soon they fell upon their food
      في شرَه لا يعدِله شرَه
      with a gluttony that was almost unbelievable.
      وإذا السُّمُط ممدودَةٌ في الشارع
      and tables laid out in the street
      حيث لخصومهم شيء من القوة.
      where their opponents were at all powerful.
      ينزلون ويرحلون،
      they alighted and mounted
      في أبَّهة وضخامة
      in strength and magnificence,
      حيث لا سلطان إلا لهم
      where they alone held sway,
      وإنما كان يتَّخذ الجياد والبغال والحمير،
      but instead he mounted on
      horses, mules and asses.
      فليس ينحطُّ عنها إلا قليلًا.
      fell not far short of it
      وأقدر على الكيد واللؤم، .
      and Had a greater capacity for trickery and
      وأنهض للخصومة،
      and arousing animosities.
      كان أقرب من أبيه إلى الدنيا،
      Moreover he was nearer to
      worldly things than his father
      وأبعد من أبيه عن الدين
      and farther removed from the
      things of religion
      وحَواريِّيه المقربين إليه
      and intimate disciples.
      أخذ عنه العهد
      and had taken the oath of allegiance to him
      ولله ما كان يحدث من الخصومات حين
      And Ye Gods!
      what animosities were aroused when
      ولا يأبَون على أنفسهم الهجرة من قريةٍ إلى قرية
      and think
      nothing of migrating from village to village
      وفرَّقوا أهواءهم تفريقًا عظيمًا،
      and divided their affections to a very great degree.
      وكانت المنافسة حادةً
      There was acute rivalry
      قد تقسَّموا الناس فيما بينهم فجعلوهم شيعًا،
      split up the people between them into schisms
      مُنْبَثِّين في أقطار الأرض،
      scattered throughout the regions of the land.
      لا تكاد تخلو منهم المدينة أسبوعًا
      town was scarcely ever free from them.
      وحسبنا الإشارة إلى بعض
      It is sufficient for us to mention some of the
      فمثل هذا يحتاج لسِفْرٍ كبير ،
      doing so would require a large volume
      ولا يسعنا ذكر ذلك البديل
      We do not have room here to list all the changes
      وأبدلهم خيراً منها
      and replaced them with something better
      وَلَمْ تَمَسَّ طِيبًا
      and she would not put on perfume
      دَخَلَتْ حِفْشًا
      she would go into a hut
      ، وَلَبِسَتْ شَرَّ ثِيَابِهَا
      and wear her worst clothes,
      وَإِنْ عَزَمُوا الطَّلاقَ
      And if they decide on divorce
      ولو عظم
      even if it was great;
      فلا نصيب لها فيما يتركه ولدها
      have no share of whatever wealth her son left behind
      تُحرم من الميراث مطلقاً
      would be deprived of inheritance altogether
      ونقطع الأرحام
      severing ties of kinship,
      ونأتي الفواحش
      committing abominations
      ونسيء الجوار
      treating neighbours badly
      كانوا يتعاملون بالربا
      They used to deal in usury
      أَهْوَنَ عَلَى اللَّهِ
      more insignificant before Allah
      إِنَّمَا هُمْ فَحْمٌ مِنْ فَحْمِ جَهَنَّمَ
      who are no more than the coal of Hell
      الْجِعْلاَنِ الَّتِى تَدْفَعُ بِأَنْفِهَا النَّتْنَ
      the beetle that rolls dung with its nose
      مُؤْمِنٌ تَقِىٌّ ،
      a righteous believer
      وَفَاجِرٌ شَقِىٌّ
      or a doomed evildoer.
      كان عندهم الفخر بالآباء والنسب
      They felt pride in their forefathers and lineage,
      يَتَوَارَى مِنَ الْقَوْمِ
      He hides himself from the people
      مِنْ سُوءِ مَا بُشِّرَ بِهِ
      because of the ill of which he has been informed.
      أَيُمْسِكُهُ عَلَى هُونٍ
      Should he keep it in humiliation?
      أَمْ يَدُسُّهُ فِي التُّرَابِ
      or bury it in the ground?
      أَلا سَاءَ مَا يَحْكُمُونَ
      Unquestionably, evil is what they decide
      ظَلَّ وَجْهُهُ مُسْوَدّاً
      his face becomes dark,
      وَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ
      and he suppresses grief.
      إِنَّ قَتْلَهُمْ كَانَ خِطْئاً كَبِيراً
      Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin”
      وَلا تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلادَكُمْ خَشْيَةَ إِمْلاقٍ
      And do not kill your children for fear of poverty.
      نَحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ
      We will provide for you and them”
      وَلا تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلادَكُمْ مِنْ إِمْلاقٍ
      and do not kill your children out of poverty;
      وجلب العار لهم
      thus bringing shame upon them.
      خشية وقوعهن في الأسر ،
      for fear that they would be taken captive,
      وبسبب خوفهم من الوقوع في الفقر
      or because they feared falling into poverty.
      بسبب ما هم فيه من فقر
      because of the poverty they were suffering
      هَدَمَ نِكَاحَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ
      he abolished all those kinds of marriage
      وَهُنَّ الْبَغَايَا
      Those were the prostitutes,
      كُنَّ يَنْصِبْنَ عَلَى أَبْوَابِهِنَّ رَايَاتٍ
      who used to put flags at their doors
      قَدْ عَرَفْتُمْ الَّذِي كَانَ مِنْ أَمْرِكُمْ
      You know what you have done
      يَجْتَمِعُ الرَّهْطُ مَا دُونَ الْعَشَرَةِ
      a group of men, less than ten, would get together
      أَرْسِلِي إِلَى فُلَانٍ فَاسْتَبْضِعِي مِنْهُ
      Send for So-and-so and have relations with him.
      إِذَا طَهُرَتْ مِنْ طَمْثِهَا
      when she became pure following her menses
      وكان الزنا منتشراً بينهم
      fornication was widespread among them
      كانوا لا يتنزهون عن الخبائث
      They did not refrain from eating unclean things
      أن ناقة وطئت بيضة
      a she-camel that stepped on the egg of a lark
      وتُسبى النساء والأطفال
      and the women and children taken captive.
      لأتفه الأسباب
      for the most trivial of reasons
      ضاق صدره
      he would feel anxious
      وكانوا يتشاءمون
      They believed in evil omens
      أحجم عن أمره !
      he would cancel his plans
      مضى في أمره
      he would go ahead with his plans
      وكانوا يتطيرون
      They used to seek omens,
      ويعظمونها التعظيم كله
      and venerate them completely.
      يتمثل في مظاهر كثيرة
      was manifested in many ways;
      خير أمة أخرجت للناس .
      the best nation that was ever brought forth for humanity.
      عقله الذي لم يخل من اضطراب
      his mind which was not free from confusion
      ما أحسب إلا أنه عمل عملًا غير قليل
      I can only reckon that it made no small contribution
      وإن أصابه شر
      and if evil befalls him
      انكفأ على وجهه
      he tumbles forward on his face
      خلقكم كالثيران لا تعقلون شيئًا!
      created you like oxen so that you do not
      understand anything
      والذين كانوا يتَّصلون بدهماء الناس
      and came in contact with the common people
      لا قيمة له ولا مكانة.
      of no importance.
      وَسَيَصْلَوْنَ سَعِيرًا
      and they will be exposed to a burning flame
      وأثرَى على حساب الضعفاء،
      and had become rich at the expense of the
      أكل أموال اليتامَى
      he had devoured the wealth of orphans
      ينقُل للناس بضائعهم وأمتعتهم
      carrying people's goods and chattels
      الذي كان في أول أمره حمَّارًا
      who had commenced life as a
      والذي كان يزدري العلماء جميعًا؛
      and despised the whole company of the ulema
      كان الناس مجمعين على وصفه بالبخل والشحِّ
      The general opinion about him was that
      he was miserly and mean.
      متواضعًا غير تيَّاه ولا فخور
      humbly and without boasting or bragging.
      ، ولم يكن يحفِل به إلا الأقلُّون عددًا.
      But except for a few, they did
      not pay any attention to him
      ولم يكن ينقطع للعلم
      he did not devote himself to learning
      ولا يتَّخذه حرفة
      nor did he take it as a vocation.
      وكأنه كان يرى في نفسه شيئًا من
      as though he perceived in himself some saintly power.
      وكان معروفا بالتقى والورع،
      He was well known for his piety and godliness
      يذهب الناس في إكباره وإجلاله إلى حدٍّ يشبه التقديس
      and people went to such lengths of admiration and
      glorification as almost to canonise him
      وأخذت تُلقي فيه ضروبًا من البخور،
      and began to throw on top various
      kinds of incense.
      وكان أبوه ينتظر هذه الساعة أشدَّ ما يكون إليها شوقًا، '
      وأعظم ما يكون بها ابتهاجًا
      had been looking forward to this hour with the
      greatest pleasure and anticipation
      وتلا الخُطبة على أبيه غير مرة،
      read the sermon to his father more than once.
      أجهد نفسه في حفظ الخُطبة
      had taken great pains to learn the
      وكادت تقع بينهم الفتنة
      they were on the point of breaking out into strife,
      ولئن خُلِّيت بينه وبين المنبر والصلاة لأنصرفنَّ.
      If you allow him access to the
      pulpit, I shall go
      فغاظه أن يُنتخب هذا الفتى خليفة دونه
      it annoyed him that this
      young man had been elected caliph instead of him.
      إنما يقول ما يقول، ويأتي ما يأتي من الأمر
      said what he said and
      did what he did
      متأثرًا بالحقد والمَوْجِدة
      under the influence of spite and anger.
      فكان ذلك يغيظه
      This used to annoy him
      ويحنقه على خصومه
      and enrage him against his
      فخر بأخيه،
      boasting about his
      وذم القاضي
      and running down the judge
      قضى فيه ما شاء أن يقضي من السنين
      He had spent as many years as he had wished there
      bulky man
      غليظ الصوت جَهْوَريَّه
      with a rough
      but sonorous voice.
      يمتلئ شِدقُه بالألفاظ حين يتكلم
      He filled the sides of his mouth with his
      words when he spoke
      فلم يُوَفَّق
      but in vain
      فيأخذه شيء من الإعجاب والدَّهَش
      admiration and wonder seized him
      مع شيء من الإكبار مؤثِّر جذَّاب
      with an esteem that fascinates and attracts.
      في جلال ومهابة
      in an atmosphere of majesty and respect.
      لا يحفل بهم أحد، أو لا يكاد يحفل بهم أحد
      no one takes much notice of them
      وليس في هذا شيء من العجب ولا من الغرابة
      Nor is there any great cause for marvel or astonishment at that


      • إسلام بدي
        عضو منتسب
        • Jun 2017
        • 426

        أحيانا سأقوم بإيراد ترجمة لبعض الآيات القرآنية

        إِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ عَلَا فِي الْأَرْضِ
        Verily Firawn exalted himself in the earth
        Indeed Pharaoh tyrannized over the land
        The Pharaoh turned into an arrogant tyrant in the land
        Pharaoh behaved arrogantly in (his) land
        Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land
        وَجَعَلَ أَهْلَهَا شِيَعًا
        and made its people into parties
        reducing its people to factions
        and divided its people into castes
        and made its people subservient to him
        He divided its inhabitants into parties
        and broke up its people into sections
        وبخلًا بالدماء على أن تراق
        in the desire to avoid bloodshed
        وثارت بينهم فتنة منكرة
        and a negative partisanship arose
        جعلت بأسهم بينهم شديدًا
        which generated serious loss of morale among them
        يجهرون في غير تحفظ
        had no reservations about openly
        بدعائهم ذاك البغيض
        proclaiming their miserable rallying cry
        وقد بلغ الشر أقصاه بين الفريقين
        This evil state of affairs between the two parties ran on unchecked
        وتبغض أصحابه أشد البغض وأنكره
        hated his colleagues quite fiercely
        وَيَسْتَحْيِي نِسَاءهُمْ
        and letting their women live
        and sparing their women
        and letting live their womenfolk
        إِنَّهُ كَانَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ
        Surely he was one of the mischief makers
        Verify he was of the corrupters
        for he was indeed a tyrant
        he was indeed very mischievous
        Infact he was of the evil doers
        surely he was one of the mischiefmakers
        He was certainly an evil-doer
        قد كان أبيًّا كريمًا
        he had acquitted himself with dignity and honour
        ولم يقبل منهم الدَّنيَّة،
        and in no way surrendering the
        right of his country
        وعاد أشم مرفوع الرأس
        or emerging with no dishonour
        ويصاب صاحبنا ببعض الأذى،
        he was then in some trouble and
        ولولا أن رفيقه كان ماهرًا لبقًا
        but for a nimble friend,
        لتعرَّض لشرٍّ كثيرٍ
        would have been
        in dire straits
        موفورًا مكدودًا مع ذلك
        in an exhausted condition, but still whole
        مَّا كَانُوا يَحْذَرُونَ
        that which they dreaded
        that of which they were apprehensive
        فَأَلْقِيهِ فِي الْيَمِّ
        then cast him into the river
        cast him into the sea
        قُرّةُ عَيْنٍ لِي وَلَكِ
        a joy of the eye for me and for you
        a comfort to me and to you
        لَوْلَا أَن رَّبَطْنَا عَلَى قَلْبِهَا
        had We not fortified her heart
        had We not strengthened her heart
        ويلح في قبول استقالته
        and insisted on resigning
        إهانة للوطن كله
        an affront to the whole nation
        ولكن العصا لا تلبث أن تنشق
        But dissension soon re-asserted its way
        والخلاف لا يلبث أن يعود كأعنف ما كان
        and quarrels began again as fiercely as ever
        وشيء خير من لا شيء
        and something is always better than nothing
        ولا تزداد ناره إلا اضطرامًا
        and grew in intensity
        والخلاف يمضي في طريقه لا تهدأ ثورته
        The controversy continued unabated
        إِن كَادَتْ لَتُبْدِي بِهِ
        She would have almost disclosed it
        and she had wellnigh disclosed him
        and indeed she was about to divulge it
        لَتَنُوءُ بِالْعُصْبَةِ أُولِي الْقُوَّةِ
        would burden a band of strong men
        would have weighed down a band of strong men
        proved heavy for a band of stalwarts
        were too heavy a burden for a company of strong people
        so many that a team of wrestlers could hardly lift their keys
        لَا تَفْرَحْ
        Do not exult
        exult not
        Do not boast!
        Do not exult in your wealth
        Do not be exultant
        Do not show off
        فَبَغَى عَلَيْهِمْ
        Then he rampaged against them
        then he behaved arrogantly toward them
        but he bullied them
        but he betrayed and oppressed them
        but he began to oppress them
        but he rose against them
        he became insolent to them
        but he acted insolently towards them
        ليصلوا مع الإنجليز إلى كلمة سواء
        to talk on equal terms with the British
        وإنما يصانعون الإنجليز حينًا، ويصانعون القصر حينًا آخر
        sometimes even working with the British, or with the
        ويغامرون بحياتهم مغامرة رائعة
        put their lives gallantly at stake
        لا يحفلون بهم ولا بما يَلْقَوْنَ
        showed themselves indifferent to popular suffering
        ولا يخافون هولًا مهما يكن
        in disregard of the consequences and of intimidation
        وإنما كانوا يقدرون لأرجلهم مواضعها قبل الخطو
        Rather, they watched their step, circumspectly
        أمَرْتهمُو أمْرِي بمُنْعَرَجِ اللِّوى .. فلم يستبينوا الرُّشد إلا ضُحَى الغدِ
        In the early dawn of day I gave them my direction
        And they did not see how right it was until the morning after.
        للجماعات التي يذهبون مذهبها أو يرون رأيها
        and the communities within which they think
        كان واهمًا في ذلك
        He was fantastically wide of the mark
        لن يحجم عن أداء الواجب
        He had no hesitation about doing his duty unflinchingly
        فلم تجنِ منه إلا شرًّا
        reaping only evil
        ويسلكوا به قصد السبيل
        towards the goal ahead
        والمضي في سبيل الرقيِّ
        to keep pace with progress
        وكان شديد التأثر بدروسهه
        He was very deeply taken with him
        يقدرون لها سلطانًا لا يزول
        whose power had been considered impregnable.
        وامتاز المنتصر من المنهزم
        Victor and vanquished were now identified
        وضعت الحرب أوزارها
        The War had finally terminated
        لاهيًا عما كان يجري حولي من الأحداث
        in blissful ignorance of what was going on
        around me
        وضروبًا من الحلوى
        and various kinds of
        ويتقاضون أثمانها دراهم
        in payment of them money
        ورقًا أبيض صقيلًا
        smooth white paper
        أسرفوا في الأكل
        they would stuff themselves with
        يخالط فيها قلوبَ النساء شيء من الفرح والخوف
        in which the hearts of women contained a mixture of joy and fear
        واحتمل عنهم أوزارهم
        and he bore their
        sins for them
        فصرف عن الناس هذا البلاء
        He averted this disaster from the people
        وتضرع المتضرعين
        and the supplication of the suppliants
        لولا أنْ لَطفَ اللهُ بالرضَّع
        had not God shown kindness towards those giving suck
        ألم ندعكم إلى تكذيب المنجمين؟
        And did we not exhort
        you to disbelieve the astrologers?
        وجاءت الساعة المحتومة
        and the appointed day came
        أَزِفَتِ الْآزِفَةُ
        The Day of Wrath is nigh
        لَيْسَ لَهَا مِن دُونِ اللهِ كَاشِفَةٌ
        and God alone can dispel it
        دون أن تأتي عليها جميعًا
        without destroying it in its
        فيملأها عدلًا
        and fill it with justice,
        بعد أن ملئت جورًا
        after it had been filled
        with oppression.
        وما كان للأرض أن تفنى قبل أن تظهر الدابة
        For the world should not perish before The Beast
        لا تكاد تستقرُّ قلوبهم بين جنوبهم
        so that their hearts nearly burst from their sides
        وكانوا يتحاورون في ذلك تحاوُرًا مُتَّصلًا
        and they argued about it incessantly.
        فكانوا هَلِعِين مروَّعين حقًّا
        were thoroughly anxious
        and alarmed
        كلما تحدثوا بهذه النازلة
        whenever they spoke
        about this disaster
        وإنما كانوا يشعرون بشيء من الرعب
        They only felt some alarm
        فلم يحفلوا بهذا أو لم يكادوا يحفلون به
        paid little or no attention to it
        فإذا هي هشيمٌ تذروه الرياح
        it would become as chaff which is blown about by the winds.
        دفع المكروه
        warding off evils
        واتِّقاء النكبات
        and averting disasters.
        الذي يزوّر التواقيع يساق إلى الموت
        the forger was put to Death
        ولم تكن الجرائم المتصلة بمصرف تلسون بأقلها شأناً.
        and not least of all with Tellson's
        في وحشية وضرواة
        with brutality and ferocity
        نجت من هولٍ فظيع
        released from the horror
        صناديقك الأخف ثقلاً
        Your lighter boxes
        وكانت أوراقك المالية ذات رائحة عفنة
        Your bank-notes had a musty odour
        أدراج خشبية بالية
        يعشش فيها الدود
        , wormy old wooden drawers,
        وتتطاير ذرات منها نحو أنفك
        particles of
        which flew up your nose
        وتنزلق في حنجرتك
        and flew down your throat
        في حياة ذهبت هدراً
        on a misspent life,
        وكأن الريح تعبث به
        as if the wind rustled it,
        ومن عجيب الأمر أنَّ الحاجات كانت
        The strangest thing was that the requests were
        أثيرٌ عند الله
        he was preferred in the sight of God
        رفيع المكانة عنده
        and ranked
        high in His estimation
        وكان يستدين من حين إلى حين
        he used to borrow from time to time
        ويثقُلُ عليه أداء الدَّين
        and the payment of the debt was a burden to him.
        وإنما كان يُدفع إلى ذلك دفعًا،
        but rather was driven to it
        فيذعن إذعانًا سريعًا.
        and then he would promptly submit
        ويكلِّفه ما شاء من مشقة وعناء،
        and used to put him to any amount of hardship and
        فإن أبى أو أظهر الإباء
        , and, if he refused or showed any signs of refusing
        ولكنه لم يشأ أن يجيبه إليها
        but was unwilling to grant it
        حتى يَمْرُنَ على هذه الخلوة
        until he had
        practised solitude,
        وكذلك فعل الصبي من غده
        So the lad did this on the morrow
        فامتلأ فرحًا وإعجابًا بصاحبه،،
        and was filled with joy and
        admiration of his friend.
        هوِّن عليك؛
        Take it easy
        فقد أصابك الرعب
        you were overcome with fright,
        وملك الخوف عليك أمرك
        and fear got the better of you
        لقد دارت بي الأرض
        Th e ground revolved about me,
        حتى كدتُ أسقط،
        so that I nearly fell down,
        وانشقَّ الحائط
        the wall split open
        ثم أُغمي عليَّ،
        After that I fainted
        فخرجت مسرعًا
        I rushed out with all speed
        وبعد لَأْيٍ
        After much trouble
        أخذ صاحبنا يهدأ
        he began to calm down
        ويجيب في ألفاظ متقطعة،
        and to reply in disjointed phrases
        وبصوت متهدِّج
        and in a hushed voice,
        لا يجيب إلا مضطربًا مرتجفًا،
        could only reply excitedly and tremblingly,
        تصطك أسنانه اصطكاكًا،
        and his teeth chattered so much
        حتى روَّع رفيقه
        that he terrified his companion
        خرج من المنظرة مضطربًا
        He rushed out of the room excitedly
        ولا يكاد لسانه ينطلق بحرف واحد
        while his tongue could hardly utter a word.
        ولكنَّ شيئًا من ذلك لم يكن،
        but nothing at all like that happened.
        وما هي إلا أن اشتريا ضروبًا من الطيب
        They bought all manner of incense
        وينشقَّ أمامه الحائط
        and the wall is cleft before him,
        ملقيًا في النار شيئًا من الطيب
        throwing some of the incense
        into the fire
        وهي أن يخلو الفتى إلى نفسه
        the man must retire apart by
        ووضع بين يديه نارًا
        and put in front of him a brazier
        ومقدارًا من الطيب
        and a quantity of incense.
        فكان أشدَّ منه كلفًا بهذه العصا
        and who was even keener on the wand than he was himself.
        وما هي إلَّا أن
        So what did they do but
        جَدَّ الصَّبيَّانِ في البحث
        concentrate all their
        efforts on an investigation,
        حتى انتهيا إلى وسيلة يسيرة
        so that they might arrive at some
        تمكِّنهما مما يريدان
        which would enable them to get what they both so desired
        فُتن الصبيُّ بهذه العصاد
        The lad was fascinated by this wand,
        ورغب في أن يظفر بها رغبة شديدة قوية
        and so greatly desired to
        get possession of it that
        أرَّقت ليله
        that he was sleepless at night
        ونغصت يومه
        and perturbed by
        وَيَسْتَعْجِلُونَكَ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ قَبْلَ الْحَسَنَةِ
        They impatiently urge you to bring about evil before good
        وَيُنشِئُ السَّحَابَ الثِّقَالَ
        It is He who generates the heavy clouds.
        And if you are astonished, then astonishing is their saying
        فَأَمَّا الزَّبَدُ فَيَذْهَبُ جُفَاء ً وَأَمَّا مَا يَنفَعُ النَّاسَ فَيَمْكُثُ فِي الأَرْضِ
        As for the foam, it passes away, and as for what benefits the people, it remains in the earth.
        ويخرج منها تسعةُ نفرٍ .
        and there came forth nine persons
        يأتمرون أمر صاحب القضيب،
        to carry out the behests of the possessor of the rod.
        أقوياء خفاف ،
        all-powerful and ethereal,
        يطيرون ويعدون
        who flew and run
        ويحملون الأثقال،
        carried heavy burdens,
        ويقتلعون الجبال،
        removed mountains
        ويأتون من عجيب الأمر ما لا حدَّ له
        and worked wonders without limit.
        خبر ملأ الصبيَّ إعجابًا؛
        something that filled the lad with admiration
        والذي أوى إليه حسن البصري،
        and whither Hassan of
        Basra repaired.
        كان يقوم من وراء الجبل
        which stood behind the mountain
        على عُمُدٍ شاهقة في الهواء
        on lofty pillars in the air
        ويظفر من الحياة بأحب لذاتها إليه.
        and getting out of life the best of its pleasures
        وكذلك كان الأمر في نفس صاحبنا
        So it was in the heart of our friend.
        ويأتون ما يأتيه السحرة من ضروب الفن
        and produced all kinds of magic arts
        ثم لا يلبثون أن يتجاوزوا القراءة والإعجاب
        Then it was not long before they passed from reading
        and admiration
        وإذا هم يسلكون مناهج الصوفية،
        And so they followed
        out the Sufi practices
        وما كان أبعد صبينا وأترابه عن ابن خلدون!
        But nothing could be further from the minds of our lad and his companions than Ibn Khaldun
        وينبئُ بما كان وما سيكون،
        tell what happened in the past, and foretell the
        كما أنه يتعدَّى حدود القوانين الطبيعية
        as well as overstep the limits of natural laws?
        يزعم لنفسه وللناس ،
        assure himself and other people
        أنه يخترق حجب الغيب
        that he can penetrate the veil of the unknown
        ولم يكن في هذا شيءٌ من الغرابة ولا من العُسْر
        There was nothing incongruous in this
        فحفظ منه الشيء الكثير
        and he had learnt by
        heart a considerable amount of it.
        ولكنه عُني بشيئيْن عناية خاصة
        But he concerned himself with
        two things in particular
        ويلتهمون ما فيها التهامًا
        and devour their contents
        ثم كتبًا في الوعظ والإرشاد
        books of sermons and spiritual guidance
        مناقب الصالحين
        ‘The Virtues of the Pious'
        فقد كان باعة الكتب يتنقَّلون في القرى والمدن
        book-pedlars used to travel about among the villages and

