والمصر على شربه فاقد للعدالة ،
The one who persists in smoking is no longer regarded as being of good character,
لا يفعل كبيرة ، ولا يصر على صغيرة ،
who does not commit major sins or persist in minor sins,
ولا يوصف بفسق ،
and who is not known as an evildoer
لكن إن تقدم بها العمر ،
But if she is getting older
وخشيت أن لا يتقدم لها أحد في المستقبل القريب ،
and fears that no one will propose to her in the near future,
وكان هذا الخاطب مرضي الدين والخلق في الجوانب الأخرى ،
and this suitor is religiously committed and of good character in other ways,
من المحافظة على الصلاة ، وطيب المعشر ، وحسن الخلق ،
such as if he prays regularly and is kind and has a good attitude,
والبعد عن القبائح والرذائل ،
and he keeps away from evil and immoral things,
وذلك بعد السؤال الدقيق عنه ،
after enquiring closely about him,
فيكون بقاؤها مع الزوج محاطا بالهم والكدر
and staying with the husband may cause her distress and hardship
وفق الله الجميع لما يحب ويرضى
May Allaah help us all to do that which He loves and which pleases Him